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Electronic Guide to Federal Procurement ADR

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Long Description
Alternative Dispute Resolution, as ADR is now being called in many circles, is quickly and quietly gaining momentum as the conflict management tool of choice for resolving contractual disagreements within the business sector. Since most of us grew up in a culture that treats negotiation and conflict resolution as a form of competition, we have a lot to learn about communicating more effectively in resolving conflict, especially conflicts arising out of government contracts. The concepts presented in this Guide will enhance the skill and ability of government and industry personnel in resolving contractual issues. In the procurement field, many contractors and agency procurement personnel recognize that ADR can be a valuable alternative to traditional, costly and time-consuming litigation.
URL Title
Electronic Guide to Federal Procurement ADR
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Benefit of Value
ADR; conflict resolution; procurement; alternatives; communication; conflict management tool

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Date CreatedFri, Oct 11, 2002 2:29 PM
Date ModifiedFri, Oct 11, 2002 2:29 PM

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