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Related Safety and Health Topics Pages Other Resources
  • Small Business. OSHA.
  • Voluntary Protection Programs (VPP). OSHA. VPP participants are a select group of facilities that have designed and implemented outstanding health and safety programs.
    • OSHA Challenge Pilot Program. This pilot is designed to reach and guide employers and companies in all major industry groups strongly committed to improving their safety and health management systems and interested in pursuing recognition in the Voluntary Protection Programs (VPP). OSHA provides Challenge participants with a guide or roadmap to improve performance and ultimately achieve VPP Merit or Star status.
  • Partnership. OSHA's Strategic Partnership Program (OSPP). Through OSPP, OSHA and its partners agree to work cooperatively to address critical safety and health issues.
Hispanic Resources
  • Compliance Assistance: Hispanic Employers and Workers. OSHA. Compliance assistance resources for Hispanic employers and workers.
  • Equipo de Protección Personal (Personal Protective Equipment). OSHA Fact Sheet, 68 KB PDF*, 2 pages.
  • Protéjase Contra Los Rayos Dañinos del Sol (Protecting Yourself in the Sun). OSHA Publication 3168, (2000). Also available as a 42 KB PDF, 2 pages.
  • Protéjase del Estrés por calor (Heat Stress). OSHA Quick Card, (2002). Also available as a 24 KB PDF, 1 page.
  • La Ecuación del Frío (The Cold Stress Equation). OSHA Cold Stress Card (Publication 3158), (1999). Also available as a 21 KB PDF, 4 pages.
  • Información Sobre Los Riesgos de Los Productos Químicos (Information on the Risks of Chemical Products). OSHA Publication 3117, (1989). Also available as a 66 KB PDF, 23 pages.
  • Programa en Español de Seguridad e Higiene en el Trabajo de Oregon OSHA (OR-OSHA Occupational Safety & Health Program in Spanish). Oregon OSHA. Includes ready-to-use bilingual (English/Spanish) tailgate safety training lessons and presentations.
  • Instituto Nacional para la Seguridad y Salud Ocupacional (National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH)). Provides a Spanish language web page that includes safety and health information, links to specific Spanish language publications, and links to other Spanish language web pages.
  • Petición De Ayuda Para La Prevención De Electrocuciones Debidas a Tomas De Corriente Y a Conectores Averiados (Preventing Electrocutions Due to Damaged Receptacles and Connectors). US Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS), National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) Publication No. 87-100, (1986, October), 163 KB PDF, 7 pages.
  • Petición De Ayuda Para La Prevención De Electrocuciones Por Contacto Entre Grúas Y Cables De Alta Tensión (Preventing Electrocutions from Contact Between Cranes and Power Lines). US Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS), National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) Publication No. 85-111, (1985, July), 175 KB PDF, 7 pages.
  • Petición De Ayuda Para La Prevención De Muertes a Los Trabajadores Que Se Ponen En Contacto Con La Energía Elécrica (Preventing Fatalities of Workers Who Contact Electrical Energy). US Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS), National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) Publication No. 87-103, (1986, December), 207 KB PDF, 14 pages.

*These files are provided for downloading.
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  Tree Care Industry
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  Safety and Health Program
Content Reviewed 04/24/2008

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Page last updated: 10/29/2008