EDA Update










Vol. 4 No. 3 January 2007




In this issue...

  • Job Creation Continues: 167,000 Jobs Created In December
  • EDA Regional Economic Development Symposia Planned for 2007
  • Winter 2007 Edition of Economic Development America to Focus on "Starting, Growing and Keeping Your Region's Businesses"
  • Next Economic Development Today Telecast to Feature Faith-Based Initiatives
  • March 1 Deadline Nears for Prestigious ACHP/National Trust Joint Federal Partnerships Award
  • Hina Shaikh Honored by Department of Commerce Office of General Counsel
  • Visit EDA's Brownfields Redevelopment Web Page

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Job Creation Continues: 167,000 Jobs Created In December

Recently released figures show that 167,000 jobs were created in December, much higher than market expectations. In addition, employment estimates for October and November were revised up, adding 29,000 jobs. Since August 2003, more than 7.2 million jobs have been created – more jobs than the European Union and Japan combined. Our economy now has added jobs for 40 straight months.

In addition:

  • Real wages rose 2.5 percent over the 12-month period ending in November. This means an extra $1,420 for the typical family of four with two wage earners.
  • Real after-tax income per person has risen by 9.6 percent since the President took office.
  • Employment increased in all but one state over the 12-month period ending in November.
  • The national unemployment rate remains low at 4.5 percent. This is well below the 5.1 percent average rate for 2005, and below the average of each of the past four decades.
  • The U.S. has grown faster than any other G-7 industrialized nation over the past four quarters.

Regional Economic Development Symposia

EDA Regional Economic Development Symposia Planned for 2007

In partnership with its regional offices, EDA, IEDC and NARC will hold five Regional Economic Development Symposia in 2007.

The symposia will focus on regional strategies, policies and best practices to create jobs and economic opportunity. Speakers will include regional and national leaders from the private and public sectors. The program will include case studies of successful regional approaches to economic development, a session on innovation and entrepreneurship and region-specific training related to EDA investment policies and procedures.

  • Tuesday, March 13, 2007: Philadelphia Regional Symposium in Philadelphia
  • Thursday, April 12, 2007: Austin Regional Symposium in San Antonio
  • Wednesday, May 16, 2007: Seattle Regional Symposium in Long Beach, Calif.
  • Thursday, June 14, 2007: Atlanta Regional Symposium in Atlanta
  • Wednesday, September 26, 2007: Combined Denver/Chicago Regional Symposium in Kansas City, Mo.

Visit the Symposia website for additional information regarding venues, program and online registration.

For more information about the program, please contact Dana Rothstein (drothstein@iedconline.org, (202) 942-9470) or Richard Heffernan (rheffernan@iedconline.org, (202) 942-9471).

Winter 2007 Edition of Economic Development
America to Focus on "Starting, Growing and Keeping Your Region's Businesses"

The Winter 2007 edition of Economic Development America magazine will focus on entrepreneurship and business retention and expansion. Look for the magazine to arrive in your mailbox in late February. Other themes for Economic Development America in 2007 include:

  • Data-Driven Economic Development
  • EDA Excellence in Economic Development 2007 Award Winners
  • Keeping Neighborhoods and Hometowns Strong

If you have story ideas you'd like to share, please contact editor Louise Anderson at landerson@iedconline.org or (828) 350-8855.

Economic Development Today

Next Economic Development Today Telecast to Feature Faith-Based Initiatives

The Economic Development Today telecast will take place in February (date TBA) and focus on faith-based initiatives. The program will feature an interview with Jay Hein, Deputy Assistant to the President and Director of the Office of Faith-Based and Community Initiatives. Sandy Baruah, Assistant Secretary of Commerce, will present the EDA 2006 award for Excellence in Community and Faith-Based Social Entrepreneurship to St. Patrick Center of St. Louis, Missouri. Visit www.eda.gov soon for further telecast details.

March 1 Deadline Nears for Prestigious ACHP/National Trust Joint Federal Partnerships Award

The Advisory Council on Historic Preservation and the National Trust for Historic Preservation seek exemplary historic preservation efforts (accomplished through federal partnerships with at least one non-federal entity) for the annual combined award presented at the Trust's annual conference.

The deadline for nominations is March 1, 2007. For details, including criteria and a nomination form, please visit www.achp.gov/docs/achptrustaward.pdf. A jury of preservation professionals from the National Trust and the ACHP review nominations, and a winner will be honored in October 2007 at the National Trust's annual preservation conference in St. Paul, Minnesota. For more information, call Patricia Knoll at (202) 606-1385 or email pknoll@achp.gov.

2007 marks the sixth year for the National Trust/ACHP Award for Federal Partnerships in Historic Preservation. Past winners include:

• 2006 – General Services Administration and New Mexico State Historic Preservation Office for the Amy Biehl High School project in downtown Albuquerque, New Mexico.

• 2005 – Bureau of Land Management and the Arizona Site Steward Program for its Arizona-wide project of enlisting volunteers to monitor and protect archaeological sites.

• 2004 – National Park Service and the Alliance for National Heritage Areas (Homestead, Pennsylvania) for the more than two dozen National Heritage Areas nationwide.

• 2003 – General Services Administration, along with numerous other federal and state agencies, organizations and companies, for ensuring the protection of Governors Island, New York Harbor.

• 2002 – An unprecedented collaboration among numerous federal (Navy, Coast Guard, etc.) and state agencies, private-sector organizations, corporations and individuals for the discovery, raising, restoration, and interpretation of the Confederate submarine H.L. Hunley off Charleston, South Carolina.

Hina Shaikh Honored by Department of Commerce Office of General Counsel

Hina Shaikh of the Office of Chief Counsel received a certificate of appreciation from Commerce General Counsel John Sullivan at the Office of General Counsel Awards Ceremony on December 11, 2006. Ms. Shaikh was recognized for distinguished performance and significant contributions in the Office of General Counsel, primarily for her hard work in connection with publication of final regulations to implement the Economic Development Administration Reauthorization Act of 2004.

Visit EDA's Brownfields Redevelopment Web Page

Visit EDA's Brownfields Redevelopment Web Page for information on EDA investments in brownfields projects, investment results, success stories and an EDA Brownfields Redevelopment Fact Sheet.

EDA is a long-standing partner with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) on brownfields redevelopment. EDA was the first federal agency to enter into a partnership agreement with EPA to assist in brownfields revitalization activities nationwide.

EDA's goal in brownfields redevelopment is to create value by returning non-productive, blighted and/or formerly contaminated real estate to local tax roles while fostering capital investment and creating higher-skill, higher-wage jobs.

EDA Update is brought to you as a benefit of a partnership among the
Economic Development Administration (EDA), the International Economic Development Council (IEDC) and the National Association of Regional Councils (NARC), to provide information about economic development practices and programs to economic development practitioners who serve distressed communities throughout the United States. This partnership also provides six telecasts and a quarterly magazine. For more information, visit the EDA website at www.eda.gov.



American Jobs, American Values - U.S. Department of Commerce