EDA Update
Vol. 4 No. 4 February 2007

In this issue...

  • Pennsylvania Governor Edward G. Rendell to Serve as Keynote Speaker at EDA Philadelphia Region Economic Development Symposia on March 13, 2007: Register Today!
  • More Than 7.4 Million Jobs Created Since August 2003
  • View a Telecast on Faith-Based Economic Development: February 21, 3:00 EST
  • Sandy Baruah to Speak at the International Economic Development Council�s Federal Economic Development Forum
  • Look for the Winter 2007 Edition of Economic Development America Soon
  • �Rural Clusters of Innovation� Report Released
  • EDA Excellence in Economic Development Awards 2007: Submit Your Nominations Today!

How to subscribe: To subscribe yourself or a colleague to EDA Update, send an email with contact information, including email address, to Jason Christian at jchristian@iedconline.org.

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Regional Economic Development Symposia

Pennsylvania Governor Edward G. Rendell to Serve as Keynote Speaker at EDA Philadelphia Region Economic Development Symposia on March 13, 2007: Register Today!

In partnership with its regional offices, EDA, IEDC and NARC will hold five Regional Economic Development Symposia in 2007. The symposia will focus on regional strategies, policies and best practices to create jobs and economic opportunity. Speakers will include regional and national leaders from the private and public sectors. Dates, locations and themes include:

  • Tuesday, March 13, in Philadelphia on Innovation
  • Thursday, April 12, Austin Region in San Antonio, Texas on Building Business on the Southwest Border
  • Wednesday, May 16, Seattle Region in Long Beach, Calif. on Global Gateways
  • Thursday, June 14, in Atlanta, Ga. on Disasters and Economic Dislocations; Building a Disaster Proof Economy
  • Wednesday, September 26, a joint symposium by Denver and Chicago Regions in Kansas City, Mo., on Entrepreneurship

Confirmed speakers for Philadelphia include:

  • Pennsylvania Governor Edward G. Rendell
  • Sandy Baruah, Assistant Secretary, United States Department of Commerce
  • Phil Saputo, Acting Regional Director, Philadelphia Regional Economic Development Administration Office
  • Jack Gido, Director of Economic and Workforce Development Pennsylvania State University
  • Timothy V. Franklin, Ph.D., Executive Director, Institute for Advanced Learning & Research

The EDA Regional Symposia have been approved for recertification credits for those possessing the CEcD designation.

Visit the Symposia website for additional information regarding venues, program and online registration.

More Than 7.4 Million Jobs Created Since August 2003

Released on February 2, new jobs figures showed that 111,000 jobs were created in January 2007. Since August 2003, more than 7.4 million jobs have been created � more jobs than the European Union and Japan combined. Over half a million jobs (513,000) have been added in the past three months alone. Our economy has now added jobs for 41 straight months, and the unemployment rate remains low at 4.6 percent.

Economic Development Today

View a Telecast on Faith-Based Economic Development: February 21, 3:00 EST

This telecast will focus on faith-based and community economic development initiatives. Faith-based and community organizations have a long tradition of helping Americans in need and together represent an integral part of our nation�s social service network. The telecast will feature Senator Kit Bond of Missouri and Jay Hein, Deputy Assistant to the President and Director of the Office of Faith-Based and Community Initiatives.

Sandy Baruah, Assistant Secretary of Commerce for Economic Development, will interview representatives from the William M. Factory Small Business Incubator, which recently received a service award from the White House Office of Faith-Based and Community Initiatives as champions of compassion. The telecast also will showcase the recognition ceremony of the St. Patrick Center in St. Louis, Mo., in which it received an EDA award for Excellence in Economic Development in the category of Community and Faith-Based Social Entrepreneurship.

For free registration, please visit www.regonline.com/Checkin.asp?EventId=121463.


  • Sandy Baruah, Assistant Secretary of Commerce for Economic Development
  • On-site interviews by Bryan Borlik, Deputy Director of Public Affairs, EDA, U.S. Department of Commerce


The William M. Factory Small Business Incubator:

  • Reverend Arthur Banks, Immediate Past Chair and Pastor of Eastside Baptist Church in Tacoma, Washington
  • Tim Strege, Executive Director of the William M. Factory Small Business Incubator
  • Colleen Hall Barta, Assistant Executive Director
  • Matt Newell, Co-Owner, Nor Pac Enterprises

The St. Patrick Center:

  • Hon. Francis Slay, Mayor of St. Louis
  • Dan Buck, CEO of St. Patrick Center
  • Edith Cunnane, Founder
  • Leo Paradis, former Executive Director and volunteer

Access Information

Ku-band, analog Galaxy 11, transponder 13
Orbitol slot: 91 degrees west
Downlink frequency: 11910 horizontal

C-band, analog Galaxy 16 (previously 4R), transponder 12
Orbitol slot: 99 degrees west
Downlink frequency: 3940 vertical

For free registration or more information, visit the NARC website or contact Peggy Tadej at (202) 986-1032, ext. 224 or tadej@narc.org.

Sandy Baruah to Speak at the International Economic Development Council�s Federal Economic Development Forum
Hyatt Regency Hotel, Arlington, Virginia
March 18-20, 2007

U.S. Assistant Secretary of Commerce for Economic Development Sandy K. Baruah will be a featured speaker at IEDC�s upcoming Federal Economic Development Forum, �The Future of the Innovation Economy: How Does America Remain Competitive?�

The event takes place March 18-20 and is expected to draw over 150 economic developers from around the country. The program will explore what the federal government is doing to support innovation and how policies will evolve to retain American leadership in the ever-changing global marketplace. Assistance Secretary Baruah will kick off a plenary session titled �Washington Briefing and the Economic Development Agenda� with a presentation about the Economic Development Administration�s current and future efforts to support increased innovation and competitiveness among American businesses.

Forum participants will help shape IEDC�s Innovation Agenda: A Policy Statement on American Competitiveness. The Forum also will feature in-depth sessions on knowledge creation; federal R&D; technology transfer; entrepreneurship; regional and state approaches to innovation; and workforce development. Speakers will include federal agency leaders, think tank representatives, economic development experts and business leaders.

Look for the Winter 2007 Edition of Economic Development America Soon

The Winter 2007 edition of Economic Development America magazine � �Growing and Keeping Your Region�s Businesses� � will arrive in your mailbox in early March. With articles about local and regional business retention programs, keeping manufacturers strong, the roles of workforce and incubators in business retention and more, this may be our best issue yet.

We are soliciting story ideas and potential authors now for the Spring 2007 edition, which will focus on how to collect and use information to strengthen your economic development efforts. Do you have any unusual or innovative methods to collect or use data for strategic planning? For cluster development? Performance measurement? Impact analysis? Understanding workforce needs? Other uses? Please contact editor Louise Anderson with your suggestions (landerson@iedconline.org or 828-350-8855).

Back issues of Economic Development America (in PDF format) can be found on the EDA website.

�Rural Clusters of Innovation� Report Released

A new EDA-sponsored research report has just been released, entitled �Rural Clusters of Innovation: Berkshires Strategy Project � Driving a Long-Term Economic Strategy.� This report provides an overview of a collaborative effort between Monitor Group and the Berkshires Region of Massachusetts to assess the Berkshire regional economy and formulate a strategic plan for economic growth. This report is available as a PDF online at www.eda.gov.

EDA Excellence in Economic Development Awards 2007: Submit Your Nominations Today!

EDA is pleased to announce the availability of its Excellence in Economic Development Awards 2007 Brochure. The brochure provides the rules and procedures governing the competition for Awards 2007, including eligibility, selection criteria, nomination and selection processes, selection panel members and other information needed to submit a nomination.

The brochure is available online on EDA�s Web site at www.eda.gov. On page seven of the brochure, a nomination form is provided and must be completed and included in your nomination package. April 12, 2007 is the deadline for submitting nominations for Awards 2007. EDA will announce finalists on May 15, 2007 and winners on May 30, 2007.

If you have questions, please contact Barbara Earman in EDA�s Legislative and Intergovernmental Affairs Division at (202) 482-4521.

EDA Update is brought to you as a benefit of a partnership among the Economic Development Administration (EDA), the International Economic Development Council (IEDC) and the National Association of Regional Councils (NARC), to provide information about economic development practices and programs to economic development practitioners who serve distressed communities throughout the United States. This partnership also provides six telecasts and a quarterly magazine. For more information, visit the EDA website at www.eda.gov.

Visit the EDA Web site

Visit the IEDC Web site

Visit the NARC Web site
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