Home > Table 1.—Indexes of Current-Dollar and Real Gross Product of Majority-Owned Foreign Affiliates in Manufacturing, 1982-94

Table 1.—Indexes of Current-Dollar and Real Gross Product of Majority-Owned Foreign Affiliates in Manufacturing, 1982-94


Current-dollar Real Percent change from previous year
Current-dollar Real
1982 56.1 80.7
1983 53.4 78.9 -4.8 -2.2
1984 54.9 83.3 2.7 5.5
1985 55.7 85.3 1.5 2.4
1986 65.1 85.7 16.8 .5
1987 77.3 90.2 18.8 5.2
1988 89.8 97.1 16.2 7.7
1989 96.8 104.5 7.7 7.6
1990 105.5 103.5 9.0 -1.0
1991 102.4 98.9 -2.9 -4.4
1992 102.4 96.6 -.1 -2.3
1993 100.0 100.0 -2.3 3.5
1994 111.1 108.4 11.1 8.4
Average annual rate of growth, 1982-94 5.9 2.5


Last updated: Currently Unavailable