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House Action on 2002 Energy and Water Development Appropriations bill

The House passed the 2002 Energy and Water Development Appropriations bill (H.R. 2311) by a vote of 405 to 15 on June 28th 2001.

Earlier in the day, the House defeated a number of amendments, including an amendment by Mr. Davis (FL) to strike a provision in the bill prohibiting the use of funds for authorization of construction of a pipeline to take natural gas from the OCS offshore of Alabama to Florida.

Three amendments were approved:

  • An amendment offered by Mr. Traficant to prohibit use of funds for entities which violate the Buy-American Act.

  • An amendment offered by Mr. Traficant to prohibit use of funds to drill for oil or gas, in or under the Mosquito Creek Reservoir in Trumbull County, Ohio.

  • An amendment offered by Mr. Bonior to prohibit the use of funds to issue any permit or lease for drilling or exploring for oil or gas from the land beneath the water in any of the Great Lakes, Lake St. Clair, the St. Mary's River, the St. Clair River, the Detroit River, the Niagra River, or the St. Lawrence River from Lake Ontario to the 45th parallel
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U.S. Department of the Interior
Office of Policy, Management and Budget
Office of Budget
Last Updated on 9/10/2002
Department of the Interior