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Preparing Your Online Submission Beta

Are you ready to submit an education-related paper to ERIC? Here are a few guidelines to follow as you prepare your document for online submission.

Before getting started, please have the following prepared:

  • Cover page
    ERIC will not accept materials without the following identifying information on the first page of your document:
    • Title
    • Author name(s) (the inclusion of your affiliation is appreciated, but not required)
    • Publication date
  • Final Version of the Document
    Be sure your document is ready for review:
    • Verify that all editing is complete, editing marks are removed, and “track changes” (Word) is turned off.
    • Remove personally identifying information about research participants such as names, Social Security numbers, or addresses. For privacy reasons, this information may not be included.
    • Remove your CV or resume if it is appended or included in the document.
    • If the document is split into multiple files (e.g. index, chapters, appendices, etc.), it will be reassembled into a single PDF file; use clear and distinct file names indicating the correct order in which the files should be assembled.
    • The document file, including the cover page, must be in the format of .pdf, .txt, .doc, or .rtf (see Submission Guidelines).
  • Abstract
    Prepare a narrative or structured abstract summarizing your document (see Narrative Abstract Guidelines or Structured Abstract Guidelines).
  • File containing your submission
    • If you have multiple files to submit, use WinZip or StuffIt to create one file.
    • Optional supplementary files, such as PowerPoint slides and data spreadsheets, are acceptable only as appendices to the complete text of your paper or report.