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Children and Asthma: Schoolchildren in San Francisco

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"Children and Asthma: Schoolchildren in San Francisco"

Light-Saraf Films, 2002 exit EPA

Length 4:41

File: Flash Video File
(29.4MB, 400 x 300, 4:41)


This segment features a group of schoolchildren in the Bayview-Hunter's Point area of San Francisco receiving a lesson on asthma from asthma educator and school counselor Virginia Lightfoot. Many of the children in the class have asthma and also have siblings and other family members with the disease. Dr. Paul Sharek of the Stanford University Medical Center explains that the prevalence of asthma has skyrocketed over the past 20 years, especially in low-income areas such as Bayview. He explains that he helped set up an asthma clinic at San Francisco General Hospital to provide testing, treatment, medication distribution and education.

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Centers Funded By:
EPA Home NIEHS Centers for Children's Environmental Health

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