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(net discretionary budget authority in thousands of dollars)

Interior and Related Agencies
2000 Discretionary Enacted Level 7,392,313
(Note, Current BA equivalent = 7,449,733)  
  2000 2001 Change
Major Changes:  
Lands Legacy*  
NPS, LWCF State Conservation Grants 41,000 150,000 +109,000
Non-game State Grant Funds 0 100,000 +100,000
Federal Land Acquisition 248,463 320,000 +71,537
Cooperative Endangered Species Fund 23,000 65,000 +42,000
Community/Federal Information Partnerships 0 30,000 +30,000
Urban Park and Recreation Recovery Program 2,000 20,000 +18,000
North American Wetlands Conservation Fund 14,957 30,000 +15,043
USGS Decision Support/ Predictive Modeling Tools 0 10,000 +10,000
USGS, Decision Support/Urban Dynamics Studies 0 10,000 +10,000
First Americans  
BIA Education Construction 133,199 300,499 +167,300
BIA Tribal Priority Allocation (w/o trust programs) 672,118 717,457 +45,339
BIA Education 502,216 544,773 +42,557
BIA Trust Services 72,550 107,628 +35,078
BIA Law Enforcement Initiative 137,829 156,618 +18,789
BIA Rocky Boy's Settlement (see BOR) 0 8,000 +8,000
Fractionated Indian Land Consolidation, OST 5,000 12,501 +7,501
Land Management Operations  
Bureau of Land Management  
BLM, Planning Improvement     +19,000
BLM, Special Areas     +16,023
BLM, Restoration of Public Lands     +14,000
Fish and Wildlife Service  
FWS, Refuge Operations & Maintenance 262,055 281,966 +19,911
FWS, Law Enforcement 39,405 52,010 +12,605
Endangered Species Operations 108,282 115,263 +6,981
National Park Service  
Operation of the National Park System 1,363,764 1,454,098 +90,334
Special Park Program Increases     [+24,000]
NPS, Natural Resource Programs     [+17,950]
Abandoned Mine Land Fund 195,873 211,158 +15,285
DOI Science Priorities 0 15,000 +15,000
Alaska Subsistence     +12,900
USGS Real Time Hazards Warning 4,850 11,950 +7,100
Landsat 7 Operations 0 5,000 +5,000
FWS, International Wildlife Affairs 10,367 14,356 +3,989
Commercial Salmon Fishery Capacity Reduction 4,625 0 -4,625
High-Level Implementation Plan, OST 65,294 58,417 -6,877
FWS Construction 53,528 44,231 -9,297
Direct Funding of Lower Snake RCP 11,656 0 -11,656
NPS Construction 226,191 180,000 -46,191
All other net changes     +51,125
Subtotal Changes     940,751
2001 Request, Interior and Related Agencies     8,333,064
Energy and Water Development
FY 2000 Enacted Level     764,060
Rocky Boy's Indian Water Right Settlements 500 16,000 +15,500
CAP Indian Distributions Systems 11,153 25,829 +14,676
Safety of Dams 65,393 77,300 +11,907
Other BOR/CUP changes 687,104 684,166 -2,248
2001 Request, Energy and Water Development     803,895
Total 2001 Budget Request     9,136,959
*Note, Lands Legacy for FY 2000 also includes an additional $15 million not distributed to the programs listed here.
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U.S. Department of the Interior
Office of Policy, Management and Budget
Office of Budget
Department of the Interior