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Office of Budget Mission, Functions, and Organization
The Office of Budget is responsible for directing and coordinating the development, presentation, execution, and control of the budget of the U.S. Department of the Interior through the individual budget offices of its major bureaus. The Office also directly formulates, presents and executes the budgets for Departmental Management functions.


The major functions of the office of Budget fall into (A) formulation of the budget within the Department and the Office of Management and Budget and presentation to the Congress, press, interest groups, and the public; and (B) budget execution and control.

A. The Office of Budget: Budget Formulation and Presentation
  1. Coordinates development of the Department's budget, including presentation of budget options to the Secretary on the allocation of resources.
  2. Prescribes policies, procedures, and controls for developing the budget, preparing budget justifications, and preparing supplementary budget requests and reprogramming requests.
  3. Participates in and coordinates budgetary determinations and examines budget proposals for compliance with (a) the Administration's budgetary policies, (b) Departmental goals and objectives, and (c) statutory and regulatory requirements.
  4. Reviews bureau budget justifications and appropriations language for consistency with policy, adequacy, accuracy, and required format.
  5. Reviews all proposals for supplementary budget requests and reprogramming reports for substance, need, and conformity with Administration and Departmental policies and commitments.
  6. Maintains liaison on all matters dealing with budget formulation and presentation with the Office of Management and Budget, the House and Senate Appropriations Committees, and other Federal agencies.
  7. Prepares statistical analyses, and special reports on budget proposals and related matters for the Secretariat, the Office of Management and Budget, and Congress.
  8. Reviews in-depth selected Departmental functions and programs, examining program objectives, policies, procedures, standards, performance, progress, work operations, costs, and staffing to improve budget review and execution, improve bases for formulating or reformulating budgets and program management; and develops procedures for monitoring program effectiveness and control, and conducts independent cost review.
B. The Office of Budget: Budget Execution and Control
  1. Develops and prescribes policies and procedures for apportionment, reapportionment, rescission, and deferral of apportionments; coordinates the preparation and submission of these documents; and reviews them for substance and conformity with Administration and Departmental policies and commitments.
  2. Monitors the budget execution throughout the Department, monitors outlays, and maintains controls on expenditure of funds imposed by the Congress and the Office of Management and Budget.
  3. Collects, reviews, and analyzes receipt estimates.
  4. Allocates staffing and monitors usage throughout the year.
  5. Obtains warrants of funds from the Department of the Treasury under Continuing Resolution.
  6. Maintains liaison on all matters dealing with budget execution and control with the Office of Management and Budget and the Department of the Treasury.
  7. Interprets and implements directives of the Office of Management and Budget and the Department of the Treasury on budgetary matters and provides technical assistance to Departmental staff on such matters.


The Office is managed by the Director, who often structures its work in a matrix fashion, putting staff into special teams as needed. The Director is supported by the following organizational components which have overall responsibilities as follows:

A. Division of Budget and Program Review
This Division consists of budget analysts assigned to budget accounts on an organizational/bureau or programmatic basis, as determined by the Director. The Division is responsible for budget examination, analysis, and related activities, and for comprehensive reviews of selected programs or activities for budget formulation and presentation.

B. Division of Budget Administration
This Division carries out its functions through two teams which have the following responsibilities.
  1. Team (a) is responsible for maintaining master dollar control tables in budget formulation and presentation; coordinating Departmentwide budget materials, standards, and instructions for budget estimates and justifications; and for budget execution and control, as well as for receipts, outlays, and staffing.
  2. Team (b) is responsible for all for formulating and executing the budget used to support Departmental Management functions, including reimbursable accounts and the Working Capital Fund. It also coordinates the budgets of other Departmental Offices.
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