ERIC: Education Resources Information Center Skip main navigation Skip main and local navigation
ERIC: Education Resources Information Center Skip main navigation Skip main and local navigation
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Guidelines for Referencing ERIC

To provide clarity about the ERIC program and its products, we ask that you be aware of the following key points when referencing ERIC:

  1. ERIC is correctly referenced as "Education Resources Information Center" and is sponsored by the Institute of Education Sciences (IES) of the U.S. Department of Education.
  2. The only Web site affiliated with ERIC is
  3. Any description of the ERIC Program and the ERIC Collection should be consistent with the information provided on the ERIC Web site (See: and
  4. The ERIC Collection includes resources protected by U.S. and foreign copyright laws, which are used by ERIC with permission.
  5. Current descriptions of ERIC should not include references to discontinued products, services, or entities such as CIJE, Ask ERIC, or the former ERIC Clearinghouses.
  6. When providing examples of journals indexed in ERIC, use only titles appearing in the Journal Index (see: