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Higher Education Regulations Study

The recently enacted reauthorization of the Higher Education Act, the Higher Education Opportunity Act of 2008, charges the Advisory Committee with conducting a review and analysis to determine whether regulations affecting higher education are:

  • duplicative
  • no longer necessary
  • inconsistent with other federal regulations
  • overly burdensome.

To fulfill this new charge, the Advisory Committee will:

  • Monitor future federal regulations, including notices of proposed rulemaking, for their impact on higher education and describe each regulation or proposed regulation.

  • Develop and maintain a website that provides information, includes an area for the public to offer recommendations for streamlining regulations, and links to the study of the National Research Council of the National Academy of Sciences on deregulation.

  • Convene at least two review panels of individuals who have experience with federal regulations affecting all sectors of higher education to review regulations and provide recommendations with respect to streamlining.

  • Provide periodic updates to the congressional authorizing committees on the impact of federal regulations as well as suggestions for streamlining regulations.

  • Consult with the Secretary of Education, other federal agencies, representatives of higher education institutions, and individuals with expertise and experience in this field.

The Advisory Committee is required to provide a report to Congress no later than two years after the negotiated rulemaking process for the Higher Education Opportunity Act is complete. This report will detail the review panels' findings and recommendations with respect to the review of regulations prescribed in statute.

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For more information on this study, please contact the Committee.

Advisory Committee on Student Financial Assistance

This page last modified— Feb 19, 2009 (mm).