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2006 P3 Award Winners

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Award Winners | Honorable Mentions

Institution EPA Grant Number Project Title Project Descriptions Team Photo Award Photo
Appalachian State University SU832484 Closing the Biodiesel Loop: Self Sustaining Community Based Biodiesel Production Appalachian State University students will develop a sustainable education facility to promote and demonstrate small-scale biodiesel processing while providing hands-on research opportunities. [Read More]

Phase 2 Project

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Lafayette College SU832494 Development of Sustainable Water Systems in Yoro, Honduras Lafayette College students will design a sustainable water supply and sanitation system for the rural village of La Fortuna using a systematic evaluation method developed at the College. [Read More]

Phase 2 Project

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Portland State University SU832489 Whole systems, Integrated Site design for Education (WISE) Website: An Interactive Website for Educators and Students Portland State University students will create an interactive website for 4th to 8th grade educators and students in... [Read More]

Phase 2 Project

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Stanford University SU832510 The Green Dorm: a Sustainable Residence and Living Laboratory for Stanford University Stanford University students will explore sustainable building technologies and sustainable living habits through the design, construction, and operation of an innovative facility containing residential, laboratory and common space. [Read More]

Phase 2 Project

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University of Massachusetts - Lowell SU832474 Biocatalytic Polymerization of Naturally Occurring Green Tea Flavonoids for Cancer Therapy University of Massachusetts - Lowell students will create compounds with promising anti-cancer activity using a novel strategy to polymerize naturally occurring compounds using environmentally friendly methods. [Read More]

Phase 2 Project

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University of Michigan - Ann Arbor SU832512 Growing Alternative Sustainable Buildings: Bio-composite Products from Natural Fiber, Biodegradable and Recyclable Polymer Materials for Load-bearing Construction Components University of Michigan - Ann Arbor students will develop and test new product design concepts using bio-composite materials in load-bearing elements in buildings. [Read More]

Phase 2 Project

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2006 P3 Honorable Mentions

Institution EPA Grant Number Project Title Project Descriptions Team Photo
Clarkson University SU832488 Biodiesel as a Sustainable Alternative to Petroleum Diesel in School Buses Clarkson University students will conduct a feasibility study that examines using locally produced biodiesel as a replacement fuel for school buses.[Read More] team photo
Drexel University SU832486 Design of a Trap Grease Upgrader for BioFuel Processing - Phase I Drexel University students will characterize waste cooking grease captured from grease traps to determine its suitability as a feedstock to produce biodiesel. A biofuel production plant will be designed around the feedstock properties of the trap grease.[Read More] team photo
Gonzaga University SU832495 Manufacturing Facility for Activated Carbon and Ceramic Water Filters at the Songhai Center, Benin Gonzaga University students will plan and design a facility and the processes to manufacture Filtron® ceramic drinking water filters at the Songhai Center in Porto-Novo, Benin.[Read More] team photo
Iowa State University, Federal University of Vicosa SU832490 Renewable Resources To Power A University - A Model For Regional Sustainable Development Iowa State University and Federal University of Vicosa students will develop an overall system model for a renewable energy system and investigate the ...[Read More] team photo
Massachusetts Institute of Technology SU832492 Scale-up Implementation of a Sustainable, Appropriate, Awards-winning, Arsenic and Microbial Removal Filter in Rural Nepal Massachusetts Institute of Technology and their local Nepali partner, Environment and Public Health Organization have engaged in multiple years of R&D on arsenic detection and remediation in Nepal, and, since 2003 have implemented and are now scale upping their innovative, low-cost, award-winning household-level drinking water treatment system, the KanchanTM Arsenic Filter.[Read More] team photo
Ohio Northern University SU832477 High Albedo and Environment-Friendly Concrete for Smart Growth and Sustainable Development Ohio Northern University students will investigate solar reflective properties (albedos) of conventional concrete and design new concrete mixtures that have higher albedo values, yet are affordable, environment-friendly, durable, structurally sound, and esthetically acceptable.[Read More] team photo
University of Colorado at Boulder SU832509 A Green Mind: A Sustainable, Smart Growth Plan for Muramba, Rwanda University of Colorado at Boulder students will develop a green community in Muramba, Rwanda. The project will focus on rainwater collection for safe drinking water at relatively low cost.[Read More] team photo
University of Iowa, Iowa Department of Natural Resources SU832503 Design of a P3 Exchange Program University of Iowa and Iowa Department of Natural Resources will develop an intern exchange program with Xicotepec de Juarez, Puebla, Mexico and the University of Iowa for students studying pollution prevention.[Read More] team photo
University of Missouri - Rolla SU832487 S.T.E.P. (Solar Thermal/Electric Panel):Full-Scale Performance Data and Energy Testing University of Missouri - Rolla students will construct and test a model of a roofing system that is visually appealing, hybridized, and solar/thermal panel integrated.[Read More] team photo
University of Virginia SU832505 EVALUATING ecoMOD: Building Performance Monitoring and Post-Occupancy Evaluation of an Ecological, Modular House University of Virginia students are creating a series of ecological, modular and affordable houses through partnerships with Piedmont Housing Alliance and Habitat for Humanity.[Read More] team photo

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