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Research Results: Highly Cited Researchers in Endocrine Disruptors

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Highly Cited NCER Researchers

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The Institute for Scientific Information (ISI) has identified the following NCER sponsored researchers as "Highly Cited Researchers." The citing of scientific papers is an important benchmark used to determine the progress and the state of scientific research. Inclusion in ISI's list is a distinct honor signifying the influence of the cited researcher's work. To learn more about ISI and how the list is compiled please visit: http://www.isihighlycited.com/. exit EPA

Name ISI Category ISI Link exit EPA NCER Investigator Link
Chen, Chu Molecular Biology & Genetics ISI NCER
Giesy, John P. Ecology/Environment ISI NCER
Klaassen, Curtis Dean Pharmacology ISI NCER
Schwartz, Stephen M. Clinical Medicine ISI NCER
Total Records: 4

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