Documentation for fixed-weighted price estimates April 29, 2009 NOTE TO USERS: The following four aggregate series appear on each sheet of the Excel file: Gross domestic product, personal consumption expenditures, gross domestic purchases, and gross national product (GNP). New GNP figures are suppressed during advance estimates, and also during the preliminary estimate of the fourth quarter. This readme file refers to the electronic media data files of fixed-weighted price indexes (FWPI) based to 2000=100. The data are separated into four sheets of an Excel file called FXDPRICE.XLS. These four sections of the file are described as follows: AnnIndex: (Annually) Fixed-Weighted Price Indexes for Gross Domestic Product and Selected Series QtrIndex: (Quarterly) Fixed-Weighted Price Indexes for Gross Domestic Product and Selected Series AnnRate: (Annually) Percent change from Preceding Period for Selected Fixed-Weighted Price Index Series QtrRate: (Quarterly) Percent change from Preceding Period for Selected Fixed-Weighted Price Index Series Time period covered: annually 1997 - 2008 quarterly 1997Q1 - 2009Q1 (Advance) Major changes in coverage, definition, or methodology since the last release: Beginning with the December 2003 Benchmark release, price indexes are computed with base year 2000 fixed weights. Previously, the base year was 1996. Indexes using 1996 as the base year are no longer being computed nor being distributed to the public. Between 1996 and 1997 the composition of goods changed. Weights of the year 2000 are not available for estimates prior to 1997. Chain-type estimates are available. If there are any questions about the computation of these fixed-weighted indexes, please contact Mike Boehm at 202-606-9767 or Karl Rohrer at 202-606-9671. Frequency: Both annually and quarterly data are provided Frequency of issue: Monthly release of quarterly estimates Date of next release: May 29, 2009 Units of Measure: Index numbers, 2000 = 100 Values not available: NA Contact: UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE Bureau of Economic Analysis National Income and Wealth Division (BE-54) Washington, D.C. 20230 Attention: For information about this file, contact Lisa Mataloni (202) 606-5304