BUYUSA.GOV -- U.S. Commercial Service

Long Island, NY

Trade Leads

Trade Leads Database

Looking for business opportunities around the world?

Our international trade specialists scour the world approving only the very best trade leads from the public and private sector. You can now browse our database by country and/or industry to find hundreds of qualified leads. These pre-screened leads are available exclusively for U.S. companies on

Our Trade Lead database will provide your company with:

Professionally pre-screened leads: our trade specialists, located in U.S. Embassies and Consulates in 72 countries, individually select only certified company offers and government tender projects.

Latest leads: freshly posted within past 6 months.

Detailed Leads: provide you all the actionable information you need to pursue the opportunity.

Country & Industry search: Over 80 countries to choose from containing every possible industry sector.

Get Your Trade Leads Here!

Have any questions? Please contact the Long Island USEAC for assistance.