National Income and Product Accounts Table

Table 1.7.6. Relation of Real Gross Domestic Product, Real Gross National Product, and Real Net National Product, Chained Dollars
[Millions of chained (2000) dollars]   Seasonally adjusted at annual rates

Cautionary note on the use of data in millions of dollars -- The tables provided include estimates in millions of dollars for NIPA series that appear regularly in the national income and product account (NIPA) tables published in the Survey of Current Business. The Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA) generally does not include estimates at this level of precision in the published tables because the associated sampling and nonsampling errors are larger than this implied level of precision. Compared with the published aggregates, the million-dollar estimates are generally not any more accurate.
Today is: 5/7/2009   Last Revised on April 29, 2009  Next Release Date May 29, 2009

Caution on the use of chained-dollar NIPA estimates
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Line      2007   
1Gross domestic product11,357,84011,491,35111,625,74611,620,73911,645,96811,727,35111,712,42911,522,07811,340,857
2Plus: Income receipts from the rest of
    the world
3Less: Income payments to the rest of
    the world
4Equals: Gross national product11,419,14311,541,65211,719,94511,758,28511,760,94611,822,15111,817,32111,648,687---  
5Less: Consumption of fixed capital1,476,0831,490,3251,507,5841,527,9201,557,6401,582,0021,662,3001,619,1341,627,401
6            Private1,241,0501,253,5541,269,2091,288,0651,316,5521,339,0051,418,5311,371,7621,377,153
7            Government234,974236,737238,403240,011241,551243,665245,784248,103250,758
8               General government197,858199,344200,746202,112203,412205,184207,002209,001211,305
9               Government enterprises37,13637,41337,67737,91938,16138,50138,80539,12839,483
10Equals: Net national product9,945,39310,053,39710,214,27710,233,00010,207,77610,245,74210,166,94910,039,702---  
11   Gross domestic income 1 11,516,27911,611,29511,632,25411,609,25411,593,82311,615,24311,590,31911,365,524---  
12   Gross national income 2 11,577,53911,661,69111,726,44111,746,80311,708,79311,710,00211,695,19211,492,114---  
13   Net domestic product9,884,24510,003,24110,120,25210,096,09010,093,15610,151,23010,062,4379,913,6709,727,022
14   Net domestic income 3 10,041,73610,122,48610,126,67010,084,70110,041,41710,040,1579,941,6519,758,720---  

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