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Selected Accounting and Auditing Enforcement Releases
October - December 1999

The list below provides links to financial reporting related enforcement actions concerning civil lawsuits brought by the Commission in federal court and notices and orders concerning the institution and/or settlement of administrative proceedings. This list only highlights certain actions and is not meant to be a complete and exhaustive compilation of all of the actions that fall into this category.

Release No.
AAER-1213 Dec. 13, 1999 Solucorp Industries Ltd., Joseph S. Kemprowski, Peter R. Mantia, James G. Spartz, Robert Kuhn, Victor Herman, Arle Pierro and W. Bryan Fair
Release No.: LR-16388
AAER-1212 Dec. 14, 1999 Jose E. Rivera, CPA
Release No.: 34-42229
AAER-1211 Dec. 3, 1999 Paul Thomas Fink, CPA
Release Nos.: 34-42199, 33-7782
AAER-1210 Nov. 19, 1999 Michael J. Hooper, CPA
Release No.: 34-42157
AAER-1209 Nov. 16, 1999 Accelr8 Technology Corporation, et. al.
Release No.: LR-16354
AAER-1208 Nov. 15, 1999 The Cronos Group
Release Nos.: 34-42139, 33-7771
AAER-1206 Nov. 10, 1999 J. Hottovy, Jimmy Duckworth and Joseph I. Morris
Release No.: LR-16351
AAER-1205 Nov. 10, 1999 Jimmy L. Duckworth, CPA
Release No.: 34-42124
AAER-1203 Nov. 03, 1999 S. Jay Goldinger, Charles S. Strauch and Charles W. McBrayer
Release No.: LR-16347
AAER-1202 Nov. 04, 1999 Jean-Paul Bolduc, Brian J. Smith, CPA., Richard N. Sukenik, CPA, Philip J. Ryan III, Constantine L. Hampers, A. Miles Nogelo, and Robert W. Armstrong III, CPA
Release No.: 34-42096
AAER-1201 Nov. 05, 1999 Jethro J. Barlow, CPA, Alan K. Burton, J. Edwards Cox, Robert G. Weeks, David A. Hwsterman and Kenneth L. Weeks
Release No.: 34-42109
AAER-1200 Nov. 01, 1999 William R. Hebel
Release No.: 34-42082
AAER-1199 Nov. 01, 1999 Jeffrey L. Harfest
Release No.: 34-42080
AAER-1198 Nov. 01, 1999 Joseph E. Muehl
Release No.: 34-42079
AAER-1197 Oct. 28, 1999 ABS Industries, Inc., et al.
Release No.: LR-16344
AAER-1196 Oct. 21, 1999 Stephen J. Kesh, CPA
Release No.: 34-42047
AAER-1195 Oct. 21, 1999 Rick W. Gossett, CPA
Release No.: 34-42046
AAER-1194 Oct. 21, 1999 Lee R. Fontaine, CPA
Release No.: 34-42045
AAER-1193 Oct. 19, 1999 Albert Glenn Yesner, CPA
Release No.: 34-42030
AAER-1192 Oct. 19, 1999 David E. Stevenson
Release Nos.: 34-42031, 33-7755
AAER-1191 Oct. 18, 1999 Jerry M. Walker, CPA
Release No.: 34-42022
AAER-1190 Oct. 18, 1999 Thor Industries, Inc.
Release No.: 34-42021

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Modified: 07/18/2005