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Selected Accounting and Auditing Enforcement Releases
April - June 2005

The list below provides links to financial reporting related enforcement actions concerning civil lawsuits brought by the Commission in federal court and notices and orders concerning the institution and/or settlement of administrative proceedings. This list only highlights certain actions and is not meant to be a complete and exhaustive compilation of all of the actions that fall into this category.

Release No.
AAER-2271 Jun. 30, 2005 Rita J. McConville
Other No.: 34-51950
AAER-2270 Jun. 30, 2005 David M. Hurley
Other No.: LR-19290
See also: Complaint in this matter
AAER-2269 Jun. 30, 2005 KPMG LLP (Canada), Gary Bentham, C.A. and John Gordon, C.A.
Other No.: 34-51946
AAER-2268 Jun. 29, 2005 Donald M. Fitzpatrick
Other No.: LR-19289
AAER-2267 Jun. 27, 2005 Oliver Hilsenrath and David S. Klarman
Other No.: LR-19286
AAER-2266 Jun. 27, 2005 David S. Klarman, Esq.
Other No.: 34-51927
AAER-2265 Jun. 22, 2005 Schick Technologies, Inc., David B. Schick and Fred Levine
Other No.: LR-19279
AAER-2264 Jun. 24, 2005 Robert W. Armstrong, III
Other No.: 34-51920
AAER-2263 Jun. 23, 2005 Healthsouth Corporation et al.
Other No.: LR-19280
AAER-2262 Jun. 21, 2005 James H. David, Jr., CPA
Other No.: 34-51895
AAER-2261 Jun. 10, 2005 John Houldsworth And Richard Napier
Other No.: LR-19264
AAER-2260 Jun. 9, 2005 Robert M. Blau
Other Nos.: 33-8581, 34-51809
AAER-2259 Jun. 9, 2005 Take-Two Interactive Software, Inc., Ryan Brant, Larry Muller, James David, Jr.
Other Nos.: LR-19260, 33-8581
AAER-2258 Jun. 9, 2005 Roys Poyiadjis, Lycourgos Kyprianou et al.
Other No.: LR-19259
AAER-2257 Jun. 8, 2005 Louis E. Rivelli, Rodney B. Johnson, Stephen G. Burke, Teresa W. Ayers, Craig L. Stevenson, Robert T. Hoffman
Other No.: LR-19255
AAER-2256 Jun. 8, 2005 Bruce Hill, et al.
Other No.: LR-19253
AAER-2255 Jun. 8, 2005 Mark Steven Lynch
Other No.: 34-51802
AAER-2254 Jun. 7, 2005 Mount Sinai Medical Center of Florida, Inc., M. Brooks Turkel and Harvey W. Smith
Other Nos.: 33-8580, 34-51797
AAER-2252 Jun. 2, 2005 admin/33-8579.pdf
Other Nos.: 33-8579, 34-51781
AAER-2251 Jun. 2, 2005 Huntington Bancshares, Inc., Thomas E. Hoaglin, Michael J. McMennamin, and John Van Fleet, CPA
Other Nos.: LR-19243, 33-8579
AAER-2250 May 26, 2005 David G. Barford, Kent D. Kalkwarf, David L. Mccall and James H. Smith III
Other No.: LR-19240
AAER-2249 May 20, 2005 Diagnostic Products Corporation
Other No.: 34-51724
AAER-2248 May 20, 2005 M&A West, Inc., et al.
Other No.: LR-19233
AAER-2247 May19, 2005 Dennis O'Connor
Other No.: LR-19230
AAER-2246 May 12, 2005 Kevin Rodgers
Other No.: 34-51719
AAER-2244 May 12, 2005 Walter Cercavschi, CPA
Other No.: 34-51686
AAER-2241 May 2, 2005 Robert R. Berti, CPA
Other No.: 34-51647
AAER-2240 Apr. 28, 2005 Dawn Diaz, CPA
Other No.: 34-516
AAER-2238 Apr. 26, 2005 Deloitte & Touche LLP, Steven H. Barry, CPA, and Karen T. Baker, CPA
Other No.: 34-51607
AAER-2237 Apr. 26, 2005 Deloitte & Touche LLP
Other No.: 34-51606
AAER-2236 Apr. 26, 2005 Deloitte & Touche LLP
Other No.: LR-19202
AAER-2235 Apr. 19, 2005 KPMG LLP, et al.
Other No.: LR-19191
AAER-2234 Apr. 19, 2005 KPMG LLP
Other No.: 34-51574
AAER-2233 Apr. 18, 2005 Craig R. Clark
Other No.: 34-51570
AAER-2232 Apr. 18, 2005 The Coca-Cola Company
Other No.: 33-8569
AAER-2231 Apr. 11, 2005 Global Crossing Ltd., Thomas J. Casey, Dan J. Cohrs, and Joseph P. Perrone
Other No.: 34-51517
AAER-2230 Apr. 11, 2005 Chancellor Corporation, et al.
Other No.: LR-19177
AAER-2229 Apr. 11, 2005 Gregory Davis, CPA and BKR Metcalf Davis
Other No.: 34-51516
AAER-2227 Apr. 7, 2005 Easylink Services Corporation, f.k.a. Mail.Com, Inc. and Debra Mcclister, CPA
Other No.: 34-51506
AAER-2226 Apr. 7, 2005 Dollar General Corporation, Hurley Calister Turner, Jr., Brian M. Burr, Randy C. Sanderson, and Bobby R. Carpenter
Other No.: LR-19174
AAER-2225 Apr. 7, 2005 Stephen C. Jones, CPA
Other No.: 34-51501
AAER-2224 Apr. 6, 2005 litigation/admin/34-51488.pdf
Other No.: 34-51488
AAER-2223 Apr. 6, 2005 Drew S. Levin, Noel Cronin, and Michael Macchiarella; John D. Clutten
Other No.: LR-19172
AAER-2222A Sep. 9, 2005 Aurora Foods Inc., et al.
Other Release No.: LR-19165A
AAER-2222 Apr. 4, 2005 Aurora Foods Inc., et al.
Other No.: LR-19165

Modified: 02/03/2006