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Commission Amicus / Friend of the Court Briefs

This page provides links to some of the legal briefs the Commission's staff submitted in various court actions. See also:

 Commission Appellate Court Briefs

 Request for Commission Amicus Participation in a Pending Case

"Friend of the Court" Briefs

Date Case
Sep. 2008 In re Pet Quarters, Inc.:
Amicus brief in which the Commission urged that purported state law claims against entities that operate components of the national securities clearance and settlement system in compliance with Commission-approved rules are preempted by the Securities Exchange Act of 1934.
Sep. 2008 In re National Australia Bank Litigation:
Amicus brief submitted to the Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit urging the standard to be applied to determine whether the antifraud provisions of the federal securities laws apply to transnational securities frauds involving foreign purchasers who bought a foreign issuer's securities on a foreign exchange, but where significant aspects of the fraudulent conduct occurred in the United States.
Jul. 2007 Mark Levy v. Sterling Holding Company, LLC., National Semiconductor Corporation, and Fairchild Semiconductor International, Inc.:
The Commission filed an amicus brief defending its authority under Section 16(b) of the Exchange Act to exempt acquisitions from an issuer by its officers and directors in Rule 16b-3(d) and to exempt reclassifications in Rule 16b-7. The Commission also urged that the 2005 amendments to these rules be found applicable transactions that took place prior to the adoption of the amendments.
Feb. 2007 Tellabs, Inc. v. Makor Issues & Rights, Ltd.:
Amicus curiae brief filed in the Supreme Court by the Commission and the Solicitor General addressing the interpretation of the heightened pleading requirement for scienter under the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995.
Jan. 2007 Roth v. Perseus, LLD et al.:
Amicus brief submitted to the Second Circuit defending the validity Rule 16b-3(d) under the Exchange Act, which exempts from Section 16(b) liability certain transactions between an issuer and its officers and directors, and also arguing that a person who is director by virtue of having deputized another person to represent him on the issuer’s board may take advantage of Rule 16b-3(d)’s exemption regardless of whether he is also a holder of ten percent or more of any class of the issuer’s equity securities.
Nov. 2006 In re HealthSouth Securities Litigation:
The safe harbor from registration provided by Rule 144A under the Securities Act of 1933 is not invalidated as to a transaction that substantively and procedurally complies with the Rule solely because of the alleged motives of the security offeror in choosing to rely on that safe harbor.
Sep. 2006 United States v. J. Kenneth Stringer, III, et al.:
Amicus brief submitted to Ninth Circuit which addresses (1) the vital importance of cooperation between the Commission staff and criminal authorities conducting their own investigations, and (2) the adequacy of the warnings contained in Commission Form 1662 which advise witnesses in Commission civil investigations of their right to decline to testify in accordance with their Fifth Amendment rights, of the likelihood that information provided to the Commission will be shared with other agencies, and of potential conflicts of interest with counsel representing multiple parties.
May 2006 Bruh v. BessemerVenture Partners III, L.P. and VistaCare, Inc.:
Amicus curiae brief requested by the Second Circuit construing the Commission's rules promulgated under Section 16(b) as applied to the purchase of a derivative security and arguing that the 2005 amendment to Rule 16b-7 (which clarifies the rule's application to reclassifications) is permissibly retroactive; that Rule 16b-7 exempted reclassification's even before the 2005 amendment to the rule and that the Commission has authority to exempt reclassifications under Section 16(b).
Feb. 2006 At Home Corporation v. Cox Communications, Inc., et al.:
Brief Addressing (1) the application of Section 16(b), and the rules promulgated under Section 16(b), to hybrid derivative securities; (2) whether the purchase by one company, that is an insider of an issuer, of another company, that holds issuer securities, constitutes a purchase under Section 16(b) of the issuer securities held by the company being bought; and (3) what level of deference is owed by the court to the Commission's amicus brief.
Feb. 2006 Nanopierce Technologies, Inc., et al. vs. The Depository Trust and Clearing Corporation, et al.:
Amicus curiae brief in the Nevada Supreme Court taking the position that the federal regulatory regime under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 preempts the state-law claims asserted in this case, which seek to impose liability on registered clearing agencies for their operation of key components of the national securities clearance and settlement system in accordance with Commission-approved rules, and for their failure to disclose certain alleged defects in that system.
See also: Letter submitted by the Commission to the Nevada Supreme Court in response to the Amicus Brief of the North American Securities Administrators Association, returned unfiled; filed with the U.S. District Court by defendants in Whistler Investments, Inc. v. DTCC, et al., CV-S-05-0634 RCJ (D. Nev.)
Apr. 2005 Dreiling v. American Express Travel Related Services, Inc.:
Amicus brief in which the Commission urged that it acted within its authority in adopting Rule 16b-3(d), which exempts certain grants, awards, and other acquisitions of an issuer's securities by its officers and directors from the short-swing recovery provision in Section 16(b) and that, to the extent a person is a director by having "deputized" someone to be a director on its behalf, and is thereby subject to Section 16, exemptive Rule 16b-3(d) also applies to that person, but for that rule to apply, the board approving the transaction to be covered by the rule must be aware that the deputizing person is a director.
Mar. 2005 Billing v. Credit Suisse First Boston:
Amicus letter brief where, in response to request from court of appeals, Commission took the position that challenged conduct by underwriters conducting initial public offerings was immune from antitrust liability.
Dec. 2004 Edelson v. Ch'ien:
Amicus Curiae brief where the Commission took the position (1) that former member of a company's board of directors, who complains that he was improperly voted off the board, has standing to bring a private right of action under Section 13(d) of the Exchange Act when the former member of the board is also a shareholder of the company who complains that his right to wage a proxy contest was foreclosed by the lack of a Schedule 13D disclosure and (2) that Section 13(d) is not limited in its application to tender offers and contests for control if a company.
Oct. 2004 T. Jeffrey Simpson, on behalf of himself and all others similarly situated, and California State Teachers' Retirement System v., Inc.; et al.:
Amicus curiae brief addressing the appropriate test for finding a defendant to be a primary violator rather than an aider and abettor in a scheme to defraud under Section 10(b) of the Securities Exchange Act and Rule 10b-5(a)
See also: Amicus curiae reply brief
Sep. 2004 Dura Pharmaceuticals, Inc. v. Broudo:
At the request of the Supreme Court, the Commission and the Solicitor General filed a brief urging the Court to grant certiorari to resolve a split among the circuits regarding the proper standing for pleading and proving loss causation. This brief may also be found on the USDOJ Solicitor General's web site.
Aug. 2004 AIG Asian Infrastructure Fund, L.P. v. Chase Manhattan Ltd.:
Amicus curiae brief addressing whether the lengthened statute of limitations in Section 804 of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 applies to actions brought after the enactment of Sarbanes-Oxley for claims that had already lapsed under the previous limitations period.
Jul. 2004 Kapps v. Torch Offshore Corp.:
Amicus curiae brief urging that the mere fact that undisclosed information is not firm-specific, or that the information is publicly available, does not automatically mean the omission of that information from a disclosure document can never be material.
Jun. 2004 Merritt v. Merrill Lynch & Co.:
Amicus curiae brief urging that the mere fact that information could be discovered somewhere in the public domain does not mean that it can never be materially misleading to omit that information from a disclosure document or other statement.
Apr. 2004 In re WorldCom Securities Litigation (Hevesi):
Amicus curiae brief addressing whether the fraud-on-the-market presumption of reliance is applicable to analysts' public material misreresentations
PDF version
Feb. 2004 McKesson Corporation v. Charles W. McCall and Jay M. Lapine:
Amicus curiae brief addressing whether production to the SEC during a law enforcement investigation of work product prepared during a corporation's internal investigation waives work-product protection where corporation enters into a confidentiality agreement with the SEC
Feb. 2004 United States v. David Kay and Douglas Murphy:
Criminal prosecution brought under the anti-bribery provision of Section 30A of the Exchange Act (the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act or "FCPA"). Amicus curiae brief in support of appellant and urging reversal of the district court's decision
Sep. 2003 P. Stolz Family Partnership L.P. v. Steven B. Daum, Paula B. Daum, Philip Spies and Smart World Technologies, LLC:
The Commission's amicus brief construes Section 13 of the Securities Act of 1933, the three-year period of repose to begin to run when the security is first offered to the public and also advises the Second Circuit that the period does not run when an offering is conducted as a "private" as opposed to "public" offering.
Jul. 2003 McKesson HBOC, Inc. v. Superior Court of San Francisco:
Amicus curiae brief addressing whether production to the SEC during a law enforcement investigation of work product prepared during a corporation's internal investigation waives work-product protection where corporation enters into a confidentiality agreement with the SEC
Feb. 2003 Mark Levy v. Sterling Holding Company, LLC, National Semiconductor Corporation, and Fairchild Semiconductor International, Inc.:
Amicus curiae brief filed in support of the appellee's petition for rehearing, arguing that a panel of the court incorrectly construed two rules exempting transactions from Section 16(b) of the Securities Exchange Act.
Dec. 2002 In re Initial Public Offering Antitrust Litigation:
Memorandum Amicus Curiae Submitted at the Request of the Court. The Commission urged that alleged conduct by the underwriters of initial public offerings was immune from antitrust challenge because of the Congressionally established regulatory regime applicable to those underwritings.
Sep. 2002 NASD Dispute Resolution, Inc. and New York Stock Exchange, Inc., v. Judicial Council of California, et al.:
Amicus Curiae Brief Addressing Whether California's Standards for Arbitrator Disclosure and Disqualification are Preempted by Federal Law to the Extent They Apply to the Arbitration Systems of the NASD, Inc. and the New York Stock Exchange, Inc.
(Also available in PDF Format: nasddispute.pdf)
Jun. 2002 Gryl v. Shire Pharmaceuticals Group:
Amicus Curiae Brief, filed at the request of the court, on whether stock transactions effected as part of a merger were exempt from Section 16(b) of the Securities Exchange Act.
Jan. 2002 Camden Asset Management, L.P., et al., v. Arthur Andersen LLP et al.
Amicus Curiae Brief Addressing Why Restated Financial Statements and Report Prepared by Auditors for the Board of Directors Explaining and Summarizing the Restated Financial Statements Are Admissible Under Federal Rules of Evidence 403, 407, 803 and 807
Dec. 2001 Olmsted and Olmsted v. Pruco Life Insurance Company and Prudential Insurance Company
Amicus Curiae Brief Addressing the Availability of Rescission as a Remedy for the Charging of Excessive Fees Under the Investment Company Act.
Jul. 2001 Alan Friedman, et al. v. Salomon Smith Barney, Inc., et al.
Amicus Brief Addressing Antitrust Immunity for Certain Stabilizing Conduct by Underwriters Following Public Offerings of Securities.
May 2001 McKesson HBOC Inc. and HBO & Company v. Melvin Adler
Amicus Curiae Brief Addressing Whether Production to SEC During a Law Enforcement Investigation of Work Product Prepared During a Corporation's Internal Investigation Waives Work-Product Protection Where Corporation Enters into a Confidentiality Agreement with SEC
Dec. 2000 Cendant Corp. Litig, New York City Pension Funds
Amicus Curiae Brief in Support of Appellants on the Issues Specified
Feb. 2000 Raymond Moore; et al. v. United States District Court of the Northern District of California, Respondent, Network Associates, Inc., et al., Real Parties in Interest
Amicus Curiae Brief in Support of Real Party in Interest Vatuone on the Issue Specified
Nov. 1999 Frank W. Knisley, et al., v. Network Associates, Inc., et al.:
Amicus Curiae Brief Addressing the Referral Fee Provision of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act
Aug. 1999 Ari Parnes, James Field, and Charles D. Chalmers, et al., v. Digital Lightwave, Inc., et al.:
Amicus Curiae Brief Addressing the Role of the Lead Plaintiff Under the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act and Its Effect on the Consideration of a Proposed Settlement and Fee Award
May 1999 Robin Switzenbaum, et al., v. Orbital Sciences Corporation, David R. Thompson, and Jeffrey V. Pirone:
Amicus Curiae Brief Addressing Issues Under the Lead Plaintiff Provisions of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act
Apr. 1999 In Re the Baan Company Securities Litigation (Laure Salerno, on behalf of herself and all others similarly situated v. Baan Company, N.V., et al.:
Amicus Curiae Brief Addressing Issues Under the Lead Plaintiff Provisions of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act
Mar. 1999 Dorothy D. Bragdon, on behalf of herself and all others similarly situated, Plaintiffs v. Telxon Corporation, et al.:
Amicus Curiae Brief Addressing Appointment of Lead Plaintiff and Multiple Lead Counsel Under the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act
Dec. 1998 Milestone Scientific (Securities Litigation):
Amicus Curiae Brief Addressing Appointment of Multiple Lead Counsel Under the Litigation Reform Act
Accompanying Litigation Release – lr15991.txt
Oct. 1998 Laperriere V. Vesta Insurance Group, Inc.:
Amicus Curiae Brief Addressing Issues Under the Lead Plaintiff Provisions of the Litigation Reform Act
Table of Contents/Table of Authorities –vestatbl.txt
Apr. 1998 Klein v. Boyd:
Brief of the Securities and Exchange Commission, Amicus Curiae;  klein.pdf (use Adobe Acrobat® to view the PDF file)
Mar. 1997 Silicon Graphics, Inc.:
Brief of the Securities and Exchange Commission, Amicus Curiae
Sep. 1996 United States of America v. James Herman O'Hagan:
Brief of the Securities and Exchange Commission, Amicus Curiae
May 1996 Alan Richards, et al., and John Norton, et al., v. Lloyd's of London, et al.:
Brief of the Securities and Exchange Commission, Amicus Curiae

Modified: 10/14/2008