Posted Date: October 22, 2008

Subject: COD Computer-Based Training

Note: On April 9, 2009, we updated this posting by removing an eMPN Online Simulation that is no longer applicable. Specifically, we removed the eMPN Online for School Administrators Simulation because all school administrative functions that were previously performed via the Direct Loan Electronic Master Promissory Note (MPN) Web site have been moved to the COD Web site. We informed schools of this change in a March 20, 2009 Electronic Announcement posted on the Information for Financial Aid Professionals (IFAP) Web site. For information about performing Direct Loan Electronic MPN school administrative functions via the COD Web site, refer to the March 20th Electronic Announcement or contact the COD School Relations Center. We plan to post a new version of the full COD CBT in fall 2009.

Federal Student Aid is pleased to announce the availability of the Common Origination and Disbursement (COD) Computer-Based Training (CBT). The COD CBT includes enhancements that have been made to the COD System, the COD Web site, and associated Web sites and software products through June 28, 2008.

To prepare a user for downloading and navigating the COD CBT, we provide information in the following order:

  • COD CBT Components

  • COD CBT System Requirements

  • COD CBT Use and Navigation

  • Contact Information

  • Attachments/Enclosures

COD CBT Components

The COD CBT consists of component simulations and CBTs. Each COD CBT component is explained below. The electronic files associated with each component are provided under the "Attachments/Enclosures" section.

The components of the COD CBT are as follows:

COD System Simulations - The COD System Simulations offer lessons that explain the COD Web site screens and functionality available to a school administrator. There are 14 lessons (one with two parts) with text to guide a user through each area of the COD Web site. By entering fictitious data, the user can explore basic navigation and functions of the COD Web site and practice locating and creating information in a safe environment that includes tips for assistance.

Direct Loan Reports CBT - The Direct Loan Reports CBT includes three lessons that explain the COD reports a school can use to assist with the reconciliation process for William D. Ford Federal Direct Loan (Direct Loan) awards.

Grant Reports CBT - The Grant Reports CBT includes three lessons that explain the COD reports a school can use to assist with the reconciliation process for Federal Pell Grant (Pell Grant), Academic Competitiveness Grant (ACG), and National Science and Mathematics Access to Retain Talent Grant (National SMART Grant) awards.

Direct Loan (DL) Tools Simulation - The DL Tools Simulation demonstrates how to use the DL Tools software to assist with the reconciliation process for Direct Loan awards. Although the simulation can be used both by schools that use the EDExpress for Windows software and schools that do not use this software, the simulation is especially useful for schools that do not use the EDExpress software on a regular basis but are interested in a Direct Loan reconciliation resource.

eMPN Online Simulations – The eMPN Online Simulations offer a step-by-step walk through of the process for completing a Direct Loan Master Promissory Note (MPN) via the Direct Loan Electronic MPN Web site. There are three lessons with text to guide a user through student and parent aspects of the eMPN process.

Completing an Agreement to Serve (ATS) Website Simulation - The Completing an ATS Website Simulation provides a step-by-step walk through of the process for completing a Teacher Education Assistance for College and Higher Education (TEACH) Grant ATS via the TEACH Grant ATS Web site.

COD CBT System Requirements

To function properly, all COD CBT components must be run on a system that meets the following requirements:

  • Windows 98, 2000, XP, or Vista operating system

  • CD-ROM drive

  • 15-20 megabytes of free disk space on local hard drive

  • 20 megabytes of RAM

  • 15" monitor with 16-bit color depth and minimum resolution of 1024 x 768

COD CBT Use and Navigation

We have improved upon previous versions of the COD CBT to enhance a user's training experience. Key information to review before using the COD CBT is as follows:

Downloading Electronic Files - Each component of the COD CBT has its own electronic file. All of the electronic files are clearly identified under the "Attachments/Enclosures" section. Depending on his or her needs, a user may download one or more of the electronic files simply by clicking on the desired file or files.

Navigating Electronic Files - Navigation within the electronic file for each component of the COD CBT is consistent and easy. As illustrated at the beginning of each electronic file, navigation buttons display at the bottom of each screen. The navigation buttons allow a user to move back and forth between screens and to advance to a specific screen that the user wants to view.

Entering Information - On certain screens within the electronic file for each COD CBT component, a user will be prompted to enter information or click on specific links. If the user miskeys when entering information, he or she will not need to correct the information. The program will advance to the next screen.

Downloading and Opening "Working with Batches" - The "Working with Batches" lesson under COD System Simulations has two parts. The electronic files are labeled "Working with Batches (Part 1)" and "Working with Batches (Part 2)." When downloading these electronic files, a user may want to place the two files in the same folder to facilitate automatically moving from Part 1 to Part 2 of the lesson.

Contact Information

If you have questions or comments about the COD CBT, contact the COD School Relations Center at 800/474-7268 for Grants or 800/848-0978 for Direct Loans. You may also e-mail If you e-mail your question or comment, please include "COD CBT Question/Comment" in the subject line.


COD System Simulations

Using the COD System Search Function

Managing School Information

Locating Grant Information

Locating Direct Loan Information

Working with Batches (Part 1)

Working with Batches (Part 2)

Updating and Creating Records

Requesting Data

Working the Action Queue

COD System Correspondence

COD System Edits

COD System Password Reset

Academic Competitiveness Grant (ACG)

National SMART Grant

TEACH Grants

Direct Loan Reports CBT

Direct Loan Reports

Grant Reports CBT

Grant Reports

Direct Loan (DL) Tools Simulation

Direct Loan Tools

eMPN Online Simulations

Completing a Subsidized/Unsubsidized eMPN

Completing a Graduate PLUS eMPN

Completing a Parent PLUS eMPN

Completing an Agreement to Serve (ATS) Website Simulation

Completing an ATS


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