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FCC Form 601
Application for Wireless Telecommunications Bureau
Radio Service Authorization

Edition Date - February 2008

To file electronically, click Online Filing

For the simple purpose of "RENEWAL ONLY for PUBLIC SAFETY LICENSEES", you may retrieve all necessary forms to manually file for your renewal with FCC 601PS. FCC 601PS consists of the following (including instructions on electronic filing):

  • FACT SHEET– simple instructions to complete your "RO" application for the Public Safety POOL licensees

  • FCC 601 MAIN FORM– to complete and submit for "RO" purpose

  • FCC 601 SCHEDULE A– for multiple call signs or file numbers

For the simple purposes of:
  • AUAdministrative Update (Changes limited to the following: Licensee Name (without a change in ownership) Entity Name (without a change in ownership, control or corporate structure), Mailing Address, Telephone Number, Fax Number, E-Mail Address, Contact Information and Control Point Information (see table below for applicable schedule for specific radio service)

  • CACancellation of License

  • DUDuplicate License

  • RORenewal Only

  • WDWithdrawal of Application

You may retrieve all necessary forms to file these purposes with FCC 601FS. FCC 601FS consists of the following (including instructions on electronic filing):

  • FACT SHEET – simple instructions to complete your application and applicable fees due for specific radio services and purposes

  • FCC 601 MAIN FORM – to complete and submit for simple purposes

  • FCC 601 SCHEDULE A – for multiple call signs or file numbers

  • FCC 159 – Remittance Advice (necessary for feeable applications)

Forms You May Also Need:

Forms you may also need for purposes of NE – New, MD – Modification, RM – Renewal/Modification, RL – Registered Location/Link, EX – Request for Extension of time, NT – Required Notifications and AM – Amendment:

  • Form 159: Remittance Advice
  • Form 160: CORES Registration Form - FCC Registration Number (FRN) is required
  • Form 606: Associate WTB Call Signs & Antenna Registration Numbers With Licensee’s FRN

Forms & Schedules Listed by Purposes for All Radio Services:

NENew: To request a new license. This purpose should only be used for initial applications. Complete Main Form & appropriate schedules (see table below for applicable schedule for specific radio service).

MDModification: To request a change in the conditions of any data (administrative and technical OR technical) for a license during the term of that license. This purpose is also used to apply for a site-specific authorization in a market based service to fulfill environmental assessment requirements or international coordination requirements. Use Item 5 on the Main Form to provide the call sign of the affected station. All appropriate schedules must be completed and attached, and must accurately describe the data that has been modified. See applicable Commission rules.

Note: To consolidate multiple call signs into a single call sign, list existing call signs to be deleted on Schedule A, Schedule for Changes Affecting Multiple Call Signs or File Numbers. The call sign to be retained should be listed in Item 5 of the FCC 601 Main Form. If no call sign is provided in Item 5, a new one will be assigned, and you must complete the FCC 601 Main Form to provide administrative information about the new call sign. For stations in the Paging and Radiotelephone Service (CD), consolidation will result in all Locations, Antennas, and Frequencies being consolidated under a single call sign without modification (i.e., applicants should not submit Schedules D and F). For stations in the Part 90 radio services, applicants must include Schedule D and Schedule H describing the technical parameters of at least one, and no more than six locations to be authorized under the resulting call sign.

RMRenewal/Modification: To renew an existing authorization, Special Temporary Authorization (STA), or Developmental Authorization and request a change in the technical parameters of that authorization. Use Item 5 on the Main Form to provide the call sign of the affected station. All appropriate schedules (see table below for applicable schedule for specific radio service) must be completed and attached, and must accurately describe the data that has been modified.

RLRegistered Location/Link: Roadside units (RSUs) in the Intelligent Transportation Radio Service (IQ), links in the Millimeter Wave Service (MM), and fixed or base stations in the 3650-3700 MHz Service (NN) do not need to be individually licensed but do need to be registered. Use Item 5 to provide the call sign of the affected license. Use FCC Form 601 Schedule M to register RSUs, links, or stations in these radio services along with the Main Form.

EXRequest for Extension of Time: To request additional time to satisfy coverage or construction requirements. Complete and attach request for Extension of Time for Wireless Services, Form FCC 601, Schedule L along with the Main Form.

NTRequired Notifications: To notify the FCC that, within the required time period, coverage or construction requirements have been satisfied or compliance with yearly station construction commitments for licensees with approved extended implementation plans have been met. Schedule K can also be used to notify the FCC of a request in the Paging Radiotelephone Services for regular authorization for facilities previously operating under developmental authority. Complete and attach Required Notifications for Wireless Services, Form FCC 601, Schedule K along with the Main Form.

AMAmendment: To amend a previously-filed currently pending application(s). Use Form FCC 601 Main Form Item 4 to provide the File Number(s) of the affected and pending application(s). The appropriate schedule must be completed and attached and must accurately reflect the amended data. See applicable Commission rules. If multiple pending applications are affected (Administrative data only), the Main Form and Schedule A are required.

Service ULS Form/Schedule Title
All Geographically Licensed Services
(Initial Application)
FCC 601 Main Form - WTB Radio Service Authorization
Schedule B - Schedule for Geographically Licensed Services
Geographically Licensed Service
(Part 27 – Lower MHz (698-746 MHz Band) (WZ Radio Service)
FCC 601 Main Form - WTB Radio Service Authorization
Schedule D (all other Radio Services) - Schedule for Station Locations and Antenna Structures
Geographically Licensed Service
(site-specific environmental assessment)
FCC 601 Main Form - WTB Radio Service Authorization
Schedule I (Microwave Radio Services)
Schedule D (all other Radio Services) - Schedule for Station Locations and Antenna Structures
Geographically Licensed Service
(site-specific international coordination)
FCC 601 Main Form - WTB Radio Service Authorization
Schedule I (Microwave Radio Services)
Schedule D and appropriate technical data schedule as described below (all other Radio Services)
Cellular and Commercial Air-ground Services (Part 22) FCC 601 Main Form - WTB Radio Service Authorization
Schedule D - Schedule for Station Locations and Antenna Structures
Schedule F - Technical Data Schedule for the Cellular and Air-ground (Commercial Aviation) Radiotelephone Services (Part 22)
Broadband Radio Service and Educational Broadband Service
(Part 27)
FCC 601 Main Form - WTB Radio Service Authorization
Schedule B - Schedule for Geographically Licensed Services
Schedule D - Schedule for Station Locations and Antenna Structures
Schedule E - Broadband Radio Service and Educational Broadband Service
Land Mobile - Part 22 Site-Specific Services or Part 90 Exclusive channels in the 929-930 MHz Band (GS Radio Service) FCC 601 Main Form - WTB Radio Service Authorization
Schedule D - Schedule for Station Locations and Antenna Structures
Schedule H - Technical Data Schedule for the Private Land Mobile and Broadcast Auxiliary Land Mobile Radio Services (Parts 90 and 74)
Schedule J - Technical Data Schedule for Paging, Rural, Air-ground (General Aviation), and Offshore Radiotelephone Services (Part 22)
Land Mobile - Part 90 Site-Specific Services FCC 601 Main Form - WTB Radio Service Authorization
Schedule D - Schedule for Station Locations and Antenna Structures
Schedule H - Technical Data Schedule for the Private Land Mobile and Broadcast Auxiliary Land Mobile Radio Services (Parts 90 and 74)
Microwave - Part 101 Site-Specific Services FCC 601 Main Form - WTB Radio Service Authorization
Schedule I - Technical Data Schedule for the Fixed Microwave and Microwave Broadcast Auxiliary Services (Parts 101 and 74)
Maritime Coast/Aviation Ground Services
(Parts 80 and 87)
FCC 601 Main Form - WTB Radio Service Authorization
Schedule D - Schedule for Station Locations and Antenna Structures
Schedule G - Technical Data Schedule for the Maritime and Aviation Services (Parts 80 and 87)
Broadcast Auxiliary - Land Mobile
(Part 74)
FCC 601 Main Form - WTB Radio Service Authorization
Schedule D - Schedule for Station Locations and Antenna Structures
Schedule H - Technical Data Schedule for the Private Land Mobile and Broadcast Auxiliary Land Mobile Radio Services (Parts 90 and 74)
Broadcast Auxiliary - Microwave
(Part 74)
FCC 601 Main Form - WTB Radio Service Authorization
Schedule I - Technical Data Schedule for the Fixed Microwave and Microwave Broadcast Auxiliary Radio Services (Parts 101 and 74)
218-219 MHz Services (Part 95)
(Individual CTS Reporting)
FCC 601 Main Form - WTB Radio Service Authorization
Schedule D - Schedule for Station Locations and Antenna Structures
Millimeter Wave 70/80/90 GHz Service
(Part 101)
FCC 601 Main Form - WTB Radio Service Authorization
Schedule B - Schedule for Geographically Licensed Services
Schedule M - Schedule for Registration
Dedicated Short Range Communications Service/Intelligent Transportation Service (ITS)
(Part 90)
FCC 601 Main Form - WTB Radio Service Authorization
Schedule D - Schedule for Station Location and Antenna Structures
Schedule H – Technical Data Schedule for Private Land Mobile and Broadcast Auxiliary Land Mobile Radio Services (Parts 90 and 74)
Schedule M - Schedule for Registration
3650-3700 MHz Service
(Part 90)
FCC 601 Main Form - WTB Radio Service Authorization
Schedule M - Schedule for Registration
Notification of:
Completion of Coverage Requirements Completion of Construction Requirements Compliance with yearly station construction commitments for licenses with approved extended implementation plans Developmental Paging Authorization to a Regular Authorization
FCC 601 Main Form - WTB Radio Service Authorization
Schedule K - Schedule for Required Notification for Wireless Services
Waiver Request for Extension of Time for:
Completion of Coverage Requirements Completion of Construction Requirements
FCC 601 Main Form - WTB Radio Service Authorization
Schedule L - Waiver Request for Extension of Time for Wireless Services

Individual Schedules/Instructions Available for FCC 601:

Name Schedule Title Pages
Main Form FCC Application for WTB Radio Service Authorization 26
Schedule A Changes Affecting Multiple Call Signs or File Numbers 2
Schedule B Geographically Licensed Services 11
Schedule D Station Locations and Antenna Structures 8
Schedule E Broadband Radio Service and Educational Broadband Service 5
Schedule F Cellular and Air-ground (Commercial Aviation)
Radiotelephone Services
Schedule G Maritime and Aviation Services 12
Schedule H Private Land Mobile and Land Mobile Broadcast
Auxiliary Radio Services
Schedule I Fixed Microwave and Microwave Broadcast Auxiliary
Radio Services
Schedule J Paging, Rural, Air-ground (General Aviation),
and Offshore Radiotelephone Services
Schedule K Required Notification for Wireless Services 3
Schedule L Waiver Request for Extension of Time for Wireless Services 3
Schedule M Schedule for Registration 7

There is no Schedule C at this time.

FCC Form 601 (Includes Instructions & All Schedules)

last reviewed/updated on April 03, 2009  

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