BUYUSA.GOV -- U.S. Commercial Service


Welcome to the ACCESS AMERICA Directory - English Version

Overseas companies often need assistance with the various legal, financial, marketing, logistical and other aspects of doing business in the U.S.  The U.S. Commercial Service’s  Access America directory is a cost-effective way to target and promote your company’s services to these prospective international customers, and expand export sales.   Click here for subscription information.   Below is the English version of the Mandarin Chinese language Access America site that is actively promoted to PRC customers and investors.

The China Access America Directory is the first in a series of Access America directories designed to increase access for U.S. service companies and economic development agencies to international customers to boost export sales.   Get in on the June 2009 Access America directory launch.  Access America will be promoted throughout China by the 19 offices of the U.S. Department of Commerce and its partners, and by the PRC-based offices of U.S. States.  The Commercial Service Chicago office in collaboration with Commercial Service China invites Illinois and Midwest service firms to get in on the launch, with roll out to other U.S. providers scheduled for mid-Summer 2009.

DIRECTORY - Promotion Underway!  Visit Again During Our June Launch

Our Disclaimer:  Access America Directory lists are not comprehensive, and inclusion does not constitute an endorsement or recommendation by the U.S. Commercial Service. We assume no responsibility for the professional ability or integrity of the organizations whose names appear in the Access America Directory.

                                                        **SAMPLE DIRECTORY LISTINGS**

Legal Services

Vetting/Due Diligence