Detailed Data for Fixed Assets and Consumer Durable Goods

Detailed estimates by industry and by type of asset

NOTE: The Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA) does not publish these detailed estimates in the SURVEY OF CURRENT BUSINESS or in the standard fixed asset tables because they are less reliable than the higher level aggregates in which they are included. Compared to these aggregates, the more detailed estimates are more likely to be based on judgmental trends, on trends in the higher level aggregate, or on less reliable source data. Chain-type quantity indexes are provided as part of the detailed data for fixed assets and can be used to measure the real growth rate of the component, but should not be used to analyze shares. Please see current-cost and/or historical-cost tables to analyze shares and/or magnitude of these components. Also, please note that estimates for the average age of the net stock are not available at this time.

Section Description Link

1. Residential
The worksheets in this file contain detailed estimates for private residential fixed assets by detailed asset type for the farm and nonfarm residential sectors. It includes:

1. Net stocks, current cost
2. Net stocks, chain-type quantity index
3. Depreciation, current cost
4. Depreciation, chain-type quantity index
5. Investment
6. Investment, chain-type quantity index

2. Nonresidential
These files contain detailed estimates for private nonresidential fixed
assets by detailed industry and by detailed asset type:
1. Net stocks, current cost XLS
2. Net stocks, chain-type quantity indexes XLS
3. Depreciation, current cost XLS
4. Depreciation, chain-type quantity indexes XLS
5. Investment XLS
6. Investment, chain-type quantity indexes XLS

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Updated August 21, 2008