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Bureau of Economic Analysis

Survey of Current Business

Table of Contents
December 2000

S pecial in this issue

17 A Note on the Impact of Hedonics and Computers on Real GDP (PDF)

A review of the data on hedonic price indexes and their impact on real GDP growth shows no evidence of an overstatement in the measured decline in computer prices. The hedonic price indexes for computers produce results that are quite robust and that are virtually the same as those produced by a carefully constructed traditional price index for computers.

R egular features

1 Business Situation (PDF)

The growth in the U.S. economy slowed in the third quarter of 2000, while inflation remained moderate. Real GDP increased 2.4 percent, less than half as much as the average increase in the preceding four quarters; the prices of gross domestic purchases increased 2.3 percent, about the same as the average increase in the preceding four quarters. Corporate profits increased $7.6 billion (0.8 percent at a quarterly rate) in the third quarter after increasing $27.3 billion (2.9 percent) in the second. The Federal Government current surplus increased $13.4 billion, to $254.3 billion, in the third quarter after increasing $5.1 billion in the second. The State and local government current surplus increased $4.1 billion, to $64.2 billion, after increasing $8.1 billion.



24 Gross Domestic Product by Industry for 1997-99 (PDF)

New estimates of gross domestic product by industry for 1999 and revised estimates for 1997 and 1998 incorporate the results of this year's annual revision of the NIPA's and newly available source data. According to these estimates, the long-term structural shift in the U.S. economy from goods-producing industries to services-producing industries continued. The revisions to the real growth rate of private industries were small, but the revisions to the growth rates for some of the individual industry groups were substantial.


R eports and statistical presentations

14 Revised Estimates of Real Gross Product of Nonfinancial Corporate Business for 1997-2000 (PDF)

16 Federal Personal Income Tax Liabilities and Payments, 1959-98 (PDF)

36 Subject Guide (PDF)

38 Schedule of BEA News Releases in 2001 (PDF)


D-1 BEA Current and Historical Data

                          National Estimates

D-2 Selected NIPA Tables (PDF)

D-29 Other NIPA and NIPA-Related Tables

D-38 Historical Measures

D-41 Domestic Perspectives

D-43 Charts

                            International Estimates

D-51 Transactions Tables

D-57 Investment Tables

D-62 International Perspectives

D-64 Charts

                          Regional Estimates

D-65 State and Regional Tables

D-69 Local Area Table

D-71 Charts



Inside back cover: Getting BEA's Estimates (PDF)

Back cover: Schedule of Upcoming BEA News Releases (PDF)


Looking Ahead

Annual Input-Output Accounts of the U.S. Economy. The 1997 annual input-output (I-O) accounts will be presented in the January 2001 Survey and will be available on BEA's Web site on December 18, 2000. The publication of these accounts--which present a detailed picture of how 97 industries and commodities interact to provide input to, and take output from, each other--continues the annual updating of the I-O accounts that began last year.