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Bureau of Economic Analysis

Survey of Current Business

Table of Contents
 October 1994

Selected articles may be accessed by clicking on the links below. (An Acrobat (PDF) version of the table of contents is also available; however, links to other files will work only when you use Acrobat Reader 4.0.)

Regular features

1 Business Situation (PDF)

U.S. economic activity continued at a moderate pace in the third quarter of 1994: Real GDP increased 3.4 percent after increasing 4.1 percent in the second quarter. Inflation also remained moderate: The price index for gross domestic purchases increased 3.2 percent, the same as in the second quarter.

30 Gross Product by Industry, 199192 (PDF)

In 1992, real gross product increased for all major industry groups except mining and government. Of the 2.3-percent increase in real GDP in 1992, slightly more than one-half was accounted for by finance, insurance, and real estate, services, and wholesale trade. Manufacturing increased 1.5 percent, with durable and nondurable goods industries both increasing at that rate.

36 Motor Vehicles, Model Year 1994 (PDF)

In model year 1994, motor vehicle sales, employment, and production increased for the third consecutive year, and inventories remained lean. Total sales increased 9.1 percent to 15.2 million units, the highest level since 1989. The increase was more than accounted for by sales of domestic cars and domestic trucks.

42 Personal Income by State and Region, Second Quarter 1994 (PDF)

A pickup in personal income in the Nation in the second quarter of 1994 was accounted for by a rebound in California from the effects of the destruction caused by the Northridge earthquake. Personal income increased faster than prices in all States except four farm States.

47 Reconciliation of the U.S.–Canadian Current Account, 199293  (PDF)

This year's reconciliation of the U.S.-Canadian current account resulted in a smaller U.S. surplus for 1992 and a shift to a small U.S. deficit for 1993.

Reports and statistical presentations

7 National Income and Product Accounts (PDF)

7 Selected NIPA Tables

26  NIPA Charts

28 Selected Monthly Estimates (PDF)

C-1 Business Cycle Indicators (PDF)

C-1 Data tables

C-6 Footnotes for pages C-1 through C-5

C-7 Charts

C-28 Historical data for selected series

C-51 Business cycle expansions and contractions

C-52 Cyclical leads and lags for selected indicators

C-53 Titles and sources of series



Research and Development Satellite Account. In an upcoming issue of the SURVEY, BEA will present a research and development satellite account. This account, which will supplement the existing system of national economic accounts, will treat expenditures on research and development as fixed investment, and the resulting capital stocks will be consistent with BEA’s estimates of tangible wealth.