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July 2005 - Volume 85 - Number 7

Director's Message


Taking Account


Business Situation: Final Estimates for the First Quarter of 2005

Real GDP increased 3.8 percent, the same as in the fourth quarter, mainly reflecting pickups in residential fixed investment and inventory investment. Corporate profits increased $76.1 billion after increasing $150.8 billion. | PDF

Real Inventories, Sales, and Inventory-Sales Ratios for Manufacturing and Trade for the First Quarter of 2005

The estimates have been updated, including the estimates of inventories for manufacturing by stage of fabrication. | PDF

U.S. Multinational Companies: Operations in 2003

The worldwide value added of U.S. multinational companies increased 9.3 percent after decreasing in 2002, reflecting a substantial increase in the value added by foreign affiliates. | PDF

The International Investment Position of the United States at Yearend 2004

The net international investment position at current cost was -$2,484.2 billion; in 2003, it was -$2,156.7 billion. The -$327.5 billion change mainly reflected substantial net foreign purchases of U.S. Treasury securities and U.S. corporate bonds. | PDF

Direct Investment Positions for 2004: Country and Industry Detail

The historical-cost position of U.S. direct investment abroad increased 15 percent after increasing 11 percent in 2003, and the position of foreign direct investment in the United States increased 8 percent after increasing 5 percent. | PDF

  • Holding Companies in the Data on U.S. Direct Investment Abroad | PDF

Annual Revision of the U.S. International Accounts, 1991-2004

Each year, the estimates of U.S. international transactions and of the U.S. international investment position are revised to incorporate statistical and methodological changes. | PDF

How BEA Aligns and Augments Source Data From the U.S. Treasury Department for Inclusion in the In the International Transactions Accounts

Each year, the estimates of financial-account flows in the international transactions accounts based on Treasury Department data are adjusted to align the estimates with balance-of-payments concepts and to close gaps in coverage. | PDF

U.S. International Transactions: First Quarter of 2005

The U.S. current-account deficit increased $6.7 billion, to $195.1 billion, reflecting increases in the deficit on goods and in net outflows for unilateral current transfers. In the financial account, net recorded financial inflows decreased $3.6 billion, to $165.4 billion. | PDF

  • The Effect of the Job Creation Act of 2004 on U.S. International Transactions | PDF

Gross State Product: Accelerated Estimates for 2004 and Revised Estimates for 1997-2003

Growth in real gross state product for the Nation accelerated to 4.2 percent from 2.8 percent in 2003 and 1.8 percent in 2002. Growth in all but seven states accelerated, and the fastest growing states were in the Northeast and on the West Coast. | PDF

  • Prototype Accelerated Gross State Product Estimates for 2004 | PDF

State Personal Income: First Quarter of 2005

Personal income growth for the Nation slowed to 0.7 percent from an unusually high 3.3 percent in the fourth quarter, reflecting the special dividend paid by the Microsoft Corporation in December. Personal income growth in all the states except Rhode Island slowed. | PDF

Looking Ahead

Annual Revision of the NIPAs. The annual NIPA revision will be published in the August Survey. The issue will include an article that describes the effects of the revision on GDP and the principal sources of the revision and an extensive set of NIPA tables.

BEA Current and Historical Data

National Data

  • Selected NIPA tablesPDF 
  • Other NIPA and NIPA-related tables | PDF  
  • Historical measures | PDF 
  • Charts | PDF

International Data

  • Transactions tables PDF 

Regional Data

  • State and regional tables | PDF 
  • Local area table PDF 
  • Charts PDF 


  • Additional information about the NIPA estimatesPDF
  • Suggested reading | PDF