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Bureau of Economic Analysis

Survey of Current Business

Table of Contents
April 1999

Selected articles may be accessed by clicking on the links below. (An Acrobat version of the table of contents is also available; however, links to other files will work only when you use Acrobat Reader 4.0.)

Regular features

1 Business Situation (PDF)

Real GDP increased 6.0 percent in the fourth quarter of 1998, according to the NIPA ``final'' estimate; the ``preliminary'' estimate issued last month had shown a 6.1-percent increase. Corporate profits decreased $5.3 billion (0.6 percent at a quarterly rate) in the fourth quarter. The Federal Government current surplus decreased $26.2 billion, to $65.8 billion, in the fourth quarter, and the State and local government current surplus increased $21.8 billion, to $170.5 billion.

11 State and Local Government Fiscal Position in 1998 (PDF)

The current surplus of State and local governments increased $16.1 billion, to $150.2 billion, in 1998. As in recent years, the increase in receipts exceeded the increase in current expenditures. For 1999, available information suggests that receipts will decelerate and that current expenditures will accelerate, so that the current surplus is expected to change little.

18 U.S. International Transactions, Fourth Quarter and Year 1998 (PDF)

In the fourth quarter of 1998, the U.S. current-account deficit decreased to $63.8 billion from $65.7 billion in the third quarter; the decrease was attributable to decreases in the deficits on goods and on investment income and an increase in the surplus on services. In the capital account, foreign assets in the United States increased $183.1 billion after increasing $98.7 billion, and U.S. assets abroad increased $88.8 billion after increasing $60.4 billion.

For the year 1998, the U.S. current-account deficit increased to $233.4 billion from $155.2 billion in 1997; the increase was largely attributable to an increase in the deficit on goods, but an increase in the deficit on investment income and a decrease in the surplus on services also contributed. In the capital account, foreign assets in the United States increased $542.5 billion after increasing $733.4 billion, and U.S. assets abroad increased $305.4 billion after increasing $478.5 billion.

Reports and statistical presentations

9 Real Inventories, Sales, and Inventory-Sales Ratios
for Manufacturing and Trade (PDF)

D–1 BEA Current and Historical Data

National Data:

D–2 Selected NIPA Tables (PDF)

D–27 Other NIPA and NIPA-Related Tables (PDF)

D–36 Historical Tables (PDF)

D–41 Domestic Perspectives (PDF)

D–43 Charts (PDF)

International Data:

D–51 Transactions Tables (PDF)

D–57 Investment Tables (PDF)

D–62 International Perspectives (PDF)

D–64 Charts (PDF)

Regional Data:

D–65 State and Regional Tables (PDF)

D–69 Local Area Table (PDF)

D–71 Charts (PDF)

Appendixes: (PDF)

D–73 Appendix A: Additional Information About BEA's NIPA Estimates

D–75 Appendix B: Suggested Reading

Inside back cover: Getting BEA's Estimates (PDF)

Back cover: Schedule of Upcoming BEA News Releases (PDF)



Associate Director for International Economics. BEA is recruiting for the position of Associate Director for International Economics. This executive manages BEA's international economic accounts program—which includes the U.S. balance of payments, foreign direct investment, and international trade in goods and services. This executive is responsible for modernizing and extending the conceptual framework and the statistical sources that support the accounts, for guiding and conducting international economic analyses and research, and for representing BEA before top officials in the Federal and private sectors and in international organizations.

This is a career reserved position in the Senior Executive Service, and the salary range is $110,351#150;$125,900. The application deadline is May 10, 1999. For further details and information on applying, go to BEA's Web site at <>, or contact Georgie Nance at (301) 457#150;3727. BEA is an equal opportunity employer.