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Inspection Information Search
Inspection Nr Selection
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  Inspection information
  Violation Summary
  Violation Items

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The Inspection Information Search enables the selection of specific inspections where the Activity Numbers, which identifies the inspections, are known. Up to twelve Activity Numbers my be entered.

Data for a given inspection will display if data exists for the inspection and the current date is greater than 30 days beyond the latest citation issuance date or the inspection is indicated as being closed.
Inspection Nr Selection

Within the spaces provided, enter in up to twelve Activity Numbers and click on the submit button to begin the search.
Search Results

The search returns the following information:

   Inspection Information

This section provides information regarding the establishment being inspected, and other basic information collected for every inspection.

Nr Provides a unique identifier for the inspection.
Report ID Identifies the OSHA office or organizational unit responsible for the inspection.
Open Date Indicates when the inspection was started.
CSHO/Job Title Identifies the individual responsible for conducting the inspection.
Site Address Identifies the site location where the inspection was performed.
SIC Indicates the 4-digit Standard Industrial Classification Code from the 1987 version SIC manual which most closely applies.
Mailing Address Identifies the mailing address for the organization being inspected when differing from site address.
Union Status Indicates whether employees covered by inspection were affiliated with a union.
Inspection Type Indicates the impetus for actually performing the inspection; e.g., may be part of a planned schedule, accident, complaint, etc.
Scope Indicates whether a complete, partial or records only inspection was performed; may also indicate no inspection if for some reason the inspection could not take place.
Ownership Indicates whether inspection was in private or public sector.
Safety/Health Indicates whether safety or health issues were the focus of the inspection.
Emphasis Indicates whether specific office dependent initiatives were present when performing the inspection.
Advance Notice Indicates whether advance notice was given of the pending inspection.
Close Conference Indicates the ending date of the onsite portion of the inspection.
Close Case Indicates the date on which all activity associated with the inspection ceased.

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  Violation Summary

This section provides a summary of the violation. Violations are classified as Serious, Willful, Repeat, Other and Unclassified. The Initial Penalty Represents the amount initially assessed when the citation was first issued to the employer. The Current Penalty represents the amount currently assessed for the violation. This may differ from the Initial Penalty if settlement or judicial actions resulted in reductions. The FTA Amount represents Failure To Abate assessment resulting when the violations were not abated during the abatement period specified on the citation.

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  Violation Items

This section provides definitions for the accident injury information collected during the course of an accident related inspection.

ID Provides an unique identifier for the accident violation. Clicking on the linke provides detail information for the accident.
Type Indicates the type of accident violation. The type may be Serious, Willful, Repeat, Ohter or Unclassified.
Standard Unique standard number for the inspection violation.
Issuance Represents the date the citation was issued to the employer.
Abate Represents the date by which the violation must be corrected.
Curr$ Represents the amount currently assessed for the violation. This may differ from the Initial Penalty if settlement or judicial actions resulted in reductions.
Init$ Represents the amount initially assessed when the citation was first issued to the employer.
Fta$ Total represents Failure To Abate assessment resulting when the violations were not abated during the abatement period specified on the citation.
Contest Represents the date the violation was contested by the employer.
Last Event Represents a settlement or judicial action which occured.
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Occupational Safety & Health Administrations
200 Constitution Avenue, NW
Washington, DC 20210
Page last updated: 05/24/2004