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President Bush To Recognize Cincinnati Man For Dedication To Volunteer Service

Release Date: September 26, 2003

President George W. Bush will meet Jerry Markley upon arrival in Cincinnati, Ohio, on Tuesday, September 30, 2003. Markley has been an active volunteer with the Cincinnati Police Department's Citizens on Patrol program since 1997.

Earlier this year, President Bush celebrated the first anniversary of the USA Freedom Corps - his initiative to engage all Americans in service to their neighbors and their nation. President Bush is recognizing individuals around the country, like Markley, who are answering the call to volunteer service.

In 1997, Markley worked closely with the Cincinnati City Council to help establish the Cincinnati Police Department's Citizens on Patrol program. Citizens on Patrol is one of more than 640 Volunteers in Police Service programs operating throughout the country. For the past six years, Markley has served as the Citizens on Patrol Unit Coordinator for his neighborhood, working with other volunteers to coordinate street patrols and report crimes in progress. Since its creation, the Cincinnati Police Department's Citizens on Patrol Program has expanded from three to 21 neighborhoods.

President Bush created the USA Freedom Corps office at the White House to foster a culture of service, citizenship and responsibility. Through the USA Freedom Corps, President Bush wants to help every American answer the call to volunteer service by strengthening and expanding service opportunities to protect our homeland, support our communities and extend American compassion around the world. Interested volunteers can find opportunities in their own neighborhoods through the USA Freedom Corps web site at or by calling 1-877-USA-CORPS.