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Financial Information on public elementary/secondary education

Table 5. Percent distribution of current instruction and instruction-related expenditures for public elementary and secondary education, by object and state or jurisdiction: 2005–2006

Percent distribution by object
State or jurisdiction Total expenditures1 [in thousands of dollars]   Salaries   Employee benefits   Purchased services   Tuition to out-of-state and private schools   Supplies   Other  
United States2  $296,104,516 3  67.5 3  21.3 3  4.4 3  1.4 3  4.9 3  0.5 3 
Alabama  3,613,442   64.6   23.2   3.5   0.1   8.2   0.4  
Alaska  957,744   62.1   25.0   6.6   0.0   5.4   1.0  
Arizona  4,586,419 3  77.4 3  14.5 3  3.8 3  0.1   3.6 3  0.6 3 
Arkansas  2,534,474 3  68.4 3  17.5 3  4.0 3  0.3   9.0 3  0.8 3 
California  35,850,215 3  66.3 3  21.1 3  5.3 3  1.9   5.4 3  0.0 3 
Colorado  3,907,295   70.5   15.8   3.4   1.3   7.4   1.7  
Connecticut  5,003,775 3  64.8 3  23.1 3  3.4 3  5.7   2.8 3  0.2 3 
Delaware  866,591   63.6   27.3   2.3   0.8   5.0   1.1  
District of Columbia4  625,904 3  61.1 3  7.5 3  8.0 3  22.4   1.1 3  0.0 3 
Florida  13,764,969 3  64.9 3  17.9 3  11.1 3  #   5.3 3  0.8 3 
Georgia  9,348,593 3  70.1 3  20.6 3  2.6 3  0.1   6.0 3  0.6 3 
Hawaii4  1,143,214   64.0   22.7   5.2   0.4   5.6   2.1  
Idaho  1,117,513 3  68.5 3  22.0 3  4.1 3  0.1   5.3 3  0.1 3 
Illinois  12,223,957 3  71.1 3  18.8 3  4.1 3  1.8   4.0 3  0.1 3 
Indiana  5,843,838 3  62.7 3  31.0 3  2.0 3  #   3.8 3  0.6 3 
Iowa  2,605,837   70.9   21.3   2.6   0.8   4.4   0.1  
Kansas  2,605,113   73.1   16.5   3.5   0.1   6.2   0.7  
Kentucky  3,392,033   70.5   22.3   2.2   #   4.2   0.7  
Louisiana  3,516,871 3  67.3 3  24.2 3  1.8 3  #   6.1 3  0.7 3 
Maine  1,467,136 3  63.7   23.2 3  4.3   5.1   3.2   0.5  
Maryland  6,250,392 3  66.5   23.2 3  2.7   3.8   3.6   0.2  
Massachusetts  8,530,548 3  62.2   25.2 3  0.7   8.6   2.8   0.3  
Michigan  10,269,636   62.4   28.6   5.5   0.0   3.3   0.3  
Minnesota  5,304,226 3  69.5 3  20.5 3  4.7 3  1.0   4.0 3  0.3 3 
Mississippi  2,267,086 3  69.9 3  19.7 3  3.3 3  0.2   6.4 3  0.5 3 
Missouri  4,947,406   70.2   16.8   4.0 3  0.2   8.2   0.6 3 
Montana  807,561   65.7   18.3   7.0   0.1   8.5   0.4  
Nebraska  1,783,853   68.4   22.4   3.7   0.8   3.7   0.9  
Nevada  1,890,821   63.5   21.6   2.7   #   7.7   4.4  
New Hampshire  1,446,317   63.5   22.1   3.2   7.8   3.3   0.2  
New Jersey  13,016,486   65.0   23.1   3.0   4.2   3.7   1.0  
New Mexico  1,662,234   67.2   19.7   5.2   0.0   7.5   0.5  
New York  29,622,407 3  65.7 3  25.4 3  4.9 3  0.8   3.2 3  0.0 3 
North Carolina  6,899,740   73.4   16.9   3.1   0.0   6.4   0.1  
North Dakota  546,554   70.9   19.4   3.7   0.4   5.0   0.7  
Ohio  11,360,796   66.3   21.7   5.3   1.2   4.1   1.3  
Oklahoma  2,673,852   70.7   18.2   2.2   0.0   8.4   0.5  
Oregon  2,992,083   60.6   27.5   4.7   0.7   6.0   0.5  
Pennsylvania  12,803,055   65.1   22.0   6.8   1.7   4.3   0.2  
Rhode Island  1,257,095 3  65.9 3  24.3 3  2.0 3  5.5   2.1 3  0.2 3 
South Carolina  3,699,189   70.1   19.1   4.2   #   5.7   0.8  
South Dakota  590,657   66.9   18.3   5.1   1.1   8.3   0.3  
Tennessee  4,668,182 3  68.8   18.3   2.8   0.0 3  9.7   0.4  
Texas  21,998,997 3  75.8 3  12.0 3  4.2 3  0.2   6.9 3  1.0 3 
Utah  1,885,924   65.4   26.6   2.3   #   5.4   0.3  
Vermont  833,389   62.7   21.0   6.1   6.7   3.1   0.3  
Virginia  7,761,049   70.6   21.0   3.0   0.1   5.3   0.1  
Washington  5,262,132 3  70.4   19.3   5.1   0.2 3  4.3   0.7  
West Virginia  1,690,818 3  60.6 3  31.1 3  2.6 3  # 3  5.7 3  0.0 3 
Wisconsin  5,782,750   62.6   29.4   2.1   1.6   4.0   0.2  
Wyoming  624,347   65.0   23.0   5.2   0.1   6.5   0.2  
Other jurisdictions                             
American Samoa  36,784   58.0   11.2   17.8   0.0   8.2   4.8  
Guam  125,846 3  73.9   18.3   1.7   0.0   5.9 3  0.3  
Commonwealth of the
Northern Mariana Islands 
47,079 3  68.9 3  18.6 3  9.2 3  0.0   3.3 3  0.1 3 
Puerto Rico  2,190,152   80.5   12.2   0.8   0.0   3.8   2.7  
U.S. Virgin Islands  99,432   77.6   20.6   0.2   0.0   1.6   0.0  
# Rounds to zero.
1 Include salaries and benefits for teachers, teaching assistants, librarians and library aides, in-service teacher trainers, curriculum development, student assessment, technology, and supplies and purchased services related to these activities.
2 U.S. totals include the 50 states and the District of Columbia.
3 Value affected by redistribution of reported values to correct for missing data items, and/or to distribute state direct support expenditures.
4 Both the District of Columbia and Hawaii have only one school district each; therefore, neither is comparable to other states.
NOTE: Detail may not sum to totals because of rounding. Instruction-related expenditures consist of expenditures for instructional staff support services.
SOURCE: U.S. Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics, Common Core of Data (CCD), "National Public Education Financial Survey (NPEFS)," fiscal year 2006, Version 1a.
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