U.S. International Transactions Accounts Data

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Today's Date: May 7, 2009     Release Date: March 18, 2009     Next Release Date: June 17, 2009
Earliest Quarter Revised on March 18, 2009: 2008:III

Table 10a. Claims on Foreigners Reported by U.S. Banks and Securities Brokers1
[Millions of dollars, not seasonally adjusted]
Line (Credits +; decrease in U.S. assets. Debits -; increase in U.S. assets.) 2007 2008 Amounts

1 Claims reported by U.S. banks and securities brokers, total (table 1,
     line 54)
-230,143 -209,985 -88,697 -115,926 -221,316 213,859 134,444 298,031 3,398,881
2     Claims for own accounts -222,213 -123,041 -56,992 -121,047 -233,462 155,257 81,210 334,781 2,595,065
3         Denominated in dollars -222,320 -111,686 -59,212 -103,536 -216,959 141,715 71,111 358,146 2,431,456
              By instrument:2  
4                 Resale agreements -75,037 -54,991 -49,384 43,358 -51,199 75,324 -4,682 285,127 466,752
5                 Negotiable certificates of deposit -3,522 513 3,328 123 3,730 -510 354 1,931 325
6                 Other short-term instruments (including money market
977 -2,293 -2,151 -4,443 -515 3,028 -302 2,559 37,516
7                 Deposits and brokerage balances -64,938 -11,022 76,673 -48,583 -146,073 25,626 98,227 -40,927 1,051,313
8                 Other claims (including loans) -79,800 -43,893 -87,678 -93,991 -22,902 38,247 -22,486 109,456 875,550
              By foreign borrower:  
                  Claims on:  
9                     Foreign banks -182,961 -51,556 -61,176 -98,557 -178,277 100,517 12,046 187,610 1,955,776
10                     Foreign nonbanks, excluding foreign official
-44,952 -56,657 -7,729 18,058 -44,914 30,856 40,583 135,042 430,359
11                     Foreign official institutions3 5,593 -3,473 9,693 -23,037 6,232 10,342 18,482 35,494 45,321
              By type of U.S. reporting institution:4  
                  U.S.-owned banks' claims on:  
12                     Foreign banks -21,555 -8,119 17,264 -62,603 -82,007 49,616 -10,403 -103,894 689,341
13                     Foreign nonbanks and foreign official institutions -8,581 -22,928 -1,646 -2,038 -26,249 5,904 4,246 9,011 145,084
                  Foreign-owned banks' claims on:  
14                     Foreign banks -107,574 -18,740 -35,029 -65,474 -51,785 14,244 87,944 145,764 1,059,490
15                     Foreign nonbanks and foreign official institutions -10,272 -2,501 -9,048 -7,121 -8,096 8,140 -2,250 -5,660 115,720
                  Brokers' and dealers' claims on:  
16                     Foreign banks -53,832 -24,697 -43,411 29,520 -44,485 36,657 -65,495 145,740 206,945
17                     Foreign nonbanks and foreign official institutions -20,506 -34,701 12,658 4,180 -4,337 27,154 57,069 167,185 214,876
18         Denominated in foreign currencies 107 -11,355 2,220 -17,511 -16,503 13,542 10,099 -23,365 163,609
              By instrument:2  
19                 Deposits and brokerage balances -4,008 -1,925 1,039 -4,195 -2,234 476 1,594 -24,016 88,487
20                 Other claims (including loans) 4,115 -9,430 1,181 -13,316 -14,269 13,066 8,505 651 75,122
21     Claims for customers' accounts -7,930 -86,944 -31,705 5,121 12,146 58,602 53,234 -36,750 803,816
22         Denominated in dollars 4,700 -84,030 -36,611 -2,198 22,656 57,409 50,892 -46,476 748,488
              By instrument:2  
23                 Commercial paper5 6,071 -6,462 6,074 -3,955 -17,972 2,767 24,005 2,011 119,909
24                 Negotiable certificates of deposit 19,591 -26,455 -19,720 25,289 -15,665 20,859 1,324 31,554 140,978
25                 Other short-term instruments (including money market
-5,400 -31,885 16,036 20,930 31,695 -14,066 -5,330 1,424 55,345
26                 Deposits and brokerage balances (including sweep
-13,897 -18,893 -30,173 -53,762 23,576 46,234 31,292 -81,848 416,943
27                 Other claims -1,665 -335 -8,828 9,300 1,022 1,615 -399 383 15,313
28         Denominated in foreign currencies -12,630 -2,914 4,906 7,319 -10,510 1,193 2,342 9,726 55,328
              By instrument:2  
29                 Deposits and brokerage balances -16,053 -3,229 7,184 1,788 -8,296 4,151 5,572 9,097 30,159
30                 Other claims 3,423 315 -2,278 5,531 -2,214 -2,958 -3,230 629 25,169
  Claims, total (line 1), by area:  
31     Europe -177,034 -118,245 -133,606 -34,853 -141,344 151,773 24,115 374,532 1,636,455
          Of which:  
32             United Kingdom -43,294 -69,231 -108,692 21,106 -52,182 121,778 -66,404 256,123 879,077
33             Switzerland -57,821 -4,124 -5,067 -8,499 16,755 50,252 11,783 12,272 103,062
34     Canada -3,764 -23,832 -5,067 1,706 -21,939 23,927 -11,777 -1,373 150,347
35     Caribbean financial centers8 -61,164 -50,223 21,649 -48,994 -50,355 41,305 81,557 -113,018 1,320,428
36     Latin America, excluding Caribbean financial centers -4,275 -5,968 -15,405 -2,150 -1,627 -11,233 3,331 4,351 95,268
37     Asia 19,484 -6,734 48,137 -19,738 1,051 11,731 18,621 23,578 144,503
38         Of which: Japan 21,511 5,347 26,965 8,249 -11,483 3,764 6,634 9,128 86,324
39     Africa 604 277 -390 -6,285 -7,985 -2,753 14,013 1,444 3,868
40     Other -3,994 -5,260 -4,015 -5,612 883 -891 4,584 8,517 48,012
1 International banking facilities' (IBFs) own claims, denominated in
     dollars (in lines 1-15 above)
-94,936 12,964 28,542 -65,865 35,645 119,845 -4,673 24,528 468,857
      By bank ownership:4  
2         U.S.-owned IBFs -22,137 559 20,280 -37,395 -13,157 63,344 -10,808 -27,149 92,979
3         Foreign-owned IBFs -72,799 12,405 8,262 -28,470 48,802 56,501 6,135 51,677 375,878


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Last updated: Wednesday, March 18, 2009