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U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
Office of Research and Development
National Center for Environmental Research
Science to Achieve Results (STAR) Program


1998 Decision-Making and Valuation for Environmental Policy

EPA/NSF Star Partnership for Environmental Research
Interagency Announcement of Opportunity

Opening Date: September 26,1997
Closing Date: January 15, 1998


The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the National Science Foundation (NSF) announce their intent to support a special awards competition in Fiscal Year (FY) 1998. This EPA/NSF competition has been developed based on a Memorandum of Understanding between the agencies which establishes a partnership emphasizing the support and merit review of fundamental, extramural environmental research. NSF and EPA's Office of Research and Development are continuing their cooperation in this extramural grants program in FY 1998. This is the fourth year of the joint special awards competition. Information on awards made through the FY 1995 through 1997 competitions may be found on the Internet through: http://www.nsf.gov or http://es.epa.gov/ncer/

This year's EPA/NSF Partnership competitions will include the following four research areas:

This announcement solicits applications for Decision-making and Valuation for Environmental Policy. Awards made through this competition are dependent upon responsiveness of the proposals to the announcement, the quality of the proposed research, and the availability of funds. Under this announcement, EPA and NSF anticipate awarding:

Approximately $2 million for Decision-making and Valuation for Environmental Policy, with a projected award range from $60,000 to $125,000 per award per year, and an approximate duration of 2 to 3 years. Field experiments, survey research, and multi-investigator projects may be considered for a higher funding level. Depending on the quality of proposals and the recommendations from merit review, the sponsoring agencies expect more than half the resources to be allocated to the component area of benefits of environmental policies and programs.

Proposals in response to this announcement must be received by January 15, 1998. It is anticipated that awards will be made by Fall 1998. Awards resulting from this competition may be made by either EPA or NSF, at the option of the agencies, not the grantee.

Further information, if needed, may be obtained from the EPA and NSF officials indicated below. E-mail inquiries are the preferred communication method.

GENERAL INFORMATION ON THE COMPETITION: Information on Decision-making and Valuation for Environmental Policy:


The Decision-making and Valuation for Environmental Policy competition encourages research on improving decision-making and understanding diverse values in environmental policy and related public issues. Within this component, priority will be given to research leading to advances in valuing environmental quality and economic growth and in improving environmental decision making.

Theoretical and empirical research in mathematics, social and behavioral sciences, and environmental ethics provides a number of useful frameworks and tools for organizing information on the economic and social influences on, and consequences of, alternative environmental policies. Benefit-cost analysis, multi-criteria decision analysis, cost-effectiveness analysis, and consensus modeling represent well known approaches in environmental decision-making. At the federal and, to a more limited extent, state levels, major regulations as well as legislative initiatives and some other decisions require benefit-cost analyses.

One goal of this competition is to support research that advances the scientific basis of valuation and decision analysis as it contributes to the formulation and evaluation of environmental policy. The lack of generally accepted methods for identifying and/or valuing many important economic, environmental and social benefits, costs, and interactions limits the use of decision-analytic frameworks, particularly for community based environmental problems and issues dealing with ecosystem variability. This competition invites applications that address key theoretical, empirical and methodological needs associated with the development and use of these frameworks. Funding priority will be given to research that assists environmental agencies at all levels of government to address issues of practical significance to their activities, and to novel, collaborative, or interdisciplinary scientific efforts.


Government agencies responsible for policy analysis, regulatory decision-making, priority setting for environmental actions, and assessment have an interest in advancing research to help develop practical, systematic and credible approaches to identifying economic, environmental and social interactions, estimating their benefits and costs, and improving decision-making about environmental issues. This competition is intended to support research projects in:

  1. 1. Valuing human health and environmental quality and economic growth; and
  2. 2. Innovations and improvements in environmental decision making.
I. Determination of the Costs and Benefits of Environmental Policies and Programs

A. Economic Benefits of Environmental Policies and Programs

B. Ecosystem Valuation

C. Economic Costs of Environmental Policies and Programs

D. Relationship between Economic Growth and Environmental Quality

II. Innovations and Improvements in Environmental Decision Making

A. Methodological Innovations and Improvement

B. Advances in Understanding Values and Perceptions Relevant in Environmental Decision-making

C. Procedural Innovations and Improvements in Environmental Decision-making

2.1 Relationship to Current EPA Activities

2.2 Relationship to Current NSF Activities

2.3 Additional Considerations



4.1 Sorting Codes

Decision-making and Valuation for Environmental Policy

Economic Benefits of Environmental Policies and Programs 98-NCERQA-J1
Ecosystem Valuation 98-NCERQA-J2
Economic Costs of Environmental Policies and Programs 98-NCERQA-J3
Relationship between Economic Growth and Environmental Quality 98-NCERQA-J4
Innovations and Improvements in Environmental Decision-Making 98-NCERQA-J5

The Sorting Code must be placed at the top of the abstract (as shown in the abstract format), on the title page (as shown in the title page format), and must also be included in the address on the package that is sent to EPA.

4.2 The Application

4.3 How to Apply

4.4 Guidelines, Limitations, and Additional Requirements


5.1 Review Procedures

5.2 Proprietary Information


6.1 EPA Grant Administration

6.2 NSF Grant Administration

6.3 NSF Applicant Information

This is the end of the file. You need the required forms to complete an application for this grant. The grant forms are available in Adobe Acrobat Portable Document Format (PDF) and can be downloaded and then read on screen and printed only if you have Adobe Acrobat Reader 2.1 or higher. The Forms can also be obtain via our Hotline automated FAX server (1-800-490-9194).

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