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Remarks Prepared for Delivery
By The Honorable Gale Norton
Secretary of the Interior
Airstream Visit
October 25, 2004

It is a pleasure to be here. I am looking forward to a tour of your factory. I just had a great drive from Columbus, on which I enjoyed seeing all the changing autumn leaves.

Airstream - your company's name speaks of open roads and wide horizons. The motor homes and travel trailers you make here allow people to get there - wherever there is - a favorite fishing hole or hunting stand, an amazing national park, or even simply a place that they have never been before.

Airstreams also have a special meaning for me-they were my first home.

Airstreams are vehicles that allow Americans to fulfill a basic right and a fundamental privilege - that of being free.

President Bush and I are continuing to work for policies that open free horizons, both in your pocketbooks and on our parks and public lands.

You are seeing that freedom. The recreation vehicle industry is one of the fastest growing segments of the U.S. economy. Airstream was one of the fastest growing companies in the industry last year. It is well on its way to being one of the fastest growing companies again this year.

Airstream's revenues are up. Over the last two years, you have nearly doubled your number of employees.

The President's pro-growth, pro-freedom policies are working across the country. More than 1.9 million jobs have been created, and the national unemployment rate is the lowest it has been since October 2001.

Having more money means having more freedom to enjoy the outdoors, to explore this great country of ours. Recreation and tourism are rebounding.

You do your part by making products that people can enjoy on our public lands. President Bush and I are doing our part by making sure that you have access to parks and other wide open spaces, and that they are well cared for.

National Park visitorship is up by 5 percent this year. Those who come are seeing a lot of construction signs. In the past three years, we have undertaken or completed about 4,000 projects to repair and restore aging infrastructure such as leaking sewer systems, crumbling trails and deteriorating historic buildings.

The President has committed $4.9 billion to restoration and repair projects at National Parks. He has also requested a near-doubling of funding to repair roads in them.

The National Park Service's annual budget is 20 percent higher than when the President took office. We are now spending more money per acre, per employee and per visitor in the National Park system than at any time in its history.

Yet repaired roads and restored buildings are of little use if the gates that lead to them are shut.

Recognizing that people like you are wise stewards of our public lands, President Bush and I have done all that we can to improve access on parks and wildlife refuges. We have expanded hunting and fishing access at more than 60 National Wildlife Refuges. Visitation by birdwatchers and photographers is increasing more rapidly in refuges than in parks.

The Fish and Wildlife Service, the Bureau of Land Management and the U.S. Forest Service have signed an agreement with 17 sportsmen organizations to improve hunting and fishing access to federal lands.

There are many means of access to those lands - RVs, SUVs, boats and even snowmobiles. We believe that all those vehicles have a place on our public lands when used responsibly.

We are planning carefully to find the right balance on our 100 million acres of wilderness.

All those lands are ours - to be cared for and to be enjoyed. The RVs you make here provide that freedom to millions of Americans.

America has so many beautiful places - majestic purple mountains and waves of amber grain, deep blue lakes and leafy green forests. It is the proud land of a free people.

All of what is represented here - access to public lands; increased personal income; enjoyment of Airstreams and recreation vehicles - they all speak to the same fundamental value of freedom.

Next year, you will celebrate your 75th anniversary. Thanks to you, the horizons are just as wide as they were when the first Airstream rolled onto the open road.

Thank you.

[Speech continues on next page: Announcement and certificate]

Airstream has taken an active role in an organization that makes me proud because it makes America proud.

Take Pride in America is a program that allows Americans to put their hands where their hearts are. The volunteers of Take Pride in America work on public lands all across the country, creating trails and clearing coastlines, planting seeds and restoring streams.

I am delighted that Airstream has decided to become a charter partner in Take Pride in America. In becoming a partner, your company is making a valued commitment to that patriotic cause.

Airstream has agreed to loan a Class A motor home (worth about $200,000) to Take Pride next summer. The deluxe unit will serve as the mobile operations center for the Take Pride in America 2005 Western Tour.

In fact, Airstream will be a sponsor of that tour, much of which will be focused on the Continental Divide National Scenic Trail.

You have taken pride in other ways as well. Each year, Take Pride recognizes outstanding volunteers with Take Pride in America awards. Last year, the Wally Byam Caravan, the Airstream owners association, was one of the 15 winners.

The Recreation Vehicle Industry Association is also a proud charter partner of Take Pride in America.

RVIA has led the way for Americans to enjoy our public lands responsibly, and I am glad to have the opportunity to recognize its efforts as well.

RVIA motivates some 30 million current RV travelers and untold millions more would-be RVers to enjoy our public lands responsibly.

The website reaches 2 million visitors annually with information about officially designated scenic byways, opportunities to camp on public lands, and environmental aware RVing.

As a tribute to your efforts, I am pleased to present a certificate of appreciation to Dave Humphreys, the President of the Recreation Vehicle Association, and to Don Walter, Chairman of the GoRVing Coalition.

[Present award]

Thanks to all of you, freedom keeps rolling. Let us continue toward those wide open horizons.

Thank you.