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"Mending Our National Parks"
Interior Secretary Gale A. Norton
July 2004

[Introduction by Billy Hewes, ALEC 2004 National Chair, Mississippi]

I'm delighted to speak to the American Legislative Exchange Council. Over the years, I have attended a number of ALEC meetings. I used to represent the Colorado Legislature in some litigation about 20 years ago, and my first ALEC meeting was not long after that.

The Bush administration is deeply committed to federalism-to the central concept that states are the bedrock of our American system of government. Our commitment is practical as well as philosophical.

As you all know, President Bush himself is a former state governor. I am a former state official. Six of the eight people President Bush selected to head Interior's bureaus came from state government. This morning you heard from one of my outstanding colleagues, Mike Leavitt, former Governor of Utah.

It comes naturally to people from state government backgrounds to work closely with state and local elected officials. I was amazed to find when I took office that state and local elected officials had previously been viewed as "just another interest group."

This administration has dramatically changed that approach. The result is better decision-making. We can learn a lot from the people who know each area the best. By tapping into local knowledge, we can improve the way we manage our lands.