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U.S. Interior Secretary Gale Norton
Take Pride in America Partner's Meeting
Washington, DC
April 15, 2004
As Delivered
  • Welcome to the Department of the Interior and welcome to this momentous occasion - the one year anniversary of Take Pride in America.
  • One year ago, I had the pleasure of reviving a program that harnesses the collective spirit of American patriotism for the betterment of our nation's public lands.
  • Take Pride in America rallies all Americans to make a difference. And what a difference a year makes!
  • Marti will speak to the accomplishments of the past year, but I want to take a few moments to offer my appreciation and congratulate you on a well done.
  • There's an expression that's perhaps over-used, but non-the-less fitting for today's anniversary celebration: If you build it, they will come.
  • I'm sure that when Kevin Costner's character uttered those words in the movie Field of Dreams, he never imagined a Cabinet Secretary using them to describe a volunteer program.
  • Regardless, I think "If you build it, they will come" is a fitting metaphor for Take Pride In America.
  • A year ago, the foundation of a program was built and since then the program has not only grown, but attracted the interest of countless Americans - volunteers from all over our nation, devoted to lands as diverse as community gardens and ocean beaches.
  • Thanks in part to your enthusiasm and commitment, the American people are using their energy and creativity to help our parks, refuges, and public recreation areas. More children are realizing their great inheritance of scenic beauty and natural bounty.
  • The cornerstone of Take Pride in America is the belief that you have to engage individuals to take responsibility for improving their community environment.
  • At Interior we call it "cooperative conservation," and you are helping to turn that philosophy into action.
  • The environmental challenges we face in the 21st century are in many ways more subtle and more difficult than we have faced in the past. They deal with managing the increasing demands on the land and the conservation of our resources. How do we meet the need to develop and expand our economy while conserving our land and its rivers, plains, forests and abundant wildlife?
  • Enforcing laws alone will not achieve the level of environmental quality we want to see. We need to go beyond minimum compliance, and reach out to harness innovation and enthusiasm. We need to tap into American ingenuity and the community spirit to care for our land, water, air and wildlife. The success of Take Pride in America in its first year shows this is possible.
  • Day-by-day, event-by-event, Take Pride in America is doing just that. Volunteers, personally vested in a project, are reaping great success.
  • I want to thank you for your commitment and involvement with this terrific program.
  • As we enter into our second year, I encourage you to continue in partnership with Take Pride, and I encourage you to continue in partnership with Take Pride, and I challenge you to maximize your involvement.
  • American volunteers focused on the maintenance and improvement of America's big backyard - the public lands - are counting on you. It's your land, lend a hand!