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Secretary Norton
Talking Points for Southeast Tourism
Policy Council MOU Signing Ceremony
2 February, 2004
  • I welcome this opportunity to meet with you and to sign this Memorandum of Understanding that will formally establish the Southeast Tourism Policy Council.
  • First I want to thank Bill Hardman and the Southeast Tourism Society for their work in creating this Council. You know the challenges and are prepared to work with us to meet them. We are truly grateful to all of you.
  • This new partnership between the federal government and the public/private sector is a classic example of public, private cooperation-with a focus on tourism.
  • This agreement and this Council are important to tourism in the southeast. It opens new channels of communications between the travel industry and the federal government.
  • More importantly, I appreciate your support and enthusiasm for helping us to create opportunities that will educate the public and enrich the visitor experience at our national parks, refuges, special places and recreation sites.
  • We strongly support the creation of this important Council.
  • The organizations represented on this Council affect many aspects of tourism-from transportation and outdoor recreation to historic preservation and visitor programs.
  • It is a major component of working together to improve efforts to plan and promote marketing opportunities for America's public lands-in a coordinated manner.
  • The Southeast Tourism Society is an inspiring mix of interests from both the public sector and the private sector.
  • Their membership represents states, local governments, and a variety of travel related businesses.
  • Today with this agreement, we join hands together as strong advocates with common goals in support of public lands and the economic viability of tourism.
  • It is with special satisfaction that I join you in signing this very important agreement. It represents a significant step forward in providing opportunities for our visitors to appreciate and enjoy the rich history and heritage of the southeast.

    The purpose of this Council is to:
    o Establish a general framework of organization for cooperation
    o Achieve consistency and mutual understanding of our respective roles
    o Maintain close coordination with federal agencies to support the economic viability of tourism interests and communities.

  • I believe that all of us here today share a common interest.
  • Let us look with a fresh eye to working together with the willingness and courage to find programs and initiatives that will benefit our public lands and meet the needs of the American people.
    Thank you.