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Windows, Doors, and Skylights Purchasing & Procurement

What ENERGY STAR Purchasing & Procurement resources does ENERGY STAR offer?

ENERGY STAR Purchasing & Procurement resources include lists of qualifying products, key product criteria, drop-in procurement language and savings calculators. Organizations can use these resources to facilitate the procurement of energy efficient ENERGY STAR qualified products and prevent greenhouse gas emissions.

The following is an example of language you may wish to require in your upcoming contract:

The Vendor Must:

Provide windows that have earned the ENERGY STAR and meet the ENERGY STAR specifications for energy efficiency in the appropriate climate zone as outlined below.

Windows & Doors
Climate Zone U-Factor1 SHGC2
Northern <= 0.35 Any
North/Central <= 0.40 <= 0.55
South/Central <= 0.40 <= 0.40 Prescriptive
<= 0.41 <= 0.36 Equivalent Performance (Excluding CA)
Products meeting these criteria also qualify in the Southern zone
<= 0.42 <= 0.31
<= 0.43 <= 0.24
Southern <= 0.65 <= 0.40 Prescriptive
<= 0.66 <= 0.39 Equivalent Performance
<= 0.67
<= 0.68 <= 0.38
<= 0.69 <= 0.37
<= 0.70
<= 0.71 <= 0.36
<= 0.72 <= 0.35
<= 0.73
<= 0.74 <= 0.34
<= 0.75 <= 0.33
Climate Zone U-Factor1
(2001 NFRC rated at 20 degrees)3
(RES97 rated at 90 degrees)4
Northern <= 0.60 <= 0.45 Any
North/Central <= 0.60 <= 0.45 <= 0.40
South/Central <= 0.60 <= 0.45 <= 0.40
Southern <= 0.75 <= 0.75 <= 0.40

1 Btu/h.ft2.0F
2 Fraction of incident solar radiation
3 U-Factor qualification criteria based on 2001 NFRC simulation and certification procedures that rate skylights at a 20-degree angle. Although reported U-Factor is higher than RES97 rated products, energy performance at the ENERGY STAR minimum qualifying level is equivalent.
4 NFRC certification using the 1997 NFRC procedures for residential windows (RES 97) that rated skylights at a 90-degree angle. Skylights rated under this procedure may be present in the marketplace until March 31, 2008. NFRC labels for products using this procedure state: “RES97 rated at 90 degrees.”

Windows, doors, and skylights climate zone map showing the 4 climates zones: Northern (mostly heating), Northern/Central (heating and cooling), Southern/Central (cooling and heating, Southern (mostly cooling), and zones where alternative criteria are allowed (Southern/Central and Southern climate zones)