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Permitted Space Station List

Pursuant to the DISCO II First Reconsideration Order, FCC 99-325 (released October 29, 1999), a U.S.-licensed earth station with an ALSAT license is permitted to access any space station on this list, provided that it complies with the Commission's technical requirements, and operates under the conditions on its license and set forth in the Orders cited below. Nothing in the DISCO II First Reconsideration Order, however, eliminates the need for an earth station operator or space station operator to request authority to make technical changes to its facility where those changes require prior Commission approval under Sections 25.117 and 25.118 of the Commission's rules. See DISCO II First Reconsideration Order at para. 13 n.31.

The information in this website is an unofficial list of conditions applicable to ALSAT-designated earth stations communicating with the satellites listed below, provided for the convenience of earth station operators with ALSAT licenses. It is not necessarily an exhaustive list of all applicable conditions. Earth station operators are advised that nothing in this website affects in any way the requirements in their earth station licenses and the Orders cited below adding satellites to the Permitted Space Station List.

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All U.S.-Licensed Space Stations in the geostationary orbit

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Authorized Frequency Range for U.S. Earth Stations with an ALSAT Classification: 3700-4200 MHz
5925-6425 MHz
11.7-12.2 GHz
14.0-14.5 GHz

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banner curve AMAZONAS-1  banner corner

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Orbit Location: 61° W.L.
Authorized Frequency Range for U.S. Earth Stations with an ALSAT Classification: 3700-4200 MHz
5925-6425 MHz
11.7-12.2 GHz
14.0-14.5 GHz

1. Communications between ALSAT-designated routine earth stations and the AMAZONAS- 1 satellite shall be in compliance with the satellite coordination agreements reached between Brazil and other administrations.

2. Operation of AMAZONAS-1 shall be in accordance with the power flux-density requirements of 47 C.F.R. § 25.208 of the Commission's Rules.

3. Refer to the following applications for additional conditions of grant

Licensing Administration: Brazil
File Number: SAT-PPL-20040402-00073 and SAT-MOD-20040628-00124
Added to Permitted List: Policy Branch Information, Actions Taken, Public Notice , Report Number SAT-00222 (rel. June 18, 2004 ); Policy Branch Information, Actions Taken , Public Notice , Report Number SAT - 00237 (rel. August 27, 2004 ).
Grant: AMAZONAS-1, pdf image link electornic format

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banner curve AMC-18 (ITU Designation: GIBSAT A1) (12/07/06) banner corner

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AMC-18 (ITU Designation: GIBSAT A1)

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Orbit Location: 104.95° W.L.
Authorized Frequency Range for U.S. Earth Stations with an ALSAT Classification: 3700-4200 MHz (Downlink)
5925-6425 MHz (Uplink)

1. AMC-18 is not authorized to provide any Direct-to-Home Service, Direct Broadcast Service, or Digital Audio Radio Service to, from, or within the United States.

2. Communications between ALSAT-designated routine earth stations and the AMC-18 satellite shall be in compliance with coordination agreements reached between Gibraltar and the United Kingdom and other administrations.

Licensing Administration: Gibraltar
File Number: SAT-PPL-20061006-00118
Added to Permitted List: See SAT-PPL-20061006-00118 (Int'l Bur. Sat. Div., Auth. By Grant Stamp w/ Conditions, December 7, 2006).
Grant: AMC-18, pdf image link electornic format

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banner curve AMC-21 (ITU Designation: AM-SAT 125W) (08/06/08) banner corner

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AMC-21 (ITU Designation: AM-SAT 125W)

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Orbit Location: 124.9° W.L.
Authorized Frequency Range for U.S. Earth Stations with an ALSAT Classification: 11.7-12.2 GHz (Downlink)
14.0-14.5 GHz (Uplink)

1. The AMC-21 space station must be launched and begin operations by September 16, 2010.

2. Within 30 days of grant of this assignment, SES Satellites (Gibraltar) Ltd. must furnish either: (1) an acknowledgement from Westchester Fire Insurance Company that it will continue to be bound by Bond Number K0 72 95 48 0 upon consummation of the assignment; or (2) a new bond in the amount of $750,000, pursuant to the procedures set forth in Public Notice, DA 03-2602, 18 FCC Rcd 16283 (2003); or (3) proof that the launch and operating milestone for the AMC-21 space station has been satisfied by launch and operation of the spacecraft.

3. Failure to meet either condition 1. or 2., above, would result in removal of the AMC-21 space station from the Commission’s Permitted List. Such removal will be without prejudice to SES Satellites (Gibraltar) Ltd. filing another request to serve the U.S. market via AMC-21.

4. Communications between ALSAT-designated routine earth stations and the AMC-21 space station shall be in compliance with coordination agreements reached between the United Kingdom and other administrations.

Licensing Administration: United Kingdom
File Number: SAT-ASG-20080609-00120
Added to Permitted List: See SAT-ASG-20080609-00120 (Int'l Bur. Sat. Div., Auth. By Grant Stamp w/ Conditions, August 6, 2008).
Grant: AMC-18, pdf image link electornic format

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banner curve AMOS-2 (ITU Designation: AMOS-2B) (07/11/03)  banner corner

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AMOS-2 (ITU Designation: AMOS-2B)

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Orbit Location: 4° W.L.
Authorized Frequency Range for U.S. Earth Stations with an ALSAT Classification: 14000-14500 MHz (Uplink)

1. ALSAT-designated earth stations are authorized to transmit to AMOS-2 in the 14.0-14.5 GHz frequency band without further Commission action, consistent with the technical parameters contained in the earth station authorization. Communications in any other band are not permitted.

2. ALSAT-designated earth stations may not receive transmissions from the AMOS-2 satellite unless expressly authorized by the earth station license.

3. ALSAT-designated earth stations are not authorized to use AMOS-2 to provide any Direct-to-Home (DTH) service, Direct Broadcast Satellite (DBS) service, or Digital Audio Radio Service (DARS) to, from, or within the United States.

Licensing Administration: Israel
File Number: SAT-PDR-20020823-00161
Added to Permitted List: Spacecom Satellite Communication Services S.C.C. Ltd., DA 03-2274, Order, 18 FCC Rcd. 14433 (Int'l Bur., released Jul. 11, 2003).
Order: AMOS-2, pdf image link electornic format

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banner curve ANIK E2R (06/03/03)  banner corner

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Orbit Location: 111.1° W.L. (Originally Galaxy IIIR Operating at 74° W.L. Under U.S. Authority)
Authorized Frequency Range for U.S. Earth Stations with an ALSAT Classification: 3700-4200 MHz (Downlink)
5925-6425 MHz (Uplink)
11700-12200 MHz (Downlink)
14000-14500 MHz (Uplink)

1. ALSAT-designated earth stations are not authorized to use Anik E2R to provide any Direct-to-Home ("DTH") service, Direct Broadcast Satellite ("DBS") service, or Digital Audio Radio Service ("DARS") to, from, or within the United States.

2. Communications between Anik E2R and ALSAT-designated earth stations shall be in compliance with the satellite coordination agreements reached between Canada and other administrations

Licensing Administration: Canada
File Number: SAT-PDR-20030416-00068
Added to Permitted List: Telesat Canada, authorized by grant stamp, Int'l Bur., Sat. Div. (June 3, 2003).
Order: ANIK E2R,pdf image link electornic format

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banner curve ANIK F1 (ITU Designation: ANIK-1A) (12/03/00)  banner corner

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ANIK F1 (ITU Designation: ANIK-1A)

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Orbit Location: 107.3° W.L.
Authorized Frequency Range for U.S. Earth Stations with an ALSAT Classification: 3700-4200 MHz (Downlink)
5925-6425 MHz (Uplink)
11.7-12.2 GHz (Downlink)
14.0-14.5 GHz (Uplink)

1. Telesat Canada is not authorized to use ANIK F1 to provide any Direct-to-Home (DTH) service, Direct Broadcast Satellite (DBS) service, or Digital Audio Radio Service (DARS) to, from, or within the United States.

2. Telesat Canada's operation of ANIK F1 must comply with its applicable current and future operational requirements as a result of coordination agreements with other satellite systems.

3. Access to the ANIK F1 satellite network SHALL BE in compliance with the satellite coordination agreements reached between the United States and Canada, and any future modifications to such agreements.

4. Telesat Canada is granted a waiver of Section 25.210(a)(3) of the Commission's rules for the purpose of using ANIK F1 to communicate with ALSAT-designated earth stations in the United States in the conventional C-band. This waiver will remain in effect as long as ANIK F1 remains at 107.3° W.L. As a condition on this waiver, Telesat Canada must meet the requirements set forth in paragraph 21 of this Order.

Licensing Administration: Canada
File Number: SAT-PDR-20000420-00083
Added to Permitted List: Telesat Canada, DA 00-2835, Order, 15 FCC Rcd. 24828 (Sat. and Rad. Div., released Dec. 19, 2000).
Order: ANIK F1,pdf image link electornic format

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banner curve ANIK F1R (ITU Designation: ANIK F1R) (7/21/05) banner corner

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ANIK F1R (ITU Designation: ANIK F1R)

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Orbit Location: 107.3° W.L.
Authorized Frequency Range for U.S. Earth Stations with an ALSAT Classification: 3700-4200 MHz (Downlink)
5925-6425 MHz (Uplink)
11.7-12.2 GHz (Downlink)
14.0-14.5 GHz (Uplink)

1. Telesat Canada is not authorized to use ANIK F1R to provide any Direct-to-Home (DTH) service, Direct Broadcast Satellite (DBS) service, or Digital Audio Radio Service (DARS) to, from, or within the United States.

2. Communications between ALSAT-designated routine earth stations and the Anik F1R satellite SHALL BE in compliance with the satellite coordination agreements reached between Canada and other administrations.

3. Telesat Canada is granted a waiver of Section 25.210(a)(3) of the Commission's rules for the purpose of using ANIK F1R to communicate with ALSAT-designated earth stations in the United States in the conventional C-band. As a condition of this waiver, Telesat Canada is only permitted to transmit or receive FM video TV signals on transponders that have been coordinated and ANIK F1R must accommodate future satellite networks serving the United States that are two-degree compliant.

Licensing Administration: Canada
File Number: SAT-PDR-20050504-00094
Added to Permitted List: See SAT-PDR-20050504-00094 (Int'l Bur. Sat. Div., Auth. By Grant Stamp w/ Conditions, July 21, 2005).
Order: ANIK F1R,pdf image link electornic format

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banner curve ANIK F2 (ITU Designation:  ANIK-1A) (12/18/02)  banner corner

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ANIK F2 (ITU Designation: CANSAT-1A)

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Orbit Location: 111.1° W.L.
Authorized Frequency Range for U.S. Earth Stations with an ALSAT Classification: 3700-4200 MHz (Downlink)
5925-6425 MHz (Uplink)
11700-12200 MHz (Downlink)
14000-14500 MHz (Uplink)

1. ALSAT-designated earth stations are not authorized to use Anik F2 to provide any Direct-to-Home ("DTH") service, Direct Broadcast Satellite ("DBS") service, or Digital Audio Radio Service ("DARS") to, from, or within the United States.

2. Telesat Canada's operation of Anik F2 must comply with coordination agreements reached with other satellite systems.

3. Telesat Canada is granted a waiver of Section 25.210(a)(3) of the Commission's rules, 47 C.F.R. § 25.210(a)(3), for the purpose of communicating with Anik F2 in the conventional C- and Ku-bands.

Licensing Administration: Canada
File Number: SAT-PDR-20010906-00082
Added to Permitted List: Telesat Canada, DA 02-3490, Order, 17 FCC Rcd. 25287 (Int’l Bur., released Dec. 18, 2002).
Order: ANIK F2, electornic format pdf image link

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banner curve ANIK F3 ((ITU Designation: CANSAT-18, CANSAT-22) ) (1/19/07) banner corner

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ANIK F3 (ITU Designation: CANSAT-18, CANSAT-22)

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Orbit Location: 118.7° W.L.
Authorized Frequency Range for U.S. Earth Stations with an ALSAT Classification: 3700-4200 MHz (Downlink)
5925-6425 MHz (Uplink)
11700-12200 MHz (Downlink)
14000-14500 MHz (Uplink)

1. ALSAT-designated earth stations are not authorized to use Anik F3 to provide any Direct-to-Home ("DTH") service, Direct Broadcast Satellite ("DBS") service, or Digital Audio Radio Service ("DARS") to, from, or within the United States.
2. Telesat Canada is granted a waiver of Section 25.210(a)(3) of the Commission's rules, 47 C.F.R. § 25.210(a)(3), for the purpose of communicating with Anik F3 in the conventional C- and Ku-bands, subject to the following conditions:
(a)  This waiver will only remain in effect as long as Anik F3 remains at a location designated as Canadian under the Trilateral Arrangement.
(b)  Telesat Canada is required to operate Anik F3 in accordance with the coordination agreements it has reached with operators of other satellite systems that have been authorized to provide service to the U.S. market and any future coordination agreements.
3.  Unless extended by the Commission for good cause shown, ANIK F3 shall be removed from the Permitted Space Station List in the event the space station is not constructed, launched, and successfully placed into operation in accordance with the technical parameters in its Petition for Declaratory Ruling and the terms and conditions of the Order adding Anik F3 to the Permitted list, by the dates set forth in EchoStar Satellite, LLC, Order and Authorization, 20 FCC Rcd 20083 (2005).

Licensing Administration: Canada
File Number: SAT-PPL-20060516-00061
Added to Permitted List: Telesat Canada, DA 07-118, Order, (Int’l Bur., released Jan. 19, 2007).
Order: ANIK F3, electornic format pdf image link

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banner curve ESTRELA DO SUL 1 (ITU Designation: BSAT-1) (12/23/03)  banner corner

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ESTRELA DO SUL 1 (ITU Designation: BSAT-1)

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Orbit Location: 63° W.L.
Authorized Frequency Range for U.S. Earth Stations with an ALSAT Classification: 11700-12200 MHz (Downlink)
14000-14500 MHz (Uplink)

1. ALSAT-designated earth stations are only authorized to communicate with Estrela do Sul 1 in the 11.7-12.2 GHz and 14.0-14.5 GHz bands, consistent with the technical parameters contained in the earth station authorization.

2. Operation of Estrela do Sul 1 shall be in compliance with applicable current and future operational requirements as a result of coordination agreements reached with other satellite systems.

3. Estrela do Sul 1 is not authorized to provide any Direct-to-Home (DTH) service, Direct Broadcast Satellite (DBS) service, or Digital Audio Radio Service (DARS) to, from, or within the United States; and

4. Communications between ALSAT-designated routine earth stations and the Estrela do Sul 1 satellite shall be in compliance with the satellite coordination agreements reached between Brazil and other administrations.

Licensing Administration: Brazil
File Number: SAT-PDR-20021010-00196
Added to Permitted List: Loral Skynet do Brasil, DA 03-4095, Order (FCC Rcd. Unavailable) (Int'l Bur., released Dec. 23, 2003).
Order: Brasilsat A2, pdf image link electornic format

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banner curve EUTELSAT AB-1 (9/05/01)  banner corner

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Orbit Location: 12.5° W.L.
Authorized Frequency Range for U.S. Earth Stations with an ALSAT Classification: 14000-14500 MHz (Uplink)

1. ALSAT-designated earth stations are permitted to communicate with the EUTELSAT AB-1 satellite and EUTELSAT AB-2 satellite in the uplink frequencies of 14.0-14.5 GHz. consistent with the technical parameters contained in the earth station authorization. Communications in any other band are not permitted;

2. ALSAT-designated earth stations may not receive transmissions from the EUTELSAT AB-1 and AB-2 satellites unless expressly authorized by the earth station license;

3. Operations between ALSAT-designated earth stations and the EUTELSAT AB-1 and EUTELSAT AB-2 satellites shall be in compliance with the satellite coordination agreements reached between the United States and France; and

4. Service between ALSAT-designated earth stations and the EUTELSAT AB-1 and EUTELSAT AB-2 satellites is limited to fixed-satellite service, excluding direct-to-home services. Provision of Direct-to-Home (DTH), Direct Broadcast Satellite (DBS), or Digital Audio Radio Service (DARS) is prohibited.

Licensing Administration: France
File Number: SAT-PDR-20010118-00011
Added to Permitted List: European Telecommunication Satellite Organization, DA 01-2040, Order, 16 FCC Rcd. 15961 (Satellite and Radiocommunication Div., Int'l Bur., released Aug. 30, 2001).
Order: EUTELSAT AB-1, pdf image link electornic format

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banner curve EUTELSAT AB-2 (9/05/01)  banner corner

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Orbit Location: 8° W.L.
Authorized Frequency Range for U.S. Earth Stations with an ALSAT Classification: 14000-14500 MHz (Uplink)

1. ALSAT-designated earth stations are permitted to communicate with the EUTELSAT AB-1 satellite and EUTELSAT AB-2 satellite in the uplink frequencies of 14.0-14.5 GHz. consistent with the technical parameters contained in the earth station authorization. Communications in any other band are not permitted;

2. ALSAT-designated earth stations may not receive transmissions from the EUTELSAT AB-1 and AB-2 satellites unless expressly authorized by the earth station license;

3. Operations between ALSAT-designated earth stations and the EUTELSAT AB-1 and EUTELSAT AB-2 satellites shall be in compliance with the satellite coordination agreements reached between the United States and France; and

4. Service between ALSAT-designated earth stations and the EUTELSAT AB-1 and EUTELSAT AB-2 satellites is limited to fixed-satellite service, excluding direct-to-home services. Provision of Direct-to-Home (DTH), Direct Broadcast Satellite (DBS), or Digital Audio Radio Service (DARS) is prohibited.

Licensing Administration: France
File Number: SAT-PDR-20010207-00012
Added to Permitted List: European Telecommunication Satellite Organization, DA 01-2040, Order, 16 FCC Rcd. 15961 (Satellite and Radiocommunication Div., Int'l Bur., released Aug. 30, 2001).
Order: EUTELSAT AB-2, pdf image link electornic format

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banner curve HISPASAT-1B (ITU Designation: HISPASAT-1) (03/06/03)  banner corner

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Orbit Location: 30° W.L.
Authorized Frequency Range for U.S. Earth Stations with an ALSAT Classification: 11997-12033 MHz (Downlink)
14281-14495 MHz (Uplink)

1. ALSAT-designated earth stations are not authorized to use Hispasat-1B to provide any Direct-to-Home (DTH) service, Direct Broadcast Satellite (DBS) service, or Digital Audio Radio Service (DARS) to, from, or within the United States.

2. Hispasat S.A.'s operation of Hispasat-1B must comply with its current operational requirements as a result of coordination agreements with other satellite systems.

3. ALSAT-designated earth stations are authorized to communicate with Hispasat-1B only in the 14.281-14.353 GHz, 14.441-14.495 GHz, and 11.997- 12.033 GHz frequency bands.

4. Hispasat S.A. must coordinate Hispasat 1-B's operations with those of future adjacent U.S.-licensed satellites. If Hispasat S.A. cannot successfully coordinate Hispasat-1B, it must terminate operations between Hispasat-1B and earth stations in the United States upon launch of the adjacent U.S.-licensed satellite.

Licensing Administration: Spain
File Number: SAT-PDR-20020208-00016
Added to Permitted List: Petition for Declaratory Ruling For Inclusion of HISPASAT-1B on the Permitted Space Station List, DA 03-634, Order, 18 FCC Rcd. 3227 (released March 6, 2003).
Order: HISPASAT-1B, pdf image link electornic format

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banner curve HISPASAT-1D (ITU Designation:  HISPASAT-1D/2C3/2D) (10/15/03)  banner corner

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HISPASAT-1D (ITU Designation: HISPASAT-1D/2C3/2D)

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Orbit Location: 30° W.L.
Authorized Frequency Range for U.S. Earth Stations with an ALSAT Classification: 11700-12200 MHz (Downlink)
14000-14500 MHz (Uplink)

Any earth station in the United States with "ALSAT" designated as a point of communication, is granted authority to provide Fixed Satellite Services (FSS), to, from, or within the United States, by accessing the HISPASAT-1D satellite, at the 30° W.L. orbit location in the 11.7-12.2 GHz/14.0-14.5 GHz frequency bands, subject to the conditions set forth in each earth station license and the following conditions:

1. ALSAT-designated earth stations are not authorized to access HISPASAT- 1D to receive or provide Direct-to-Home (DTH) service, Direct Broadcast Satellite (DBS) service, or Digital Audio Radio Service (DARS).

2. HISPASAT S.A.'s operation of HISPASAT-1D must comply with its current operational requirements as a result of coordination agreements with other satellite systems.

3. ALSAT-designated earth stations' authority to communicate with HISPASAT 1D in the 14.25-14.5 GHz band will cease on July 31, 2004.

4. In the future, should the Commission authorize access to the U.S. market by a U.S.-licensed or non-U.S.-licensed satellite that is providing services to the U.S. that are two-degree-compliant, and is located two degrees or more from HISPASAT-1D, HISPASAT, S.A. would be expected to coordinate in good faith with the licensee of that satellite.

Licensing Administration: Spain
File Number: SAT-PDR-20030430-00090
Added to Permitted List: Hispasat, S.A., DA 03-3217, Order, 18 FCC Rcd. 21142 (released October 15, 2003).
Order: HISPASAT-1D, pdf image link electornic format

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banner curve HORIZONS I (ITU Designation:  N-SAT-127W) (5/27/04)  banner corner

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HORIZONS I (ITU Designation: N-SAT-127W)

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Orbit Location: 127° W.L.
Authorized Frequency Range for U.S. Earth Stations with an ALSAT Classification: 11700-12200 MHz (Downlink)
14000-14500 MHz (Uplink)

1. ALSAT-designated earth stations are only authorized to communicate with Horizons I in the 11.7-12.2 GHz and 14.0-14.5 GHz, consistent with the technical parameters contained in the earth station authorization.

2. Horizons' operation of Horizons I shall be in compliance with applicable current and future operational requirements as a result of coordination agreements reached with other satellite systems.

3. In the future, should the Commission authorize access to the U.S. market by a U.S.-licensed or non-U.S.-licensed satellite that is providing services to the U.S. that are two-degree-compliant, and is located two degrees or more from Horizons I, Horizons would be expected to coordinate in good faith with the licensee of that satellite.

4. Provision of DTH service is limited to one-way DTH.

Licensing Administration: Japan
File Number: SAT-PDR-20030210-00015
Added to Permitted List:

Horizons Satellite LLC, DA 03-3760, Order, 18 FCC Rcd. 24745 (Int'l Bur., released Nov. 24, 2003).

Permitted Services Expanded to Include Direct to Home (DTH) service in: Horizons Satellite LLC, Application for Modification of Permitted List Authorization to Permit the Provision of Direct-to-Home (DTH)Service, 04-1315, Order (Int'l Bur., released May 27, 2004).

Order: Horizons I, pdf image link electornic format Horizons I modifications, pdf image link electornic format

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banner curve Mabuhay (ITU Designation:  PALAPA PAC-C 146E) (12/06/00)  banner corner

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Mabuhay (ITU Designation: PALAPA PAC-C 146E)

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Orbit Location: 146° E.L.
Authorized Frequency Range for U.S. Earth Stations with an ALSAT Classification: 3700-4200 MHz (Downlink)
5925-6425 MHz (Uplink)

Earth stations with "ALSAT" designations are granted authority to provide Fixed Satellite Services (FSS), excluding FSS Direct-to-Home services, in the 3700-4200/5925- 6425 MHz frequency bands, to, from, or within the United States, by accessing the Mabuhay satellite, located at the 146° E.L. orbit location, subject to the conditions set forth in its earth station license and in this Order above.

The Mabuhay satellite IS PLACED on the Permitted Space Station List, subject to the following conditions:

1. Mabuhay is not authorized to provide any Direct-to-Home (DTH) service, Direct Broadcast Satellite (DBS) service, or Digital Audio Radio Service (DARS) to, from, or within the United States.

2. ALSAT-designated earth stations ARE PROHIBITED from sending or receiving any analog FM video television signal to or from the Mabuhay satellite.

Licensing Administration: Operated by Philippines under authority from Indonesia who holds ITU priority at 146° E.L.
File Number: SES-LIC-19980520-00614
Added to Permitted List: Loral CyberStar, Inc., DA 00-2649, Order and Authorization, 15 FCC Rcd. 23671 (Int'l Bur., released December 5, 2000 ).
Order: Mabuhay, pdf image link electornic format

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banner curve MEASAT-2 (ITU Designation:  MEASAT-2) (8/19/03)  banner corner

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MEASAT-2 (ITU Designation: MEASAT-2)

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Orbit Location: 148° E.L.
Authorized Frequency Range for U.S. Earth Stations with an ALSAT Classification: 5929-6001 MHz (Uplink)
3704-3776 MHz (Downlink)
6009-6081 MHz (Uplink)
3784-3856 MHz (Downlink)
6089-6161 MHz (Uplink)
3864-3936 MHz (Downlink)
6169-6241 MHz (Uplink)
3944-4016 MHz (Downlink)
6249-6321 MHz (Uplink)
4024-4096 MHz (Downlink)
6329-6401 MHz (Uplink)
4104-4176 MHz (Downlink)

Each earth station with an "ALSAT" designation is granted authority to provide Fixed Satellite Services (FSS), to, from, or within the United States, by accessing the MEASAT-2 satellite, at the 148° E.L. orbit location in the following frequency bands: 5.929-6.001 GHz uplink and 3.704-3.776 GHz downlink; 6.009-6.081 GHz uplink and 3.784-3.856 GHz downlink; 6.089-6.161 GHz uplink and 3.864-3.936 GHz downlink; 6.169-6.241 GHz uplink and 3.944-4.016 GHz downlink; 6.249-6.321 GHz uplink and 4.024-4.096 GHz downlink; and 6.329-6.401 GHz uplink and 4.104-4.176 GHz downlink, subject to the conditions set forth in each earth station license and the following conditions:

1. Binariang Satellite Systems SDN BHD is not authorized to use MEASAT-2 to provide any Direct-to-Home (DTH) service, Direct Broadcast Satellite (DBS) service, or Digital Audio Radio Service (DARS) to, from, or within the United States.

2. U.S.-licensed earth stations are not authorized to use MEASAT-2 to provide any analog television signals to, from or within the United States unless they file a separate modification application that includes a two-degree spacing analysis or an affidavit demonstrating that MEASAT-2 has been coordinated for the specific frequencies used for these operations as specified in Section 25.211(b) of the Commission's rules, 47 C.F.R. 25.211(b), and an analysis showing that the PFD levels prescribed by Section 25.208(a), 47 C.F.R. 25.208(a), are not exceeded.

3. Binariang Satellite Systems SDN BHD's operation of MEASAT-2 must comply with its applicable current and future operational requirements as a result of coordination agreements with other satellite systems.

4. In the future, should the Commission authorize access to the U.S. market by a U.S.-licensed or non-U.S.-licensed satellite that is providing services that are two-degree-compliant, and is located two degrees or more from MEASAT-2, Binariang Satellite Systems SDN BHD would be expected to coordinate in good faith with the licensee of that satellite. If a coordination agreement is not reached, the operation of U.S. routine earth stations communicating with MEASAT-2 must be on a non-harmful interference basis relative to routinely licensed U.S. services provided by the compliant satellite.

Licensing Administration: Malaysia
File Number: SAT-PDR-20030501-00091
Added to Permitted List: Binariang Satellite Systems SDN BHD (BSS), DA 03-2688, Order, 18 FCC Rcd. 16,623 (Int'l Bur., released Aug. 19, 2003 ).
Order: MEASAT-2,  pdf image link electornic format

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banner curve NSS-7 (Previously Designated New Skies -7) (5/28/02)  banner corner

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Orbit Location: 338.0° E.L.
Authorized Frequency Range for U.S. Earth Stations with an ALSAT Classification: 3700- 4200 MHz (Downlink)
11700-12200 MHz (Downlink)
5925-6425 MHz (Uplink)
14000-14500 MHz (Uplink)

1. This authorization does not authorize New Skies Satellites, B.V., to provide any Direct-to-Home service, Direct Broadcast Satellite service, or Digital Audio Radio Service to, from, or within the United States using the NSS-7 satellite.

2. Pursuant to Section 1.3 of the Commission's rules, each earth station with "ALSAT" designated as a point of communication, is granted a waiver of Sections 25.202(g), 25.210(a)(1), 25.210(a)(3), 25.210(i) and 25.211(a) of the Commission's rules, 47 C.F.R. §§ 25.202(g), 25.210(a)(1), 25.210(a)(3), 25.211(a), and 25.210(i) for the limited purpose of communicating with NSS-7 in the conventional C-and Ku-bands, subject to the conditions set forth in its earth station license and in this Order.

3. Access to the New Skies satellite networks shall be in compliance with all applicable international satellite coordination agreements.

4. Should the Commission authorize access to the U.S. market by a satellite that is two-degree spacing compliant, and is located as close as two-degrees from a New Skies satellite, New Skies would be expected to coordinate, in good faith, with the licensee of this satellite.

5. If a coordination agreement is not reached, New Skies's operation of NSS-7 must be on a non-harmful interference basis relative to U.S. services being provided by the compliant satellite.

6. If a coordination agreement is not reached, these satellite networks shall not cause harmful interference to, nor shall operators accessing these satellite networks claim protection from, U.S. services provided over U.S.- authorized satellite networks, and/or U.S.-authorized services provided over non-U.S.-authorized satellite networks that are providing service to the United States that are compliant with the Commission's two-degree spacing rules.

7. In addition, operation of NSS-7 in the conventional C-band, shall cease immediately upon notification of harmful interference. Complaints of all radio interference shall be forwarded to the Commission in writing.

Licensing Administration: Netherlands
File Number: SAT-PDR-20010309-00020
Added to Permitted List: New Skies Satellites, N.V., DA 02-1256, Order, 17 FCC Rcd. 10369 (Int'l Bur., Sat. Div., released May 28, 2002).
Order:  NSS-7,  pdf image link electornic format    NSS-7,  pdf image link electornic format  

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banner curve NSS-5 (Previously Designated New Skies-5 and/or NSS-803) (5/28/02)  banner corner

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NSS-5 (Previously Designated New Skies-5 and/or NSS-803)

right corner image
Orbit Location: 177° W.L.
Authorized Frequency Range for U.S. Earth Stations with an ALSAT Classification: 3700-4200 MHz (Downlink)
5925-6424 MHz (Uplink)
11.7-12.2 GHz (Downlink)
14.0-14.5 GHz (Uplink)

1. ALSAT-designated earth stations are permitted to communicate with NSS-5 located at 177° W.L. to provide fixed satellite service in the United States other than direct-to-home service. Provision of direct-to-home services, direct broadcast services, or digital audio radio services are prohibited.

2. The "Permitted Space Station List" entry for the NSS-5 satellite is modified to reflect its relocation to the 177° W.L. orbital location pursuant to paragraph 34 of the New Skies Satellites, N.V., Petition for Declaratory Ruling, Order, DA 02-1256 (Int'l Bur., Sat. Div., released May 28, 2002).

3. All the conditions on communication with NSS-5 adopted in the New Skies Satellites N.V., Petition for Declaratory Ruling, Order, 16 FCC Rcd 6740 (Int. Bureau 2001) (“New Skies Permitted List Order”) shall remain in force unless and until the Administration of the Netherlands undertakes the commitments set forth in that Order.

4. ALSAT-designated earth stations are granted a waiver of Sections 25.202(g), 25.210(a)(1), 25.210(a)(3), and 25.211(a) of the Commission's rules, 47 C.F.R. §§ 25.202(g), 25.210(a)(1), 25.210(a)(3), 25.211(a), for the limited purpose of communicating with NSS-5 consistent with the conditions set forth in its earth station license. None of the waivers adopted in the New Skies Permitted List Order associated with NSS-5 are affected by the New Skies Satellites N.V., Petition for Declaratory Ruling, Order, DA 02-1256 (Int'l Bur., Sat. Div., released May 28, 2002).

5. ALSAT-designated earth stations are permitted to communicate with NSS-5, provided that New Skies Satellites, B.V., remains in compliance with the satellite coordination agreements reached between the United States and INTELSAT regarding NSS-5.

6. ALSAT-designated earth stations are permitted to communicate with NSS-5, provided that New Skies Satellites, B.V., does not acquire or enjoy the exclusive right of handling telecommunications to or from the United States, its territories or possessions, and any other country or territory, by reason of any concession, contract, understanding or working arrangement to which the satellite operator or any persons or companies controlling or controlled by the operator or parties, in violation of Section 648 of the Satellite Act of 1962, as amended by the ORBIT Act, 47 U.S.C. § 765g.

7. ALSAT-designated earth stations are permitted to communicate with NSS-5 in the conventional C-band only under the following conditions:

    (a) In the future, should the Commission authorize access to the U.S. market by a satellite that is two-degree spacing compliant, and is located as close as two-degrees from a New Skies satellite, New Skies would be expected to coordinate, in good faith, with the licensee of this satellite.
    (b) If a coordination agreement is not reached, New Skies’s operation of NSS-5 in the conventional C-band, must be on a non-harmful interference basis relative to U.S. services being provided by the compliant satellite.
    (c) If a coordination agreement is not reached, these satellite networks shall not cause harmful interference to, nor shall operators accessing these satellite networks claim protection from, U.S. services provided over U.S.-authorized satellite networks, and/or U.S.-authorized services provided over non-U.S.-authorized satellite networks that are providing service to the United States that are compliant with the Commission's two-degree spacing rules.
    (d) In addition, operation of NSS-5 in the conventional C-band shall cease immediately upon notification of harmful interference. Complaints of all radio interference shall be forwarded to the Commission in writing.

8. The conditions listed as 7(a) through 7(d) above will be removed if and when New Skies Satellites B.V. undertakes the commitments set forth in paragraph 26 of New Skies Satellites, N.V., Petition for Declaratory Ruling, Order, DA 01-513 (Int'l Bur., Sat. and Rad. Div., released March 29, 2001).

Licensing Administration: Netherlands
File Number: SAT-PDR-20011016-00137
Added to Permitted List: New Skies Satellites, B.V., DA 02-1256, Order, 17 FCC Rcd. 10369 (Int'l Bur., Sat. Div., released May 28, 2002).
Order: NSS-5,  pdf image link electornic format  pdf image link   NSS-7,  pdf image link electornic format   NSS-7,  pdf image link electornic format

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banner curve NSS-806 (Previously designated New Skies-806) (03/29/01)  banner corner

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NSS-806 (Previously designated New Skies-806)

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Orbit Location: 319.5° E.L. (40.5° W.L.)
Authorized Frequency Range for U.S. Earth Stations with an ALSAT Classification: 3700- 4200 MHz (Downlink)
5925-6425 MHz (Uplink)

1. ALSAT-designated earth stations are permitted to communicate with NSS-806 located at 319.5° E.L. (40.5° W.L.) to provide fixed satellite service in the United States other than direct-to-home service. Provision of direct-to-home services, direct broadcast services, or digital audio radio services are prohibited.

2. ALSAT-designated earth stations are granted a waiver of Sections 25.202(g), 25.210(a)(1), 25.210(a)(3), and 25.211(a) of the Commission's rules, 47 C.F.R. §§ 25.202(g), 25.210(a)(1), 25.210(a)(3), 25.211(a), for the limited purpose of communicating with NSS-806 consistent with the conditions set forth in its earth station license.

3. ALSAT-designated earth stations are permitted to communicate with NSS-806, provided that New Skies Satellites, B.V., remains in compliance with the satellite coordination agreements reached between the United States and INTELSAT regarding NSS-806.

4. ALSAT-designated earth stations are permitted to communicate with NSS-806, provided that New Skies Satellites, B.V., does not acquire or enjoy the exclusive right of handling telecommunications to or from the United States, its territories or possessions, and any other country or territory, by reason of any concession, contract, understanding or working arrangement to which the satellite operator or any persons or companies controlling or controlled by the operator or parties, in violation of Section 648 of the Satellite Act of 1962, as amended by the ORBIT Act, 47 U.S.C. § 765g.

5. ALSAT-designated earth stations are permitted to communicate with NSS-806 in the conventional C-band only under the following conditions:
    (a) In the future, should the Commission authorize access to the U.S. market by a satellite that is two-degree spacing compliant, and is located as close as two-degrees from a New Skies satellite, New Skies would be expected to coordinate, in good faith, with the licensee of this satellite.
    (b) If a coordination agreement is not reached, New Skies's operation of NSS-806 in the conventional C-band, must be on a non-harmful interference basis relative to U.S. services being provided by the compliant satellite.
    (c) If a coordination agreement is not reached, these satellite networks shall not cause harmful interference to, nor shall operators accessing these satellite networks claim protection from, U.S. services provided over U.S.-authorized satellite networks, and/or U.S.-authorized services provided over non-U.S.-authorized satellite networks that are providing service to the United States that are compliant with the Commission's two-degree spacing rules.
    (d) In addition, operation of NSS-806 in the conventional C-band shall cease immediately upon notification of harmful interference. Complaints of all radio interference shall be forwarded to the Commission in writing.

6. The conditions listed as 5(a) through 5(d) above will be removed if and when New Skies Satellites B.V. undertakes the commitments set forth in paragraph 26 of New Skies Satellites, N.V., Petition for Declaratory Ruling, Order, DA 01-513 (Int'l Bur., Sat. and Rad. Div., released March 29, 2001).

Licensing Administration: Netherlands
File Number: SAT-PDR-20001031-00146
Added to Permitted List: New Skies Satellites, N.V., DA 01-513, Order, 16 FCC Rcd. 7482 (Int'l Bur., Sat. and Rad. Div., released March 29, 2001).
Order: NSS-806,  pdf image link electornic format    NSS-7,  pdf image link electornic format

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banner curve SATMEX 5 (ITU Designation: Morelos 2R) (10/06/00)  banner corner

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SATMEX 5 (ITU Designation: Morelos 2R)

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Orbit Location: 116.8° W.L.
Authorized Frequency Range for U.S. Earth Stations with an ALSAT Classification: 3700- 4200 MHz (Downlink)
11700-12200 MHz (Downlink)
5925-6425 MHz (Uplink)
14000-14500 MHz (Uplink)

1. ALSAT-designated earth stations are permitted to communicate with SatMex 5 to provide service in the United States on a non-interference basis relative to two-degree compliant operations.

2. In the event that the Commission authorizes access to the U.S. market by a satellite that is two-degree-compliant, and is located within two degrees of SatMex 5, ALSAT-designated earth stations are permitted to communicate with SatMex 5 to provide service in the United States, but only on a non-interference basis unless and until Satelites Mexicanos, S.A. de C.V. reaches a coordination agreement with that two-degree-compliant satellite system.

3. ALSAT-designated earth stations communicating with SatMex 5 must meet the requirements of Section 25.212 of the Commission's rules, 47 C.F.R. § 25.212.

Licensing Administration: Mexico
File Number: SAT-PDR-19991214-00131
Added to Permitted List: Satelites Mexicanos, S.A. de C.V., DA 00-1793, Order, 15 FCC Rcd. 19311 (Satellite and Radiocommunication Div. Int'l Bur., released Oct. 3, 2000).
Order:  SatMex 5, pdf image link electornic format

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banner curve SATMEX 6 (ITU Designation: Solidaridad 2/Satmex 7) (08/04/06) banner corner

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SATMEX 6 (ITU Designation: Solidaridad 2/Satmex 7)

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Orbit Location:

113.0° W.L.

Authorized Frequency Range for U.S. Earth Stations with an ALSAT Classification:

3700-4200 MHz (Downlink)
11700-12200 MHz (Downlink)
5925-6425 MHz (Uplink)
14000-14500 MHz (Uplink)


1. ALSAT-designated routine earth stations are permitted to communicate with the SATMEX 6 satellite to provide Fixed Satellite Services (FSS) and FSS Direct-to-Home Service (DTH) to, from, or within the United States.

2. Communications between ALSAT-designated routine earth stations and the SATMEX 6 satellite shall be in compliance with coordination agreements reached between Mexico and other Administrations.

3. Communications between ALSAT-designated routine earth stations and the SATMEX 6 satellite shall be in compliance with the operator arrangement reached between Satmex and Telesat Canada in 2003, and any future modifications to which the parties agree.  See also 47 C.F.R. § 25.158 (b)(ii).

4. Satmex’s request for waiver of Section 25.210(a)(3), 47 C.F.R. 25.210(a)(3), of the Commission's rules is granted on the condition that the operation of the SATMEX 6 satellite is consistent with coordination arrangements between Satmex and the operators of satellites adjacent to SATMEX 6 providing service to, from, or within the United States.  If no adjacent operator arrangement exists, this waiver is further conditioned that operation of the SATMEX 6 satellite shall not cause more interference to any system authorized to provide services to, from, or within the United States that is two-degree spacing compliant than would be caused if the SATMEX 6 satellite complied with Section 25.210(a)(3).  Further, if no adjacent operator arrangement exists, Satmex shall not claim protection against interference to its operations caused by any system authorized to provide services to, from or within the United States that is two-degree spacing compliant if such interference results from failure of the SATMEX 6 to comply with Section 25.210(a)(3) of the Commission’s rules, 47 C.F.R. § 25.210(a)(3).

5. Satmex’s request for waiver of Section 25.210(i), 47 C.F.R. § 25.210(i) of the Commission’s rules is granted with the condition that operation of SATMEX 6 shall not cause more interference to any system authorized to provide services to, from or within the United States that is two-degree spacing compliant than would be caused if SATMEX 6 complied with Section 25.210(i).  Further, SATMEX 6 shall not claim protection against interference to its operations caused by any system authorized to provide services to, from or within the United States that is two-degree spacing compliant if such interference results from failure of SATMEX 6 to comply with Section 25.210(i) of the Commission’s rules, 47 C.F.R. § 25.210(i).

Licensing Administration:


File Number:


Added to Permitted List:

See SAT-PPL-20060329-00030; SAT-AMD-20060724-00080 (Int'l Bur. Sat. Div., Auth. By Grant Stamp w/ Conditions, August 4, 2006).

Order: SatMex 5, pdf image link electornic format

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banner curve SOLIDARIDAD 2 (ITU Designation: MEXSAT-114.9 C-Ku) (12/20/06) banner corner

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SOLIDARIDAD 2 (ITU Designation: MEXSAT-114.9 C-Ku)

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Orbit Location:

114.9.0° W.L.

Authorized Frequency Range for U.S. Earth Stations with an ALSAT Classification:

3700-4200 MHz (Downlink)
11700-12200 MHz (Downlink)
5925-6425 MHz (Uplink)
14000-14500 MHz (Uplink)


1. ALSAT-designated routine earth stations are permitted to communicate with the SOLIDARIDAD 2 satellite to provide Fixed Satellite Services (FSS) and FSS Direct-to-Home Service (DTH) to, from, or within the United States.

2. 2. Communications between ALSAT-designated routine earth stations and the SOLIDARIDAD 2 satellite shall be in compliance with coordination agreements reached between Mexico and other Administrations.

3. Communications between ALSAT-designated routine earth stations and the SOLIDARIDAD 2 satellite shall be in compliance with the operator arrangement reached between Satmex and Telesat Canada in 2003, and any future modifications to which the parties agree.

4. Satmex’s request for waiver of Section 25.210(a)(3), 47 C.F.R. 25.210(a)(3), of the Commission's rules is granted on the condition that it must operate SOLIDARIDAD 2 consistently with adjacent operator arrangements. If no such arrangements have been reached, Satmex must operate SOLIDARIDAD 2 on a non-interference basis relative to two-degree compliant operations. That is, SOLIDARIDAD 2’s operations shall not interfere with any system authorized to provide services to, from or within the United States that is two-degree spacing compliant nor shall Satmex claim protection against interference to SOLIDARIDAD 2’s operations caused by such compliant systems.

Licensing Administration:


File Number:


Added to Permitted List:

See SAT-MOD-20060821-00090; (Int'l Bur. Sat. Div., Auth. By Grant Stamp w/ Conditions, December 20, 2006).

Order: Star One C2, pdf image link electornic format   SatMex 5, pdf image link electornic format

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banner curve Star One C1 (ITU Designation: SBTS B2 and B-SAT 1R; B-SAT R) (3/29//06) banner corner

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Star One C1 (ITU Designation: SBTS B2 and B-SAT 1R; B-SAT R)

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Orbit Location:

65.0° W.L.

Authorized Frequency Range for U.S. Earth Stations with an ALSAT Classification:

3700-4200 MHz (Downlink)
5925-6425 MHz (Uplink)
11.7-12.2 GHz (Downlink)
14.0-14.5 GHz (Uplink)


1. Star One SA is not authorized to use Star One C1 to provide any Direct-to-Home (DTH) service, Direct Broadcast Satellite (DBS) service, or Digital Audio Radio Service (DARS) to, from, or within the United States.

2. Communications between ALSAT-designated routine earth stations and the Star One C1 satellite SHALL BE in compliance with the satellite coordination agreements reached between Brazil and other administrations.

3. Star One SA is granted a conditional waiver of Section 25.210(a)(3) of the Commission's rules for the purpose of using Star One C1 to communicate with ALSAT-designated earth stations in the United States in the conventional C-band. As a condition of this waiver, Star One SA is prohibited from transmitting or receiving analog TV signals to, from or within the United States until such time as it has completed coordination. Further, Star One must accommodate future satellite networks serving the United States that are two-degree compliant.

4. Star One SA is granted a conditional waiver of Section 25.210(i) of the Commission's rules. As a condition of this waiver, Star One SA must accommodate future satellite networks serving the United States that are two-degree compliant as set forth in Condition (f) of the conditions attached to this Grant Stamp.

5. Star One SA is granted a conditional waiver of Sections 25.211(a) and (b) of the Commission's rules. As a condition on this waiver, U.S.-licensed earth stations are prohibited from transmitting or receiving FM/TV transmissions from television signals from the satellite. In addition to the points discussed above, this condition will only be lifted upon the filing of a modification request that demonstrates compliance with the Commission’s rules, including Sections 25.211(a) and (b).

6. Star One SA is granted a conditional waiver of Section 25.210(f) of the Commission's rules. As a condition of this waiver, Star One SA must accommodate future satellite networks serving the United States that are two-degree compliant.

7. Star One SA must launch and successfully place into operation the Star One C1 satellite in accordance with the requirements set forth in Condition (g) of the conditions attached to this Grant Stamp.

Licensing Administration:


File Number:


Added to Permitted List:

See SAT-PDR-20050504-00094 (Int'l Bur. Sat. Div., Auth. By Grant Stamp w/ Conditions, July 21, 2005).

Order: Star One C2, pdf image link electornic format  

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banner curve Star One C2 (ITU Designation: SBTS C1 and B-SAT 1C) (09/09/05 & 4/20/06)  banner corner

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Star One C2 (ITU Designation: SBTS C1 and B-SAT 1C)

right corner image
Orbit Location:

70.0° W.L.

Authorized Frequency Range for U.S. Earth Stations with an ALSAT Classification:

11.7-12.2 GHz (Downlink)
14.0-14.5 GHz (Uplink)


1. Star One SA is not authorized to use Star One C2 to provide any Direct-to-Home (DTH) service, Direct Broadcast Satellite (DBS) service, or Digital Audio Radio Service (DARS) to, from, or within the United States.

2. Communications between ALSAT-designated routine earth stations and the Star One C2 satellite SHALL BE in compliance with the satellite coordination agreements reached between Brazil and other administrations.

3. Star One SA is granted a conditional waiver of Section 25.210(f) of the Commission's rules. As a condition of this waiver, Star One SA must accommodate future satellite networks serving the United States that are two-degree compliant.

4. Star One SA is granted a conditional waiver of Section 25.211(b) of the Commission's rules. As a condition on this waiver, U.S.-licensed earth stations are prohibited from transmitting or receiving FM/TV transmissions from television signals from the satellite. This condition will only be lifted upon the filing of a modification request that demonstrates compliance with the Commission’s rules, including Section 25.211(b).

5. Star One SA must construct, launch, and successfully place into operation the Star One C2 satellite in accordance with the requirements set forth in Condition (f) of the conditions attached to its initial authorization, SAT-PDR-20050708-00144 (Int'l Bur. Sat. Div., Auth. By Grant Stamp w/ Conditions, September 9, 2005).

Licensing Administration:


File Number:

SAT-PPL-20050708-00144 as modified by SAT-MOD-20051014-00200 as amended by SAT-AMD-20051118-00223

Added to Permitted List:

See SAT-PPL-20050708-00144 (Int'l Bur. Sat. Div., Auth. By Grant Stamp w/ Conditions, September 9, 2005); SAT-MOD-20051014-00200 (Int'l Bur. Sat. Div., Auth. By Grant Stamp w/ Conditions, April 20, 2006).

Order: Star One C2, pdf image link electornic format   Star One C2 grant 4/20/06, pdf image link electornic format   Star One C2 modification 4/20/06, pdf image link electornic format

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banner curve SUPERBIRD--B2 (SUPERBIRD-4) (2/15/06)  banner corner

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Orbit Location:

162.0 ° E.L.

Authorized Frequency Range for U.S. Earth Stations with an ALSAT Classification:

14.0-14.5 GHz (Uplink)


1. ALSAT-designated earth stations are permitted to communicate with the SUPERBIRD-B2 satellite in the 14.0-14.5 GHz (Earth-to-space) frequencies consistent with the technical parameters contained in the earth station authorization.  Communications in any other band are not permitted.

2. ALSAT-designated earth stations may not receive transmissions from the SUPERBIRD-B2 satellite unless expressly authorized in the earth station(s) respective license.

3. Communications between ALSAT-designated routine earth stations and the SUPERBIRD-B2 satellite SHALL BE in compliance with the satellite coordination agreements reached between Japan and the United States.

4. Space Communications Corporation is not authorized to use SUPERBIRD-B2 to provide any Direct-to-Home (DTH) service, Direct Broadcast Satellite (DBS) service, or Digital Audio Radio Service (DARS) to, from, or within the United States.

Licensing Administration:


File Number:


Added to Permitted List:

See SAT-PPL-20051101-00208 (Int'l Bur. Sat. Div., Auth. By Grant Stamp w/ Conditions, February 15, 2006).


Star One C2, pdf image link electornic format

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banner curve SUPERBIRD-C banner corner

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Orbit Location: 143.95° W.L.
Authorized Frequency Range for U.S. Earth Stations with an ALSAT Classification: 11.902-11.938 GHz
11.9895-12.0165 GHz
12.0495-12.0765 GHz
12.1095-12.1365 GHz
14.0-14.5 GHz

1. SUPERBIRD-C is not authorized to provide any Direct-to-Home (DTH) service, Direct Broadcast Satellite (DBS) service or Digital Audio Radio Service (DARS) to, from, or within the United States; and

2. Communications between ALSAT-designated routine earth stations and the SUPERBIRD-C satellite shall be in compliance with the satellite coordination agreements reached between Japan and other administrations; and

3. SUPERBIRD-C is not authorized to provide downlink services into the United States and its Possessions in the 12.2-12.75 GHz frequency band.

4. Refer to the following applications for additional conditions of grant

Licensing Administration: Japan
File Number: SAT-PPL-20040805-00157
Added to Permitted List:

Policy Branch Information, Actions Taken, Public Notice , Report Number SAT-00247 (rel. October 1, 2004 )

Grant: AMOS-2, pdf image link electornic format

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banner curve INTELSAT AMERICAS 13 (ITU Designation: PACSTAR-L4) (08/08/03)  banner corner

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Orbit Location: 121° W.L.
Authorized Frequency Range for U.S. Earth Stations with an ALSAT Classification: 3700- 4200 MHz (Downlink)
5925-6425 MHz (Uplink)

1. ALSAT-designated earth stations are only authorized to communicate with INTELSAT AMERICAS 13 in the 3700-4200 MHz and 5925-6425 MHz frequency bands, consistent with the technical parameters contained in the earth station authorization.

2. Intelsat North America LLC's operation of INTELSAT AMERICAS 13 shall be in compliance with applicable current and future operational requirements as a result of coordination agreements reached with other satellite systems.

3. In the absence of a coordination agreement with a satellite network with higher ITU priority, INTELSAT AMERICAS 13 must cease service to the U.S. market immediately upon launch and operation of the higher ITU priority satellite, or be subject to further conditions designed to address potential harmful interference to a satellite with ITU date precedence.

4. In the absence of a coordination agreement with a satellite network with higher ITU priority, earth station licensees communicating with INTELSAT AMERICAS 13 must terminate immediately any operations that cause harmful interference.

5. ALSAT-designated earth stations are not authorized to use INTELSAT AMERICAS 13 to provide any Direct-to-Home (“DTH”) service, Direct Broadcast Satellite (“DBS”) service, or Digital Audio Radio Service (“DARS”) to, from, or within the United States.

Licensing Administration: Papua New Guines
File Number: SAT-PDR-20020315-00025
Added to Permitted List: Loral SpaceCom Corp., Petition for Declaratory Ruling to Add Telstar 13 to the Permitted Space Station List, DA 03-2624, Order, 18 FCC Rcd. 16374 (Sat. Div. released Aug. 08, 2003 ).
Order: TELSTAR 13,  pdf image link electornic format TELSTAR 13,  pdf image link electornic format

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De-orbited Listings

banner curve ANIK E1 De-orbited (ITU Designation: ANIK- EB) (09/05/01) banner corner

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ANIK E1 De-orbited(ITU Designation: ANIK-EB)

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Orbit Location: 118.7° W.L. (Currently in Standby Mode)
Authorized Frequency Range for U.S. Earth Stations with an ALSAT Classification: 3700-4200 MHz (Downlink)
5925-6425 MHz (Uplink)
11700-12200 MHz (Downlink)
14000-14500 MHz (Uplink)

1. ALSAT-designated earth stations communicating with ANIK E1 must meet the requirements of Section 25.212 of the Commission's rules, 47 C.F.R. § 25.212.

2. Service is limited to fixed-satellite service, other than direct-to-home service. Provision of direct-to-home services, direct broadcast services, or digital audio radio services are prohibited.

Licensing Administration: Canada
File Number: SAT-PDR-20020823-00161
Added to Permitted List:

Telesat Canada, Order, DA 99-2752 (Int'l Bur., released Dec. 9, 1999).

Originally, ALSAT-designated earth stations were authorized to communicate with ANIK E2 at the 107.3° W.L. orbit location, and only on a non-harmful interference basis. Telesat Canada subsequently relocated this satellite to the 111.1° W.L. location. On August 31, 2001, ALSAT-designated earth stations were authorized to communicate with ANIK E1 at the 111.1° W.L. orbit location, and the non-harmful interference requirement was removed. Telesat Canada, Request to Eliminate Conditions On ANIK E1 and E2's Inclusion on The Permitted Space Station List, DA 01-2051, Order, 16 FCC Rcd. 15979 (Int'l Bur., Sat. and Rad. Div., released Aug. 31, 2001).

This satellite relocated to 118.7° W.L. in July 2003, and remains operational. See SAT-PPL-20030808-00142 (Int'l Bur. Sat. and Rad. Div., Auth. By Grant Stamp w/ Conditions, Released Sept. 16, 2003).

Order: ANIK E1, pdf image link electornic format

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banner curve ANIK E2 De-orbited (ITU Designation: ANIK E-A) (09/05/01) banner corner

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ANIK E2 De-Orbited (ITU Designation: ANIK-EA)

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Orbit Location: 118.7° W.L. (Originally Placed on Permitted List at 111.1° WL)
Authorized Frequency Range for U.S. Earth Stations with an ALSAT Classification: 3700-4200 MHz (Downlink)
3700-4200 MHz (Downlink)
5925-6425 MHz (Uplink)
11700-12200 MHz (Downlink)
14000-14500 MHz (Uplink)

1. ALSAT-designated earth stations communicating with ANIK E1 must meet the requirements of Section 25.212 of the Commission's rules, 47 C.F.R. § 25.212.

2. Service is limited to fixed-satellite service, other than direct-to-home service. Provision of direct-to-home services, direct broadcast services, or digital audio radio services are prohibited. io services are prohibited.

Licensing Administration: Canada
File Number: SAT-PDR-20000428-00096
Added to Permitted List:

Telesat Canada, Order, DA 99-2752 (Int'l Bur., released Dec. 9, 1999).

Originally, ALSAT-designated earth stations were authorized to communicate with ANIK E2 at the 107.3° W.L. orbit location, and only on a non-harmful interference basis. Telesat Canada subsequently relocated this satellite to the 111.1° W.L. location. On August 31, 2001, ALSAT-designated earth stations were authorized to communicate with ANIK E1 at the 111.1° W.L. orbit location, and the non-harmful interference requirement was removed. Telesat Canada, Request to Eliminate Conditions On ANIK E1 and E2's Inclusion on The Permitted Space Station List, DA 01-2051, Order, 16 FCC Rcd. 15979 (Int'l Bur., Sat. and Rad. Div., released Aug. 31, 2001).

This satellite relocated to 118.7° W.L. in July 2003, and remains operational. See SAT-PPL-20030808-00142 (Int’l Bur. Sat. and Rad. Div., Auth. By Grant Stamp w/ Conditions, Released Sept. 16, 2003).

Order: ANIK E2,pdf image link electornic format

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banner curve Brasilsat A2 De-orbited (ITU Designation: BSAT-E) (03/04/04)  banner corner

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Brasilsat A2 (ITU Designation: BSAT-E)

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Orbit Location: 63° W.L.
Authorized Frequency Range for U.S. Earth Stations with an ALSAT Classification: 3700-4200 MHz (Downlink)
5925-6425 MHz (Uplink)

1. Brasilsat A2 is not authorized to provide any Direct-to-Home (DTH) service, Direct Broadcast Satellite (DBS) service, or Digital Audio Radio Service (DARS) to, from, or within the United States.

2. Embratel's operation of Brasilsat A2 must comply with its applicable current and future operational requirements as a result of coordination agreements with other satellite systems.

3. ALSAT-designated routine earth stations are prohibited from sending or receiving any analog FM video television signal to or from Brasilsat A2.

Licensing Administration: Brazil
File Number: SAT-PDR-20000111-00047
Added to Permitted List:

Empresa Brasileira de Telecomicaçöes S.A., DA 00-2878, Order, 16 FCC Rcd. 655 (Satellite and Radiocommunication Div. Int'l Bur., released Jan. 16, 2001).

On March 1, 2001, Empresa Brasileira de Telecomicaçöes S.A. filed a letter with the Commission indicating that 19.9 percent of its company had been purchansed by Societe Europeenne des Satellites S.A., and the company was renamed "STAR ONE S.A." See Satellite Policy Branch Information, Public Notice¸ Report No. SAT-00076 (released July 20, 2001).

Order: Brasilsat A2,pdf image link electornic format

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banner curve EUTELSAT II-F2 De-orbited (ITU Designation: EUTELSAT-3 12.5W) (9/11/00) banner corner

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EUTELSAT II-F2 De-orbited (ITU Designation: EUTELSAT-3 12.5W)

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Orbit Location: 12.5° W.L.
Authorized Frequency Range for U.S. Earth Stations with an ALSAT Classification: 14000-14500 MHz (Uplink)

1. This authorization does not authorize EUTELSAT to provide any Direct-to-Home (DTH) service, Direct Broadcast Satellite (DBS) service, or Digital Audio Radio Service (DARS) to, from, or within the United States.

2. This authorization does not authorize any ALSAT-designated earth station operator to communicate with the EUTELSAT II-F2 satellite in the 10.95-11.20 and 11.45-11.70 GHz frequency bands.

3. Access to the EUTELSAT II-F2 satellite network shall be in compliance with the satellite coordination agreements reached between the United States and France.

Licensing Administration: France
File Number: SAT-PDR-20000214-00059
Added to Permitted List: European Telecommunication Satellite Organization, DA 00-1741, Order, 15 FCC Rcd. 23486 (Satellite and Radiocommunication Div. Int'l Bur., released Aug. 11, 2000).
Order: EUTELSAT II-F2, pdf image link electornic format

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banner curve Satcom C-4 De-orbited (ITU Designation: USASAT-21A) (03/01/07) banner corner

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Satcom C-4 De-orbited(ITU Designation: USASAT-21A)

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Orbit Location:

104.95° W.L.

Authorized Frequency Range for U.S. Earth Stations with an ALSAT Classification:

3700-4200 MHz (Downlink)
5925-6425 MHz (Uplink)


1. Satcom C-4 is not authorized to provide any Direct-to-Home Service, Direct Broadcast Service, or Digital Audio Radio Service to, from, or within the United States.

2.Communications between ALSAT-designated routine earth stations and the Satcom C-4 satellite shall be in compliance with coordination agreements reached between Gibraltar and the United Kingdom and other administrations.

3. This action is issued pursuant to Section 0.261 of the Commission’s rules on delegated authority, 47 C.F.R. § 0.261.  Petitions for reconsideration under Section 1.106 or applications for review under Section 1.115 of the Commission’s rules, 47 C.F.R. §§ 1.106, 1.115, may be filed within 30 days of the date of the public notice indicating that this action was taken.

Licensing Administration:


File Number:


Added to Permitted List:

See SAT-PPL-20060330-00035 (Int'l Bur. Sat. Div., Auth. By Grant Stamp w/ Conditions, June 21, 2006).


 SatMex 5, pdf image link electornic format

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last reviewed/updated on Tuesday, 09-Dec-08 14:38:20  

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