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Pursuant to the Order released in Inmarsat, Inc., DA 08-2323 (released October 21, 2008) (“ISAT Order”), a U.S.-licensed earth station with an ISAT authorization is permitted to access any space station on this list, provided that it complies with the Commission's technical requirements, and operates under the conditions on its license.  Nothing in the ISAT Order, however, eliminates the need for an earth station operator or space station operator to request authority to make technical changes to its facility where those changes require prior Commission approval under Sections 25.117 and 25.118 of the Commission's rules. See 47 C.F.R. § 25.117 & 25.118.

The information in this website is an unofficial list of conditions applicable to ISAT-designated earth stations communicating with the satellites listed below, provided for the convenience of earth station operators with ISAT licenses.  It is not necessarily an exhaustive list of all applicable conditions.  Earth station operators are advised that nothing in this website affects in any way the requirements in their earth station licenses and the Orders cited below adding satellites to the ISAT List

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Inmarsat 3F2 (INMARSAT-3 AOR East)

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Orbit Location:

15.5° W.L.

Authorized Frequency Range for U.S. Earth Stations with an ISAT Classification:

1525-1559 MHz / 1626.5-1660.5 MHz

Note:  The 1544-1545/1645.5-1646.5 MHz band is reserved for safety and distress communications.  See 47 C.F.R. § 2.106 Footnotes 5.356 and 5.365.  Most earth station licensees are not authorized to operate in these frequencies.  See conditions on individual earth station licenses for details.


(1)  Authority IS GRANTED pursuant to Section 25.210(j) of the Commission’s rules, to permit operations of earth stations with the Inmarsat 3F2 satellite, maintained at ±.10 degree of the 15.5° W.L., subject to the condition that this waiver and the operations it permits shall terminate in the event that a satellite is launched into a location such that its stationkeeping volume would overlap the Inmarsat 3F2 satellite’s ± 0.10 degree stationkeeping volume, but would not overlap the Inmarsat 3F2 satellite’s ±0.05° degree stationkeeping volume, unless Inmarsat has successfully coordinated its physical operations with those of the other spacecraft.

(2)  Licensees must comply with the terms of any L-band operator-to-operator coordination agreement.  In the absence of a continuing L-band operator-to-operator coordination agreement, operations of METs in the 1525-1559 and 1626.5-1660.5 MHz bands will be on a non-harmful interference basis until a future operator-to-operator agreement is concluded.  In this instance, each licensee must notify the other operators in these frequency bands that it will be operating on a non-harmful interference basis. Each licensee must notify its customers that its operations are on a non-harmful interference basis.

Licensing Administration:

United Kingdom

Location of Technical Information:

Vizada Satellite, Inc., IBFS File Nos. SES-LIC-20070416-00479 & SES-AMD-20070920-01300 (Call Sign E000284);
Comsat Corp. d/b/a Comsat Mobile Commun., 16 FCC Rcd 21661 (2001).

Added to ISAT List:

Inmarsat, Inc., Order, DA 08-2323, 23 FCC Rcd 15268 (Int’l Bur. rel. Oct. 21, 2008)


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Inmarsat 3F3 (INMARSAT-3 POR-2)

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Orbit Location:

178° E.L.

Authorized Frequency Range for U.S. Earth Stations with an ISAT Classification:

1525-1559 MHz / 1626.5-1660.5 MHz

Note:  The 1544-1545/1645.5-1646.5 MHz band is reserved for safety and distress communications.  See 47 C.F.R. § 2.106 Footnotes 5.356 and 5.365.  Most earth station licensees are not authorized to operate in these frequencies.  See conditions on individual earth station licenses for details.


(1)  Authority IS GRANTED pursuant to Section 25.210(j) of the Commission’s rules, to permit operations of earth stations with the Inmarsat 3F3satellite, maintained at ±.10 degree of the 178° E.L., subject to the condition that this waiver and the operations it permits shall terminate in the event that a satellite is launched into a location such that its stationkeeping volume would overlap the Inmarsat 3F3 satellite’s ± 0.10 degree stationkeeping volume, but would not overlap the Inmarsat 3F3 satellite’s ±0.05° degree stationkeeping volume, unless Inmarsat has successfully coordinated its physical operations with those of the other spacecraft.

(2)  Licensees must comply with the terms of any L-band operator-to-operator coordination agreement.  In the absence of a continuing L-band operator-to-operator coordination agreement, operations of METs in the 1525-1559 and 1626.5-1660.5 MHz bands will be on a non-harmful interference basis until a future operator-to-operator agreement is concluded.  In this instance, each licensee must notify the other operators in these frequency bands that it will be operating on a non-harmful interference basis. Each licensee must notify its customers that its operations are on a non-harmful interference basis.

Licensing Administration:

United Kingdom

Location of Technical Information:

Vizada Satellite, Inc., IBFS File Nos. SES-LIC-20070416-00479 & SES-AMD-20070920-01300 (Call Sign E000284);
Comsat Corp. d/b/a Comsat Mobile Commun.., 16 FCC Rcd 21661 (2001).

Added to ISAT List:

Inmarsat, Inc., Order, DA 08-2323, 23 FCC Rcd 15268 (Int’l Bur. rel. Oct. 21, 2008)


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Inmarsat 3F4 (INMARSAT-3 POR East)

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Orbit Location:

54º W.L.

Authorized Frequency Range for U.S. Earth Stations with an ISAT Classification:

1525-1559 MHz / 1626.5-1660.5 MHz

Note:  The 1544-1545/1645.5-1646.5 MHz band is reserved for safety and distress communications.  See 47 C.F.R. § 2.106 Footnotes 5.356 and 5.365.  Most earth station licensees are not authorized to operate in these frequencies.  See conditions on individual earth station licenses for details.


(1)  Authority IS GRANTED pursuant to Section 25.210(j) of the Commission’s rules, to permit operations of earth stations with the Inmarsat 3F4 satellite, maintained at ±.10 degree of the 54º W.L., subject to the condition that this waiver and the operations it permits shall terminate in the event that a satellite is launched into a location such that its stationkeeping volume would overlap the Inmarsat 3F4 satellite’s ± 0.10 degree stationkeeping volume, but would not overlap the Inmarsat 3F4 satellite’s ±0.05° degree stationkeeping volume, unless Inmarsat has successfully coordinated its physical operations with those of the other spacecraft.

(2)   Operations via the Inmarsat 3F4 satellite using a north-south inclination of as much as 2.7 degrees ARE GRANTED, conditioned on operations of the 3F4 complying with the inclined orbit requirements set forth in Sections 25.280(b)(1)-(3) of the Commission’s rules.

(3)   Licensees must comply with the terms of any L-band operator-to-operator coordination agreement. In the absence of a continuing L-band operator-to-operator coordination agreement, operations of METs in the 1525-1559 and 1626.5-1660.5 MHz bands will be on a non-harmful interference basis until a future operator-to-operator agreement is concluded. In this instance, each licensee must notify the other operators in these frequency bands that it will be operating on a non-harmful interference basis. Each licensee must notify its customers that its operations are on a non-harmful interference basis.

Licensing Administration:

United Kingdom

Location of Technical Information:

Inmarsat plc, IBFS File. Nos. SAT-PPL-20090107-00003; SAT-APL-20090115-00005 (granted April 10, 2009).

Added to ISAT List:

Inmarsat plc, IBFS File. Nos. SAT-PPL-20090107-00003; SAT-APL-20090115-00005 (granted April 10, 2009)


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Inmarsat 4F1

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Orbit Location:

143.5° E.L.

Authorized Frequency Range for U.S. Earth Stations with an ISAT Classification:

1525-1559 MHz / 1626.5-1660.5 MHz

Note:  The 1544-1545/1645.5-1646.5 MHz band is reserved for safety and distress communications.  See 47 C.F.R. § 2.106 Footnotes 5.356 and 5.365.  Most earth station licensees are not authorized to operate in these frequencies.  See conditions on individual earth station licenses for details.


1)  Authority IS GRANTED pursuant to Section 25.210(j) of the Commission’s rules, to permit operations of earth stations with the Inmarsat 4F1 satellite, maintained at ±.10 degree of the 143.5° E.L., subject to the condition that this waiver and the operations it permits shall terminate in the event that a satellite is launched into a location such that its stationkeeping volume would overlap the Inmarsat 4F1 satellite’s ± 0.10 degree stationkeeping volume, but would not overlap the Inmarsat 4F1 satellite’s ±0.05° degree stationkeeping volume, unless Inmarsat has successfully coordinated its physical operations with those of the other spacecraft.

(2) Operations via the Inmarsat 4F1 satellite using a north-south inclination of as much as three degrees ARE GRANTED, conditioned on operations of the 4F1 complying with the inclined orbit requirements set forth in Sections 25.280(b)(1)-(3) of the Commission’s rules.

(3) Licensees must comply with the terms of any L-band operator-to-operator coordination agreement.  In the absence of a continuing L-band operator-to-operator coordination agreement, operations of METs in the 1525-1559 and 1626.5-1660.5 MHz bands will be on a non-harmful interference basis until a future operator-to-operator agreement is concluded.  In this instance, each licensee must notify the other operators in these frequency bands that it will be operating on a non-harmful interference basis.  Each licensee must notify its customers that its operations are on a non-harmful interference basis.

Licensing Administration:

United Kingdom

Location of Technical Information:

Inmarsat Hawaii Inc., IBFS File Nos. SES-MFS-20080228-00207 & SES-AFS-20080410-00448 (Call Sign KA25)

Added to ISAT List:

Inmarsat, Inc., Public Notice: Satellite Communications Services Information Re: Actions Taken, Report No. SES-01097 (Int’l Bur. rel. Dec. 24, 2008)


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Inmarsat 4F2 (INMARSAT-4 GSO-2L)

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Orbit Location:

52.75° W.L.

Authorized Frequency Range for U.S. Earth Stations with an ISAT Classification:

1525-1559 MHz / 1626.5-1660.5 MHz

Note:  The 1544-1545/1645.5-1646.5 MHz band is reserved for safety and distress communications.  See 47 C.F.R. § 2.106 Footnotes 5.356 and 5.365.  Most earth station licensees are not authorized to operate in these frequencies.  See conditions on individual earth station licenses for details.


(1)  Authority IS GRANTED pursuant to Section 25.210(j) of the Commission’s rules, to permit operations of earth stations with the Inmarsat 4F2 satellite, maintained at ±.10 degree of the 52.75° W.L., subject to the condition that this waiver and the operations it permits shall terminate in the event that a satellite is launched into a location such that its stationkeeping volume would overlap the Inmarsat 4F2 satellite’s ± 0.10 degree stationkeeping volume, but would not overlap the Inmarsat 4F2 satellite’s ±0.05° degree stationkeeping volume, unless Inmarsat has successfully coordinated its physical operations with those of the other spacecraft.

(2) Operations via the Inmarsat 4F2 satellite using a north-south inclination of as much as three degrees ARE GRANTED, conditioned on operations of the 4F2 complying with the inclined orbit requirements set forth in Sections 25.280(b)(1)-(3) of the Commission’s rules.

(3) Licensees must comply with the terms of any L-band operator-to-operator coordination agreement.  In the absence of a continuing L-band operator-to-operator coordination agreement, operations of METs in the 1525-1559 and 1626.5-1660.5 MHz bands will be on a non-harmful interference basis until a future operator-to-operator agreement is concluded.  In this instance, each licensee must notify the other operators in these frequency bands that it will be operating on a non-harmful interference basis.  Each licensee must notify its customers that its operations are on a non-harmful interference basis.

Licensing Administration:

United Kingdom

Location of Technical Information:

Stratos Commun., Inc., IBFS File Nos. SES-LFS-20050826-01175 & SES-AMD-20051117-01590 (Call Sign E050249)

Added to ISAT List:

Inmarsat, Inc., Order, DA 08-2323, 23 FCC Rcd 15268 (Int’l Bur. rel. Oct. 21, 2008)


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Inmarsat 4F3

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Orbit Location:

97.65° W.L.

Authorized Frequency Range for U.S. Earth Stations with an ISAT Classification:

1525-1559 MHz / 1626.5-1660.5 MHz

Note:  The 1544-1545/1645.5-1646.5 MHz band is reserved for safety and distress communications.  See 47 C.F.R. § 2.106 Footnotes 5.356 and 5.365.  Most earth station licensees are not authorized to operate in these frequencies.  See conditions on individual earth station licenses for details.


(1)  Authority IS GRANTED pursuant to Section 25.210(j) of the Commission’s rules, to permit operations of earth stations with the Inmarsat 4F3 satellite, maintained at ±.10 degree of the 97.65° W.L., subject to the condition that this waiver and the operations it permits shall terminate in the event that a satellite is launched into a location such that its stationkeeping volume would overlap the Inmarsat 4F3 satellite’s ± 0.10 degree stationkeeping volume, but would not overlap the Inmarsat 4F3 satellite’s ±0.05° degree stationkeeping volume, unless Inmarsat has successfully coordinated its physical operations with those of the other spacecraft.

(2) Operations via the Inmarsat 4F3 satellite using a north-south inclination of as much as three degrees ARE GRANTED, conditioned on operations of the 4F3 complying with the inclined orbit requirements set forth in Sections 25.280(b)(1)-(3) of the Commission’s rules.

(3) Licensees must comply with the terms of any L-band operator-to-operator coordination agreement.  In the absence of a continuing L-band operator-to-operator coordination agreement, operations of METs in the 1525-1559 and 1626.5-1660.5 MHz bands will be on a non-harmful interference basis until a future operator-to-operator agreement is concluded.  In this instance, each licensee must notify the other operators in these frequency bands that it will be operating on a non-harmful interference basis.  Each licensee must notify its customers that its operations are on a non-harmful interference basis.

Licensing Administration:

United Kingdom

Location of Technical Information:

Inmarsat Hawaii Inc., IBFS File Nos. SES-MFS-20080228-00207, SES-AFS-20080410-00448 & SES-AFS-20080915-01200 (Call Sign KA25)

Added to ISAT List:

Inmarsat, Inc., Public Notice: Satellite Communications Services Information Re: Actions Taken, Report No. SES-01097 (Int’l Bur. rel. Dec. 24, 2008)


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last reviewed/updated on Friday, 17-Apr-09 13:40:37  

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