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  Rules for International Carriers

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Rules for International Carriers

Selected rules applicable to international common carriers

This unofficial compilation of rules is provided as a courtesy of the staff of the Policy Division of the FCC's International Bureau. The official rules appear in the Federal Register summary of each of the Commission's orders. The official compilation of those rules is released annually as part of the Code of Federal Regulations . However, the CFR usually does not reflect the Commission's most recent amendments. Every effort has been made to ensure that this document is correct and up to date, but we are unable to guarantee its accuracy. If you notice any errors, please send e-mail to JoAnn Ekblad of the Policy Division.

For your reference, the most recent Commission orders affecting these rules are the following:

  • FCC 05-91, Report and Order, Mandatory Electronic Filing for International Telecommunications Services and Other International Filings (released May 11, 2005)
  • DA 04-671, Order, International Bureau Filing System (released March 31, 2004)
  • FCC 04-53, Report and Order, International Settlements Policy Reform and International Settlement Rates (released March 30, 2004)
  • FCC 02-154 , Report and Order, 2000 Biennial Review; International Telecommunications Service (released June 10, 2002)
  • FCC 01-332, Report and Order, Submarine Cable Order (released Dec. 14, 2001)
  • DA 01-2825 , Order, Amendment of Parts 1, 43, and 63 of the Commission's Rules (released Dec. 5, 2001)
  • FCC 01-93 , Report and Order, 2000 Biennial Regulatory Review, Policy and Rules Concerning the International, Interexchange Marketplace, IB Docket No. 00-202 (released March 20, 2001)
  • FCC 00-339 , Order on Reconsideration, Rules and Policies on Foreign Participation in the U.S. Telecommunications Market, IB Docket No. 97-142 (releasedSeptember 19, 2000).
  • FCC 99-124 , Report and Order on Reconsideration and Order Lifting Stay , International Settlement Rates, IB Docket No. 96-261 (released June 11, 1999).
  • FCC 99-104 , Report and Order, Implementation of Section 402(b)(2)(A) of the Telecommunications Act of 1996, CC Docket No. 97-11, and Second Memorandum Opinion and Order, Petition for Forbearance of the Independent Telephone & Telecommunications Alliance, AAD File No. 98-43 (released June 30, 1999).
  • FCC 99-73 , Report and Order and Order on Reconsideration, 1998 Biennial Regulatory Review — Review of International Settlements Policy, IB Docket Nos. 98-148, 95-22; CC Docket No. 90-337 (released May 6, 1999).
  • FCC 99-51 , Report and Order, 1998 Biennial Regulatory Review — Review of International Common Carrier Regulations, IB Docket No. 98-118 (released March 23, 1999).



§ 1.767 Cable landing licenses.

§ 1.10000 What is the purpose of these rules?

§ 1.10005 What is IBFS?

§ 1.10006 Is electronic filing mandatory?

§ 1.10007 What applications can I file electronically?


§42.10 Public availability of information concerning interexchange services.

§42.11 Retention of information concerning detariffed interexchange services.


§  43.51 Contracts and concessions.

§  43.61 Reports of international telecommunications traffic.

§  43.82 International circuit status reports.


§  61.28 International dominant carrier tariff filing requirements.


§  63.09 Definitions applicable to international Section 214 authorizations.

§  63.10 Regulatory classification of U.S. international carriers.

§  63.11 Notification by and prior approval for U.S. international carriers that are or propose to become affiliated with a foreign carrier.

§  63.12 Processing of international Section 214 applications.

§  63.13 Procedures for modifying regulatory classification of U.S. international carriers from dominant to non-dominant.

§  63.14 Prohibition on agreeing to accept special concessions.

§  63.15 [removed] (see Section 63.23)

§  63.16 [removed]

§  63.17 Special provisions for U.S. international common carriers.

§  63.18 Contents of applications for international common carriers.

§  63.19 Special procedures for discontinuances of international services.

§  63.20 Copies required; fees; and filing periods for international service providers.

§  63.21 Conditions applicable to all international Section 214 authorizations.

§  63.22 Facilities-based international common carriers.

§  63.23 Resale-based international common carriers.

§  63.24 Pro forma assignments and transfers of control.

§  63.25 Special provisions relating to temporary or emergency service by international carriers.


§  64.1001 Requests to modify international settlement arrangements.

§  64.1002 International settlements policy.

Exclusion List for International Section 214 Authorizations


§ 1.767 Cable landing licenses.

(a) Applications for cable landing licenses under 47 U.S.C. 34-39 and Executive Order No. 10530 should be filed in accordance with the provisions of that Executive Order. These applicatons should contain:

(1) The name, address and telephone number(s) of the applicant;

(2) The Government, State, or Territory under the laws of which each corporate or partnership applicant is organized;

(3) The name, title, post office address, and telephone number of the officer and any other contact point, such as legal counsel, to whom correspondence concerning the application is to be addressed;

(4) A description of the submarine cable, including the type and number of channels and the capacity thereof;

(5) A specific description of the cable landing stations on the shore of the United States and in foreign countries where the cable will land. The description shall include a map showing specific geographic coordinates, and may also include street addresses, of each landing station.  The map must also specify the coordinates of any beach joint where those coordinates differ from the coordinates of the cable station. The applicant initially may file a general geographic description of the landing points; however, grant of the application will be conditioned on the Commission's final approval of a more specific description of the landing points, including all information required by this paragraph, to be filed by the applicant no later than ninety (90) days prior to construction. The Commission will give public notice of the filing of this description, and grant of the license will be considered final if the Commission does not notify the applicant otherwise in writing no later than sixty (60) days after receipt of the specific description of the landing points, unless the Commission designates a different time period;

(6) A statement as to whether the cable will be operated on a common carrier or non-common carrier basis;

(7) A list of the proposed owners of the cable system, including each U.S. cable landing station, their respective voting and ownership interests in each U.S. cable landing station, their respective voting interests in the wet link portion of the cable system, and their respective ownership interests by segment in the cable;

(8) For each applicant of the cable system, a certification as to whether the applicant is, or is affiliated with, a foreign carrier , including an entity that owns or controls a foreign cable landing station in any of cable's destination markets.  Include the citizenship of each applicant and information and certifications required in § 63.18(h) through (k), and in § 63.18(o) of this chapter;

(9) A certification that the applicant accepts and will abide by the routine conditions specified in paragraph (g) of this section; and

(10) Any other information that may be necessary to enable the Commission to act on the application.


(i)  If applying for authority to assign to transfer control of an interest in a cable system, the applicant shall complete paragraphs (a)(1) through (a)(3) of this section for both the transferor/assignor and the transferee/assignee.  Only the transferee/assignee needs to complete paragraphs (a)(8) through (a)(9) of this section.  At the beginning of the application, the applicant should also include a narrative of the means by which the transfer or assignment will take place.  The application shall also specify, on a segment specific basis, the percentage of voting and ownership interests being transferred or assigned in the cable system, including in a U.S. cable landing station.  The Commission reserves the right to request additional information as to the particulars of the transaction to aid it in making its public interest determination.

(ii)  In the event the transaction requiring an assignment or transfer of control application also requires the filing of a foreign carrier affiliation notification pursuant to § 1.768, the applicant shall reference in the application the foreign carrier affiliation notification and the date of its filing.  See § 1.768.  See also paragraph (g)(7) of this section (providing for post-transaction notification of pro forma assignments and transfers of control).

(iii)  An assignee or transferee must notify the Commission no later than thirty (30) days after either consummation of the assignment or transfer. The notification shall identify the file numers under which the initial license and the authorization of the assignment or transfer were granted.

(b) These applications are acted upon by the Commission after obtaining the approval of the Secretary of State and such assistance from any executive department or establishment of the government as it may require.

(c) Original files relating to submarine cable landing licenses and applications for licenses since June 30, 1934, are kept by the Commission. Such applications for licenses (including all documents and exhibits filed with and made a part thereof, with the exception of any maps showing the exact location of the submarine cable or cables to be licensed) and the licenses issued pursuant thereto, with the exception of such maps, shall, unless otherwise ordered by the Commission, be open to public inspection in the offices of the Commission in Washington, D.C.

(d) Original files relating to licenses and applications for licenses for the landing operation of cables prior to June 30, 1934, were kept by the Department of State, and such files prior to 1930 have been transferred to the Executive and Foreign Affairs Branch of the General Records Office of the National Archives. Requests for inspection of these files should, however, be addressed to the Federal Communications Commission, Washington, D.C., 20554; and the Commission will obtain such files for a temporary period in order to permit inspection at the offices of the Commission.

(e)  A separate application shall be filed with respect to each individual cable system for which a license is requested, or for which modification or amendment of a previous license is requested. The application fee for a non-common carrier cable landing license is payment type code BJT. Applicants for common carrier cable landing licenses shall pay the fees for both a common carrier cable landing license (payment type code CXT) and overseas cable construction (payment type code BIT). There is no application fee for modification of a cable landing license, except that the fee for assignment or transfer of control of a cable landing license is payment type code CUT. See § 1.1107(2) of this chapter.

(f) Applicants shall disclose to any interested member of the public, upon written request, accurate information concerning the location and timing for the construction of a submarine cable system authorized under this section. This disclosure shall be made within 30 days of receipt of the request.

(g)  Routine Conditions.  Except as otherwise ordered by the Commission, the following rules apply to each licensee of a cable landing license granted on or after March 15, 2002.

(1)  Grant of the cable landing license is subject to:

(i)  All rules and regulations of the Federal Communications Commission;

(ii)  Any treaties of conventions relating to communications to which the United States is or may hereafter become a party; and

(iii)  Any action by the Commission or the Congress of the United States rescinding, changing, modifying or amending any rights accruing to any person by grant of the license;

(2) The location of the cable system within the territorial waters of the United States of America, its territories and possessions, and upon its shores shall be in conformity with plans approved by the Secretary of the Army.  The cable shall be moved or shifted by the licensee at its expense upon request of the Secretary of the Army, whenever he or she considers such course necessary in the public interest, for reasons of national defense, or for the maintenance and improvement of harbors for navigational purposes;

(3) The licensee shall at all times comply with any requirements of United States government authorities regarding the location and concealment of the cable facilities, buildings, and apparatus for the purpose of protecting and safeguarding the cables from injury or destruction of enemies of the United States of America;

(4) The licensee, or any person or company controlling it, controlled by it, or under direct or indirect common control with it, does not enjoy and shall not acquire any right to handle traffic to or from the United States, its territories or its possessions unless such service is authorized by the Commission pursuant to section 214 of the Communications Act, as amended;


(i)   The licensee shall be prohibited from agreeing to accept special concessions directly or indirectly from any foreign carrier, including any entity that owns or controls a foreign cable landing station, where the foreign carrier possesses sufficient market power on the foreign end of the route to affect competition adversely in the U.S. market, and from agreeing to accept special concessions in the future.

(ii)  For purposes of this section, a special concession is defined as an exclusive arrangement involving services, facilities, or functions on the foreign end of a U.S. international route that are necessary to land, connect, or operate submarine cables, where the arrangement is not offered to similarly situated U.S. submarine cable owners, indefeasible-right-of-user holders, or lessors, and includes arrangements for the terms for acquisition, resale, lease, transfer and use of capacity on the cable; access to collocation space; the opportunity to provide or obtain backhaul capacity; access to technical network information; and interconnection to the public switched telecommunications network.

Note to paragraph (g)(5):  Licensees may rely on the Commission's list of foreign carriers that do not qualify for the presumption that they lack market power in particular foreign points for purposes of determining which foreign carriers are the subject of the requirements of this section.  The Commission's list of foreign carriers that do not qualify for the presumption that they lack market power is available from the International Bureau's World Wide Web site at http://www.fcc.gov/ib.

(6)  Except as provided in paragraph (g)(7) of this section, the cable landing license and rights granted in the license shall not be transferred, assigned, or disposed of, or disposed of indirectly by transfer of control of the licensee, unless the Federal Communications Commission gives prior consent in writing;

(7)  A pro forma assignee or a person or company that is the subject of a pro forma transfer of control of a cable landing license is not required to seek prior approval for the pro forma transaction.  A pro forma assignee or person or company that is the subject of a pro forma transfer of control must notify the Commission no later than thirty (30) days after the assignment or transfer of control is consummated.  The notification must certify that the assignment or transfer of control was pro forma, as defined in § 63.24 of this chapter, and, together with all the previous pro forma transactions, does not result in a change of the licensee's ultimate control.  The licensee may file a single notification for an assignment or transfer of control of multiple licenses issued in the name of the licensee if each license is identified by the file number under which it was granted.

(8)  Unless the licensee has notified the Commission in the application of the precise locations at which the cable will land, as required by paragraph (a)(5) of this section, the licensee shall notify the Commission no later than ninety (90) days prior to commencing construction at that landing location.  The Commission will give public notice of the filing of each description, and grant of the cable landing license will be considered final with respect to that landing location unless the Commission issues a notice to the contrary no later than sixty (60) days after receipt of the specific description. See paragraph (a)(5) of this section.

(9)  The Commission reserves the right to require the licensee to file an environmental assessment should it determine that the landing of the cable at the specific locations and construction of necessary cable landing stations may significantly affect the environment within the meaning of § 1.1307 implementing the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969.  See § 1.1307(a) and (b).  The cable landing license is subject to the modification by the Commission under its review of any environmental assessment or environmental impact statement that it may require pursuant to its rules.  See also § 1.1306 note 1 and § 1.1307(c) and (d);

(10)  The Commission reserves the right, pursuant to section 2 of the Cable Landing License Act, 47 U.S.C. 35, Executive Order No. 10530 as amended, and section 214 of the Communications Act of 1934, as amended, 47 U.S.C. 214, to impose common carrier regulation or other regulation consistent with the Cable Landing License Act on the operations of the cable system if it finds that the public interest so requires;

(11)  The licensee, or in the case of multiple licensees, the licensees collectively, shall maintain de jure and de factor control of the U.S. portion of the cable system, including the cable landing stations in the United States, sufficient to comply with the requirements of the Commission's rules and any specific conditions of the license;

(12)  The licensee shall comply with the requirements of  § 1.768 ;

(13)  The cable landing license is revocable by the Commission after due notice and opportunity for hearing pursuant to section 2 of the Cable Landing License Act, 47 U.S.C. 35, or for failure to comply with the terms of the license or with the Commission's rules; and

(14)  The licensee shall notify the Commission within thirty (30) days of the date the cable is placed into service. The cable landing license shall expire twenty-five (25) years from the in-service date, unless renewed or extended upon proper application. Upon expiration, all rights granted under the license shall be terminated.

(h)    Applicants/Licensees.  Except as otherwise required by the Commission, the following entities, at a minimum, shall be applicants for, and licensees on, a cable landing license;

(1) Any entity that owns or controls a cable landing station in the United States;and

(2) All other entities owning or controlling a five percent (5%) or greater interest in the cable system and using the U.S. points of the cable system.

(i)    Processing of cable landing license applications The Commission will take action upon an application eligible for streamlined processing, as specified in paragraph (k) of this section, within forty-five (45) days after release of the public notice announcing the application as acceptable for filing and eligible for streamlined processing.  If the Commission deems an application seeking streamlined processing acceptable for filing but ineligible for streamlined processing, or if an applicant does not seek streamlined processing, the Commission will issue public notice indicating that the application is ineligible for streamlined processing.  Within ninety (90) days of the public notice, the Commission will take action upon the application or provide public notice that, because the application raises questions of extraordinary complexity, an additional 90-day period for review is needed.  Each successive 90-day period may be so extended.

(j)    Applications for streamlining.  Each applicant seeking to use the streamlined grant procedure specified in paragraph (i) of this section shall request streamlined processing in its application. Applications for streamlined processing shall inclde the information and certifications required by paragraph (k) of this section. On the date of filing with the Commission, the applicant shall also send a complete copy of the application, or any major amendments or other material filings regarding the application to: U.S. Coordinator, EB/CIP, U.S. Department of State, 2201 C Street, NW, Washington, DC 20520-5818; Office of Chief Counsel/NTIA, U.S. Department of Commerce, 14th St./ and Constitution Ave., NW, Washington, DC 20230; and Defense Information Systems Agency, Code RGC, 701 S. Courthouse Road, Arlington, VA 22204, and shall certify such service on a service list attached to the application or other filing.

(k)    Eligibility for streamlining.  Each applicant must demonstrate eligibility for streamlining by:

(1)  Certifying that it is not a foreign carrier and it is not affiliated with a foreign carrier in any of the cable's destination markets;

(2)  Demonstrating pursuant to § 63.12(c)(l) (i) through (iii)  of this chapter that any such foreign carrier or affiliated foreign carrier lacks market power; or

(3)  Certifying that the destination market where the applicant is, or has an affiliation with, a foreign carrier is a World Trade Organization (WTO) Member and the applicant agrees to accept and abide by the reporting requirements set out in paragraph (l) of this section.  An application that includes an applicant that is, or is affiliated with, a carrier with market power in a cable's non-WTO Member destination country is not eligible for streamlining.

(l)    Reporting Requirements Applicable to Licensees Affiliated with a Carrier with market Power in a Cable's WTO Destination Market.  Any licensee that is, or is affiliated with, a carrier with market power in any of the cable's WTO Member destination countries, and that requests streamlined processing of an application under paragraphs (j) and (k) of this section, must comply with the following requirements:

(1)  File quarterly reports summarizing the provisioning and maintenance of all network facilities and services procured from the licensee's affiliate in that destination market, within ninety (90) days from the end of each calendar quarter.  These reports shall contain the following:

(i)The types of facilities and services provided (for example, a lease of wet link capacity in the cable, collocation of licensee's equipment in the cable station with the ability to provide backhaul, or cable station and backhaul services provided to the licensee);

(ii)For provisioned facilities and services, the volume or quantity provisioned, and the time internal between order and delivery; and
(iii) The number of outages and intervals between fault report and facility or service restoration; and

(2) File quarterly circuit status reports, within ninety (90) days from the end of each calendar quarter and in the format set out by the § 43.82 of this chapter annual circuit status manual with the exception that activated or idle circuits must  be reported on a facility-by-facility basis and derived circuits need not be specified; See § 63.10(c)(5) of this chapter.


(1) Except as specified in paragraph (m)(2) of this section, amendments to pending applications, and applications to modify a license, including amendments or applications to add a new applicant or licensee, shall be signed by each initial applicant or licensee respectively.  Joint applicants or licensees may appoint one party to act as proxy for purposes of complying with this requirement.

(2) Any licensee that seeks to relinquish its interest in a cable landing license shall file an application to modify the license.  Such application must include a demonstration that the applicant is not required to be a licensee under paragraph (h) of this section and that the remaining licensee(s) will retain collectively de jure and de facto control of the U.S. portion of the cable system sufficient to comply with the requirements of the Commission's rules and any specific conditions of the license, and must be served on each other licensee of the cable system.

(n) Subject to the availability of electronic forms, all applications and notifications described in this section must be filed electronically through the International Bureau Filing System (IBFS). A list of forms that are available for electronic filing can be found on the IBFS homepage. For information on electronic filing requirements, see part 1,§§ 1.1000-1.10018 and the IBFS homepage at http://www.fcc.gov/ibfs. See also §§ 63.20 and 63.53.

Note to § 1.767:   The terms "affiliated" and "foreign carrier," as used in this section, are defined as in § 63.09 of this chapter except that the term "foreign carrier" also shall include any entity that owns or controls a cable landing station in a foreign market.

§ 1.768  Notification by and prior approval for submarine cable landing licensees that are or propose to become affiliated with a foreign carrier.

Any entity that is licensed by the Commission ("licensee") to land or operate a submarine cable landing in a particular foreign destination market that becomes, or seeks to become, affiliated with a foreign carrier that is authorized to operate in that market, including an entity that owns or controls a cable landing station in that market, shall notify the Commission of that affiliation.

(a) Affiliations requiring prior notification:  Except as provided in paragraph (b) of this section, the licensee must notify the Commission, pursuant to this section, forty-five (45) days before consummation of either of the following types of transactions:

(1)  Acquisition by the licensee, or by any entity that controls the licensee, or by any entity that directly or indirectly owns more than twenty-five percent (25%) of the capital stock of the licensee, of a controlling interest in a foreign carrier that is authorized to operate in a market where the cable lands; or

(2)  Acquisition of a direct or indirect interest greater than twenty five percent (25%), or of a controlling interest, in the capital stock of the licensee by a foreign carrier that is authorized to operate in a market where the cable lands, or by an entity that controls such a foreign carrier.

(b)  Exceptions:

(1) Notwithstanding paragraph (a) of this section, the notification required by this section need not be filed before consummation, and may instead be filed pursuant to paragraph (c) of this section, if either of the following is true with respect to the named foreign carrier, regardless of whether the destination market where the cable lands is a World Trade Organization or non-WTO Member:

(i)The Commission has previously determined in an adjudication that the foreign carrier lacks market power in that destination market (for example, in an international section 214 application or a declaratory ruling proceeding); or

(ii)The foreign carrier owns no facilities in that destination market.  For this purpose, a carrier is said to own facilities if it holds an ownership, indefeasible-right-of-user, or leasehold interest in bare capacity in international or domestic telecommunications facilities (excluding switches).

(2) In the event paragraph (b)(1) of this section cannot be satisfied, notwithstanding paragraph (a) of this section, the notification required by this section need not be filed before consummation, and may instead be filed pursuant to paragraph (c) of this section, if the licensee certifies that the destination market where the cable lands is a Member and provides certification to satisfy either of the following:

(i)The licensee demonstrates that its foreign carrier affiliate lacks market power in the cable's destination market pursuant to § 63.10(a)(3) of this chapter (see § 63.10(a)(3) of this chapter); or

(ii)The licensee agrees to comply with the reporting requirements contained in § 1.767(l) effective upon the acquisition of the affiliation.  See § 1.767(l).

(c)  Notification after consummation:  Any licensee that becomes affiliated with a foreign carrier and has not previously notified the Commission pursuant ot the requirements of this section shall notify the Commission within thirty (30) days after consummation of the acquisition.

Example 1 to paragraph (c).  Acquisition by a licensee (or by any entity that directly or indirectly controls, is controlled by, or is under direct or indirect common control with the licensee) of a direct or indirect interest in a foreign carrier that is greater than twenty-five percent (25%) but not controlling is subject to paragraph (c) of this section but not to paragraph (a) of this section.

Example 2 to paragraph (c).  Notification of an acquisition by a licensee of a hundred percent (100%) interest in a foreign carrier may be made after consummation, pursuant to paragraph (c) of this section, if the foreign carrier operates only as a resale carrier.

Example 3 to paragraph (c).  Notification of an acquisition of a foreign carrier from a WTO Member of a greater than twenty-five percent (25%) interest in the capital stock of the licensee may be made after consummation, pursuant to paragraph (c) of this section, if the licensee demonstrates in the post-notification that the foreign carrier lacks market power in the cable's destination market or the licensee agrees to comply with the reporting requirements contained in § 1.767(l) effective upon the acquisition of the affiliation.

(d)  Cross-reference:  In the event a transaction requiring a foreign carrier notification pursuant to this section also requires a transfer of control or assignment application pursuant to the requirements of the license granted under § 1.767 or 1.767(g) , the foreign carrier notification shall reference in the notification the transfer of control or assignment application and the date of its filing.  See § 1.767(g).

(e)  Contents of Notification:  The notification shall certify the following information:

(1)  The name of the newly affiliated foreign carrier and the country or countries at the foreign end of the cable in which it is authorized to provide telecommunications services to the public or where it owns or controls a cable landing station:

(2)  Which, if any, of those countries is a Member of the Word Trade Organization;

(3) The name of the cable system that is the subject of the notification, and the FCC file number(s) under which the licensee was granted;

(4) The name, address, citizenship, and principal business of any person or entity that directly or indirectly owns at least ten percent (10%) of the equity of the licensee, and the percentage of equity owned by each of those entities (to the nearest one percent (1%));

(5) Interlocking directorates.   The name of any interlocking directorates, as defined in § 63.09(g) of this chapter, with each foreign carrier named in the notification.  See § 63.09(g) .

(6) With respect to each foreign carrier named in the notification, a statement as to whether the notification is subject to paragraph (a) or (c) of this section.  In the case of a notification subject to paragraph (a) of this section, the licensee shall include the projected date of closing.  In the case of a notification subject to paragraph (c) of this section, the licensee shall include the actual date of closing.

(7) If a licensee relies on an exception in paragraph (b) of this section, then a certification as to which exception the foreign carrier satisfies and a citation to any adjudication upon which the licensee is relying.  Licensees relying upon the exceptions in paragraph (b)(2) of this section must make the required certified demonstration in paragraph (b)(2)(i) of this section or the certified commitment to comply with the reporting requirements in paragraph (b)(2)(ii) of this section in the notification required by paragraph (c) of this section.

(f)  If the licensee seeks to be excepted from the reporting requirements contained in § 1.767(l) , the licensee should demonstrate that each foreign carrier affiliate named in the notification lacks market power pursuant to § 63.10(a)(3) of this chapter. See § 63.10(a)(3) of this chapter.

(g)  Procedure.  After the Commission issues a public notice of the submissions made under this section, interested parties may file comments within fourteen (14) days of the public notice.

(1)  If the Commission deems it necessary at any time before or after the deadline for submission of public comments, the Commission may impose reporting requirements on the licensee based on the provisions of § 1.767(l).  See § 1.767(l) .

(2)  In the case of a prior notification filed pursuant to paragraph (a) of this section in which the foreign carrier is authorized to operate in, or own a cable landing station in, a non-WTO Member, the licensee must demonstrate that it continues to serve the public interest for it to retain its interest in the cable landing license for the segment of the cable that lands in the non-WTO destination market by demonstrating that either the foreign carrier lacks market power in that destination market pursuant to § 63.10(a)(3)   of this chapter or the market offers effective opportunities for U.S. companies to land and operate a submarine cable in that country.  If the licensee is unable to make either required showing or is notified that the affiliation may otherwise harm the public interest pursuant to the Commission's policies and rules under 47 U.S.C. 34 through 39 and Executive Order No. 10530, dated May 10, 1954, then the Commission may impose conditions necessary to address any public interest harms or may proceed to an immediate authorization revocation hearing.

Note to paragraph (g)(2):  The assessment of whether a destination market offers effective opportunities for U.S. companies to land and operate a submarine cable will be made under the standard established in Rules and Policies on Foreign Participation in the U.S. Telecommunications Market, Market Entry and Regulation of Foreign-Affiliated Entities , IB Docket Nos. 97-142 and 95-22, Report and Order and Order on Reconsideration, 12 FCC Rcd 23891, 23946 at paragraph 130, 62 FR 64741, December 8, 1997.

(h)  All licensees are responsible for the continuing accuracy of information provided pursuant to this section for a period of forty-five (45) days after filing.  During this period if the information furnished is no longer accurate, the licensee shall as promptly as possible, and in any event within ten (10) days, unless good cause is shown, file with the Commission a corrected notification referencing the FCC file numbers under which the original notification was provided.

(i)  A licensee that files a prior notification pursuant to paragraph (a) of this section may request confidential treatment of its filing, pursuant to § 0.459 of this chapter, for the first twenty (20) days after filing. 

(j)  Subject to the availability of electronic forms, all notifications described in this section must be filed electronically through the International Bureau Filing System (IBFS). A list of forms that are available for electronic filing can be found on the IBFS homepage. For information on electronic filing requirements, see part 1,§§ 1.1000-1.10018 and the IBFS homepage at http://www.fcc.gov/ibfs. See also §§ 63.20 and 63.53.

Note to § 1.767:   The terms "affiliated" and "foreign carrier," as used in this section, are defined as in § 63.09 of this chapter except that the term "foreign carrier" also shall include any entity that owns or controls a cable landing station in a foreign market.

Note to § 1.768:  The terms "affiliated" and "foreign carrier," as used in this section, are defined as in § 63.09 of this chapter except that the term "foreign carrier" also shall include an entity that owns or controls a cable landing station in a foreign market.

§ 1.10000 What is the purpose of these rules?

(a) These rules are issued under the Communications Act of l934, as amended, 47 U.S.C. 151 et seq., and the Submarine Cable Landing License Act, 47 U.S.C. 34-39.

(b) This subpart describes procedures for electronic filing of International and Satellite Services applications using the International Bureau Filing System.

(c) More licensing and application descriptions and directions, including but not limited to specifying which International and Satellite service applications must be filed electronically, are in parts 1, 25, 63, and 64 of this chapter.

§ 1.10005 What is IBFS?

(a) The International Bureau Filing System (IBFS) is a database, application filing system, and processing system for all International and Satellite Services. IBFS supports electronic filing of many applications and related documents in the International Bureau, and provides public access to this information.

(b) We maintain applications, notifications, correspondence, and other materials filed electronically with the International Bureau in IBFS.

§ 1.10006 Is electronic filing mandatory?

Electronic Filing is mandatory for all applications for international and satellite services for which an International Bureau Filing System (IBFS) form is available. Applications for which an electronic form is not available must be filed by paper until new forms are instroduced. See §§ 63.20 and 63.53. As each new IBFS form becomes available for electronic filing, the Commission will issue a public notice announcing the availability of the new form and the effective date of mandatory filing for this particular type of filing. As each new form becomes effective, manual filings will not be accpeted by the Commission and the filings will be returned to the applicant without processing. Mandatory electronic filing requirements for applications for international and satellite services ar set forth in Parts 1, 25, 63, and 64 of this chapter. International Bureau Filing System (IBFS). A list of forms that are available for electronic filing can be found on the IBFS homepage. For information on electronic filing requirements, see part 1,§§ 1.1000-1.10018 and the IBFS homepage at http://www.fcc.gov/ibfs. See also §§ 63.20 and 63.53.

§ 1.10007 What applications must be filed electronically?

(a) For a complete list of applications or notifications that must be filed electronically, see the IBFS Web site at http://www.fcc.gov/ibfs.

(b) Many applications require exhibits or attachments. If attachments are required, you must attach documentation to your electronic application before filing. We accept attachments in the following formats: Word, Adobe Acrobat, Excel and Text.

(c) For paper filing rules and procedures, see parts 1, 25, 63 or 64.


§ 42.10 Public availability of information concerning interexchange services.

(a)  A nondominant interexchange carrier (IXC) shall make available to any member of the public, in at least one location, during regular business hours, information concerning its current rates, terms and conditions for all of its international and interstate, domestic, interexchange services.  Such information shall be made available in an easy to understand format and in a timely manner.  Following an inquiry or complaint from the public concerning rates, terms and conditions for such services, a carrier shall specify that such information is available and the manner in which the public may obtain the information.

§ 42.11 Retention of information concerning detariffed interexchange services.

(a)  A nondominant IXC shall maintain, for submission to the Commission and to state regulatory commissions upon request, price and service information regarding all of the carrier's international and interstate, domestic, interexchange service offerings.  A commercial mobile service (CMRS) provider shall maintain such price and service information only about its international common carrier service offerings and only for those routes on which the CMRS provider is classified as dominant under § 63.10 of  this Chapter due to an affiliation with a foreign carrier that collects settlement payments from U.S. carriers for terminating U.S. international switched traffic at the foreign end of the route.  Such a CMRS provider is not required to maintain its price and service information, however, on any such affiliated route if it provides service on that route solely through the resale of an unaffiliated facilities-based provider's international switched services.  The price and service information maintained for purposes of this paragraph shall include documents supporting the rates, terms, and conditions of the carrier's international and interstate, domestic, interexchange offerings.  The information maintained pursuant to this section shall be maintained in a manner that allows the carrier to produce such records within ten business days.  For purposes of this paragraph, affiliated and foreign carrier are defined in § 63.09 of this Chapter.


§ 43.51 Contracts and concessions.

(a)(1) Any communications common carrier described in paragraph (b) of this section must file with the Commission within thirty (30) days of execution, a copy of each contract, agreement, concession, license, authorization, operating agreement or other arrangement to which it is a party and amendments thereto with respect to the following:

(i) The exchange of services; and,

(ii) The interchange or routing of traffic and matters concerning rates, accounting rates, division of tolls, or the basis of settlement of traffic balances, except as provided in paragraph (c) of this section.

(2) If the contract, agreement, concession, license, authorization, operating agreement or other arrangement and amendments thereto is made other than in writing, a certified statement covering all details thereof must be filed by at least one of the parties to the agreement. Each other party to the agreement which is also subject to these provisions may, in lieu of also filing a copy of the agreement, file a certified statement referencing the filed document.  The Commission may, at any time and upon reasonable request, require any communication common carrier not subject to the provisions of this section to submit the documents referenced in this section.

(b) The following communication common carriers must comply with the requirements of paragraph (a) of this section: 
(1) A carrier that is engaged in domestic communications and has not been classified as non-dominant pursuant to § 61.3 of this Chapter,

(2) A carrier that is engaged in foreign communications and that has been classified as dominant for any service on any of the U.S.-international routes included in the contract, except for a carrier classified as dominant on a particular route due only to a foreign carrier affiliation under § 63.10 of this chapter, or

(3)   A carrier, other than a provider of commercial mobile radio services, that is engaged in foreign communications and enters into a contract, agreement, concession, license, authorization, operating agreement or other arrangement and amendments thereto with a foreign carrier that does not qualify for the presumption, set forth in Note 3 to this section, that it lacks market power on the foreign end of one or more of the U.S.-international routes included in the contract, unless the route appears on the Commission's list of U.S.-international routes that the Commission has exempted from the international settlements policy set forth in § 64.1002 of this chapter.

(c) With respect to contracts coming within the scope of paragraph (a)(1)(ii) of this section between subject telephone carriers and connecting carriers, except those contracts related to communications with foreign or overseas points, such documents shall not be filed with the Commission; but each subject telephone carrier shall maintain a copy of such contracts to which it is a party in appropriate files at a central location upon its premises, copies of which shall be readily accessible to Commission staff and members of the public upon reasonable request therefor; and upon request by the Commission, a subject telephone carrier shall promptly forward individual contracts to the Commission.

(d) Any U.S. carrier that interconnects to the U.S. public switched network an international private line that extends between the United States and a country that the Commission has not exempted from the international settlements policy shall file annually with the Chief of the International Bureau a certified statement containing the number and type (e.g., a 64-kbps circuit) of private lines interconnected at the carrier's own switch, including any switch in which the carrier holds a leasehold interest. The certified statement shall specify the number and type of interconnected private lines on a country specific basis. The identity of the customer need not be reported, and the Commission will treat the country of origin information as confidential. Carriers need not file their contracts for such interconnections, unless they are specifically requested to do so. These reports shall be filed on a consolidated basis on February 1 (covering international private lines interconnected during the preceding January 1 to December 31 period) of each year. International private lines to countries which the Commission has exempted from the international settlements policy, set forth in § 64.1002 of this chapter, at any time during particular reporting period are exempt from this filing requirement.

(e)  Other filing requirements for carriers providing service on U.S.-international routes that are subject to the international settlements policy.

(1) For routes subject to the international settlements policy set forth in § 64.1002 of this chapter, if a U.S. carrier files an operating or other agreement with a foreign carrier pursuant to paragraph (a) of this section to begin providing switched voice, telex, telegraph, or packet-switched service between the United States and a foreign point, the carrier must also file with the International Bureau a modification request under § 64.1001 of this chapter. The operating or other agreement cannot become effective until the modification request has been granted under paragraph § 64.1001(e) of this chapter.

(2) For routes subject to the international settlements policy, if a carrier files an amendment, pursuant to paragraph (a) of this section, to an existing operating or other agreement with a foreign carrier to provide switched voice, telex, telegraph, or packet-switched service between the United States and a foreign point, and the amendment relates to the exchange of services, interchange or routing of traffic and matters concerning rates, accounting rates, division of tolls, the allocation of return traffic, or the basis of settlement of traffic balances, the carrier must also file with the International Bureau a modification request under § 64.1001 of this chapter. The amendment to the operating or other agreement cannot become effective until the modification request has been granted under § 64.1001(e) of this chapter.


(f) Confidential treatment.

(1) A carrier providing service on an international route that is exempt from the international settlements policy under paragraph (e)(3) of this section, but that is required by paragraphs (a) and (b) of this section to file a contract covering service on that route with the Commission, may request confidential treatment under § 0.457 of this Chapter for the rates, terms and conditions that govern the settlement of U.S. international traffic.

(2) Carriers requesting confidential treatment under this paragraph must include the information specified in § 64.1001(c) of this Chapter.  Such filings shall be made with the Commission, with a copy to the Chief, International Bureau.  The transmittal letter accompanying the confidential filing shall clearly identify the filing as responsive to § 43.51(f).

Note 1 § 43.51:  For purposes of this section, affiliated and foreign carrier are defined in § 63.09 of this chapter.

Note 2 to § 43.51:  To the extent that a foreign government provides telecommunications services directly through a governmental organization, body or agency, it shall be treated as a foreign carrier for the purposes of this section.

Note 3 to § 43.51:  Carriers shall rely on the Commission's list of foreign carriers that do not qualify for the presumption that they lack market power in particular foreign points for purposes of determining which of their foreign carrier contracts are subject to the contract filing requirements set forth in this section.  The Commission's list of foreign carriers that do not qualify for the presumption that they lack market power in particular foreign points is available from the International Bureau's World Wide Web site at http://www.fcc.gov/ib .  The Commission will include on the list of foreign carriers that do not qualify for the presumption that they lack market power in particular foreign points any foreign carrier that has 50 percent or more market share in the international transport or local access markets of a foreign point.  A party that seeks to remove such a carrier from the Commission's list bears the burden of submitting information to the Commission sufficient to demonstrate that the foreign carrier lacks 50 percent market share in the international transport and local access markets on the foreign end of the route or that it nevertheless lacks sufficient market power on the foreign end of the route to affect competition adversely in the U.S. market.  A party that seeks to add a carrier to the Commission's list bears the burden of submitting information to the Commission sufficient to demonstrate that the foreign carrier has 50 percent or more market share in the international transport or local access markets on the foreign end of the route or that it nevertheless has sufficient market power to affect competition adversely in the U.S. market.

Note 4 to § 43.51:  The Commission's list of international routes exempted from the international settlements policy is available on the International Bureau's World Wide Web site at http://www.fcc.gov/ib.

§ 43.61 Reports of international telecommunications traffic.

(a) Each common carrier engaged in providing international telecommunications service between the area comprising the continental United States, Alaska, Hawaii, and off-shore U.S. points and any country or point outside that area shall file a report with the Commission not later than July 31 of each year for service actually provided in the preceding calendar year.

(1) The information contained in the reports shall include actual traffic and revenue data for each and every service provided by a common carrier, divided among service billed in the United States, service billed outside the United States, and service transiting the United States.

(2) Each common carrier shall submit a revised report by October 31 identifying and correcting any inaccuracies included in the annual report exceeding five percent of the reported figure.

(3) The information required under this section shall be furnished in conformance with the instructions and reporting requirements prepared under the direction of the Chief, Common Carrier Bureau, prepared and published as a manual , in consultation and coordination with the Chief, International Bureau.

(b) Quarterly Traffic Reports.

(1) Each common carrier engaged in providing international telecommunications [sic] service between the area comprising the continental United States, Alaska, Hawaii, and off-shore U.S. points and any country or point outside that area shall file with the Commission, in addition to the report required by paragraph (a) of this section, actual traffic and revenue data for each calendar quarter in which the carrier's quarterly minutes exceed the corresponding minutes for all carriers by one or more of the following tests:

(i) The carrier's aggregate minutes of facilities-based or facilities resale switched telephone traffic for service billed in the United States are greater than 1.0 percent of the total of such minutes of international traffic for all U.S. carriers published in the Commission's most recent § 43.61 annual report of international telecommunications traffic;

(ii) The carrier's aggregate[sic] minutes of facilities-based or facilities resale switched telephone traffic for service billed outside the United States are greater than 1.0 percent of the total of such minutes of international traffic for all U.S. carriers published in the Commission's most recent § 43.61 annual report of international telecommunications traffic;

(iii) The carrier's aggregate minutes of facilities-based or facilities switched telephone traffic for service billed in the United States for any foreign country are greater than 2.5 percent of the total of such minutes of international traffic for that country for all U.S. carriers published in the Commission's most recent § 43.61 annual report of international telecommunications traffic; or

(iv) The carrier's aggregate minutes of facilities-based or facilities resale switched telephone traffic for service billed outside the United States for any foreign country are greater than 2.5 percent of the total of such minutes of international traffic for that country for all U.S. carriers published in the Commission's most recent §43.61 annual report of international telecommunications traffic.

(2) Except as provided in this paragraph, the quarterly reports required by paragraph (b)(1) of this section shall be filed in the same format as, and in conformance with, the filing procedures for the annual reports required by paragraph (a) of this section.

(i) Carriers filing quarterly reports shall include in those reports only their provision of switched, facilities-based telephone service and switched, facilities resale telephone service.

(ii) The quarterly reports required by paragraph (b)(1) of this section shall be filed with the Commission no later than April 30 for the prior January through March quarter; no later than July 31 for the prior April through June quarter; no later than October 31 for the prior July through September quarter; and no later than January 31 for the prior October through December period.

(c) Each common carrier engaged in the resale of international switched services that is affiliated with a foreign carrier that has sufficient market power on the foreign end of an international route to affect competition adversely in the U.S. market and that collects settlement payments from U.S. carriers shall file a quarterly version of the report required in paragraph (a) of this section for its switched resale services on the dominant route within 90 days from the end of each calendar quarter. Commercial Mobile Radio Service (CMRS) carriers, as defined in § 20.9, are not required to file reports pursuant to this paragraph. For purposes of this paragraph, affiliated and foreign carrier are defined in § 63.09 of this chapter.

§ 43.82  International circuit status reports.

(a) Each facilities-based common carrier engaged in providing international telecommunications service between the area comprising the continental United States, Alaska, Hawaii, and off-shore U.S. points and any country or point outside that area shall file a circuit status report with the Chief, International Bureau, not later than March 31 each year showing the status of its circuits used to provide international services as of December 31 of the preceding calendar year.

(b) The information contained in the reports shall include the total number of activated and the total number of idle circuits by the categories of submarine cable, satellite and terrestrial facilities to geographic points outside the United States for the services designated by the Chief, International Bureau.

(c) The information required under this section shall be furnished in conformance with instructions and reporting requirements prepared under the direction of the Chief, International Bureau, prepared and published as a manual .

(d) Authority is hereby delegated to the Chief, International Bureau to prepare instructions and reporting requirements for the filing of the annual international circuit status reports.


§ 6l.3  Definitions.

(y)  Non-dominant carrier.  A carrier not found to be dominant. The nondominant status of providers of international interexchange services for purposes of this subpart is not affected by a carrier's classification as dominant under § 63.10 of this chapter.

§ 61.19  Detariffing of international and interstate, domestic interexchange services.

(a)  Except as otherwise provided in paragraphs (b) through (e) of this section, or by Commission order, carriers that are nondominant in the provision of international and interstate, domestic interexchange services shall not file tariffs for such services.

(b)  Carriers that are nondominant in the provision of international and domestic, interstate, interexchange services are permitted to file tariffs for dial-around 1+ services.  For the purposes of this paragraph, dial-around 1+ calls are those calls made by accessing the interexchange carrier through the use of that carrier's carrier access code.

(c)  Carriers that are nondominant in the provision of international and domestic, interstate, interexchange services are permitted to file a tariff for such services applicable to those customers who contact the local exchange carrier to designate an interexchange carrier or to initiate a change with respect to their primary interexchange carrier.   Such tariff will enable the interexchange carrier to provide service to the customer until the interexchange carrier and the customer consummate a written agreement, but in no event shall the interexchange carrier provide service to its customer pursuant to such tariff for more than 45 days.

(d)  Carriers that are nondominant in the provision of international inbound collect calls to the United States are permitted to file a tariff for such services.

(e)  Carriers that are nondominant in the provision of "on-demand" Mobile Satellite Services are permitted to file a tariff for such services applicable to those customers that have not entered into pre-existing service contracts designating a specific provider for such services.

§ 61.28 International dominant carrier tariff filing requirements.

(a) Any carrier classified as dominant for the provision of particular international communications services on a particular route for any reason other than a foreign carrier affiliation under § 63.10 of this chapter shall file tariffs for those services pursuant to the notice and cost support requirements for tariff filings of dominant domestic carriers, as set forth in subpart E of this part.

(b) Other than the notice and cost support requirements set forth in paragraph (a) of this section, all tariff filing requirements applicable to all carriers classified as dominant for the provision of particular international communications services on a particular route for any reason other than a foreign carrier affiliation pursuant to § 63.10 of this chapter are set forth in subpart C of this part.

(c) Other than the notice and cost support requirements set forth in paragraphs (a) and (b) of this section, all tariff filing requirements applicable to all carriers classified as dominant for the provision of particular international communications services on a particular route for any reason other than a foreign carrier affiliation pursuant to § 63.10 of this chapter are set forth in subpart C of this part.


§ 63.09 Definitions applicable to international Section 214 authorizations.

The following definitions shall apply to §§ 63.09–63.24 of this part, unless the context indicates otherwise:

(a) Facilities-based carrier means a carrier that holds an ownership, indefeasible-right-of-user, or leasehold interest in bare capacity in the U.S. end of an international facility, regardless of whether the underlying facility is a common carrier or non-common carrier submarine cable or a satellite system.

(b)  Control includes actual working control in whatever manner exercised and is not limited to majority stock ownership. Control also includes direct or indirect control, such as through intervening subsidiaries.

(c) Special concession is defined as in § 63.14 (b).

(d)  Foreign carrier is defined as any entity that is authorized within a foreign country to engage in the provision of international telecommunications services offered to the public in that country within the meaning of the International Telecommunication Regulations, see Final Acts of the World Administrative Telegraph and Telephone Conference, Melbourne, 1988 (WATTC-88), Art. 1, which includes entities authorized to engage in the provision of domestic telecommunications services if such carriers have the ability to originate or terminate telecommunications services to or from points outside their country.

(e)  Two entities are affiliated with each other if one of them, or an entity that controls one of them, directly or indirectly owns more than 25 percent of the capital stock of, or controls, the other one.

Also, a U.S. carrier is affiliated with two or more foreign carriers if the foreign carriers, or entities that control them, together directly or indirectly own more than 25 percent of the capital stock of, or control, the U.S. carrier and those foreign carriers are parties to, or the beneficiaries of, a contractual relation (e.g., a joint venture or market alliance) affecting the provision or marketing of international basic telecommunications services in the United States.

(f)  Market power means sufficient market power to affect competition adversely in the U.S. market.

(g)    As used in this part, the term:

(1)    Interlocking directorates shall mean persons or entities who perform the duties of "officer or director" in an authorized U.S. international carrier or an applicant for international Section 214 authorization who also performs such duties for any foreign carrier.

(2)    Officer or director shall include the duties, or any of the duties, ordinarily performed by a director, president, vice president, secretary, treasurer, or other officer of a carrier.

Note 1: The assessment of " capital stock" ownership will be made under the standards developed in Commission case law for determining such ownership. See, e.g., Fox Television Stations, Inc., 10 FCC Rcd 8452 (1995). "Capital stock" includes all forms of equity ownership, including partnership interests.

Note 2: Ownership and other interests in U.S. and foreign carriers will be attributed to their holders and deemed cognizable pursuant to the following criteria: Attribution of ownership interests in a carrier that are held indirectly by any party through one or more intervening corporations will be determined by successive multiplication of the ownership percentages for each link in the vertical ownership chain and application of the relevant attribution benchmark to the resulting product, except that wherever the ownership percentage for any link in the chain that is equal to or exceeds 50 percent or represents actual control, it shall be treated as if it were a 100 percent interest. For example, if A owns 30 percent of company X, which owns 60 percent of company Y, which owns 26 percent of "carrier," then X's interest in "carrier" would be 26 percent (the same as Y's interest because X's interest in Y exceeds 50 percent), and A's interest in "carrier" would be 7.8 percent (0.30 x 0.26 because A's interest in X is less than 50 percent). Under the 25 percent attribution benchmark, X's interest in "carrier" would be cognizable, while A's interest would not be cognizable.

§ 63.10 Regulatory classification of U.S. international carriers.

(a) Unless otherwise determined by the Commission, any party authorized to provide an international communications service under this part shall be classified as either dominant or non-dominant for the provision of particular international communications services on particular routes as set forth in this section. The rules set forth in this section shall also apply to determinations of regulatory status pursuant to § 63.11 and § 63.13 . For purposes of paragraphs (a)(2) and (a)(3) of this section, the relevant markets on the foreign end of a U.S. international route include: international transport facilities or services, including cable landing station access and backhaul facilities; inter-city facilities or services; and local access facilities or services on the foreign end of a particular route.

(1) A U.S. carrier that has no affiliation with, and that itself is not, a foreign carrier in a particular country to which it provides service (i.e., a destination country) shall presumptively be considered non-dominant for the provision of international communications services on that route;

(2) Except as provided in paragraph (a)(4) of this section, a U.S. carrier that is, or that has or acquires an affiliation with a foreign carrier that is a monopoly provider of communications services in a relevant market in a destination country shall presumptively be classified as dominant for the provision of international communications services on that route; and

(3) A U.S. carrier that is, or that has or acquires an affiliation with a foreign carrier that is not a monopoly provider of communications services in a relevant market in a destination country and that seeks to be regulated as non-dominant on that route bears the burden of submitting information to the Commission sufficient to demonstrate that its foreign affiliate lacks sufficient market power on the foreign end of the route to affect competition adversely in the U.S. market. If the U.S. carrier demonstrates that the foreign affiliate lacks 50 percent market share in the international transport and the local access markets on the foreign end of the route, the U.S. carrier shall presumptively be classified as non-dominant.

(4) A carrier that is authorized under this part to provide to a particular destination an international switched service, and that provides such service solely through the resale of an unaffiliated U.S. facilities-based carrier's international switched services (either directly or indirectly through the resale of another U.S. resale carrier's international switched services), shall presumptively be classified as non-dominant for the provision of the authorized service. A carrier regulated as non-dominant pursuant to this subparagraph shall notify the Commission at any time that it begins to provide such service through the resale of an affiliated U.S. facilities-based carrier's international switched services. The carrier will be deemed a dominant carrier on the route absent a Commission finding that the carrier otherwise qualifies for non-dominant regulation pursuant to this Section.

(b) Any party that seeks to defeat the presumptions in paragraph (a) of this section shall bear the burden of proof upon any issue it raises as to the proper classification of the U.S. carrier.

(c) Any carrier classified as dominant for the provision of particular services on particular routes under this section shall comply with the following requirements in its provision of such services on each such route:

(1) Provide services as an entity that is separate from its foreign carrier affiliate, in compliance with the following requirements:

(i) The authorized carrier shall maintain separate books of account from its affiliated foreign carrier. These separate books of account do not need to comply with Part 32 of this chapter; and

(ii) The authorized carrier shall not jointly own transmission or switching facilities with its affiliated foreign carrier. Nothing in this section prohibits the U.S. carrier from sharing personnel or other resources or assets with its foreign affiliate;

(2) File quarterly reports on traffic and revenue, consistent with the reporting requirements authorized pursuant to § 43.61 , within 90 days from the end of each calendar quarter;

(3) File quarterly reports summarizing the provisioning and maintenance of all basic network facilities and services procured from its foreign carrier affiliate or from an allied foreign carrier, including, but not limited to, those it procures on behalf of customers of any joint venture for the provision of U.S. basic or enhanced services in which the authorized carrier and the foreign carrier participate, within 90 days from the end of each calendar quarter. These reports should contain the following: the types of circuits and services provided; the average time intervals between order and delivery; the number of outages and intervals between fault report and service restoration; and for circuits used to provide international switched service, the percentage of "peak hour" calls that failed to complete;

(4) In the case of an authorized facilities-based carrier, file quarterly circuit status reports within 90 days from the end of each calendar quarter in the format set out by the § 43.82 annual circuit status manual , with two exceptions: activated or idle circuits must be reported on a facility-by-facility basis; and the derived circuits need not be specified in the three quarterly reports due on June 30, September 30, and December 31.

(5) If authorized to provide facilities-based service, comply with paragraph (e) of this section.

(d) A carrier classified as dominant under this section shall file an original and two copies of each report required by paragraphs (c)(3), (c)(4), and (c)(5) of this section with the Chief, International Bureau. The carrier shall also file one copy of these reports with the Commission's copy contractor. The transmittal letter accompanying each report shall clearly identify the report as responsive to the appropriate paragraph of § 63.10(c).

(e) Except as otherwise ordered by the Commission, a carrier that is classified as dominant under this section for the provision of facilities-based services on a particular route and that is affiliated with a carrier that collects settlement payments for terminating U.S. international switched traffic at the foreign end of that route may not provide facilities-based service on that route unless the current rates the affiliate charges U.S. international carriers to terminate traffic are at or below the Commission's relevant benchmark adopted in IB Docket No. 96-261.  See FCC 97-280 (rel. Aug. 18, 1997) (available at the FCC's Reference Operations Division, Washington, D.C. 20554, and on the FCC's World Wide Web Site at http://www.fcc.gov ).

§ 63.11 Notification by and prior approval for U.S. international carriers that are or propose to become affiliated with a foreign carrier.

If  a carrier is authorized by the Commission ("authorized carrier") to provide service between the United States and a particular foreign destination market and it becomes, or seeks to become, affiliated with a foreign carrier that is authorized to operate in that market, then its authorization to provide that international service is conditioned upon notifying the Commission of that affiliation.

(a) Affiliations requiring prior notification:  Except as provided in paragraph (b) of this section, the authorized carrier must notify the Commission, pursuant to this section, forty-five days before consummation of either of the following types of transactions:

(1)  Acquisition by the authorized carrier, or by any entity that controls the authorized carrier, or by any entity that directly or indirectly owns more than twenty-five percent of the capital stock of the authorized carrier, of a controlling interest in a foreign carrier that is authorized to operate in a market that the carrier is authorized to serve; or

(2)  Acquisition of a direct or indirect interest greater than twenty five percent, or of a controlling interest, in the capital stock of the authorized carrier by a foreign carrier that is authorized to operate in a market that the authorized carrier is authorized to serve, or by an entity that controls such a foreign carrier.

(b)  Exceptions:

(1)  Notwithstanding paragraph (a) of this section, the notification required by this section need not be filed before consummation, and may instead be filed pursuant to paragraph (c) of this section, if either of the following is true with respect to the named foreign carrier regardless of whether that foreign carrier is authorized to operate in a World Trade Organization (WTO) or non-WTO Member:

(i)  The Commission has previously determined in an adjudication that the foreign carrier lacks market power in that destination market (for example, in an international Section 214 application or a declaratory ruling proceeding); or

(ii) The foreign carrier owns no facilities in that destination market.  For this purpose, a carrier is said to own facilities if it holds an ownership, indefeasible-right-of-user, or leasehold interest in bare capacity in international or domestic telecommunications facilities (excluding switches).

(2)In the event paragraph (b)(1) of this section cannot be satisfied, notwithstanding paragraph (a) of this section, the notification required by this section need not be filed before consummation, and may instead be filed pursuant to paragraph (c) of  this section, if the authorized carrier certifies that the named foreign carrier is authorized to operate in a WTO Member and provides certification to satisfy either of the following:

(i)The authorized carrier demonstrates that it is entitled to retain non-dominant classification on its newly affiliated route pursuant to § 63.10 ; or

(ii)The authorized carrier agrees to comply with the dominant carrier safeguards contained in § 63.10 effective upon the acquisition of the affiliation.  See § 63.10 .

(c)  Notification after consummation:  Any authorized carrier that becomes affiliated with a foreign carrier and has not previously notified the Commission pursuant ot this section shall notify the Commission within thirty days after consummation of the acquisition.

Example 1 to paragraph (c).  Acquisition by an authorized carrier (or by any entity that directly or indirectly controls, is controlled by, or is under direct or indirect common control with the authorized carrier) of a direct or indirect interest in a foreign carrier that is greater than twenty-five percent but not controlling is subject to paragraph (c) but not to paragraph (a).

Example 2 to paragraph (c).  Notification of an acquisition by an authorized carrier of a hundred percent interest in a foreign carrier may be made after consummation, pursuant to paragraph (c), if the foreign carrier operates only as a resale carrier.

Example 3 to paragraph (c).  Notification of an acquisition of a foreign carrier from a WTO Member of a greater than twenty-five percent interest in the capital stock of an authorized carrier may be made after consummation, pursuant to paragraph (c) of this section, if the authorized carrier demonstrates in the post-notification that it qualifies for non-dominant classification on the affiliated route or agrees to comply with dominant carrier safeguards on the affiliated route effective upon the acquisition of the affiliation.

(d)  Cross-Reference:  In the event a transaction requiring a foreign carrier notification pursuant to this section also requires a transfer of control or assignment application pursuant to § 63.24, the foreign carrier notification shall reference in the notification the transfer of control or assignment application and the date of its filing. 

(e)  Contents of Notification:  The notification shall certify the following information:

(1)  The name of the newly affiliated foreign carrier and the country or countries in which it is authorized to provide telecommunications services to the public;

(2)  Which, if any, of those countries is a Member of the Word Trade Organization;

(3)  What services the authorized carrier is authorized to provide to each named country, and the FCC file numbers under which each such authorization was granted;

(4)  Which, if any, of those countries the authorized carrier serves solely through the resale of the international switched services of unaffiliated U.S. facilities-based carriers;

(5)  The name, address, citizenship, and principal business of any person or entity that directly or indirectly owns at least ten (10) percent of the equity of the authorized carrier, and the percentage of equity owned by each of those entities (to the nearest one percent);

(6)  A certification that the authorized carrier has not agreed to and will not in the future agree to accept special concessions directly or indirectly from any foreign carrier with respect to any U.S. international route where the foreign carrier possesses market power on the foreign end of the route; and

(7)  Interlocking directorates.  The name of any interlocking directorates, as defined in §63.09(g) , with each foreign carrier named in the notification.  See § 63.09(g) .

(8)  With respect to each foreign carrier named in the notification, a statement as to whether the notification is subject to paragraph (a) or (c) of this section.  In the case of a notification subject to paragraph (a) of this section, the authorized carrier shall include the projected date of closing.  In the case of a notification subject to paragraph (c) of this section, the authorized carrier shall include the actual date of closing.

(9)  If an authorized carrier relies on an exception in paragraph (b) of this section, then a certification as to which exception the foreign carrier satisfies and a citation to any adjudication upon which the carrier is relying.  Authorized carriers relying upon the exceptions in paragraph (b)(2) of this section must make the required certified demonstration in paragraph (b)(2)(i) of this section or the certified commitment to comply with dominant carrier safeguards in paragraph (b)(2)(ii) of this section in the notification required by paragraph (c) of this section.

(f)  In order to retain non-dominant status on each newly affiliated route, the authorized carrier should demonstrate that it qualifies for non-dominant classification pursuant to § 63.10.  See § 63.10 .

(g)  Procedure.  After the Commission issues a public notice of the submissions made under this section, interested parties may file comments within fourteen days of the public notice.

(1)  If the Commission deems it necessary at any time before or after the deadline for submission of public comments, the Commission may impose dominant carrier regulation on the authorized carrier for the affiliated routes based on the provisions of  § 63.10.  See § 63.10 .

(2)  In the case of a prior notification filed pursuant to paragraph (a) of this section in which the foreign carrier is authorized to operate in a non-WTO Member, the authorized carrier must demonstrate that it continues to serve the public interest for it to operate on the route for which it proposes to acquire an affiliation with the non-WTO foreign carrier by making the required showing in §§ (k)(2) or (3) to the Commission.  If the authorized carrier is unable to make the required showing in §§ 63.18(k)(2) or (3) or is notified that the affiliation may otherwise harm the public interest pursuant to the Commission's policies and rules, then the Commission may impose conditions necessary to address any public interest harms or may proceed to an immediate authorization revocation hearing.  See §§ 63.18 (k)(2) and (3).

(h)  All authorized carriers are responsible for the continuing accuracy of information provided pursuant to this section for a period of forty-five (45) days after filing.  During this period if the information furnished is no longer accurate, the authorized carrier shall as promptly as possible, and in any event within ten (10) days, unless good cause is shown, file with the Commission a corrected notification referencing the FCC file numbers under which the original notification was provided, except that the carrier shall immediately inform the Commission, if at any time, not limited to the forty-five (45) days, the representations in the "special concessions" certification provided under paragraph (e)(6) of this section or § 63.18(n) are no longer true.  See § 63.18(n) .

(i)  A carrier that files a prior notification pursuant to paragraph (a) of this section may request confidential treatment of its filing, pursuant to § 0.459 of this chapter, for the first twenty (20) days after filing.

(j)  Subject to the availability of electronic forms, notifications descibed in this section must be filed electronically through the International Bureau Filing System (IBFS). A list of forms that are available for electronic filing can be found on the IBFS homepage. For information on electronic filing requirements, see part 1,§§ 1.1000-1.10018 and the IBFS homepage at http://www.fcc.gov/ibfs. See also §§ 63.20 and 63.53. 

§ 63.12 Processing of international Section 214 applications.

(a) Except as provided by paragraph (c) of this section, a complete application seeking authorization under § 63.18 shall be granted by the Commission 14 days after the date of public notice listing the application as accepted for filing.

(b) The applicant may commence operation on the 15th day after the date of public notice listing the application as accepted for filing, but only in accordance with the operations proposed in its application and the rules, regulations, and policies of the Commission. The Public Notice of the grant of the authorization shall represent the applicant's Section 214 certificate.

(c) The streamlined processing procedures provided by paragraphs (a) and (b) of this section shall not apply where:

(1) The applicant is affiliated with a foreign carrier in a destination market, unless the applicant clearly demonstrates in its application at least one of the following:

(i) The Commission has previously determined that the affiliated foreign carrier lacks market power in that destination market;

(ii) The applicant qualifies for a presumption of non-dominance under § 63.10(a)(3);

(iii) The affiliated foreign carrier owns no facilities, or only mobile wireless facilities, in that destination market. For this purpose, a carrier is said to own facilities if it holds an ownership, indefeasible-right-of-user, or leasehold interest in bare capacity in international or domestic telecommunications facilities (excluding switches);

(iv) The affiliated destination market is a WTO Member country and the applicant qualifies for a presumption of non-dominance under § 63.10(a)(4);

(v) The affiliated destination market is a WTO Member country and the applicant agrees to be classified as a dominant carrier to the affiliated destination country under § 63.10 , without prejudice to its right to petition for reclassification at a later date; or

(vi) An entity with exactly the same ultimate ownership as the applicant has been authorized to provide the applied-for services on the affiliated destination route, and the applicant agrees to be subject to all of the conditions to which the authorized carrier is subject for its provision of service on that route; or

(2) The applicant has an affiliation with a dominant U.S. carrier whose international switched or private line services the applicant seeks authority to resell (either directly or indirectly through the resale of another reseller’s services), unless the applicant agrees to be classified as a dominant carrier to the affiliated destination country under § 63.10 (without prejudice to its right to petition for reclassification at a later date); or

(3) The Commission has informed the applicant in writing, within 14 days after the date of public notice listing the application as accepted for filing, that the application is not eligible for streamlined processing.

(d) If an application is deemed complete but, pursuant to paragraph (c) of this section, is deemed ineligible for the streamlined processing procedures provided by paragraphs (a) and (b), the Commission will issue public notice indicating that the application is ineligible for streamlined processing. Within 90 days of the public notice, the Commission will take action upon the application or provide public notice that, because the application raises questions of extraordinary complexity, an additional 90-day period for review is needed. Each successive 90-day period may be so extended. The application shall not be deemed granted until the Commission affirmatively acts upon the application. Operation for which such authorization is sought may not commence except in accordance with any terms or conditions imposed by the Commission.

§ 63.13 Procedures for modifying regulatory classification of U.S. international carriers from dominant to non-dominant.

Any party that desires to modify its regulatory status from dominant to non-dominant for the provision of particular international communications services on a particular route should provide information in its application to demonstrate that it qualifies for non-dominant classification pursuant to § 63.10 .

§ 63.14 Prohibition on agreeing to accept special concessions.

(a) Any carrier authorized to provide international communications service under this part shall be prohibited, except as provided in paragraph (c) of this section, from agreeing to accept special concessions directly or indirectly from any foreign carrier with respect to any U.S. international route where the foreign carrier possesses sufficient market power on the foreign end of the route to affect competition adversely in the U.S. market and from agreeing to accept special concessions in the future.

(b) A special concession is defined as an exclusive arrangement involving services, facilities, or functions on the foreign end of a U.S. international route that are necessary for the provision of basic telecommunications services where the arrangement is not offered to similarly situated U.S.-licensed carriers and involves:

(1) Operating agreements for the provision of basic services;

(2) Distribution arrangements or interconnection arrangements, including pricing, technical specifications, functional capabilities, or other quality and operational characteristics, such as provisioning and maintenance times; or

(3) Any information, prior to public disclosure, about a foreign carrier’s basic network services that affects either the provision of basic or enhanced services or interconnection to the foreign country's domestic network by U.S. carriers or their U.S. customers.

(c) This section shall not apply to the rates, terms and conditions in an agreement between a U.S. carrier and a foreign carrier that govern the settlement of international traffic, including the method for allocating return traffic, if the U.S. international route is exempt from the international settlements policy set forth in § 64.1002 of this chapter.

Note to Paragraph (c): The Commission's list of international routes exempted from the international settlements policy is available on the International Bureau's World Wide Web at http://www.fcc.gov/ib.

Note 1 to § 63.14: Carriers may rely on the Commission's list of foreign carriers that do not qualify for the presumption that they lack market power in particular foreign points for purposes of determining which foreign carriers are the subject of the prohibitions contained in this section.  The Commission's list of foreign carriers that do not qualify for the presumption that they lack market power is available from the International Bureau's World Wide Web site at http://www.fcc.gov/ib .

§ 63.15 [removed] (see § 63.23 )

§ 63.16 [removed]

§ 63.17 Special provisions for U.S. international common carriers.

(a) Unless otherwise prohibited by the terms of its Section 214 certificate, a U.S. common carrier authorized under this part to provide international private line service, whether as a reseller or facilities-based carrier, may interconnect its authorized private lines to the public switched network on behalf of an end user customer for the end user customer's own use.

(b) Except as provided in paragraph (b)(4) of this section, a U.S. common carrier, whether a reseller or facilities-based carrier, may engage in "switched hubbing" to countries that do not appear on the list of U.S. international routes exempted from the international settlements policy, set forth in § 64.1002 of this chapter provided the carrier complies with the following conditions:

(1) U.S.-outbound switched traffic shall be routed over the carrier’s authorized U.S. international circuits extending between the United States and a country that is exempt from the international settlements policy (i.e., the "hub" country), and then forwarded to the third country only by taking at published rates and reselling the international message telephone service (IMTS) of a carrier in the hub country.

(2) U.S.-inbound switched traffic shall be carried to a country that is exempt from the international settlements policy (i.e., the "hub" country) as part of the IMTS traffic flow from a third country and then terminated in the United States over the carrier's authorized U.S. international circuits extending between the United States and the hub country.

Note to Paragraph (b): The Commission's list of international routes exempted from the international settlements policy is available on the International Bureau's World Wide Web site at http://www.fcc.gov/ib.

(3) Authorized carriers filing tariffs pursuant to §§ 61.19 or 61.28 of this chapter that route U.S.-billed traffic via switched hubbing shall tariff their service on a "through" basis between the United States and the ultimate point of origination or termination;

(4) No U.S. common carrier may engage in switched hubbing to or from a third country where it has an affiliation with a foreign carrier unless and until it has received authority to serve that country under § 63.18(e)(1), (e)(2), or (e)(3).

§ 63.18 Contents of applications for international common carriers.

Except as otherwise provided in this part, any party seeking autority pursuant to Section 214 of the Communications Act of 1934, as amended, to construct a new line, or acquire or operate any line, or engage in transmission over or by means of such addiional line for the provision of common carrier communications services between the United States, its territories or possessions, and a foreign point shall request such authority by formal application. The application shall include information demonstrating how the grant of the application will serve the public interest, convenience, and necessity. Such demonstration shall consist of the following information, as applicable:

(a) The name, address, and telephone number of each applicant;

(b) The Government, State, or Territory under the laws of which each corporate or partnership applicant is organized;

(c) The name, title, post office address, and telephone number of the officer and any other contact point, such as legal counsel, to whom correspondence concerning the application is to be addressed;

(d) A statement as to whether the applicant has previously received authority under Section 214 of the Act and, if so, a general description of the categories of facilities and services authorized (i.e., authorized to provide international switched services on a facilities basis);

(e) One or more of the following statements, as pertinent:

(1) Global Facilities-Based Authority. If applying for authority to become a facilities-based international common carrier subject to § 63.22 , the applicant shall:

(i) State that it is requesting Section 214 authority to operate as a facilities-based carrier pursuant to § 63.18 (e)(1) of the Commission's rules;

(ii) List any countries for which the applicant does not request authorization under this paragraph (see § 63.22 (a)); and

(iii) Certify that it will comply with the terms and conditions contained in §§ 63.21 and 63.22 .

(2) Global Resale Authority. If applying for authority to resell the international services of authorized U.S. common carriers subject to § 63.23 , the applicant shall:

(i) State that it is requesting Section 214 authority to operate as a resale carrier pursuant to § 63.18 (e)(2) of the Commission's rules;

(ii) List any countries for which the applicant does not request authorization under this paragraph (see § 63.23 (a)); and

(iii) Certify that it will comply with the terms and conditions contained in §§ 63.21 and 63.23.

(3) Other Authorizations. If applying for authority to acquire facilities or to provide services not covered by paragraphs (e)(1) and (e)(2), the applicant shall provide a description of the facilities and services for which it seeks authorization. The applicant shall certify that it will comply with the terms and conditions contained in § 63.21 and §63.22 and/or § 63.23 , as appropriate. Such description also shall include any additional information the Commission shall have specified previously in an order, public notice or other official action as necessary for authorization.

(f) Applicants may apply for any or all of the authority provided for in paragraph (e) of this section in the same application. The applicant may want to file separate applications for those services not subject to streamlined processing under § 63.12 .

(g) Where the applicant is seeking facilities-based authority under paragraph (e)(3) of this section, a statement whether an authorization of the facilities is categorically excluded as defined by § 1.1306 of this chapter. If answered affirmatively, an environmental assessment as described in § 1.1311 of this chapter need not be filed with the application.

(h) The name, address, citizenship and principal businesses of any person or entity that directly or indirectly owns at least ten percent of the equity of the applicant, and the percentage of equity owned by each of those entities (to the nearest one percent). The applicant shall also identify any interlocking directorates with a foreign carrier.

Note to paragraph (h): Ownership and other interests in U.S. and foreign carriers will be attributed to their holders and deemed cognizable pursuant to the following criteria: Attribution of ownership interests in a carrier that are held indirectly by any party through one or more intervening corporations will be determined by successive multiplication of the ownership percentages for each link in the vertical ownership chain and application of the relevant attribution benchmark to the resulting product, except that wherever the ownership percentage for any link in the chain that is equal to or exceeds 50 percent or represents actual control, it shall be treated as if it were a 100% percent interest. For example, if A owns 30 percent of company X, which owns 60 percent of company Y, which owns 26 percent of "carrier," than X's interest in "carrier" would be 26 percent (the same as Y's interest because X's interest in Y exceeds 50 percent), and A's interest in "carrier" would be 7.8 percent (0.30 x 0.26 because A's interest in X is less than 50 percent). Under the 25 percentage benchmark, X's interest in "carrier" would be cognizable, while A's interest would not be cognizable.

(i) A certification as to whether or not the applicant is, or is affiliated with, a foreign carrier. The certification shall state with specificity each foreign country in which the applicant is, or is affiliated with, a foreign carrier.

(j) A certification as to whether or not the applicant seeks to provide international telecommunications services to any destination country for which any of the following is true. The certification shall state with specificity the foreign carriers and destination countries:

(1) The applicant is a foreign carrier in that country; or

(2) The applicant controls a foreign carrier in that country; or

(3) Any entity that owns more than 25 percent of the applicant, or that controls the applicant, controls a foreign carrier in that country.

(4) Two or more foreign carriers (or parties that control foreign carriers) own, in the aggregate, more than 25 percent of the applicant and are parties to, or the beneficiaries of, a contractual relation (e.g., a joint venture or market alliance) affecting the provision or marketing of international basic telecommunications services in the United States.

(k) For any destination country listed by the applicant in response to paragraph (j), the applicant shall make one of the following showings:

(1) The named foreign country (i.e., the destination foreign country) is a Member of the World Trade Organization; or

(2) The applicant's affiliated foreign carrier lacks market power in the named foreign country; or

(3) The named foreign country provides effective competitive opportunities to U.S. carriers to compete in that country's market for the service that the applicant seeks to provide (facilities-based, resold switched, or resold non-interconnected private line services). An effective competitive opportunities demonstration should address the following factors:

(i) If the applicant seeks to provide facilities-based international services, the legal ability of U.S. carriers to enter the foreign market and provide facilities-based international services, in particular international message telephone service (IMTS);

(ii) If the applicant seeks to provide resold services, the legal ability of U.S. carriers to enter the foreign market and provide resold international switched services (for switched resale applications) or non-interconnected private line services (for non-interconnected private line resale applications);

(iii) Whether there exist reasonable and nondiscriminatory charges, terms and conditions for interconnection to a foreign carrier's domestic facilities for termination and origination of international services or the provision of the relevant resale service;

(iv) Whether competitive safeguards exist in the foreign country to protect against anticompetitive practices, including safeguards such as:

(A) Existence of cost-allocation rules in the foreign country to prevent cross-subsidization;

(B) Timely and nondiscriminatory disclosure of technical information needed to use, or interconnect with, carriers' facilities; and

(C) Protection of carrier and customer proprietary information;

(v) Whether there is an effective regulatory framework in the foreign country to develop, implement and enforce legal requirements, interconnection arrangements and other safeguards; and

(vi) Any other factors the applicant deems relevant to its demonstration.

(l) Any applicant that proposes to resell the international switched services of an unaffiliated U.S. carrier for the purpose of providing international telecommunications services to a country where it is a foreign carrier or is affiliated with a foreign carrier shall either provide a showing that would satisfy § 63.10(a)(3) or state that it will file the quarterly traffic reports required by § 43.61(c) of this chapter.

(m) With respect to regulatory classification under § 63.10 , any applicant that is or is affiliated with a foreign carrier in a country listed in response to paragraph (i) and that desires to be regulated as non-dominant for the provision of particular international telecommunications services to that country should provide information in its application to demonstrate that it qualifies for non-dominant classification pursuant to § 63.10 .

(n) A certification that the applicant has not agreed to accept special concessions directly or indirectly from any foreign carrier with respect to any U.S. international route where the foreign carrier possesses market power on the foreign end of the route and will not enter into such agreements in the future.

(o) A certification pursuant to §§ 1.2001 through 1.2003 of this chapter that no party to the application is subject to a denial of Federal benefits pursuant to Section 5301 of the Anti-Drug Abuse Act of 1988. See 21 U.S.C. 853a.

(p) If the applicant desires streamlined processing pursuant to § 63.12, a statement of how the application qualifies for streamlined processing.

(q) Subject to the availability of electronic forms, all applications described in this section must be filed electronically through the International Bureau Filing System (IBFS). A list of forms that are available for electronic filing can be found on the IBFS homepage. For information on electronic filing requirements, see part 1,§§ 1.1000-1.10018 and the IBFS homepage at http://www.fcc.gov/ibfs. See also §§ 63.20 and 63.53. 

Note 1 to paragraph (h): The word "control" as used in this section is not limited to majority stock ownership, but includes actual working control in whatever manner exercised.

Note 2 to paragraph (h): The term "facilities-based carrier" as used in this section means one that holds an ownership, indefeasible-right-of-user, or leasehold interest in bare capacity in an international facility, regardless of whether the underlying facility is a common or non-common carrier submarine cable, or an INTELSAT or separate satellite system.

Note 3 to paragraph (h): The assessment of "capital stock" ownership will be made under the standards developed in Commission case law for determining such ownership. See, e.g., Fox Television Stations, Inc., 10 FCC Rcd 8452 (1995). "Capital stock" includes all forms of equity ownership, including partnership interests.

Note 4 to paragraph (h): Ownership and other interests in U.S. and foreign carriers will be attributed to their holders and deemed cognizable pursuant to the following criteria: Attribution of ownership interests in a carrier that are held indirectly by any party through one or more intervening corporations will be determined by successive multiplication of the ownership percentages for each link in the vertical ownership chain and application of the relevant attribution benchmark to the resulting product, except that wherever the ownership percentage for any link in the chain exceeds 50 percent, it shall not be included for purposes of this multiplication. For example, if A owns 30 percent of company X, which owns 60 percent of company Y, which owns 26 percent of "carrier," then X's interest in "carrier" would be 26 percent (the same as Y's interest because X's interest in Y exceeds 50 percent), and A's interest in "carrier" would be 7.8 percent (0.30 × 0.26). Under the 25 percent attribution benchmark, X's interest in "carrier" would be cognizable, while A's interest would not be cognizable.

§ 63.19 Special procedures for discontinuances of international services.

(a) With the exception of those international carriers described in paragraphs (b) and (c) of this section, any international carrier that seeks to discontinue, reduce or impair service, including the retiring of international facilities, dismantling or removing of international trunk lines, shall be subject to the following procedures in lieu of those specified in §§ 63.61 through 63.601:

(1) The carrier shall notify all affected customers of the planned discontinuance, reduction or impairment at least 60 days prior to its planned action. Notice shall be in writing to each affected customer unless the Commission authorizes in advance, for good cause shown, another form of notice.

(2) The carrier shall file with this Commission a copy of the notification on or after the date on which notice has been given to all affected customers.

(b) The following procedures shall apply to any international carrier that the Commission has classified as dominant in the provision of a particular international service because the carrier possesses market power in the provision of that service on the U.S. end of the route. Any such carrier that seeks to retire international facilities, dismantle or remove international trunk lines, but does not discontinue, reduce or impair the dominant services being provided through these facilities, shall only be subject to the notification requirements of paragraph (a) of this section. If such carrier discontinues, reduces or impairs the dominant service, or retires facilities that impair or reduce the service, the carrier shall file an application pursuant to §§ 63.62 and 63.500.

(c) Commercial Mobile Radio Service (CMRS) carriers, as defined in § 20.9, are not subject to the provisions of this section.

§ 63.20 Electronic filing, copies required; fees; and filing periods for International service providers.

(a) Subject to the availability of electronic forms, all filings described in this section must be filed electronically through the International Burea Filing System (IBFS). A list of forms that are available for electronic filing can be found on the IBFS homepage. For information on electronic filing requirements, see part 1,§§ 1.1000-1.10018 and the IBFS homepage at http://www.fcc.gov/ibfs. Each application shall be accompanied by the fee prescribed in subpart G of part 1 of this chapter. For applications file electronically it is not necessary to send the original or any copies with the fee payment. For applications and other filings that are not submitted electronically, an original and five (5) copies of the submission must be filed with the Commission. Upon request by the Commission additonal copies shall be furnished.

(b) No application accepted for filing and subject to the provisions of §§ 63.18 , 63.62 or § 63.505 shall be granted by the Commission earlier than 28 days following issuance of public notice by the Commission of the acceptance for filing of such application or any major amendment unless said public notice specifies another time period, or the application qualifies for streamlined processing pursuant to § 63.12 .

(c) No application accepted for filing and subject to the streamlined processing provisions of § 63.12 shall be granted by the Commission earlier than 14 days following issuance of public notice by the Commission of the acceptance for filing of such application or any major amendment unless said public notice specifies another time period.

(d) Any interested party may file a petition to deny an application within the time period specified in the public notice listing an application as accepted for filing and ineligible for streamlined processing. The petitioner shall serve a copy of such petition on the applicant no later than the date of filing thereof with the Commission. The petition shall contain specific allegations of fact sufficient to show that the petitioner is a party in interest and that a grant of the application would be prima facie inconsistent with the public interest, convenience and necessity. Such allegations of fact shall, except for those of which official notice may be taken, be supported by affidavit of a person or persons with personal knowledge thereof. The applicant may file an opposition to any petition to deny within 14 days after the original pleading is filed. The petitioner may file a reply to such opposition within seven days after the time for filing oppositions has expired. Allegations of facts or denials thereof shall similarly be supported by affidavit. These responsive pleadings shall be served on the applicant or petitioner, as appropriate, and other parties to the proceeding.

§ 63.21 Conditions applicable to all international Section 214 authorizations.

International carriers authorized under Section 214 of the Communications Act of 1934, as amended, must follow the following requirements and prohibitions:

(a) Each carrier is responsible for the continuing accuracy of the certifications made in its application. Whenever the substance of any such certification is no longer accurate, the carrier shall as promptly as possible and in any event within thirty (30) days, file with the Commission a correct certification referencing the FCC file number under which the original certification was provided. The information may be used by the Commission to determine whether a change in regulatory status may be warranted under § 63.10 . See also § 63.11 .

(b) Carriers must file copies of operating agreements entered into with their foreign correspondents as specified in § 43.51 of this chapter and shall otherwise comply with the filing requirements contained in that section.

(c) Carriers regulated as dominant for the provision of a particular international communications service on a particular route for any reason other than a foreign carrier affiliation under § 63.10 shall file tariffs pursuant to Section 203 of the Communications Act, 47 U.S.C. 203, and part 61 of this chapter.  Except as specified in § 20.15(d) of this chapter with respect to commercial mobile radio service providers, carriers regulated as non-dominant, as defined in § 61.3 of this chapter, and providing detariffed international services pursuant  to § 61.19 of this chapter must comply with all applicable public disclosure and maintenance of information requirements in §§ 42.10 and 42.11 of this chapter.

(d) Carriers must file annual reports of overseas telecommunications traffic as required by § 43.61 of this chapter.

(e) Authorized carriers may not access or make use of specific U.S. customer proprietary network information that is derived from a foreign net-work unless the carrier obtains approval from that U.S. customer. In seeking to obtain approval, the carrier must notify the U.S. customer that the customer may require the carrier to disclose the information to unaffiliated third parties upon written request by the customer.

(f) Authorized carriers may not receive from a foreign carrier any proprietary or confidential information pertaining to a competing U.S. carrier, obtained by the foreign carrier in the course of its normal business dealings, unless the competing U.S. carrier provides its permission in writing.

(g) The Commission reserves the right to review a carrier’s authorization, and, if warranted, impose additional requirements on U.S. international carriers in circumstances where it appears that harm to competition is occurring on one or more U.S. international routes.

(h) Subject to the requirement of § 63.10 that a carrier regulated as dominant along a route must provide service as an entity that is separate from its foreign carrier affiliate, and subject to any other structural-separation requirement in Commission regulations, an authorized carrier may provide service through any wholly owned direct or indirect subsidiaries. The carrier must, within thirty (30) days after the subsidiary begins providing service, file with the Commission a notification referencing the authorized carrier's name and the FCC file numbers under which the carrier's authorizations were granted and identifying the subsidiary's name and place of legal organization. This provision shall not be construed to authorize the provision of service by any entity barred by statute or regulation from itself holding an authorization or providing service.

(i) An authorized carrier, or a subsidiary operating pursuant to paragraph (h) of this section, that changes its name (including the name under which it is doing business) must notify the Commission within thirty (30) days of the name change. Such notification shall reference the FCC file numbers under which the carrier's authorizations were granted.

(j) Subject to the availability of electronic forms, all notifications and other filings described in this section must be filed electronically through the International Bureau Filing System (IBFS). A list of forms that are available for electronic filing can be found on the IBFS homepage. For information on electronic filing requirements, see part 1,§§ 1.1000-1.10018 and the IBFS homepage at http://www.fcc.gov/ibfs. See also §§ 63.20 and 63.53. .

§ 63.22 Facilities-based international common carriers.

The following conditions apply to authorized facilities-based international carriers:

(a) A carrier authorized under § 63.18(e) (1) may provide international facilities-based services to international points for which it qualifies for non-dominant regulation as set forth in § 63.10 , except in the following circumstance: If the carrier is, or is affiliated with, a foreign carrier in a destination market and the Commission has not determined that the foreign carrier lacks market power in the destination market (see § 63.10(a)), the carrier shall not provide service on that route unless it has received specific authority to do so under § 63.18(e)(3).

(b) The carrier may provide service using half-circuits on any U.S. common carrier and non-common carrier facilities that do not appear on an exclusion list published by the Commission. Carriers may also use any necessary non-U.S.-licensed facilities, including any submarine cable systems, that do not appear on the exclusion list. Carriers may not use U.S. earth stations to access non-U.S.-licensed satellite systems unless the Commission has specifically approved the use of those satellites and so indicates on the exclusion list. The exclusion list is available from the International Bureau's World Wide Web site at http://www.fcc.gov/ib .

(c) Specific authority under § 63.18(e) (3) is required for the carrier to provide service using any facilities listed on the exclusion list , to provide service between the United States and any country on the exclusion list, or to construct, acquire, or operate lines in any new major common carrier facility project.

(d) The carrier may provide international basic switched, private line, data, television and business services.

(e) The carrier shall file annual international circuit status reports as required by § 43.82 of this chapter.

(f) The authority granted under this part is subject to all Commission rules and regulations and any conditions or limitations stated in the Commission's public notice or order that serves as the carrier's Section 214 certificate. See §§ 63.12, 63.21 .

§ 63.23 Resale-based international common carriers.

The following conditions apply to carriers authorized to resell the international services of other authorized carriers:

(a) A carrier authorized under § 63.18(e) (2) may provide resold international services to international points for which the applicant qualifies for non-dominant regulation as set forth in § 63.10 , except that the carrier may not provide either of the following services unless it has received specific authority to do so under § 63.18(e)(3):

(1) Resold switched services to a non-WTO Member country where the applicant is, or is affiliated with, a foreign carrier; and

(2) Switched or private line services over resold private lines to a destination market where the applicant is, or is affiliated with, a foreign carrier and the Commission has not determined that the foreign carrier lacks market power in the destination market (see § 63.10(a) ).

(b) The carrier may not resell the international services of an affiliated carrier regulated as dominant on the route to be served unless it has received specific authority to do so under § 63.18(e) (3).

(c) Except as provided in paragraph (b) of this section, the carrier may resell the international services of any authorized common carrier, pursuant to that carrier's tariff or contract duly filed with the Commission, for the provision of international basic switched, private line, data, television and business services to all international points.

(d)    The carrier may provide switched basic services over its authorized resold private lines in either of the following two circumstances:

(1) The country at the foreign end of the private line appears on the Commission's list of international routes exempted from the international settlements policy set forth in § 64.1002 of this chapter; or

(2) The carrier is exchanging switched traffic with a foreign carrier that lacks market power in the country at the foreign end of the private line. A foreign carrier lacks market power for purposes of this section if it does not appear on the Commission's list of foreign carriers that do not qualify for the presumption that they lack market power in particular foreign points.

Note to Paragraph (d): The Commission's list of international routes exempted from the international settlements policy, and the Commission's list of foreign carriers that do not qualify for the presumption that they lack market power in particular foreign points are available on the International Bureau's World Wide Web site at http://www.fcc.gov/ib.

(e) Any party certified to provide international resold private lines to a particular geographic market shall report its circuit additions on an annual basis.  Circuit additions should indicate the specific services provided (e.g., IMTS or private line) and the country served.  This report shall be filed on a consolidated basis not later than March 31 for the preceding calendar year.

(f) The authority granted under this part is subject to all Commission rules and regulations and any conditions or limitations stated in the Commission's public notice or order that serves as the carrier’s Section 214 certificate. See §§ 63.12 , 63.21 .

§ 63.24 Assignments and transfers of control.

(a) General. Except as otherwise provided in this section, an international section 214 authorization may be assigned, or control of such authorization may be transferred by the transfer of control of any entity holding such authorization, to another party, whether voluntarily or involuntarily, directly or indirectly, only upon application to and prior approval by the Commission.

(b) Assignments. For purposes of this section, an assignment of an authorization is a transaction in which the authorization is assigned from one entity to another entity. Following an assignment, the authorization is held by an entity other than the one to which it was originally granted.

(c) Transfers of control. For purposes of this section, a transfer of control is a transaction in which the authorization remains held by the same entity, but there is a change in the entity or entities that control the authorization holder. A change from less than 50 percent ownership to 50 percent or more ownership shall always be considered a transfer of control. In all other situations, whether the interest being transferred is controlling must be determined on a case-by-case basis with reference to the factors listed in Note to paragraph (c).

Note to Paragraph (c): Because the issue of control inherently involves issues of fact, it must be determined on a case-by-case basis and may vary with the circumstances presented by each case. The factors relevant to a determination of control in addition to equity ownership include, but are not limited to the following: (1) power to constitute or appoint more than fifty percent of the board of directors or partnership management committee; (2) authority to appoint, promote, demote and fire senior executives that control the day-to-day activities of the licensee; (3) ability to play an integral role in the major management decisions of the licensee; (4) authority to pay financial obligations, including expenses arising out of operations; (5) ability to receive monies and profits from the facility's operations; and (6) unfettered use of all facilities and equipment.

(d) Pro forma assignments and transfers of control. Transfers of control or assignments that do not result in a change in the actual controlling party are considered non-substantial or pro forma. Whether there has been a change in the actual controlling party must be determined on a case-by-case basis with reference to the factors listed in Note 1 to paragraph (d). The types of transactions listed in Note 2 to paragraph (d) shall be considered presumptively pro forma and prior approval from the Commission need not be sought.

Note 1 to Paragraph (d): Because the issue of control inherently involves issues of fact, it must be determined on a case-by-case basis and may vary with the circumstances presented by each case. The factors relevant to a determination of control in addition to equity ownership include, but are not limited to the following: (1) power to constitute or appoint more than fifty percent of the board of directors or partnership management committee; (2) authority to appoint, promote, demote and fire senior executives that control the day-to-day activities of the licensee; (3) ability to play an integral role in the major management decisions of the licensee; (4) authority to pay financial obligations, including expenses arising out of operations; (5) ability to receive monies and profits from the facility's operations; and (6) unfettered use of all facilities and equipment.

Note 2 to Paragraph (d): If a transaction is one of the types described herein, the transaction is presumptively pro forma and prior approval need not be sought. In all other cases, the relevant determination shall be made on a case-by-case basis. (1) Assignment from an individual or individuals (including partnerships) to a corporation owned and controlled by such individuals or partnerships without any substantial change in their relative interests: (2) Assignments from a corporation to its individual stockholders without effecting any substantial change in the disposition of their interests; (3) Assignment or transfer by which certain stockholders retire and the interest transferred is not a controlling one; (4) Corporate reorganization that involves no substantial change in the beneficial ownership of the corporation (including re-incorporation in a different jurisdiction or change in form of the business entity); (5) Assignment or transfer from a corporation to a wholly owned direct or indirect subsidiary thereof or vice versa, or where there is an assignment from a corporation to a corporation owned or controlled by the assignor stockholders without substantial change in their interests; or (6) Assignment of less than a controlling interest in a partnership.

(e) Applications for substantial transactions.

(1) In the case of an assignment or transfer of control of an international section 214 authorization that is not pro forma, the proposed assignee or transferee must apply to the Commission for authority prior to consummation of the proposed assignment of control.

(2) The application shall include the information requested in paragraphs (a) through (d) of § 63.18 for both the transferor/assignor and the transferee/assignee. The information requested in paragraphs (h) through (p) of § 63.18 is required only for the transferee/assignee. At the beginning of the application, the applicant shall include a narrative of the means by which the proposed transfer or assignment will take place.

(3) The Commission reserves the right to request additional information as to the particulars of the transaction to aid it in making its public interest determination.

(4) An assignee or transferee must notify the Commission no later than thirty (30) days after either consummation of the proposed assignment or transfer of control, or a decision not to consummate the proposed assignment or transfer of control. The notification shall identify the file numbers under which the initial authorization and the authorization of the assignment or transfer of control were granted.

(f) Notifications for non-substantial or pro forma transactions.

(1) In the case of a pro forma assignment or transfer of control, the section 214 authorization holder is not required to seek prior Commission approval.

(2) A pro forma assignee or a carrier that is subject to a pro forma transfer of control must file a notification with the Commission no later than thirty (30) days after the assignment or transfer is completed. The notification must contain the following:

(i) The information requested in paragraphs (a) through (d) and (h) of § 63.18 for the transferee/assignee, and

(ii) A certification that the transfer of control of assignment was pro forma and that, together will all previous pro forma transactions, does not result in a change in the actual controlling party.

(3) A single letter may be filed for an assignment or transfer of control of more than one authorization if each authorization is identified by the file number under which it was granted.

(4) Upon release of a public notice granting a pro forma assignment or transfer of control, petitions for reconsideration under § 1.106 of this chapter or applications for review under § 1.115 of this chapter of the Commission's rules may be filed within 30 days. Petitioner should address why the assignment or transfer of control in question should have been filed under paragraph (e) of this section rather than under paragraph (f) of this section.

(g) Involuntary assignments or transfers of control. In the case of an involuntary assignment or transfer of control to (1) a bankruptcy trustee appointed under involuntary bankruptcy; (2) an independent receiver appointed by a court of competent jurisdiction in a foreclosure action; or, (3) in the case of death or legal disability, to a person or entity legally qualified to succeed the deceased or disabled person under the laws of the place having jurisdiction over the estate involved; the applicant must make the appropriate filing no later than 30 days after the event causing the involuntary assignment or transfer of control.

(h) Subject to the availability of electronic forms, all applications and notifications described in this section must be filed electronically through the International Bureau Filing System (IBFS). A list of forms that are available for electronic filing can be found on the IBFS homepage. For information on electronic filing requirements, see part 1,§§ 1.1000-1.10018 and the IBFS homepage at http://www.fcc.gov/ibfs. See also §§ 63.20 and 63.53. .

§ 63.25 Special provisions relating to temporary or emergency service by international carriers.

(a) For the purpose of this section the following definitions shall apply:

(1) "Temporary service" shall mean service for a period not exceeding 6 months;

(2) "Emergency service" shall mean service for which there is an immediate need occasioned by conditions unforeseen by, and beyond the control of, the carrier.

(b) Applicants seeking immediate authorization to provide temporary service or emergency service must file their request with the Commission. Requests must set forth why such immediate authority is required; the nature of the emergency; the type of facilities proposed to be used; the route kilometers thereof; the terminal communities to be served; and airline kilometers between such communities; how these points are curerntly being served by the applicant or other carriers; the need for the proposed service; the cost involved, including any rentals, the date on which the service is to begin, and where known, the date or approximate date on which the service is to terminate.

(c) Without regard to the other requirements of this part, and by application setting forth the need therefor, any carrier may request continuing authority, subject to termination by the Commission at any time upon ten (10) days' notice to the carrier, to provide temporary or emergency service by the construction or installation of facilities where the estimated construction, installation, and acquisition costs do not exceed $35,000 or an annual rental of not more than $7,000 provided that such project does not involve a major action under the Commission's environmental rules.  (See Subpart I of Part 1 of this chapter.) Any carrier to which continuing authority has been granted under this paragraph shall, not later than the 30th day following the end of each 6-month period covered by such authority, file with the Commission a statement making reference to this paragraph and setting forth, with respect to each project (construction, installation, lease, including any renewals thereof), which was commenced or, in the case of leases, entered into under such authority, and renewal or renewals thereof which were in continuous effect for a period of more than one week, the following information:

(1) The type of facility constructed, installed, or leased;

(2) The route kilometers thereof (excluding leased facilities);

(3) The terminal communities served and the airline kilometers between terminal communities in the proposed project;

(4) The cost thereof, including construction, installation, or lease;

(5) Where appropriate, the name of the lessor company, and the dates of commencement and termination of the lease.

(d)   (1) A request may be made by any carrier for continuing authority to lease and operate, during any emergency when its regular facilities become inoperative or inadequate to handle its traffic, facilities or any other carrier between points between which applicant is authorized to communicate by radio for the transmission of traffic which applicant is authorized to handle.

(2) Such request shall make reference to this paragraph and set forth the points between which applicant desuires to operate facilities of other carriers and the nature of the traffic to be handled.

(3) Continuing authority for the operation thereafter of such alternate facilities during emergencies shall be deemed granted effective as of the 21st day following the filing of the request unless on or before that date the Commission shall notify the applicant to the contrary:  provided, however, Applicant shall, not later than the 30th day following the end of each quarter in which it has operated facilities of any other carrier pursuant to authority granted under this paragraph, file with the Commission a statement in writing making reference to this paragraph and describing each occasion during the quarter when it has operated such facilities, giving dates, points between which such facilities were located, hours or minutes used, nature of traffic handled, and reasons why its own facilities could not be used.

(e) Subject to Subject to the availability of electronic forms, all applications and notifications described in this section must be filed electronically through the International Bureau Filing System (IBFS). A list of forms that are available for electronic filing can be found on the IBFS homepage. For information on electronic filing requirements, see part 1,§§ 1.1000-1.10018 and the IBFS homepage at http://www.fcc.gov/ibfs. See also §§ 63.20 and 63.53. .


§ 64.1001 Requests to modify international settlements arrangements.

(a) The procedures set forth in this rule apply to carriers that are required to file with the International Bureau, pursuant to § 43.51(e) of this chapter, requests to modify international settlement arrangements. Any operating agreement or amendment for which a modification request is required to be filed cannot become effective until the modification request has been granted under paragraph (e) of this section.

(b) A modification request must contain the following information:

  (1) The applicable international service;

  (2) The name of the foreign telecommunications administration;

  (3) The present accounting rate (including any surcharges);

  (4) The new accounting rate (including any surcharges);

  (5) The effective date;

  (6) The division of the accounting rate; and

  (7) An explanation of any proposed modification(s) in the operating agreement with the foreign correspondent.

(c) A modification request must contain a notarized statement that the filing carrier:

(1) Has not bargained for, nor has knowledge of, exclusive availability of the new accounting rate;

(2) Has not bargained for, nor has any indication that it will receive, more than its proportionate share of return traffic; and

(3) Has informed the foreign administration that U.S. policy requires that competing U.S. carriers have access to accounting rates negotiated by the filing carrier with the foreign administration on a nondiscriminatory basis.

(d) Carriers must serve a copy of the modification request on all carriers providing the same or similar service to the foreign administration identified in the filing on the same day a modification request is filed.

(e) All modification requests will be subject to a twenty-one (21) day pleading period for objections or comments, commencing the date after the request is filed.  If the modification request is not complete when filed, the carrier will be notified that additional information is to be submitted, and a new 21 day pleading period will begin when the additional information is filed. The modification request will be deemed granted as of the twenty-second (22nd) day without any formal staff action being taken: provided

(1) No objections have been filed, and

(2) The International Bureau has not notified the carrier that grant of the modification request may not serve the public interest and that implementation of the proposed modification must await formal staff action on the modification request.  If objections or comments are filed, the carrier requesting the modification request may file a response pursuant to § 1.45 of this chapter.  Modification requests that are formally opposed must await formal action by the International Bureau before the proposed modification can be implemented.

(f) Subject to the availability of electronic forms, all modifications and related submissions described in this section must be filed electronically through the International Bureau Filing System (IBFS). A list of forms that are available for electronic filing can be found on the IBFS homepage. For information on electronic filing requirements, see part 1,§§ 1.1000-1.10018 and the IBFS homepage at http://www.fcc.gov/ibfs. See also §§ 63.20 and 63.53. .

§ 64.1002 International settlements policy.

(a) Except as provided in paragraph (b) of this section, a common carrier is authorized pursuant to part 63 of this chapter to provide facilities-based switched voice, telex, telegraph, or packet-switched service on a U.S. international route, and that enters into an operating or other agreement to provide such service in correspondence with a foreign carrier that does not qualify for the presumption that it lacks market power on the foreign end of the route, must comply with the following requirements:

(1) The terms and conditions of the carrier's operating or other agreement relating to the exchange of services, interchange or routing of traffic and matters concerning rates, accounting rates, division of tolls, the allocation of return traffic, or the basis of settlement of traffic balances, are identical to the equivalent terms and conditions in the operating agreement of another carrier providing the same or similar service between the United States and the same foreign point.

(2) The carrier shall not bargain for or agree to accept more than its proportionate share of return traffic.

(3) The division of tolls shall be evenly-divided between the U.S. carrier and foreign carrier.

(4) The carrier must also duly comply with the requirements in § 43.51 and § 64.1001 of this chapter.

Note to Paragraph (a): Carriers shall rely on the Commission's list of foreign carriers that do not qualify for the presumption that they lack market power in particular foreign points for purposes of determining which of their foreign carrier correspondent agreements are subject to the requirements of this paragraph. This list is available on the International Bureau's World Wide Web site at http://www.fcc/ib.

(b) A carrier that enters into an operating or other agreement with a foreign carrier for the provision of a common carrier service on an international route is not subject to the requirements of paragraph (a) of this section if the route appears on the Commission's lit of international routes that the Commission has exempted from the international settlements policy. This list is available on the International Bureau's World Wide Web site at http://www.fcc.gov/ib.

(c) A carrier that seeks to add a U.S. international route to the list of routes that are exempt from the international settlements policy must make its request to the International Bureau, accompanied by a showing that a U.S. carrier has entered into a benchmark-compliant settlement rate agreement with a foreign carrier that possesses market power in the country at the foreign end of the U.S. international route that is the subject of the request. The required showing shall consist of an effective accounting rate modification, filed pursuant to § 64.1001 of this part, that includes a settlement rate that is at or below the Commission's benchmark settlement rate adopted for that country in IB Docket No. 96-261, Report and Order, 12 FCC Rcd 19,806, 62 FR 45758, Aug. 29, 1997, available on the International Bureau's World Wide Web site at http://www.fcc.gov/ib.

(d) A carrier or other party may request Commission intervention on a route that the Commission has exempted from the international settlements policy by filing with the International Bureau a petition, pursuant to this section, demonstrating anticompetitive behavior that is harmful to U.S. customers. Carriers and other parties filing complaints must support their petitions with evidence, including an affidavit and relevant commercial agreements. The International Bureau will review complaints on a case-by-case basis and take appropriate action on delegated authority pursuant to § 0.261 of this chapter. Interested parties will have 10 days from the date of issuance of a public notice of the petition to file comments or oppositions to such petitions and subsequently 7 days for replies. In the event significant, immediate harm to the public interest is likely to occur that cannot be addressed through post facto remedies, the International Bureau may impost temporary requirements on carriers authorized pursuant to § 63.18 of this chapter without prejudice to its findings on such petitions.

(e) Subject to the availability of electronic forms, all filings described in this section must be filed electronically through the International Bureau Filing System (IBFS). A list of forms that are available for electronic filing can be found on the IBFS homepage. For information on electronic filing requirements, see part 1,§§ 1.1000-1.10018 and the IBFS homepage at http://www.fcc.gov/ibfs. See also §§ 63.20 and 63.53. .

Note 1 to § 64.1002: For purposes of this section, foreign carrier is defined in § 63.09 of this chapter.

Note 2 to § 64.1002: For purposes of this section, a foreign carrier shall be considered to possess market power if it appears on the Commission's list of foreign carriers that do not qualify for the presumption that they lack market power in particular foreign points. This list is available on the International Bureau's World Wide Web site at http://www.fcc.gov/ib

Exclusion List for International Section 214 Authorizations 

-- Last Modified December 22, 1999 --

The following is a list of countries and facilities not covered by grant of global Section 214 authority under § 63.18(e)(1) of the Commission's Rules, 47 C.F.R. § 63.18(e)(1). In addition, the facilities listed shall not be used by U.S. carriers authorized under Section 63.18 of the Commission’s Rules unless the carrier’s Section 214 authorization specifically lists the facility. Carriers desiring to serve countries or use facilities listed as excluded hereon shall file a separate Section 214 application pursuant to § 63.18(e)(4) of the Commission's Rules. See generally 47 C.F.R. § 63.22 .


Cuba (Applications for service to Cuba shall comply with the separate filing requirements of the Commission's Public Notice Report No. I-6831 , dated July 27, 1993, "FCC to Accept Applications for Service to Cuba.")


All non-U.S.-licensed satellite systems that are not on the Permitted Space Station List, maintained at www.fcc.gov/ib/sd/se/permitted.html .  See International Bureau Public Notice, DA 99-2844 (rel. Dec. 17, 1999).

This list is subject to change by the Commission when the public interest requires. Before amending the list, the Commission will first issue a public notice giving affected parties the opportunity for comment and hearing on the proposed changes. The Commission may then release an order amending the exclusion list. This list also is subject to change upon issuance of an Executive Order. See Streamlining the Section 214 Authorization Process and Tariff Requirements, IB Docket No. 95-118, FCC 96-79 , 11 FCC Rcd 12,884, released March 13, 1996 (61 Fed. Reg. 15,724, April 9, 1996). A current version of this list is maintained at http://www.fcc.gov/ib/pd/pf/telecomrules.html#exclusionlist.


last reviewed/updated on June 28, 2005 Saturday, 15-Nov-08 13:37:42  

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