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Lд ‘YД2двŒ 1. 1. 1. a.(1)(a) i) a) 1. 1. 1. a.(1)(a) i) a)Œвааб#Xjє\  PŽG;[AXP#ба АААX аа Шщ аааеУу3­д ‘YД2даавŒ 1. 1. 1. a.(1)(a) i) a) 1. 1. 1. a.(1)(a) i) a)Œвб#Xjє\  PŽG;[AXP#бСр ьQСУ УFederal Communications CommissionƒС`(#СFCC 97Љ421Ф Фƒ д ъдкyxАšdddyк УеСр(ьЬСУ УBefore theƒ Ср ьQСFederal Communications Commissionƒ д ‘XгД2дСрЖьŽСWashington, D.C. 20554Ф Фƒ д YŽЊ2дIn the Matter ofСИ И ,ССhССhhЄССРРрС) СДСС` ` №ССИ И ,ССhССhhЄССРРрС) д Y`Њ2дReallocation of Television ChannelsСРРрС) ET Docket No. 97Љ157 д YIЊ2д60Љ69, the 746Љ806 MHz BandСhhЄССРРрС) д ‘X Д2дУ УСрЪьСREPORT AND ORDERФ Фƒ д Yж Њ2дAdopted: December 31, 1997СhhЄССРРрС Released: January 6, 1998 Са а HС By the Commission: вŒ 1. 1. 1. a.(1)(a) i) a) I. 1. 1. a.(1)(a) i) a)џџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџŒв д ‘YcД2двŒ I. 1. 1. a.(1)(a) i) a) 1. A. 1. a.(1)(a) i) a)џџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџŒвСрЭьЊСУ УINTRODUCTIONФ Фƒ д Y6Њ2дааXА` И hРpШ xа (#€%и'0*ˆ,р.813ш5@8˜:№G;IЯєP#б УУФФ УУSeeФФ УУФФУУФФNPSTC Comments at 5.ж Similarly, Motorola states that broadcasting and twoЉway, land mobile applications are fundamentally technically incompatible and will suffer insurmountable mutual interference problems. It further observes that our proposed allocation is ideal for twoЉway operations, providing a consistent 30 megahertz transmit/receive separation throughout the band. If a broadcasting licensee were to purchase a six megahertz channel, it would "orphan" д ‘Xе в-дthe corresponding six megahertz channel, which would be paired in a twoЉway system.в ШX0УУФФААШX0УУФФАА вжЮ'Ъе Zгfд {OрД-дааб#єXє\  PŽ>G;IЯєP#б УУФФ УУSeeФФ Motorola Comments at 8Љ9. УУSee also ФФLMCC Comments at 7Љ8;УУФФ PCIA Comments at 3Љ6, 8.Юж In response, MSTV contends that a flexible allocation permitting broadcasting in the band is д ‘XЇ в-дappropriate, and that technical rules can minimize interference.в ШX0УУФФААШX0УУФФАА вж‹(ЪЇ ьгfд {ODД-дааб#єXє\  PŽ@G;IЯєP#б УУФФ УУSee ФФMSTV Reply Comments at 2Љ4.‹ж The Community Broadcasting Association (CBA) also argues that there is no reason to preclude low power д ‘Xyв-дbroadcasters from competing for nonЉpublic safety spectrum in the 746Љ806 MHz band.в ШX0УУФФААШX0УУФФАА вжŠ)Ъy~гfд {OЈД-дааб#єXє\  PŽBG;IЯєP#б УУФФ УУSee ФФCBA Reply Comments at 2Љ3.Šж д ‘XKД-дСxСи€16.и С` `  СSome commenters recommend alternate or additional uses for the 746Љ806 MHz band, especially the commercial portion of the band. One commenter, Final Analysis, Inc. (Final Analysis), a satellite telecommunications system operator, requests that we allocate 21 megahertz in the band to nonЉvoice, nonЉgeostationary satellites (Little LEOs), pointing to д ‘Xяв-дstudies showing a need for this much additional spectrum for Little LEOs.в ШX0УУФФААШX0УУФФАА вж*Ъягfд {OАД-дааб#єXє\  PŽDG;IЯєP#б УУФФ УУSeeФФ Final Analysis Comments at 1Љ2.ж The Coalition of America's Railroads (CAR) recommends that we allocate spectrum to private radio services, and asserts that auctions are an inappropriate method for allocating and licensing spectrum in the private radio services. CAR notes that the Commission has recognized that railroads and other industrial licensees use radio services for functions that are essential to the public safety and welfare. CAR goes on to state that these private radio services have lost spectrum to Personal Communications Services and the MobileЉSatellite Service, and that there is now д ‘XNв-дsevere crowding in the bands allocated to industrial communications.в ШX0УУФФААШX0УУФФАА вжо+’NЂгfд {OЁ%Д-дааб#єXє\  PŽFG;IЯєP#б УУФФ УУSeeФФ CAR Comments at 2Љ5. УУSee also ФФPCIA Comments at 8; American Petroleum Institute Reply Comments at 11Љ13.ож д"7 ќ +ˆ,-(-(ZZѓс"дŒд “XД-дСxСи€17.и С` `  СУУDecision.ФФ The Budget Act requires that we allocate the remaining 36 megahertz of spectrum from channels 60Љ69 for commercial services that will be assigned by д ‘Xдв-дcompetitive bidding.жС,Ъдгfд {OMД-дааб#єXє\  PŽ:G;IЯєP#б УУФФ УУФФУУФФ УУSeeФФ Budget Act РР 3004 (adding new РР 337 of the Communications Act).Сж We believe that an allocation to fixed, mobile and broadcasting is appropriate and consistent with international allocations. Therefore, we are allocating the 746Љ764 MHz and 776Љ794 MHz bands to these services on a coЉprimary basis. Such an allocation will serve the public interest by allowing the broadest range of services in the commercial portions of the 746Љ806 MHz band. Congress did not, in the Budget Act, define the term commercial services, but we believe that Congress intended to include commercial broadcasting in commercial services, meaning services operated on a for profit basis. д ‘X Д-дСxСи€18.и С` `  СWe reject the argument that broadcasting should not retain an allocation in this spectrum after the DTV transition. Commenters generally agreed that including full power broadcasting in this spectrum is likely to cause interference problems with other commercial applications, especially lowЉpower mobile applications. We recognize that technical challenges are involved in sharing spectrum between full power broadcasting and land mobile services. However, we plan to address sharing issues in our service rules proceeding, and are д ‘X’в-дnot persuaded that such sharing is not feasible.жŒ-X’Zгfд yOД-дааааб#єXє\  PŽFG;IЯєP#б УУФФ УУФФIt is possible, for example, that a licensee could elect not to operate fullЉpower TV stations, but to provide service using lower power than traditional fullЉpower TV. We also note that TV broadcasting and land mobile services currently share spectrum in the 470Љ512 MHz band.Œж In that proceeding we will specifically address the issue of power disparities among users that NPSTC, Motorola, and others have raised in this docket. We therefore will include broadcasting within the allocated uses for this spectrum. At the same time, we wish to make it clear that analog TV and DTV operations not licensed by competitive bidding as provided by the Budget Act will still be required to д ‘Xв-дvacate this spectrum in accordance with the DTV transition plan.жŽ.Ъzгfд {OJД-дааб#єXє\  PŽFG;IЯєP#б УУФФ УУSeeФФ Budget Act РРРР 3003Љ3004.Žж Finally, we find that this allocation will not deter investment in new communications services or systems, because the 746Љ806 MHz band is highly desirable spectrum for fixed, mobile, and broadcasting operations, any of which are likely to attract investment interest. д ‘XЌД-дСxСи€19.и С` `  СWe do not believe it is feasible or appropriate to allocate some portion of this spectrum to the mobile satellite service for use by Little LEOs, as advocated by Final Analysis. This spectrum is not allocated internationally to satellite services in any part of the world. Thus, any satellite allocation we might make in the band would be in derogation of the international table of allocations, and would cause substantial international coordination problems. Little LEOs tend to be international systems, because their orbits cover all or large parts of the Earth's surface, and thus an allocation of this spectrum for Little LEOs would not be appropriate at this time. д ‘XнД-дСxСи€20.и С` `  СWe also decline to allocate spectrum in the band exclusively to the privateд"н .ˆ,-(-(ZZс"д radio services. The Budget Act requires that we assign this portion of the band for commercial use by auction. Private organizations or industry groups, however, will have the opportunity to seek the desired spectrum by participating in the auction. д “VЄД-дУУIII. Other Issues Affecting the 746Љ806 MHz Band.ФФ д “XvД-дСxСи€21.и С` `  СУУDTV Transition and Protection of TV Services.ФФ In the УУNoticeФФ we explained that under our DTV transition plan certain analog TV and DTV stations will operate on TV channels 60Љ69 until the end of the DTV transition period. We stated that it will be necessary to protect these operations against interference from any new services throughout the DTV transition period. We indicated that we would propose specific interference protection д ‘X в-дstandards in a future proceeding that will address licensing and service rules.в ШX0УУФФААШX0УУФФАА вж‚/Ъ гfд {O~ Д-дааб#єXє\  PŽJG;IЯєP#б УУФФ УУSee Notice ФФat РР 17.‚ж д “Xз Д-дСxСи€22.и С` `  СУУComments.ФФ Several parties filed comments objecting generally to the DTV д ‘XТ в-дtransition plan and the allocation of channels 60Љ69 to other services.в ШX0УУФФААШX0УУФФАА вж90ZТ Zгfд {OЭД-дааб#єXє\  PŽLG;IЯєP#б УУФФ УУSeeФФ Arnold Cruze Comments at 1; Escalante City, UT Comments at 1; KSL Television (KSL) Comments at 3Љ4; Laredo Community College (LCC) Comments at 1; Trinity Broadcasting Network (Trinity) Comments at 2Љ3.9ж Broadcasters argue that we should retain TV channels 60Љ69 to provide spectrum for TV licensees who may encounter difficulties with the transition from analog TV to DTV, and to provide a "safe haven" into which displaced LPTV and TV translator licensees could move during the DTV д ‘Xfв-дtransition period.в ШX0УУФФААШX0УУФФАА вж№1’f|гfд {O“Д-дааб#єXє\  PŽNG;IЯєP#б УУФФ УУSeeФФ KM Broadcasting, Inc. Comments at 5Љ7. УУSee alsoФФ KUED Television Comments at 3Љ4; Weigel Broadcasting Co. Comments at 4Љ5.№ж These commenters agree that such TV and LPTV licensees could be relocated into the core DTV spectrum at the end of the DTV transition period, whereupon we д ‘X8в-дcould reallocate channels 60Љ69 to other purposes.в ШX0УУФФААШX0УУФФАА вж;2Z8жгfд {OПД-дааб#єXє\  PŽPG;IЯєP#б УУФФ УУSeeФФ ALTV Comments at 2Љ3; MSTV Comments at 10Љ11; Cruze Comments at 2; KMC Comments at 2; KSL Comments at 4Љ5; Latin Communications Group Television, Inc. Comments at 2Љ3; San Juan County, UT Comments at 4.;ж Broadcasters argue that we must strictly enforce protection of analog TV and DTV operations in the 746Љ806 MHz band during the DTV transition. The Association of America's Public Television Stations and the Public Broadcasting Service (APTS/PBS) state that without vigilant protection of TV stations during the DTV transition, the public will lose valuable television service, which would undermine the longЉstanding commitment of the Congress and the Commission to make overЉtheЉair д ‘XЎв-дtelevision service available to all Americans.в ШX0УУФФААШX0УУФФАА вжN3ZЎј гfд {OW$Д-дааб#єXє\  PŽRG;IЯєP#б УУФФ УУSeeФФ APTS/PBS Comments at 4. УУSee alsoФФ Jovon Broadcasting Corporation Comments at 1Љ2; Rainbow Broadcasting Company, Ltd. Comments at 2; WWAC, Inc. Comments at 2; MSTV Reply Comments at 4Љ6; Maranatha Reply Comments at 4.Nж д"— 3ˆ,-(-(ZZQс"дŒд ‘XД-дСxСи€23.и С` `  СSome commenters, on the other hand, advocate immediate clearing of all TV operations from the band, citing the critical need for more public safety spectrum and the д ‘Xвв-дdifficulties in spectrum sharing between TV and other services.в ШX0УУФФААШX0УУФФАА вже4’вгfд {OKД-дааб#єXє\  PŽTG;IЯєP#б УУФФ УУSee ФФCalifornia PublicЉSafety Radio Association Comments at 2; Tribune Broadcasting Company Comments at 4.еж Others state that we should take measures to hasten the transition to DTV and the relinquishment of TV licenses in the д ‘XЄв-д746Љ806 MHz band.в ШX0УУФФААШX0УУФФАА вжј5’Є"гfд {OwД-дааб#єXє\  PŽTG;IЯєP#б УУФФ УУSee ФФCalifornia Comments at 5Љ6; NPSTC Comments at 11; APTS/PBS Comments at 5Љ7; APCO Reply Comments at 4; L.A. County Reply Comments at 2Љ3.јж These commenters suggest several measures. For example, the State of California and others suggest terminating existing TV licenses in the band as of December 31, 2006, requiring annual progress reports from TV licensees in the band on their progress toward DTV transition, providing incentives for TV licensees to vacate the band, and allowing д ‘XHв-дprivate negotiations to compensate TV licensees in exchange for vacating the band early.в ШX0УУФФААШX0УУФФАА вж‹6ЪH|гfд {OuД-дааб#єXє\  PŽXG;IЯєP#б УУФФ УУSeeФФ California Comments at 5Љ6.‹ж APTS/PBS recommend allowing analog TV stations with DTV allotments in the 746Љ806 MHz band to switch to DTV broadcasting on their core channels without simulcasting analog TV and DTV during the transition. Likewise, APTS/PBS recommend allowing analog TV in the band with DTV allotments in the core to begin DTV broadcasting in the core and cease д ‘Xе в-дanalog broadcasting in the 746Љ806 MHz band.в ШX0УУФФААШX0УУФФАА вж‰7Ъе гfд {O”Д-дааб#єXє\  PŽZG;IЯєP#б УУФФ УУSeeФФ APTS/PBS Comments at 5Љ8.‰ж The County of Los Angeles supports this д ‘XО в-дrecommendation.в ШX0УУФФААШX0УУФФАА вж’8ЪО  гfд {OД-дааб#єXє\  PŽ\G;IЯєP#б УУФФ УУSeeФФ L.A. County Reply Comments at 2Љ3.’жСИ И ШСУУФФ д ‘XЇ Д-дУУФФ д “XД-дСxСи€24.и С` `  СУУDecision.ФФ We observe that our DTV transition plan is currently under review in a separate proceeding, and that additional DTV allotments are under consideration for channels 60Љ69. However, we reject the argument that we should avoid reallocating this spectrum in order to provide a Р Рsafe havenРР for addressing problems that may arise during the DTV transition. As an initial matter, we note that the Budget Act directs the Commission to allocate 24 megahertz of this spectrum for public safety use and 36 megahertz for commercial use by January 1, 1998. Thus we do not have the latitude to delay reallocation of this spectrum. Moreover, even if we had the discretion to do so, we do not believe it would be necessary to retain this spectrum as a Р Рsafe havenРР. The DTV transition plan is the product of extensive technical study and review. If problems should arise, in most cases alternative solutions to use of channels 60Љ69 will be available. The limited potential benefits of retaining channels 60Љ69 as a Р Рsafe havenРР are outweighed by the costs of delaying much needed public safety services and opportunities for new services. We also find no merit in the argument that we should remove immediately all TV broadcasting operations from TV channels 60Љ69. The operation of some TV and DTV stations in this spectrum is clearly required to facilitate the DTV transition; and the Budget Act provides for this, stating "[a]nyд"9 2 8ˆ,-(-(ZZес"д person who holds a television broadcast license to operate between 746 and 806 megahertz д “XщД-дmay not operate at that frequency УУafter the date on which the digital television service д “Xдв-дtransition period terminates,ФФ as determined by the Commission.в ШX0УУФФААШX0УУФФАА в"ж\9\дгfд {OMД-дааб#єXє\  PŽ^G;IЯєP#б УУФФ Budget Act, РР 3004 (adding new РР 337(e)(1)) (emphasis added). УУSee also, e.g., DTV Proceeding, Fifth д {OЅ-дReport and OrderФФ, 12 FCC Rcd 12810 (1997); УУDTV Proceeding, Sixth Report and OrderФФ, 12 FCC Rcd 14588 (1997).\ж We remain committed to full interference protection for TV licensees during the DTV transition. In this regard, we are adding a new footnote NG159 to the Table of Frequency Allocations to indicate that existing and new television and digital television (DTV) broadcasting operations in the 746Љ806 MHz band will be entitled to protection from new services during the DTV transition. As we stated д “XcД-дin the УУNoticeФФ, specific protection standards will be finalized in our proceeding for licensing д ‘XNв-дand service rules in the 746Љ806 MHz band.в ШX0УУФФААШX0УУФФАА вж‚:ЪNьгfд {Oы Д-дааб#єXє\  PŽ`G;IЯєP#б УУФФ УУSee Notice ФФat РР 17.‚ж The recommendation of APTS/PBS and others for early vacation of the 746Љ806 MHz band is currently being considered in the д “X Д-дreconsideration of the УУDTV Fifth Report and Order.ФФ We will consider these comments in that proceeding. д “Xн Д-дСxСи€25.и С` `  СУУLow Power Operations.ФФ LPTV stations and TV translators currently operate on д “XШ Д-дa secondary basis on channels 60Љ69. In the УУNoticeФФ, we observed that in the УУDTV ProceedingФФ we adopted a number of changes to our rules to mitigate the impact of the DTV transition on LPTV and TV translators. These rule changes included allowing LPTV stations displaced by new DTV stations to apply for suitable replacement channels; considering such applications on a firstЉcome, firstЉserved basis without subjecting them to competing applications; and д ‘XWв-дtechnical rules changes to provide additional operating flexibility for low power stations.в ШX0УУФФААШX0УУФФАА вжЊ;ЪW~гfд {O†Д-дааб#єXє\  PŽbG;IЯєP#б УУФФ УУSee DTV Proceeding Sixth Report and OrderФФ at РРРР 141Љ147.Њж We also stated that any industry negotiation and coordination efforts must be open to all д ‘X)в-дparties, including LPTV stations.в ШX0УУФФААШX0УУФФАА вжЂ<Ъ)гfд {OъД-дааб#єXє\  PŽdG;IЯєP#б УУФФ УУSee DTV Proceeding Sixth Report and Order ФФat РР 182.Ђж In addition, LPTV and TV translator operations will not be required to alter or cease their operations until they actually cause interference to new DTV service or to any primary services operating in the 746Љ806 MHz band. We stated our belief that it may be possible for many low power stations operating on channels 60Љ69 to coЊexist with public safety and other new service operations on a nonЉinterfering basis. For example, in certain regions of the country, such as rural areas and the western mountainous states, low power TV stations and TV translators may not be affected by new service д “XˆД-дoperations, at least not in the near future. In the УУNotice,ФФ we sought comment as to whether our proposed allocations might suggest any additional considerations to further mitigate the impact on low power operations on channels 60Љ69 during the transition period. д “X.Д-дСxСи€26.иС` `  СУУComments.ФФ Commenters were sharply divided as to whether any further actions should be taken to accommodate LPTV and TV translators in channels 60Љ69. Broadcastingд" Ђ<ˆ,-(-(ZZyс"д and LPTV interests acknowledge that LPTV is secondary in the band. However, many state д ‘Xщв-дthat LPTV and TV translators should be protected, at least throughout the DTV transition.в ШX0УУФФААШX0УУФФАА вжШ="щгfд {ObД-дааб#єXє\  PŽfG;IЯєP#б УУФФ УУSeeФФ ALTV Comments at 4Љ5. УУSee alsoФФ Cordillera Communications, Inc. Comments at 2Љ5; Cruze Comments at 1; KSL Comments at 2Љ4; Latin Comments at 2Љ3; Paging Systems, Inc. Comments at 4Љ5; Paxson Communications Corporation Comments at 3Љ4; Trinity Comments at 2Љ4; Univision Communications Inc. Comments at 4Љ5; Weigel Broadcasting Co. at 4Љ6.Шж Several also observe that, while LPTV and TV translators are a secondary service in the Table of Frequency Allocations, they are the primary means by which many people receive news д ‘XЄв-дand entertainment.в ШX0УУФФААШX0УУФФАА вж0>’ЄВгfд {O Д-дааб#єXє\  PŽjG;IЯєP#б УУФФ УУSeeФФ Cordillera Comments at 2Љ3. УУSee alsoФФ Escalante Comments at 1Љ2; KSL Comments at 2; KUED Comments at 3; Latin Comments at 1Љ2; San Juan County Comments at 1Љ2; Univision Comments at 2. 0ж Indeed, in some parts of the country, LPTV and TV translators are part д ‘Xв-дof state emergency preparedness networks.в ШX0УУФФААШX0УУФФАА вжЃ?Ъ гfд {OJ Д-дааб#єXє\  PŽlG;IЯєP#б УУФФ УУSeeФФ KSL Comments at 2Љ3; San Juan County Comments at 3.Ѓж Other commenters, such as APCO, state that LPTV and TV translators have secondary status and therefore have always been on notice that they must yield to primary services. These parties point out the critical need for public safety spectrum and state that any accommodation we make must not impede the use of the 746Љ806 д ‘X1в-дMHz band by public safety.в ШX0УУФФААШX0УУФФАА вж@’1žгfд {O€Д-дааб#єXє\  PŽnG;IЯєP#б УУФФ УУSeeФФ APCO Comments at 6. УУSee alsoФФ LMCC Comments at 10Љ11; Motorola Comments at 12Љ13; Texas Cities Comments at 2; IMSA/IAFC Reply Comments at 3Љ7.ж д “X Д-дСxСи€27.и С` `  СIn the УУNoticeФФ, we inquired whether we should allow incumbent LPTV and TV translator stations to negotiate private arrangements with new licensees under which the new licensees would tolerate otherwise unacceptable levels of interference from LPTV or TV translator stations, and whether we should provide incentives to new licensees to seek such arrangements, such as permitting LPTV and TV translators to compensate new licensees for tolerating otherwise unacceptable interference. Florida and other public safety concerns and local governments oppose the idea of allowing any kind of monetary compensation, because LPTV operators could negotiate an agreement with one licensee, and then use that agreement to resist interference claims of another licensee using the same spectrum. The potential for complex and inconsistent arrangements leads Florida to oppose permitting such negotiated д ‘Xв-дagreements in the public safety portions of the spectrum.в ШX0УУФФААШX0УУФФАА вжбAЪј гfд {OШД-дааб#єXє\  PŽvG;IЯєP#б УУФФ УУSeeФФ Florida Comments at 2. УУSee alsoФФ Texas Cities Comments at 2; IMSA/IAFC Reply Comments at 5.бж д “XёД-дСxСи€28.и С` `  СУУDecision.ФФ We recognize that the DTV transition and the reallocation of TV channels 60Љ69 to other services will have a significant impact on LPTV and TV translators. Further, we are aware that LPTV operators offer important services to specialized and minority audiences, foreign language communities, and rural areas. While we are committed to take reasonable steps to reduce the impact on such operations, we are obligated to facilitate the DTV transition and to reallocate the TV channels 60Љ69 as directed under the Budget Act. д"iŠ Aˆ,-(-(ZZс"дŒд ‘XД-дСxСи€29.и С` `  СSection 3004 of the Budget Act states that anyone holding a television broadcast license in the band "may not operate at that frequency after the date on which the д ‘Xвв-дdigital television transition period terminates, as determined by the Commission."жЛBЪвгfд {OKД-дааб#єXє\  PŽvG;IЯєP#б УУФФ УУSeeФФ Budget Act РР 3004 (adding new РР 337(e)(1) of the Communications Act).Лж The Conference Report confirms the plain language of the statute: "The conferees recognize that in clearing this band, the Commission will displace not only fullЉpower licensees but also secondary broadcast services, including lowЉpower licensees and television translator д ‘Xvв-дlicensees."жмC’vZгfд {O Д-дааб#єXє\  PŽvG;IЯєP#б УУФФ УУSeeФФ H.R. Conf. Rep. No. 105Љ217, 105th Cong., 1st Sess. at 580; 143 Cong. Rec. H6029 (daily ed. July 29, 1997).мж This provision of the Budget Act leaves us no latitude in clearing LPTV and TV translator stations from the band at the end of the DTV transition period. We will permit LPTV and TV translators to continue to operate on channels 60Љ69 until the end of the DTV transition period, as long as they do not cause harmful interference to primary services. The DTV transition period is currently scheduled to end December 31, 2006, but may be extended д ‘X в-дin some markets for several reasons.жwDZ Дгfд yOhД-дааб#єXє\  PŽvG;IЯєP#б УУФФ Budget Act РР 3003 (adding new РР 309(j)(14) of the Communications Act) establishes the conditions under д {O0Ѕ-дwhich the Commission shall extend the end of the DTV transition period beyond December 31, 2006. УУSeeФФ n.4 д {MњЅ-дУУsupra.ФФwж In many rural areas, LPTV and TV translator licensees will be able to continue broadcasting because demand for spectrum for both public safety and commercial applications is likely to be less in rural areas than in urban areas. д ‘XЇ Д-дСxСи€30.и С` `  СLPTV operators also can be accommodated in other ways. With regard to both rural and urban areas, some LPTV stations will be able to find replacement channels below channel 60 during the DTV transition period, and many more replacement channels will be available at the end of the DTV transition period, when analog stations cease transmitting. Further, we agree with some commenters that DTV may indeed open up new opportunities for LPTV, particularly in urban markets. For example, LPTV stations may be able to lease д ‘XД-дchannels in multicast formats used by DTV stationsУ УФ Ф. In addition, our retention of the broadcasting allocation in the commercial portion of the band permits LPTV stations to secure their channels at auction, with primary status. We will consider whether there are any other steps that may be of benefit to LPTV and TV translator operations as we develop service rules for the commercial spectrum. We emphasize that all the provisions we made in the д “XЊД-дУУDTV Proceeding Sixth Report and OrderФФ to accommodate LPTV and TV translator stations also apply to LPTV and TV translator stations in channels 60Љ69. д ‘XgД-дСxСи€31.и С` `  СУУФФУУФФThe request to provide interference protection for LPTV and TV translators is incompatible with the allocations for public safety and commercial services required under the Budget Act. Such action would preclude access to the spectrum throughout much of the nation. There also is no basis for requiring new services to provide monetary compensation to LPTV stations to alter their operations because LPTV stations are authorized to continue to operate on these channels on a secondary basis. However, we encourage, wherever possible,д"єжDˆ,-(-(ZZ<с"д private negotiations between LPTV stations and new service providers in the commercial portions of the 746Љ806 MHz band to resolve problems, including interference, in a manner acceptable and/or beneficial to both parties. Such negotiations, however, will bind only the licensees involved, will not change the terms and conditions of any licenses, and will not affect the obligation of LPTV and TV translator stations to vacate the band at the end of the DTV transition period. In the interest of maintaining the availability of clear spectrum for public safety services, we will not permit such negotiations in the public safety portions of the band. We are persuaded by Florida's argument that in the public safety spectrum, there is a danger that an LPTV station could negotiate an agreement with one public safety licensee, and then cause interference to other public safety licensees on other frequencies within the TV channel, in other public safety agencies, or in other jurisdictions. We do not believe it is necessary at this time to adopt any formal provisions or guidelines for such negotiations, however, we may revisit this matter if appropriate in the future. In summary, we believe that we have taken reasonable measures to be responsive to the concerns of LPTV and TV translator operators and the communities they serve. We are retaining the secondary allocation for LPTV and TV translators in the entire 746Љ806 MHz band until the end of the DTV transition period, and we will further consider LPTV service in a future proceeding. Given their secondary status, we will continue to authorize LPTV and TV translator service on channels 60Љ69 until the end of the DTV transition period. LPTV operators will be able to bid on spectrum in channels 60Љ69 and use it after the DTV transition. д ‘X4Д-дУУФФ д “XД-дСxСи€32.и С` `  СУУConstruction Permits and Modifications. ФФIn theУУ NoticeФФ, we inquired into what actions we should take with regard to construction permits and applications for new TV stations. We stated that, effective May 16, 1997, in addition to the 73 licensed stations on д ‘XкД-дchannels 60Љ69, У УФ Фconstruction permits have been authorized to 22 stations, of which 11 operate under program test authority. We tentatively concluded that stations for which a construction permit has been granted should be treated the same as operating TV stations and receive protection from new service providers during the DTV transition period. д “XgД-дСxСи€ 33.и С` `  СУУComments.ФФ Many commenters who are applicants for or holders of construction permits stated that we should allow construction permittees to continue to build or improve their stations. ALTV endorses our proposal that facilities represented by unbuilt construction permits retain full protection, stating that nothing could be so inimical to a TV д ‘X в-дstartЉup than a coverage area diminished by unexpected interference.в ШX0УУФФААШX0УУФФАА вжƒEЪ гfд {O† Д-дааб#єXє\  PŽzG;IЯєP#б УУФФ УУSee ФФALTV Comments at 4.ƒж CBS contends that the д “XіД-дУУNotice ФФimplicitly demonstrates our intention to protect construction permits, and that a fair reading of Congressional intent in the Budget Act includes protection of construction д ‘XЪ в-дpermits.в ШX0УУФФААШX0УУФФАА вж„FЪЪ Zгfд {Oе$Д-дааб#єXє\  PŽ|G;IЯєP#б УУФФ УУSeeФФ CBS Comments at 3Љ4.„ж On the other hand, California and IMSA/IAFC contend that we should also dismiss any construction permits where the holder cannot show a purchase order for a transmitterд"Г!ьFˆ,-(-(ZZС с"д д ‘Xв-дwhich cannot be canceled or modified.в ШX0УУФФААШX0УУФФАА вжЈGЪгfд {OyД-дааб#єXє\  PŽ~G;IЯєP#б УУФФ УУSee ФФCalifornia Comments at 5, IMSA/IAFC Reply Comments at 8.Јж Florida and others contend that we should require holders of construction permits to build only DTV facilities on their assigned DTV channels, д ‘Xвв-дand should not allow them to build analog facilities in channels 60Љ69.в ШX0УУФФААШX0УУФФАА вжЌHЪвZгfд {OнД-дааб#єXє\  PŽ€G;IЯєP#б УУФФ УУSeeФФ Florida Comments at 3. УУSee alsoФФ NPSTC Comments at 12.Ќж д ‘XЄД-дСxСи€!34.и С` `  СWith regard to modifications, Maranatha Broadcasting Company, Inc. (Maranatha) states that TV stations operating on channels 60Љ69 should be given the opportunity to modify their facilities to increase coverage to maximum values. This will allow TV licensees to maximize their revenues during the DTV transition, which will help to д ‘XHв-дfinance their conversion to DTV, according to Maranatha.в ШX0УУФФААШX0УУФФАА вжŠIЪHьгfд {Oх Д-дааб#єXє\  PŽ‚G;IЯєP#б УУФФ УУSeeФФ Maranatha Comments at 2Љ3.Šж Maranatha argues that denying TV stations the opportunity to increase their coverage areas would yield little usable spectrum for public safety agencies, and would deny TV licensees the opportunity to raise the funds д ‘X в-дthey need to bear the costs of transition to DTV.в ШX0УУФФААШX0УУФФАА вжЁJЪ ~гfд {O2Д-дааб#єXє\  PŽ„G;IЯєP#б УУФФ УУSeeФФ Maranatha Comments at 2Љ3, Reply Comments at 2Љ4.Ёж ALTV adds that new DTV stations in channels 60Љ69, built to less than maximum coverage, must be allowed to later increase their д ‘Xе в-дcoverage.в ШX0УУФФААШX0УУФФАА вж…KЪе гfд {O–Д-дааб#єXє\  PŽ†G;IЯєP#б УУФФ УУSeeФФ ALTV Comments at 3Љ4.…ж NPSTC, by contrast, states that we should reject any future modifications, in order д ‘XО в-дto avoid delays in clearing the band for public safety and other potential uses.в ШX0УУФФААШX0УУФФАА вж…LЪО Ђгfд {OД-дааб#єXє\  PŽˆG;IЯєP#б УУФФ УУSeeФФ NPSTC Comments at 13.…ж д “XД-дСxСи€"35.и С` `  СУУDecision.ФФ We believe that most holders of construction permits are sufficiently advanced in the licensing process that it would be inequitable to rescind their permits. At the д “XdД-дsame time, as we pointed out in the УУNoticeФФ, there are outstanding construction permits that were issued years ago, on which there has been little progress. In order to ensure that holders of construction permits, both for new facilities and modification of existing facilities, progress in construction, we are establishing a deadline by which construction must be completed. We believe that three years is sufficient time for current construction permits to build or improve their facilities, and also provides a date certain for planning purposes for public safety agencies and commercial entities. Therefore, we will cancel any construction permit issued before the release date of this Report and Order for which no license application has been filed as of January 2, 2001. д ‘X€Д-дСxСи€#36.и С` `  СWe disagree that current analog TV licensees should be indefinitely protected up to their maximum possible coverage. Such a measure would deny areas of the country to public safety and commercial licensees, even though the current licensees may never increase their coverage to the maximum. Accordingly, we will protect analog TV licensees up to theirд";4 Lˆ,-(-(ZZѓс"д actual coverage until the end of the DTV transition period. In this regard, we will process requests for minor modifications to existing analog TV stations and construction permits. However, the planning and development of new services would be impeded if we were to permit modifications that increase service area on an indefinite basis. We believe that licensees have been aware of the DTV transition plan and have had the opportunity to plan necessary modifications. Accordingly, as of six months after the release date of this Report and Order we will no longer accept requests for modifications to increase the service areas of stations operating on TV channels 60Љ69. With regard to DTV, we will protect the full д ‘XHв-дcoverage area until the end of the DTV transition period.жСMЪHгfд {OС Д-дааб#єXє\  PŽŠG;IЯєP#б УУФФ DTV coverage areas are established in the УУDTV Sixth Report and OrderФФ, РРРР 29Љ33.Сж We recognize that stations may not be able to provide full coverage initially and we do not wish to impede growth and development of DTV. д “Xь Д-дСxСи€$37.и С` `  СУУApplications and Allotment Petitions.ФФ In the УУNoticeФФ, we requested comment on what actions we should take with regard to applications for new TV stations. We stated that, д ‘XР Д-дeffective May 16, 1997, there are У УФ Ф78 applications on file for 33 stations on these channels which have been accepted or tendered for filing, of which 33 request waivers of the TV filing д ‘X’в-дfreeze and have not been accepted for filing.в ШX0УУФФААШX0УУФФАА вжОN\’Zгfд yOД-дааб#єXє\  PŽŠG;IЯєP#б УУФФ These applications have not been acted upon because we froze applications for TV licensing in the 30 д {OeЅ-дlargest markets in the United States in 1987. УУSee In re Advanced Television Systems and Their Impact on the д {O/Ѕ-дExisting Television Broadcast ServiceФФ, RMЉ5811, УУOrderФФ, 52 Fed. Reg. 28,346 (1987).Ож In addition, there are 9 petitions for rule making on file, requesting changes in the TV Table of Allotments to allow applicants to apply for TV broadcasting licenses in channels 60Љ69. We tentatively concluded that the public is best served by maximizing the potential availability of this spectrum for public safety and new services. We noted that applicants for new broadcast stations were not among the initial eligibles for a second DTV channel and would be required to vacate this spectrum at the end of the DTV transition period. We sought comment on whether we should dismiss these pending applications and petitions for new allotments for new broadcast stations that would operate on channels 60Љ69, or, in the alternative, should dismiss only those applications requesting a waiver of the 1987 freeze on TV applications in the major metropolitan areas. д ‘X•Д-дСxСи€%38.и С` `  СMany commenters who are applicants argue that we should process all timely filed applications for new stations. They point out that applicants have substantial investments д ‘Xgв-дof time, effort, and money in their applications.в ШX0УУФФААШX0УУФФАА вжєO$g~гfд {O–!Д-дааб#єXє\  PŽŒG;IЯєP#б УУФФ УУSeeФФ CBS Comments at 3Љ5; Givens & Bell, Inc. Comments at 3; KCTS Television Comments at 2Љ3; Paxson Comments at 4Љ7; Stead Communications Comments at 2; United Television, Inc. and John C. Siegel д {O(#Ѕ-д(United TV) Comments at 3Љ4; Winstar Broadcasting Corp. Comments at 2Љ7; Davis Television УУet al.ФФ Reply Comments at 2; KM Reply Comments at 3Љ4; WB Reply Comments at 9Љ12.єж United Television, Inc. and John C. Siegel also argue that, at a minimum, we should open a window for applicants to amend theirд"Pj Oˆ,-(-(ZZИс"д д ‘Xв-дapplications to request channels within the DTV core spectrum.в ШX0УУФФААШX0УУФФАА вжрP’гfд {OyД-дааб#єXє\  PŽŽG;IЯєP#б УУФФ УУSeeФФ United TV Comments at 6. УУSee also ФФWinstar Comments at 6; KM Reply Comments at 4; WB Reply Comments at 12.рж The WB Television Network (WB) stated that continuing to allow applications for new stations is necessary to fulfill our goal of fostering competition among networks and providing for the creation of д ‘XЛв-дnew networks.в ШX0УУФФААШX0УУФФАА вж„QЪЛ"гfд {OŽД-дааб#єXє\  PŽG;IЯєP#б УУФФ УУSeeФФ WB Comments at 8Љ12.„ж д ‘XД-дСxСи€&39.и С` `  СOn the other hand, many commenters, especially those representing local governments and public safety agencies, such as APCO, state that it is essential that we maximize the use of the 746Љ806 MHz band for public safety. In order to do this, they д ‘XHв-дadvocate that we dismiss all applications for licenses in the band.в ШX0УУФФААШX0УУФФАА вжR’HДгfд {O­ Д-дааб#єXє\  PŽ’G;IЯєP#б УУФФ УУSee ФФAPCO Comments at 7. УУSee alsoФФ California Comments at 5; CHiP Comments at 1; Florida Comments at 3Љ4; Motorola Comments at 15; IMSA/IAFC Reply Comments at 8.ж д “X Д-дб#Xjє\  PŽ6G;љ3XP#бСxСи€'40.и С` `  СУУDecisionФФ. In the УУDTV Sixth Further Notice of Proposed Rule MakingФФ, we provided a final opportunity for the filing of new applications for analog stations for vacant allotments and rule making petitions to add channels to the TV Table of Allotments, thereby accommodating parties who were in the process of preparing application and rule making д ‘XР в-дsubmissions.ж+S|Р гfд {OД-дааб#єXє\  PŽ’G;IЯєP#б УУФФ УУSixth Further Notice of Proposed Rule MakingФФ, MM Docket No. 87Љ268, 11 FCC Rcd 10968 (1996). The adoption date of this Notice (July 25, 1996) was the last opportunity to file petitions to add channels to the TV Table of Allotments. The application filing deadline (September 20, 1996) was established as 30 days after publication of the Notice in the Federal Register. Regarding these applications, we decided to continue our "cutЊoff" process for accepting competing applications. We also decided to continue the policy of considering д {OiЅ-дrequests for waiver of the 1987 freeze УУOrderФФ on a caseЉbyЉcase basis. (УУSee OrderФФ, RM 5811, Mimeo No. 4074, released July 17, 1987.)+ж We are aware of the investment in planning, effort, and money that have been put into these and other pending applications and petitions to amend the TV allotment table. We also agree with WB that new stations would help to foster competition between networks. New stations also create opportunities for increased broadcast diversity and new entry. However, we continue to believe that it is important to maximize the utility of the 746Љ806 MHz band for public safety and new commercial services. In addition, any TV application granted would have no allotment for a DTV channel and would be required to cease analog д ‘Xв-дoperations at the end of the DTV transition period.жЛTЪR гfд {O""Д-дааб#єXє\  PŽ’G;IЯєP#б УУФФ УУSeeФФ Budget Act, РР3004 (adding new РР 337(e)(1) of the Communications Act).Лж For these reasons, we will not authorize additional new analog fullЉservice television stations on channels 60Љ69. However, neither do we wish to summarily terminate the pending applications and rule making petitions, and we will at a later date provide applicants and petitioners an opportunity to amend their applications and petitions, if possible, to seek a channel below channel 60. We will thereafter dismiss any applications or allotment petitions that are not satisfactorily amended. д"ЌфTˆ,-(-(ZZpс"д We direct the Mass Media Bureau to announce the details of this amendment opportunity by Public Notice, at a date after we complete action on our broadcast auction proceeding and the д ‘Xвв-дpetitions for reconsideration in the DTV proceeding.жбU&вгfд {OKД-дааб#єXє\  PŽ’G;IЯєP#б УУФФ УУSee In re Implementation of Section 309(j) of the Communications Act ЉЉ Competitive Bidding for д {OЅ-дCommercial Broadcast and Instructional Television Fixed Service Licenses, ФФMM Docket No. 97Љ234, GC Docket д {OпЅ-дNo. 92Љ52, GEN Docket No. 90Љ264, УУNotice of Proposed Rule MakingФФ, FCC No. 97Љ397, released November 26, 1997.бж To encourage settlements among mutually exclusive applicants, we authorize the Bureau to waive for this special amendment opportunity the rule which limits reimbursements of applicants to legitimate and prudent expenses (47 C.F.R. РР 73.3525(a)(3)). Finally, we note that all conditions pertaining to the applications and rule making petitions will continue to apply, including the freeze on new applications in the large metropolitan areas; requests for "freeze" waivers will be considered on a caseЉbyЉcase basis. д “X Д-дСxСи€(41.и С` `  СУУMinor Changes to the Table of Frequency AllocationsФФ. In the УУNoticeФФ, we stated that there are three footnotes to the Table of Frequency Allocations that permit the operation д ‘Xю в-дof nonЉTV services in the 746Љ806 MHz band in all or part of the United States.в ШX0УУФФААШX0УУФФАА вж…VЪю Жгfд {OUД-дааб#єXє\  PŽ”G;IЯєP#б УУФФ УУSeeФФ 47 C.F.R. РР 2.106.…ж The 716Њ890 MHz band is available on an interim basis through footnote NG30 to stations in the д ‘XР в-дinternational fixed public radiocommunication serviceв ШX0УУФФААШX0УУФФАА вж‚WЪР Hгfд {OЙД-дааб#єXє\  PŽ–G;IЯєP#б УУФФ УУSeeФФ 47 C.F.R. Part 23.‚ж УУФФsouth of Miami, Florida, on the condi­д ‘XЉ в-дtion that harmful interferЌence is not caused to the broadЌcasting service of any country.в ШX0УУФФААШX0УУФФАА вжЋXшЉ кгfд yO4Д-дааб#єXє\  PŽ˜G;IЯєP#б УУФФ Specifically, footnote NG 30 reads: Stations in the international fixed public radiocommunication service д yOќД-дin Florida, south of 25УУoФФ 30' north latitude, may be auЌthoЌrized to use frequencies in the band 716Љ890 MHz on the condiЌtion that harmful interferЌence will not be caused to the šbroadЌcasting service of any country. This is an interim allocation the termination of which will later be specified by the ComЌmission when it is determined that equipЌments are generЌally available for use in bands allocated internaЌtionally to the fixed services. Ћж We stated our tentative conclusion that Footnote NG30 was an interim measure which is no longer needed. The 800Љ830 MHz band is also currently available through footnote NG43 to fixed д ‘Xdв-дstations in the Common Carrier Fixed PointЉtoЉPoint Microwave Serviceв ШX0УУФФААШX0УУФФАА вжRYXdŠ гfд yOŸД-дааб#єXє\  PŽšG;IЯєP#б УУФФ Most of the services in the Domestic Public Fixed Radio Service were recently merged into Part 101, Fixed Microwave Services. The rules for the Common Carrier Fixed PointЉtoЉPoint Microwave Service are at 47 C.F.R. РР 101, Subpart I.Rж in the southeastern corner of Alaska on the condiЌtion that harmful interference is not caused to the broadЌcasting д ‘X6в-дservice of any country.в ШX0УУФФААШX0УУФФАА вжаZX6Њгfд yO‘#Д-дааб#єXє\  PŽœG;IЯєP#б УУФФ Specifically, footnote NG43 reads: Fixed stations in the domestic public radio services in Alaska, south д yOY$Д-дof 56УУoФФ north latitude and east of 134УУoФФ west longitude, may be authorized to use frequencies in the band 800-830 MHz, on the condiЌtion that harmful interference will not be caused to the broadЌcasting service of any country.аж There are, however, no licensees operating under footnote NG43. For these reasons, we proposed to delete footnotes NG30 and NG43, to provide clear spectrum for new licensees in the 746Љ806 MHz band. Additionally, the TV broadcast bandsд"ЪZˆ,-(-(ZZ с"д д ‘Xв-дare allocated to the Fixed Service to permit subscription TV operations.в ШX0УУФФААШX0УУФФАА вжa[Xгfд yOyД-дааб#єXє\  PŽžG;IЯєP#б УУФФ Specifically, footnote NG149 reads: The frequency bands 54Љ72 MHz, 76Љ88 MHz, 174Љ216 MHz, 470Њ512 MHz, 512Љ608 MHz, and 614Љ806 MHz are also allocated to the Fixed Service to permit subscription TV operations in accordance with Part 73 of the rules.aж We proposed to delete this allocation for the 746Љ806 MHz band, to ensure that no subscription TV operations would be permitted in the public safety portion of the band, and because this allocation by footnote is no longer needed to allow subscription TV operations in the nonЉpublic safety portion of the band, should providers of subscription TV choose to seek licenses at auction. д ‘XvД-дСxСи€)42.и С` `  СOnly two commenters, Florida and NPSTC, address this issue, both д ‘X_в-дrecommending deletion of the three footnotes.в ШX0УУФФААШX0УУФФАА вжœ\Ъ_шгfд {Oј Д-дааб#єXє\  PŽ G;IЯєP#б УУФФ УУSee ФФFlorida Comments at 4; NPSTC Comments at 14.œж No commenter speaks in favor of retaining д “XHД-дthe footnote allocations. For the reasons articulated in the УУNoticeФФ, we will delete Footnotes NG30 and NG43 from the Table of Frequency Allocations, and amend Footnote NG149 to delete the allocation of the 746Љ806 MHz band for subscription TV services. д “Xю Д-дСxСи€*43.и С` `  СУУMiscellaneous Issues.ФФ Commenters raised a number of issues that, while relevant to the issues here, are better resolved in our proceeding on licensing and service rules for the 746Љ806 MHz band. CompuЉDawn, Inc. (CompuЉDawn) advocates allowing nonЊgovernmental entities to be licensed in the public safety portion of the 746Љ806 MHz band. CompuЉDawn claims that this is consistent with Congress' definition of public safety entities in the Budget Act, and that allowing nonЉgovernmental, commercial entities to hold public safety licensees will encourage them to develop advanced public safety communications, д ‘XOв-дwhich they will make available to the public safety community.в ШX0УУФФААШX0УУФФАА вжй]’Ozгfд {OzД-дааб#єXє\  PŽЂG;IЯєP#б УУФФ УУSee ФФCompuЉDawn Comments at 3Љ7 (citing Budget Act РР 3004 (adding РР 337(f)(1)of the Communications Act).йж APCO opposes this idea, stating that CompuЉDawn, as a for profit company, is ineligible for public safety licenses. APCO contends that Congress' inclusion of sanctioned nonЉgovernmental entities was intended to allow nonЉprofit organizations like volunteer fire departments to obtain public д ‘Xѓв-дsafety licenses.в ШX0УУФФААШX0УУФФАА вж‹^Ъѓдгfд {OxД-дааб#єXє\  PŽЄG;IЯєP#б УУФФ УУSeeФФ APCO Reply Comments at 6Љ7.‹ж д ‘XХД-дСxСи€+44.и С` `  СKSLS, Inc. (KSLS) recommends a possible solution for frequency unavailability caused by the large number of TV licensees in the Los Angeles area. Noting that public safety licensees in the area use frequencies in TV channels 16 and 20, KSLS suggests that these operations move into channels 68 and 69. This will free channels 16 and 20 for TV services allotted channels 68 and 69, in turn freeing these channels for more public д ‘XRв-дsafety use.в ШX0УУФФААШX0УУФФАА вж…_ЪRf гfд {Oi&Д-дааб#єXє\  PŽІG;IЯєP#б УУФФ УУSee ФФKSLS Comments at 2Љ3.…ж APCO and L.A. County respond that such a measure would be very costly, disruptive to public safety, and would not provide actual relief to spectrum congestion in theд";ј _ˆ,-(-(ZZес"д д ‘Xв-дLos Angeles area.в ШX0УУФФААШX0УУФФАА вжЌ`Ъгfд {OyД-дааб#єXє\  PŽЈG;IЯєP#б УУФФ УУSeeФФ APCO Reply Comments at 4Љ5; L.A. County Reply Comments at 4.Ќж д ‘XвД-дСxСи€,45.и С` `  СMotorola observes that in the 806Љ824 MHz band, mobile units are assigned to the lower portion of the band, and higherЉpowered base units to the upper part of the band. Because of this, Motorola recommends that we designate the higher portion of the 746Љ806 MHz band for mobile units, so that they will be adjacent to the lowerЉpowered mobile units in the 806Љ824 MHz band. Motorola is concerned about the potential for interference from highЊpowered base stations in TV channels 68Љ69 to mobile units in the lower part of the 806Љ824 д ‘XHв-дMHz band.в ШX0УУФФААШX0УУФФАА вж‰aЪHZгfд {OS Д-дааб#єXє\  PŽЊG;IЯєP#б УУФФ УУSee ФФMotorola Comments at 4Љ6.‰ж No commenting party objects to this designation of bands for mobile and base use. д ‘X Д-дСxСи€-46.и С` `  СSouth Carolina has specific proposals for the use of public safety spectrum. It recommends that we allocate a portion of the spectrum for interoperability between public safety agencies, that we designate approximately 25 per cent of the public safety band for highЉspeed services, and that we regulate the spectrum by regional planning organizations with the Commission playing a national oversight role. д ‘XyД-дСxСи€.47.и С` `  СARINC notes that GNSS operate in the 1559Љ1610 MHz band, which is the second harmonic of a portion of the 746Љ806 MHz band. ARINC contends that current Part 90 emissions limits allow spurious emissions that would interfere with aircraft reception of GNSS signals, to the detriment of air safety. ARINC asks that we ensure that the technical rules for this band address this potential problem by requiring harmonic attenuation in the 774.5Љ805 MHz portion of the band consistent with the recommendations of the Radio д ‘Xяв-дTechnical Committee on Aviation (RTCA).в ШX0УУФФААШX0УУФФАА вж†bЪяьгfд {OŒД-дааб#єXє\  PŽЎG;IЯєP#б УУФФ УУSeeФФ ARINC Comments at 2Љ3.†ж Motorola counters that the RTCA standards д ‘Xив-дmay be too stringent.жcЪи~гfд {OД-дааб#єXє\  PŽЎG;IЯєP#б УУФФ УУSeeФФ Motorola Reply Comments at 9Љ10.ж д ‘XЊД-дСxСи€/48.и С` `  СThe appropriate forum for all of the foregoing concerns is our service and д ‘X“в-дlicensing rules proceeding.в ШX0УУФФААШX0УУФФАА вжМdЪ“гfд {OT!Д-дааб#єXє\  PŽ6G;IЯєP#б УУФФ УУSee Public Safety Proceeding, Second Notice of Proposed Rule Making, supraФФ n.26.Мж We will consider these issues in that proceeding. д “XeД-дСxСи€049.и С` `  СУУSummary of Allocations.ФФ As a result of our actions in this proceeding, the 764Њ776 MHz and 794Љ806 MHz bands (TV channels 63Љ64 and 68Љ69) will be allocated on a primary basis to the fixed and mobile services, and will be available only to the public safety radio services. The commercial portions of the band, at 746Љ764 MHz and 776Љ794 MHz bands (TV channels 60Љ62 and 65Љ67), will be allocated to the fixed, mobile, and broadcastingд" Ђdˆ,-(-(ZZ—с"д services, and licenses in these bands will be assigned by competitive bidding. Broadcasting will have different status in different parts of the 746Љ806 MHz band. Currently licensed fullЊpower TV broadcasting will retain a primary allocation throughout the band for both their current analog and new DTV operations for the duration of the DTV transition period. At the end of the DTV transition, they will be required to relinquish their licenses for channels 60Њ69. LPTV and TV translator stations will have secondary allocation status in the entire band until the end of the DTV transition period. New licensees in the commercial portions of the band will be permitted to provide broadcasting, as well as fixed or mobile services, within their service areas, and will have primary status. д ‘X Д-дСрль СУ УORDERING CLAUSESФ Фƒ д ‘Xе Д-дСxСи€150.и С` `  СFor the foregoing reasons, IT IS ORDERED that Section 2.106 of the Commission's rules, 47 C.F.R. РР 2.106, IS AMENDED in accordance with Appendix A, effective 60 days after publication in the Federal Register. IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that this proceeding is TERMINATED. д ‘XbД-дС€XX(СУ УСрьСPROCEDURAL MATTERSФ Фƒ д ‘X4Д-дСxСи€251.и С` `  СThis action is taken pursuant to Sections 4(i), 303(c), 303(f), 303(g), and 303(r) of the Communications Act of 1934, as amended, 47 U.S.C. РРРР 154(i), 303(c), 303(f), 303(g), and 303(r); and Section 3004 of the Balanced Budget Act of 1997, Pub. L.No. 105Љ33, 111 Stat. 251 РР 3004. д “XСД-дСxСи€352.и С` `  СУУFinal Regulatory Flexibility AnalysisФФ: A final regulatory flexibility analysis is contained in Appendix C. СxСС` `  ССИ И ШСС№ССГГСС””,СFEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION СxСС` `  ССИ И ШСС№ССГГСС””,СMagalie Roman Salas СxСС` `  ССИ И ШСС№ССГГСС””,СSecretaryд" dˆ,-(-(ZZс"д д ‘XД-дааСрь)СУ УAPPENDIX AФ Фƒ д ‘XвД-дСр§ь/СУ УFinal RulesФ Фƒ Part 2 of title 47 of the Code of Federal Regulations is proposed to be amended as follows: д ‘XvД-дУ УСxСPART 2 ЉЉ FREQUENCY ALLOCATIONS AND RADIO TREATY MATTERS;С(#(#XСд ‘X_Д-дGENERAL RULES AND REGULATIONSФ Ф д ‘X1Д-дааXА` И Г”VpШ xа (#€%и'0*ˆ,р.813ш5@8˜:№эАААXї аееФ Фв h ddx !Аddxvvvvvа h вм„€  Œ€ мд &џ& дм"мджЫ дInternational tableм џ"мды№дUnited States tableм џ"мдЋ(дFCC use designatorsм& Œ€ ’Œ€ € &мд &џw& дм"мд]дRegion 1 ЉЉ allocation MHzмџ"мдЫ дRegion 2 ЉЉ allocation MHzмџ"мд9ƒдRegion 3 ЉЉ allocation MHzмџ"мдПPдGovernmentмџ"мд$I дNonЉGovernmentмџ"мд˜'дRule part(s)мџ"мдьљ+дSpecialЉuse дьћ+дfrequenciesм(’Œ€ € ’Ž€ € (мм"мд‡ыд д‚­д(1)м!h"мдіiд дё+д(2)м!h"мдdпд д^‘д (3)м!h"мдЛдAllocation MHz дЯ'д(4)м1w"мд(x дAllocation MHz д<!д(5)м1w"мдЌ(д дЇб'д(6)м1w"мд-д дћТ,д(7)м(’Ž€ € Œ€ € Ÿ(мд &wџ& дм"мд…ид*м>џ"мдєVд*м>џ"мдbЬд*м>џ"мдвRд*м>џ"мд?И!д*м>џ"мдЊќ'д*м>џ"мдўэ,д*м& Œ€ € +Œ€ € 1&мд &џЯ& дм м614 Р!Р 746 BROADCASTING S5.296 S5.300 S5.311 S5.312мi Я м614 Р!Р 746 BROADCASTING Fixed Mobile S5.293 S5.309 S5.310 S5.311мi Я м614 Р!Р 746 FIXED MOBILE BROADCASTING S5.311 мi Я м614 Р!Р 746мi Я м614 Р!Р 746 BROADCASTING NG128 NG149мi Я м RADIO BROADCAST (TV) (73) Auxiliary Broadcasting (74)мi Я"мд-дм&+Œ€ € АŒ€ € >&мд &ЯG& дм м746 Р!Р 764 BROADCASTING S5.296 S5.300 S5.311 S5.312 м” Я м746 Р!Р 764 BROADCASTING Fixed Mobile S5.293 S5.309 S5.310 S5.311м” Я м746 Р!Р 764 FIXED MOBILE BROADCASTING S5.311м” Я м746 Р!Р 764м” Я м746 Р!Р 764 FIXED MOBILE BROADCASTING NG128 NG159мG мPRIVATE LAND MOBILE (90) RADIO BROADCAST (TV) (73) WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS (27) Auxiliary Broadcasting (74)мG"мд-дм&АŒ€ € 5Œ€ € i &мд &GП& дм м764Љ776 BROADCASTING S5.312 S5.313 S5.314 S5.315 S5.316 мNП м764Љ776 BROADCASTING Fixed Mobile S5.293 S5.309 S5.310 мNП м764Љ776 FIXED MOBILE BROADCASTING S5.311мNП м764Љ776мNП м764Љ776 FIXED MOBILE NG128 NG158 NG159мNП м PRIVATE LAND MOBILE (90) Auxiliary Broadcasting (74)мNП"мд-дм&5Œ€ € АŒ€ € &мд &ПG& дм"мд‡ыдаадWд776Љ790 BROADCASTING S5.312 S5.313 S5.314 S5.315 S5.316мyЯ"мдіiдаадЦš д776Љ790 BROADCASTING Fixed Mobile S5.293 S5.309 S5.310 мўG"мдdпдаад4д776Љ790 FIXED MOBILE BROADCASTING S5.311мўG"мддeдаадЅІд776Љ790мўG"мдAЫ!даадќд776Љ790 FIXED MOBILE BROADCASTING NG128 NG159мўG"мдЌ(даадr%дPRIVATE LAND MOBILE (90) RADIO BROADCAST (TV) (73) WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS (27) Auxiliary Broadcasting (74)мўG"мдўэ,д*м&АŒ€ € АŒ€ € N&мм"мд‡ыдаадWд790Љ794 FIXED BROADCASTING S5.312 S5.313 S5.314 S5.315 S5.316мЎG"мдіiдаадЦš д790Љ794 BROADCASTING Fixed Mobile S5.293 S5.309 S5.310 мЎG"мдdпдаад4д790Љ794 FIXED MOBILE BROADCASTING S5.311мЎG"мддeдаадЅІд790Љ794мЎG"мдAЫ!даадќд790Љ794 FIXED MOBILE BROADCASTING NG128 NG159мЎG"мдЌ(даадr%дPRIVATE LAND MOBILE (90) RADIO BROADCAST (TV) (73) WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS (27) Auxiliary Broadcasting (74)мЎG"мд-дм&АŒ€ € =Œ€ € ў&мд &G,& дм"мд‡ыдмы,"мдіiдмы,"мдdпдмы,"мддeдмы,"мдAЫ!дмы,"мдЌ(дмы,"мд-дм=Œ€ €  Ў,ма АXАА аа АААА а д"pdа ААѓxO"дŒв | !Аddxvvvvvа AАddxvvvvvа | вм&=Œ€ €  Œ€ Ў&мд &џ& дм"мджЫ дInternational tableм џ"мды№дUnited States tableм џ"мдЋ(дFCC use designatorsм& Œ€ ’Œ€ € &мд &џw& дм"мд]дRegion 1 ЉЉ allocation MHzмџ"мдЫ дRegion 2 ЉЉ allocation MHzмџ"мд9ƒдRegion 3 ЉЉ allocation MHzмџ"мдПPдGovernmentмџ"мд$I дNonЉGovernmentмџ"мд˜'дRule part(s)мџ"мдьљ+дSpecialЉuse дьћ+дfrequenciesм(’Œ€ € ’Ž€ € (мм"мд‡ыд д‚­д(1)м!h"мдіiд дё+д(2)м!h"мдdпд д^‘д (3)м!h"мдЛдAllocation MHz дЯ'д(4)м1w"мд(x дAllocation MHz д<!д(5)м1w"мдЌ(д дЇб'д(6)м1w"мд-д дћТ,д(7)м(’Ž€ €5Œ€ € Ÿ(мд &wП& дм м794Љ806 FIXED BROADCASTING S5.312 S5.313 S5.314 S5.315 S5.316мсG м794Љ806 BROADCASTING Fixed Mobile S5.293 S5.309 S5.310 мсG м794Љ806 FIXED MOBILE BROADCASTING мсG м794Љ806мсG м794Љ806 FIXED MOBILE NG128 NG158 NG159мf П м PRIVATE LAND MOBILE (90) Auxiliary Broadcasting (74)мf П"мд-дм&5Œ€ € =Œ€ € 1&мд &П,& дм"мд…ид*мЃ ,"мдєVд*мЃ ,"мдbЬд*мЃ ,"мдвRд*мЃ ,"мд?И!д*мЃ ,"мдЊќ'д*мЃ ,"мдўэ,д*м=Œ€ € f ,мд L9Ѓ iда їи'3и'3Standardindows FormRSXjє\ 3и'3и'Standardindows FormRSXjє\ ЈэААААї аа АААА аа АААА а д"( dxЧЧААP xЌ"д д ‘XД-дб#Xjє\  PŽ6G;љ3XP#ба АААX аСрSьћСINTERNATIONAL FOOTNOTESƒ СрььTСƒ С‘‘_С* * * * * I. New "S" Numbering Scheme С‘‘_С* * * * * С‘‘_С д “XHД-даа‘НИ Рџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџ‘Н4РџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџааС‘‘_СS5.293С44ŒСУУDifferent category of service:ФФ in Chile, Colombia, Cuba, the United States, Guyana, Honduras, Jamaica, Mexico and Panama, the alloЌcation of the bands 470-512 MHz and 614-806 MHz to the fixed and mobile services is on a primary basis, (see No. S5.33), subject to agreement obtained under Article 14/No. S9.21. д “Xз Д-дС‘‘_СS5.296С44ŒСУУAdditional allocation:ФФ in Germany, Austria, Belgium, Cyprus, Denmark, Spain, Finland, France, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Libya, Malta, Morocco, Monaco, Norway, the Netherlands, Portugal, the United Kingdom, Sweden, Switzerland, Swaziland, Syria, Tunisia and Turkey, the band 470-790 MHz is also allocated on a secondary basis to the land mobile service, intended for applications ancillary to broadcasting. Stations of the land mobile service in the countries mentioned in this footnote, shall not cause harmful interference to existing or planned stations operating in accordance with the Table of Frequency Allocations in countries other than those listed in this footnote. д “X Д-дС‘‘_СS5.300 УУ Additional allocation:ФФ in Israel, Libya, Syria and Sudan, the band 582-790 MHz is also allocated to the fixed and mobile, except aeronautical mobile, services on a secondary basis. д “XАД-дС‘‘_СS5.309С44ŒСУУDifferent category of service:ФФ in Costa Rica, El Salvador and Honduras, the allocation of the band 614-806 MHz to the fixed service is on a primary basis (see No. S5.33), subject to agreement obtained under Article 14/No. S9.21. д “XVД-дС‘‘_СS5.310С44ŒСУУAdditional allocation:ФФ in Cuba, the band 614-890 MHz is also allocated to the radionavigation service on a primary basis, subject to agreement obtained under Article 14/No. S9.21. С‘‘_С д ‘XќД-дС‘‘_СS5.311С44ŒСWithin the frequency band 620-790 MHz, assignments may be made to television stations using frequency modulation in the broadcastingЉsatellite service subject to agreement between the administrations concerned and those having services, operating in accordance with the Table, which may be affected (see Resolutions 33 and 507). Such stations shall not д ‘X "в-дproduce a power fluxЉdensity in excess of the value Р!Р129 dB(W/mУУ2ФФ) for angles of arrival less than 20РР (see Recommendation 705) within the territories of other countries without the consent of the administrations of those countries. С‘‘_С д “XD&Д-дС‘‘_СS5.312С44ŒСУУAdditional allocation:ФФ in Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Bulgaria, Georgia, Hungary, Kazakhstan, Latvia, Lithuania, Moldova, Mongolia, Uzbekistan, Poland, Kyrgyzstan, Slovakia, the Czech Republic, Romania, Russia, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and Ukraine, the band 645-862 MHz is also allocated to the aeronautical radionavigation service on a primary basis.д"ъ)dˆ,з*з*ААŒ(сЌ"дŒ™ д “XщД-дС‘‘_СS5.313С44ŒСУУAlternative allocation:ФФ in Spain and France, the band 790-830 MHz is allocated to the broadcasting service on a primary basis. д “XІД-дС‘‘_СS5.314С44ŒСУУAdditional allocation:ФФ in Austria, Italy, the United Kingdom and Swaziland, the band 790-862 MHz is also allocated to the land mobile service on a secondary basis. д “XcД-дС‘‘_СS5.315С44ŒСУУAlternative allocation:ФФ in Greece, Italy, Morocco and Tunisia, the band 790-838 MHz is allocated to the broadcasting service on a primary basis. д “X Д-дС‘‘_СS5.316С44ŒСУУAdditional allocation:ФФ in Germany, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Burkina Faso, Cameroon, CР=Рte d'Ivoire, Croatia, Denmark, Egypt, Finland, Israel, Kenya, The Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Libya, Liechtenstein, Monaco, Norway, the Netherlands, Portugal, Sweden, Switzerland and Yugoslavia, the band 790-830 MHz, and in these same countries and in Spain, France, Gabon, Malta and Syria, the band 830-862 MHz, are also allocated to the mobile, except aeronautical mobile, service on a primary basis. However, stations of the mobile service in the countries mentioned in connection with each band referred to in this footnote shall not cause harmful interference to, or claim protection from, stations of services operating in accordance with the Table in countries other than those mentioned in connection with the band. С‘‘_С* * * * * Сре ьцСNONЉGOVERNMENT (NG) FOOTNOTESƒ С‘‘_С* * * * * д ‘X„Д-дС‘‘_СNG149С44ŒСThe frequency bands 54Љ72 MHz, 76Љ88 MHz, 174Љ216 MHz, 470Љ512 MHz, 512Њ608 MHz, and 614Љ746 MHz are also alloЌcated to the fixed service to permit subscripЌtion televiЌsion operaЌtions in accordance with Part 73 of the rules. С‘‘_С* * * * * С‘‘_СNG158 The frequency bands 764Љ776 MHz and 794Љ806 MHz are available for assignment exclusively to the public safety services, to be defined in Docket No. WT 96Љ86. С‘‘_СNG159 Full power analog television stations licensed pursuant to applications filed before January 2, 2001, and new digital television (DTV) broadcasting operations in the 746Љ806 MHz band will be entitled to protection from harmful interference until the end of the DTV transition period. After the end of the DTV transition period, the Commission may assign licenses in the 746Љ806 MHz band without regard to existing television and DTV operations. Low power television and television translators in the 746Љ806 MHz band must cease operations in the band at the end of the DTV transition period. д"§(dˆ,з*з*АА'сЌ"д д ‘XД-дУ УСр…ь)СAPPENDIX BФ Фƒ д ‘XвД-дСрAьСУ УCOMMENTING PARTIESФ Фƒ д ‘XЄД-дУ УCOMMENTERS д ‘XvД-дФ ФAeronautical Radio, Inc. (ARINC) Ass'n of America's Public Television Stations and Public Broadcasting Service (APTS/PBS) Ass'n of Local Television Stations, Inc. (ALTV) Ass'n for Maximum Service Television and the National Ass'n of Broadcasters (MSTV/NAB) Ass'n of PublicЉSafety Communications Officials (APCO) Blue Mountain Translator District (Blue Mountain) State of California (California) Calif. Highway Patrol (CHiP) Calif. PublicЉSafety Radio Ass'n (CPSRA) CBS, Inc. (CBS) Cellular Telecommunications Industry Ass'n (CTIA) Channel 6, Inc. (Channel 6) Coalition of American Railroads (CAR) Community Broadcasting Ass'n (CBA) CompuЉDawn, Inc. (CompuЉDawn) Cordillera Communications, Inc. (Cordillera) Arnold Cruze Ericsson, Inc. (Ericsson) Escalante, Utah Final Analysis, Inc. (Final Analysis) State of Florida (Florida) Givens & Bell, Inc. (Givens & Bell) International Municipal Signal Ass'n and International Association of Fire Chiefs, Inc. (IMSA/IAFC) Jovon Broadcasting Corporation (Jovon) KCTS Television (KTCS) KM Broadcasting, Inc. (KMB) KM Communications, Inc. (KMC) KSL Television (KSL) KSLS, Inc. (KSLS) KUED Television (KUED) Land Mobile Communications Council (LMCC) Laredo Community College (LCC) Latin Communications Group Television, Inc. (Latin) Long Beach, Calif. (Long Beach) County of Los Angeles (L.A. County) Maranatha Broadcasting, Inc. (Maranatha) Motorola Mountain Broadcasting Corp. (Mountain) Nady Systems, Inc. (Nady) National League of Cities, et. al. (NLC)д"о)dˆ,з*з*ААn(сЌ"дŒNational Minority T.V., Inc. (NMTV) National Public Safety Telecommunications Council (NPSTC) National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA) National Translator Assocation (NTA) Nextel Communications, Inc. (Nextel) Paging Systems, Inc. (Paging Systems) Paxson Communications Corporation (Paxson) Personal Communications Industry Ass'n. (PCIA) Rainbow Broadcasting Company, Ltd. (Rainbow) Rural Telecommunications Group (RTG) San Juan County, Utah Shure Brothers Incorporated (Shure) South Carolina Budget and Control Board, et. al. (S. Carolina) Stead Communications (Stead) Cities of Dallas, Austin, Denton, and Plano (Texas Cities) Tribune Broadcasting (Tribune) Trinity Broadcasting Network (Trinity) City of Tucson, AZ (Tucson) United Television, Inc. and John C. Siegel (United TV) Univision Communications, Inc. (Univision) UTC Weigel Broadcasting Co. (Weigel) West Central Illinois Educational Telecommunications Corporation (CONVOCOM) Western Educational Alliance (WEA) Winstar Broadcasting Corp. (Winstar) WRNNЉTV Limited Partnership (WRNN) WWAC, Inc. (WWAC) д ‘X|Д-дУ УREPLY COMMENTERSФ Ф д ‘XNД-дУ УФ ФAmerican Petroleum Institute (API) MSTV/NAB APCO Audio Technica U.S., Inc. (Audio Technica) Brooks Broadcasting, LLC. (Brooks) CBA L.A. County Davis Television; Fairmont, LLC; and Ramar Communications, Inc. EV International, Inc. (EVI Audio) IMSA/IAFC KM Maranatha Motorola NPSTC Palm Beach County Tribune The WB Television Network (WB)д"о)dˆ,з*з*ААn(сЌ"д д ‘XД-дСрь)СУ УAPPENDIX Cƒ д ‘XщД-дФ Ф д ‘XвД-дСрЎ ьнСУ УFinal Regulatory Flexibility AnalysisФ Фƒ д ‘XЄв-дС‘‘_СAs required by the Regulatory Flexibility Act (RFA),в ШX0УУФФААШX0УУФФАА вжLeШЄ/Bд yOД-даа‘Н4Рџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџ‘Н4Рџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџааааб#єXє\  PŽГG;IЯєP#б УУФФ 5 U.S.C. РР 603.Lж the Commission incorporated an Initial Regulatory Flexibility Analysis (IRFA) of the expected significant economic impact on д “XvД-дsmall entities in the УУNotice of Proposed Rule Making (Notice) ФФin this proceedingУУ.ФФ The д “XaД-дCommission sought written public comments on the proposals in the УУNoticeФФ, including the IRFA. This Final Regulatory Flexibility Analysis (FRFA) conforms to the RFA, as amended by the Contract With America Advancement Act of 1996 (CWAAA), Pub. L.No. 104Љ121, д ‘X в-д110 Stat. 847.ж5f’ X/Bд yO' Д-дааб#єXє\  PŽГG;IЯєP#б УУФФ Pub. L.No. 104Љ121, 110 Stat. 847 (1996)(CWAAA, Subtitle II of the Small Business Regulatory д {Oя Ѕ-дEnforcement Fairness Act of 1996 (SBREFA), УУcodified at ФФ5 U.S.C. РР 601 УУet seq.ФФ).5ж д ‘X№ Д-дУ УA. Need for and Purpose of this Action. д ‘XТ Д-дФ ФС‘‘_СIn this Report and Order, the Commission reallocates the 746Љ806 MHz band, television (TV) Channels 60Љ69, to other services. We allocate 24 megahertz at 764Љ776 MHz and 794Њд ‘X”Д-д806 MHz for public safety use. We allocate the remaining У УФ Ф36 megahertz at 746Љ764У У Ф ФMHz and 776Љ794 MHz to the fixed and mobile services, and to retain the allocation to the broadcasting service in these bands. We further assure the protection of fullЉpower TV stations in the band until the transition to digital television (DTV) is complete, and retain the secondary status in the band of Low Power TV (LPTV) and TV translator stations until the end of the DTV transition period. These allocations will help alleviate a critical shortage of public safety spectrum, make new technologies and services available to the American public, д ‘XѓД-дand allow more efficient use of spectrum in the 746Љ806 MHz band.У У д ‘XмД-дФ Ф д ‘XХД-дУ УB. Legal Basis.Ф Ф С‘‘_СThis action is taken pursuant to Sections 4(i), 303(c), 303(f), 303(g), 303(r), and 337(a) of the Communications Act of 1934, as amended, 47 U.S.C. РРРР 154(i), 303(c), 303(f), 303(g), 303(r), and 337(a); and Section 3004 of the Balanced Budget Act of 1997, Pub. L.No. 105Њ33, 111 Stat. 251 РР 3004 (1997). д ‘X$Д-дУ УC. Summary of Issues Raised by the Public Comments in Response to the IRFA.Ф Ф С‘‘_СOne commenter responded to the IRFA. The Mountain Broadcasting Corporation (Mountain) states that individual small businesses in the televsion broadcasting industry will be harmed by interference and loss of service resulting from our attempts to clear channels 60Љ69, while providing interference protection for DTV service during the DTV transition. Mountain contends that existing analog UHF stations must be protected from interference д ‘Xƒ#в-дfrom new DTV stations.жgЪƒ#В/Bд {Oц)Д-дааб#єXє\  PŽГG;IЯєP#б УУФФ УУФФУУSee ФФMountain Comments at 5Љ6.ж д"ƒ#Dgˆ,з*з*ААƒ"џЌ"дŒд ‘XД-дУ УD. Changes Made to the Proposed Rules. д ‘XщД-дФ Ф д “XЛД-дС‘‘_СIn the УУNotice ФФin this proceeding, released July 10, 1997, we proposed to reallocate the 746Њ806 MHz band, currently comprising TV channels 60Љ69.в ШX0УУФФААШX0УУФФАА в We proposed to allocate 24 megahertz, at 764Љ776 MHz and 794Љ806 MHz (channels 63, 64, 68, and 69) to the fixed and mobile services, for the exclusive use of public safety services. We proposed to allocate the remaining 36 megahertz, at 746Љ764 MHz and 776Љ794 MHz (channels 60Љ62 and 65Љ67) to д “XJД-дthe fixed, mobile, and broadcasting services. We stated in the УУNoticeФФ that we anticipated that licenses in this 36 megahertz of spectrum would be assigned through competitive bidding. We also inquired into protection of TV stations on channels 60Љ69 from interference by new licensees during the DTV transition period, but deferred specific interference protection standards to a separate proceeding on service rules for the 746Љ806 MHz band. We reaffirmed the secondary status of LPTV and TV translators in the entire 746Љ806 MHz band until the end of the DTV transition period, and inquired whether we should take any other measures to accommodate LPTV in the band. д “X}Д-дС‘‘_СThis Report and Order contains no substantial changes to the УУNoticeФФ. The only commenter д “XhД-дwho addressed the IRFA in the УУNoticeФФ addressed potential DTVЉtoЉanalog TV interference problems. This was not an issue in this proceeding; it was therefore impossible to address the comment in this Report and Order. д ‘XД-дУ УE. Description and Estimate of the Number of Small Entities to Which the Proposed Rules Will Apply. д ‘XрД-дФ Ф С‘‘_С1. Definition of a "Small Business" С‘‘_СUnder the RFA, small entities may include small organizations, small businesses, and small governmental jurisdictions. 5 U.S.C. РР 601(6). The RFA, 5 U.S.C. РР 601(3), generally defines the term "small business" as having the same meaning as the term "small business concern" under the Small Business Act, 15 U.S.C. РР 632. A small business concern is one which: (1) is independently owned and operated; (2) is not dominant in its field of operation; and (3) satisfies any additional criteria established by the Small Business Administration ("SBA"). According to the SBA's regulations, entities engaged in television broadcasting Standard Industrial Classification ("SIC") Code 4833 ЉЉ Television Broadcasting Stations, may have a maximum of $10.5 million in annual receipts in order to qualify as a small business concern. This standard also applies in determining whether an entity is a small business for purposes of the RFA. С‘‘_С2. Issues in Applying the Definition of a "Small Business" С‘‘_СAs discussed below, we could not precisely apply the foregoing definition of "small business" in developing our estimates of the number of small entities to which the rules will apply. Our estimates reflect our best judgments based on the data available to us. С‘‘_СAn element of the definition of "small business" is that the entity not be dominant in its field of operation. We were unable at this time to define or quantify the criteria that wouldд"ц) gˆ,з*з*ААn(сЌ"д establish whether a specific television station is dominant in its field of operation. Accordingly, the following estimates of small businesses to which the new rules will apply do not exclude any television station from the definition of a small business on this basis and are therefore over inclusive to that extent. An additional element of the definition of "small business" is that the entity must be independently owned and operated. As discussed further below, we could not fully apply this criterion, and our estimates of small businesses to which the rules may apply may be over inclusive to this extent. The SBA's general size standards are developed taking into account these two statutory criteria. This does not preclude us from taking these factors into account in making our estimates of the numbers of small entities. С‘‘_С3. Television Station Estimates Based on Census Data д “Xь Д-дС‘‘_СThe УУNotice of Proposed Rule MakingУУФФФФ will affect УУФФfull service television stations, TV translator facilities, and LPTV stations. The Small Business Administration defines a television broadcasting station that has no more than $10.5 million in annual receipts as a д ‘XЉ в-дsmall business.в ШX0УУФФААШX0УУФФАА вжЉhШЉ /Bд yO"Д-дааб#єXє\  PŽЗG;IЯєP#б УУФФ 13 C.F.R. РР 121.201, Standard Industrial Code (SIC) 4833 (1996).Љж Television broadcasting stations consist of establishments primarily engaged in broadcasting visual programs by television to the public, except cable and other pay д ‘X{в-дtelevision services.в ШX0УУФФААШX0УУФФАА вж=iX{X/Bд yO„Д-дааб#єXє\  PŽЙG;IЯєP#б УУФФ Economics and Statistics Administration, Bureau of Census, U.S. Department of Commerce, 1992 Census of Transportation, Communications and Utilities, Establishment and Firm Size, Series UC92ЉSЉ1, Appendix AЉ9 (1995).=ж Included in this industry are commercial, religious, educational, and д ‘Xdв-дother television stations.в ШX0УУФФААШX0УУФФАА вжаjxdx/Bд yOД-дааб#єXє\  PŽЛG;IЯєP#б УУФФСННsСУУIdФФ. УУSeeФФ Executive Office of the President, Office of Management and Budget, Standard Industrial Classification Manual (1987), at 283, which describes "Television Broadcasting Stations (SIC Code 4833) as: Тс‘‘_ТEstablishments primarily engaged in broadcasting visual programs by television to the public, except cable and other pay television services. Included in this industry are commercial, religious, educational and other television stations. Also included here are establishments primarily engaged in television broadcasting and which produce taped television program materials.ЦG"‘Цаж Also included are establishments primarily engaged in television д ‘XMв-дbroadcasting and which produce taped television program materials.в ШX0УУФФААШX0УУФФАА вжрk’MИ /Bд {OЖД-дааб#єXє\  PŽНG;IЯєP#б УУФФ Economics and Statistics Administration, Bureau of Census, U.S. Department of Commerce,УУ supraФФ note 7, Appendix AЉ9. рж Separate establishments primarily engaged in producing taped television program materials are д ‘Xв-дclassified under another SIC number.в ШX0УУФФААШX0УУФФАА вжl/Bд yOт"Д-дааб#єXє\  PŽПG;IЯєP#б УУФФ УУIdФФ.; SIC 7812 (Motion Picture and Video Tape Production); SIC 7922 (Theatrical Producers and Miscellaneous Theatrical Services (producers of live radio and television programs).ж д ‘Xёв-дС‘‘_СThere were 1,509 television stations operating in the nation in 1992.в ШX0УУФФААШX0УУФФАА вжmёj/Bд yO 'Д-дааб#єXє\  PŽСG;IЯєP#б УУФФ FCC News Release No. 31327, Jan. 13, 1993; Economics and Statistics Administration, Bureau of д yOд'Ѕ-дCensus, U.S. Department of Commerce, УУsupraФФ note 7, Appendix AЉ9.ж That number has remained fairly constant as indicated by the approximately 1,551 operating televisionд"к!Тmˆ,з*з*ААЬсЌ"д д ‘Xв-дbroadcasting stations in the nation as of February 28, 1997.в ШX0УУФФААШX0УУФФАА вжnШ/Bд yOyД-дааб#єXє\  PŽУG;IЯєP#б УУФФ FCC News Release No. 7033, March 6, 1997.ж For 1992в ШX0УУФФААШX0УУФФАА вж[oXX/Bд yO Д-дааб#єXє\  PŽХG;IЯєP#б УУФФ Census for Communications' establishments are performed every five years ending with a "2" or "7". д yOбЅ-дУУSeeФФ Economics and Statistics Administration, Bureau of Census, U.S. Department of Commerce, УУsupraФФ note 7, at III.[ж the number of television stations that produced less than $10.0 million in revenue was 1,155 establishments, д ‘Xвв-дor approximately 77 percent of the 1,509 establishments.в ШX0УУФФААШX0УУФФАА вжŸpXвx/Bд yOћД-дааб#єXє\  PŽЧG;IЯєP#б УУФФ The amount of $10 million was used to estimate the number of small business establishments because the relevant Census categories stopped at $9,999,999 and began at $10,000,000. No category for $10.5 million existed. Thus, the number is as accurate as it is possible to calculate with the available information.Ÿж У УФ ФThus, the rules will affect approximately 1,551 television stations; approximately 1,194 of those stations are considered д ‘XЄв-дsmall businesses.в ШX0УУФФААШX0УУФФАА вж-qЄ˜/Bд yOэ Д-дааб#єXє\  PŽЩG;IЯєP#б УУФФ We use the 77 percent figure of TV stations operating at less than $10 million for 1992 and apply it to the 1997 total of 1551 TV stations to arrive at 1,194 stations categorized as small businesses.-ж These estimates may overstate the number of small entities since the revenue figures on which they are based do not include or aggregate revenues from nonЊtelevision affiliated companies. We recognize that the rules may also impact minority and women owned stations, some of which may be small entities. In 1995, minorities owned and д ‘XHв-дcontrolled 37 (3.0%) of 1,221 commercial television stations in the United States.в ШX0УУФФААШX0УУФФАА вжšrАH№ /Bд yOщД-дааб#єXє\  PŽЫG;IЯєP#б УУФФ УУMinority Commercial Broadcast Ownership in the United StatesФФ, U.S. Dep't of Commerce, National Telecommunications and Information Administration, The Minority Telecommunications Development Program ("MTDP") (April 1996). MTDP considers minority ownership as ownership of more than 50% of a broadcast corporation's stock, voting control in a broadcast partnership, or ownership of a broadcasting property as an д yO Ѕ-дindividual proprietor. УУId.ФФ The minority groups included in this report are Black, Hispanic, Asian, and Native American.šж According to the U.S. Bureau of the Census, in 1987 women owned and controlled 27 (1.9%) д ‘X в-дof 1,342 commercial and nonЉcommercial television stations in the United States.в ШX0УУФФААШX0УУФФАА вжˆsа h/Bд yO3Д-дааб#єXє\  PŽЭG;IЯєP#б УУФФ УУSeeФФ Comments of American Women in Radio and Television, Inc. in MM Docket No. 94Љ149 and MM д yOћЅ-дDocket No. 91Љ140, at 4 n.4 (filed May 17, 1995), УУcitingФФ 1987 Economic Censuses, УУWomenЉOwned BusinessФФ, WB87Љ1, U.S. Dep't of Commerce, Bureau of the Census, August 1990 (based on 1987 Census). After the 1987 Census report, the Census Bureau did not provide data by particular communications services (fourЉdigit Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) Code), but rather by the general twoЉdigit SIC Code for communications (#48). Consequently, since 1987, the U.S. Census Bureau has not updated data on ownership of broadcast facilities by women, nor does the FCC collect such data. However, we sought comment on whether the Annual Ownership Report Form 323 should be amended to include information on the gender and race of broadcast license owners. д yOs!Ѕ-дУУPolicies and Rules Regarding Minority and Female Ownership of Mass Media FacilitiesФФ, Notice of Proposed Rule Making, 10 FCC Rcd 2788, 2797 (1995).ˆж С‘‘_СThere are currently 4,977 TV translator stations and 1,952 LPTV stations which would be д ‘Xе в-дaffected by the allocation policy and other policies in this proceeding.в ШX0УУФФААШX0УУФФАА вжtШе /Bд yO†&Д-дааб#єXє\  PŽЯG;IЯєP#б УУФФ FCC News Release No. 7033, March 6, 1997.ж The Commission does not collect financial information of any broadcast facility and the Department of Commerce does not collect financial information on these broadcast facilities. We will assume for present purposes, however, that most of these broadcast facilities, including LPTVд""tˆ,з*з*ААФсЌ"д stations, could be classified as small businesses. As indicated earlier, approximately 77 percent of television stations are designated under this analysis as potentially small business. Given this, LPTV and TV translator stations would not likely have revenues that exceed the SBA maximum to be designated as small businesses. С‘‘_С4. Alternative Classification of Small Television Stations С‘‘_СAn alternative way to classify small television stations is by the number of employees. The Commission currently applies a standard based on the number of employees in д ‘X1в-дadministering its Equal Employment Opportunity ("EEO") rule for broadcasting.в ШX0УУФФААШX0УУФФАА вж_ux1/Bд yOЊ Д-дааб#єXє\  PŽбG;IЯєP#б УУФФ The Commission's definition of a small broadcast station for purposes of applying its EEO rule was adopted prior to the requirement of approval by the Small Business Administration pursuant to Section 3(a) of the Small Business Act, 15 U.S.C. РР 632(a), as amended by Section 222 of the Small Business Credit and Business Opportunity Enhancement Act of 1992, Pub. L. No. 102Љ366, РР 222(b)(1), 106 Stat. 999 (1992), as further amended by the Small Business Administration Reauthorization and Amendments Act of 1994, Pub. L. No. 103Љ403, РР 301, 108 Stat. 4187 (1994). However, this definition was adopted after public notice and an д yOZЅ-дopportunity for comment. УУSeeФФ УУReport and OrderФФ in Docket No. 18244, 23 FCC 2d 430 (1970)._ж Thus, radio or television stations with fewer than five fullЉtime employees are exempted from д ‘X в-дcertain EEO reporting and record keeping requirements.в ШX0УУФФААШX0УУФФАА вжЅvа /Bд yOМД-дааб#єXє\  PŽгG;IЯєP#б УУФФ УУSeeФФ, УУe.g.ФФ, 47 C.F.R. РР 73.3612 (Requirement to file annual employment reports on Form 395ЉB applies to д yO„Ѕ-дlicensees with five or more fullЉtime employees); УУFirst Report and OrderФФ in Docket No. 21474 (In the Matter of Amendment of Broadcast Equal Employment Opportunity Rules and FCC Form 395), 70 FCC 2d 1466 (1979). The Commission is currently considering how to decrease the administrative burdens imposed by the EEO rule д yOмЅ-дon small stations while maintaining the effectiveness of our broadcast EEO enforcement. УУOrder and Notice of д yOЄЅ-дProposed Rule MakingФФ in MM Docket No. 96Љ16 (In the Matter of Streamlining Broadcast EEO Rule and Policies, Vacating the EEO Forfeiture Policy Statement and Amending Section 1.80 of the Commission's Rules to Include EEO Forfeiture Guidelines), 11 FCC Rcd 5154 (1996). One option under consideration is whether to д yOќЅ-дdefine a small station for purposes of affording such relief as one with УУФФten or fewer fullЉtime employees. УУId.ФФ at РР 21.Ѕж We estimate that the total number of commercial television stations with 4 or fewer employees is 132 and that the total number д ‘Xе в-дof noncommercial educational television stations with 4 or fewer employees is 136.в ШX0УУФФААШX0УУФФАА вж)wе  /Bд yO&Д-дааб#єXє\  PŽеG;IЯєP#б УУФФ We base this estimate on a compilation of 1995 Broadcast Station Annual Employment Reports (FCC Form 395ЉB), performed by staff of the Equal Opportunity Employment Branch, Mass Media Bureau, FCC.)ж д ‘XЇ Д-дУ УФ ФС‘‘_СWe have concluded that the 746Љ806 MHz band can be recovered immediately, and that it is in the public interest to reallocate this spectrum to uses in addition to TV broadcasting. We believe that such a reallocation is possible while continuing to protect TV. There are 95 full power TV stations, either operating or with approved construction permits, in Channel 60Љ69. There are also nine proposed stations, and approximately 15 stations will be added during the DTV transition period, for a total of approximately 110 nationwide. There are also approximately 1,366 LPTV stations and TV translator stations in the band, operating on a secondary basis to full power TV stations. We propose to immediately reallocate the 746Љ806 MHz band in order to maximize the public benefit available from its use. д ‘XСД-дУ УФ ФС‘‘_СThe RFA also includes small governmental entities as a part of the regulatory flexibilityд"С#јwˆ,з*з*ААSсЌ"д д ‘Xв-дanalysis.в ШX0УУФФААШX0УУФФАА вж{xШ/Bд yOyД-дааб#єXє\  PŽзG;IЯєP#б УУФФ 5 U.S.C. РР 601(5).{ж The definition of a small governmental entity is one with a population of fewer д ‘Xщв-дthan 50,000.в ШX0УУФФААШX0УУФФАА вжoyЪщX/Bд {OђД-дааб#єXє\  PŽйG;IЯєP#б УУФФ УУId.ФФoж There are approximately 85,006 governmental entities in the nation.в ШX0УУФФААШX0УУФФАА вжИzШщъ/Bд yO„Д-дааб#єXє\  PŽлG;IЯєP#б УУФФ 1992 Census of Governments, U.S. Bureau of the Census, U.S. Department of Commerce.Иж This number includes such entities as states, counties, cities, utility districts and school districts. There are no figures available on what portion of this number have populations of fewer than 50,000. However, this number includes 38,978 counties, cities and towns, and of those, д ‘Xв-д37,566, or 96 percent, have populations of fewer than 50,000.в ШX0УУФФААШX0УУФФАА вжu{Ъz/Bд {OИ Д-дааб#єXє\  PŽнG;IЯєP#б УУФФ УУФФУУ Id.ФФuж The Census Bureau estimates that this ratio is approximately accurate for all governmental entities. Thus, of the approximately 85,006 governmental entities, we estimate that 96 percent, or 81,600, are small entities that may be affected by our rules. д ‘X Д-дУ УF. Description of Projected Reporting, Record Keeping and Other Compliance Requirements. д ‘Xь Д-дФ Ф С‘‘_СNone. д ‘XЇ Д-дУ УG. Significant Alternatives Considered and Rejected.Ф Ф С‘‘_СWe do not provide LPTV and TV translator stations with the same protection afforded to fullЉpower TV stations. Because of the large number of such stations, protecting them would significantly diminish the utility of the 746Љ806 MHz band to both public safety and commercial users. Also, LPTV and TV translator stations are secondary in this band, and we have made public safety and commercial services primary in the band. We affirm measures which will allow as many LPTV and TV translator stations as possible to remain in operation until the end of the DTV transition period. We continue the secondary status of these stations, so that they will not be required to change or cease their operations until they actually interfere with one of the newlyЉallocated services. д ‘X“Д-дУ УH. Federal Rules that May Duplicate, Overlap, or Conflict with the Proposed Rules.Ф Ф С‘‘_СNone.