NIBA-National Indian Business Association



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Events | Education | News | Membership | About NIBA | Sponsors | Database | Links | DC Map                    Tuesday, August 26, 2008



HUBZone Empowerment

Program and Native

American Tribes


A Primer For Native

American Business


Congressional Probe an

Attack on Economic Future


ANC Procurement

Investigation Article

Need a Business or

Marketing Plan? Click Here.


Find the correct

NAICS codes for

your business!


Join our Business



Tax Incentive Information





Native American Small

Business Development Act

Statement of Pete Homer Jr.  Regarding the Native American Small Business Development Act

Torres Martinez Tribal TANF

Become a part of our Business Development Pilot Program!   

Commerce Business Daily






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click install now button to install. *  

               Greetings and Welcome

      Thank you for visiting the National Indian Business Association’s website. Long awaited, this site represents a culmination of NIBA’s continued diligence to better serve our Native American and Alaska Native businesses, and NIBA’s public and private sector partners and members.

      In keeping with NIBA’s mission to promote advocacy, education and communication, we encourage you to explore the site, including NIBA events, business development program, legislative alerts, and members and corporate sponsorship information. We have attempted to bring you the best of NIBA and will continue to update our information regularly and as pertinent issues arise.

Faster than ever, American Indian entrepreneurs are growing, new businesses are forming and established companies are expanding. It is in this spirit of development that NIBA’s website will be the voice of equality for Tribal communities and independent Native-owned businesses, and provide a stronger platform for networking amongst these groups and the public and private American sectors.


We hope that you enjoy your visit and find the information beneficial and useful for your needs. Should you have any suggestions or questions regarding the information on our website, please contact us at or call the office at (703) 341-6903.




Pete Homer

 Pete Homer
 President and CEO







Niba's Future Operation will not be "Business as Usual" to receive services a member or client will make contact with Niba through our website system:


Niba will work with other National Business Associations in a coordinated effort to provide technical assistance and training. Niba will provide training sessions through the National Congress of American Indians economic development committee during the following NCAI 2008 training sessions: Mid Year Conference in Reno, NV. June 1-4, 2008 and the 65th Annual Conference in Phoenix AZ. October 19-24th, 2008.


Niba has thrived in Washington DC as Indian country's Business development advocacy group and will continue to provide these same services via the internet. Mr. Pete Homer Niba President stated, there is a continuing necessity for us to grow along with the technology advancements of our age and it's the way of the internet technological system.













Upcoming Events



Niba's 2008 Economic

Development Conference

will be at the NCAI

65th Annual Convention

on October 19 to 24, 2008

Phoenix AZ. At the

Hyatt Hotel 602.252.1234
Featured Business



Sage Spirit


 Lou Torres, President














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This site funded by a grant from the Association for Native Americans.

Questions? Comments? Contact
Web Developer: Courtney Homer
Last Modified: August 26, 2008

The National Indian Business Association

(703) 341.6903, (202) 321.3704(cell)