Federal Student Aid - IFAP
PublicationDate: 5/14/99
Summary: Tip of the Week --- Repair and Compact Utilities
Author: CPS - Central Processing System (CPS)

Posted on May 14, 1999

TO: All Destination Points
FROM: CPS Customer Service
RE: Tip of the Week --- Repair and Compact Utilities

This week's tip highlights a functionality in the 1999-2000 EDExpress software: Repair and Compact Utilities.

To maintain data integrity, "clean up" unused records, and in some cases resolve database errors, you should regularly run the repair and compact utilities on your 1999-2000 EDExpress database. You can run these utilities from within EDExpress (from the Toolsmenu) or within Access 97.

You should always run the repair utility first, followed by the compact utility. Ensure you have a reliable backup before running these utilities. You should also check with your technical support staff (if you have one) to determine if these utilities are already being performed regularly.

To run repair and compact in EDExpress: First, ensure you are the ONLY user logged into the EDExpress software (if running in a network environment). Once you have verified this, go to Toolsand select Repair Database. Read the warning message, then click OK to run the utility. Once completed, go back to Toolsselect Compact Database. Read the warning message, then click OK to run the utility.

To run repair and compact in Access 97: If you are running EDExpress in a network environment, first ensure all users (including yourself) are logged out of EDExpress. Then open Access 97, and go to ToolsUtilitiesDatabase. You will need to designate the location of your 1999-2000 EDExpress database (expres90.mdb) for the repair utility to run. (If you do not know the location of your database, re-open your EDExpress software temporarily --- your database location is always listed at the bottom of the main software screen. Verify the location, close your EDExpress software, and return to Access 97.) Once you have entered your database location, click the Repair button.

Once your repair is finished, go to ToolsUtilities Database. You will again need to locate your EDExpress database location, then click Compact. You will see a screen labeled "Compact Database From" with your Expres90.mdb icon highlighted. Click Compact. On the next screen, labeled "Compact Database Into," with "db1.mdb" populating the File Name field, change "db1.mdb" to "express90.mdb" and click Save. Click Yes to the prompt "The file...express90.mdb already exists...Do you want to replace the existing file?" This will initiate the compact process.

NOTE: If you run 1999-2000 EDExpress in a network environment, CPS Customer Service strongly recommends you temporarily move your production EDExpress database (Expres90.mdb) from your network drive to the hard drive of the PC on which you plan to run the Access 97 repair and compact. We have found doing this ensures a more successful and thorough repair and compact. Once you have completed the repair and compact in Access 97, you can move your database back to your network drive.

If you are unable to access your EDExpress software to run the repair and compact utilities, or do not have Access 97 installed, or have any additional questions or concerns, please contact CPS Customer Service for assistance at 800-330-5947, or via email at CPS@NCS.COM.