Federal Student Aid - IFAP
PublicationDate: 10/22/98
Summary: Version 4.4 Distribution Delay
Author: CPS - Central Processing System (CPS)

Posted October 22, 1998

TO: All EDExpress Users
FROM: CPS Customer Service
RE: Version 4.4 Distribution Delay

Last week, the Department of Education announced that there were problems with EDExpress Version 4.3, and that Version 4.4 would begin distribution on Friday, October 23rd. However, during the final phases of regression testing of Version 4.4, additional software issues have been identified. As a result, the Department has decided to delay software distribution in order to ensure that these additional issues have been fixed and thoroughly tested. We will notify the community as soon as a revised distribution date is determined.

At this point in time, we are still recommending that, if you have not installed Version 4.3, you continue to use Version 4.2 until Version 4.4 is received. For those users with Version 4.3 installed, and who use the Applications Module, we recommend you revert back to Version 4.2 until Version 4.4 is received.

The Department recognizes the difficult position that this puts the community in and we are working diligently to ensure a thoroughly tested product is distributed as quickly as possible.

If you have any questions, please contact CPS Customer Service at 1-800-330-5947 or via e-mail at CPS@NCS.COM.