Federal Student Aid - IFAP
PublicationDate: 7/3/96
Summary: CPS is reprocessing 2,676 records that were received in May as paper corrections with professional judgment requested.
Author: CPS - Central Processing System (CPS)

July 3, 1996

CPS is reprocessing 2,676 records that were received in May as paper corrections with
professional judgment requested. In error, these records were designated as corrections
from an electronic source rather than as corrections sent through the paper system.
Therefore, the CPS did not have a record of an EDE school since they really were not
submitted through EDE, and no ISIRs for these records were created. However, the
affected students received paper SARs.

Although the problem of mis-identifying records has been corrected, we need to provide
ISIRs for the 2,676 affected records. CPS reprocessed them on 7/3/96. Due to the small
number of records, only those destination points with problem records will receive a
batch from this reprocessing. The students will receive SAR Information

ISIRs will be available on the WAN late 7/3 or early 7/4. To identify these reprocessed
records, check the following ISIR fields:

Field #202, System Generated Indicator, position 896, is equal to Z

Field #205, Batch Number, position 906-922, is equal to #Y000000070396705

Contact CPS Customer Service at 1(800)330-5947, option 8 or via the Internet at
CPS@NCS.COM if you have any questions. Thank you for your continuing patience
and support.