Federal Student Aid - IFAP
PublicationDate: 6/24/96
Summary: The U.S. Department of Education, Regional Grants
Representative, Region X, is moving to a new location.
Author: IPOS - Institutional Participation and Oversight Service

United States Department of Education
Higher Education Programs
Region X
1000 Second Avenue, Suite 1200
Seattle, WA 98104-1023

The U.S. Department of Education, Regional Grants
Representative, Region X, is moving to a new location. Effective
Monday, June 24th, 1996, the new address will be:

1000 Second Avenue, Suite 1200
Seattle, WA 98104-1023

Also, effective Monday, June 24th, 1996, there will be a new
telephone number as follows:

Phone: (206) 287-1876

The new fax number will be:

Fax: (206) 553-0799

Please take a moment to correct your records.