Federal Student Aid - IFAP
PublicationDate: 4/24/97
Summary: EDExpress Release Information
Author: CPS - Central Processing System (CPS)

To: All Destination Points

From: CPS Customer Service

Re: EDExpress Release Information

Date: April 24, 1997

The distribution of EDExpress for Windows version 3.4 will be completed by May 10,
1997. The following components will be enabled or added:

1. ESOA Import and Print

2. Student Entry

3. Verification Worksheet Tab

4. Packaging Measurement Tools Report

5. SSCR Tab, Print, Imports, and Exports

6. Direct Loan:
a. Measurement Tools
b. LOC Net Amount List
c. Anticipated/Actual Disbursement List
d. In School Deferment Form Print

The following Configuration Management requests have been implemented in version

#608 The software will no longer include a calculate option for Export Drawdowns.
Users should now manually enter in the amount of funds they wish to draw down.
Users are also encouraged to use the reports available to them for listing
disbursements. This will furnish the needed information from which the school can
base their drawdown requests.

#609 The software will no longer allow disbursements to be entered up to 14 days
into the future.

#626 Modifications were made to the software which will prevent schools from
experiencing referential integrity errors when importing data files.

#644 The software will properly reflect anticipated dates within all loan profiles
created by users when profiles are created for different school codes and the same
profile code is used.

#658 Schools will now be able to create file formats with borrower information for
PLUS loans.

#677 Users can now import ISIR data into Packaging for those students who have an
apostrophe as part of their name ID.

#692 The software will now properly reflect the number of anticipated disbursements
when the loan period code is changed within a loan record. The following warning has
been added: "The number of disbursements may have changed due to a change in the
loan period code. Please verify the anticipated amounts/dates for this loan".

#703 Users will now be able to print List-Query Management in both Packaging and
Direct Loan.

#706 Users will now be able to print the ENAS calculation to the printer from within
the student's record.

#710 All packaging records selected for update via the multiple entry function will
now be updated, as opposed to just the first 500 selected records. Also, scrolling past
the 500th record in the multiple entry grid will no longer generate a General
Protection Fault error message.

#711 Vertical printing is now fixed for those using HP Laser Jet 5si printers and

If you have any questions, please call CPS Customer Service at 1-800-330-5947.