Federal Student Aid - IFAP
PublicationDate: 4/11/97
Summary: Update Re: 1997-98 Processing
Author: OPE - Office of the Assistant Secretary for OPE

Date : April 11, 1997

To : Financial Aid Community

FROM : Jeanne B. Saunders
Director, Application & Pell Processing Systems Division

SUBJECT: Update re: 1997-98 Processing

This message updates Betsy Hicks' weekly message to the financial aid community
and provides information concerning three situations involving 1997-98 processing
that many of you have inquired about. .

(1) We have received some inquiries from students who have received the postcard
acknowledging receipt of their FAFSA, but whose applications have not been processed
within the average turnaround time. The majority of these forms were sent to the MDE
mailing address in East St. Louis, Illinois: a few were sent to the Mt. Vernon, Illinois
location. These applications have all been processed by the MDE; however, due to
system problems, those particular transmissions were not received or were rejected
by the Central Processing System (CPS). We have been locating these errant batches
and are fixing the problems and retransmitting the data to the CPS. A significant
number of these forms have already been resolved, and we are continuing to resolve
the remaining cases.

If you have a student who has received the postcard acknowledging receipt of his/her
FAFSA, and who should have received a SAR before now but has not, please ask that
student to contact the Federal Student Aid Information Center [(319) 337-5665] to
determine whether his/her FAFSA has been processed. If it has not been processed,
the FSAIC will ensure that his/her name and SSN are on our list of records that need
to be located and reprocessed.

(2) A second processing problem occurred with another processor which affected
approximately 30,000 applications received on March 7. Although these records were
processed by the MDE, they were not accepted by the CPS due to a separate system
problem. These transmissions were corrected and resent to the CPS in the afternoon
of Thursday, April 10. The resulting ISIRs should be computed shortly and institutions
will receive the processed results no later than April 14 or 15.

(3) Up until this week, the CPS has been averaging under 50 hours to compute student
records. Late last week, the CPS experienced a general, though temporary, system
slowdown and this caused the CPS to finish only four computes instead of the normal
five. Please note that the volume of records processed will not be affected; the only
change you will notice is that the turnaround time will be slightly more than average.

Thank you for your continued patience and cooperation.