Federal Student Aid - IFAP
PublicationDate: 8/6/97
Summary: Schedule of 1997 Electronic Access Conferences
Author: TIV/WAN - Title IV Wan Customer Service

The U.S. Department of Education is very pleased to announce our 1997 Electronic
Access Conferences entitled "A Second Decade of Partnership Through Electronics".
This fall, we are offering three conferences that will be available in west coast, east
coast, and central locations. The conference locations and dates are as follows:

November 4-6, 1997 Radisson Hotel, St. Paul, MN
Reservations: (612)292-1900

November 17-19, 1997 Westin Hotel, Seattle, WA
Reservations: (206)728-1000

December 16-18, 1997 Marriott Copley Place, Boston, MA
Reservations: (617)236-5800

The Department has developed a web site that allows you to register online. It also
provides complete conference information, a preliminary agenda, hotel and travel
information. This site is currently available at http://edeworkshop.walcoff.com.

A Dear Colleague letter (GEN-97-7 Action Letter #9) will also be mailed to all institutions
with conference information and registrations materials. You may access the electronic
copy of the letter on the SFA BBS under the "SFA Publications & Letters" menu

We hope to see you at one of the conference sessions.

If you have questions about the conferences contact Title IV WAN Customer Service at